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欧美金融隐私保护法律制度比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金融隐私权利作为一项重要的民事权利,日益受到世界关注.欧盟对金融隐私的综合保护模式,代表了世界最高的保护水平;美国对金融隐私的分业保护模式,具有很强的实用性.这两种保护模式分别与其特殊的保护理念、社会经济背景相适应,借鉴意义非常大.文章在比较分析这两种金融隐私保护模式的基础上,结合我国金融隐私保护的现状,提出具体的完善措施.  相似文献   

社交网络一经问世便响应无数,注册用户与访问量均占据了网络世界的一席重地.在科技与网络飞速发展的同时,社交网络正发挥着越发重要的作用,甚至逐渐替代了传统的交流与沟通方式.社交网络丰富了人们的生活,为人们的生活提供了更多地可能,而同时解决社交网络的隐私安全问题也刻不容缓.本文重点对社交网络中存在的隐私隐患与隐私保护问题进行思考.  相似文献   

傅春常 《电子商务》2010,(5):47-47,49
随着计算机技术的迅猛发展以及网络的普及,数据库的规模、范围和深度都在不断的扩大,从而积累了海量的,以不同形式存储的数据资料。使用数据挖掘这一新技术能够从大量的数据中获取有价值的信息。另一方面,隐私问题是一个全世界关注的问题。近来,数据隐私问题已越来越受到政府、媒体和个人客户的广泛关注。本文重点讨论个人隐私及数据挖掘的矛盾及解决办法。  相似文献   

云计算带来了个人数据经常性的跨境传输,给传统隐私保护法律的管辖权提出了空前的挑战。传统隐私法律管辖权主要遵循"属人"、"属地"以及"设备所在地"原则,而云计算给"属人"、"属地"、"设备所在地"原则的使用都带来了困惑,也不能很好地解决"二次传输"的问题。应根据云计算的特点设计新的隐私保护法律管辖权理论,以"属人"原则为主,改限制存储地点为限制向第三方披露,采取加密方式保护云计算中的个人数据。  相似文献   

网络的兴起与发展,对人类的社会和生活带来了便利的同时,也在一定程度上影响我们的生活和工作。尤其是目前未成年人依托网络犯罪的现象越来越严重,形式和手段在不断地变化,做好未成年人的犯罪预防工作也迫在眉睫。当然,作为社会越轨行为治理的最后防线,刑法发挥着重要作用。尤其是在治理未成年人网络犯罪的规制系统中,刑事对策的作用更是不可或缺。  相似文献   

今天电子商务已经成为首选的商务媒介,世界正在走向通过电子商务完成日常工作和享受生活的时代。电子商务作为一个潜在资源汇集成的乐土,随着网上购物业务不断增长,潜在网络监视活动也随之将严重威胁到所有消费者的信息隐私安全,它让更多个人信息在网络数据流转过程中被泄露。在任何电子商务活动,所有个人信息应在可控制状态下,包括披露自己的隐私时也能控制信息的保护。本文讨论了在电子商务应用程序如何使用个人信息,以及如何更好的进行个人信息的隐私保护。  相似文献   

刘超  刘迪 《消费导刊》2014,(2):136-136
随着信息技术的发展,互联网逐渐深入农村,为农村未成年人带来了正反两方面的影响,在此情况下,如何规范农村网络监管、营造“健康、有序、积极、向上”的农村未成年人网络文化已经成为引导农村未成年人身心健康成长的重要保障。  相似文献   

文燕平 《电子商务》2013,(3):37-39,42
用户提供个人信息是电子商务交易过程中必不可少的要素,个人信息开发利用与隐私保护之间的矛盾也日益受到人们的关注。文章从理论上阐述了客户信息的类型、客户信息利用的形式以及保护客户隐私的途径,在此基础上,以Alexa排名前100的购物类网站作为样本,就网站对个人数据的收集情况、网站对人口统计学信息的收集情况、网站隐私政策情况等方面进行了调查,研究发现:网站收集个人信息涉及面广,对隐私保护政策较为含糊,用户隐私保护意识不强。文章最后提出了我国电子商务发展中加强用户隐私保护的具体对策。  相似文献   

电子商务的发展日新月异,但因为种种原因致使越来越多网络用户的个人信息被窃取、泄露、传播,个人生活安宁被扰乱,隐私权遭受侵害。就我国目前的立法情况来看,保护隐私权采取的是间接方式,保护力度很弱,保护范围很窄,与电子商务时代个人隐私权遭到频繁侵害的现状显得极不协调,受害人很难依据现行法律法规维护合法权益。本文通过剖析我国现行法律对隐私权保护的缺陷,提出从法律层面完善电子商务环境下隐私权保护制度的基本思路,以更好地促进电子商务行业的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

This article examines online behaviors that increase or reduce risk of online identity theft. The authors report results from three consumer surveys that indicate the propensity to protect oneself from online identity theft varies by population. The authors then examine attitudinal, behavioral, and demographic antecedents that predict the tendency to protect one's privacy and identity online. Implications and suggestions for managers, public policy makers, and consumers related to protecting online privacy and identity theft are provided.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of parental influence on teens’ attitude toward privacy protection. Survey data show that teens high in concept‐oriented family communication tend to engage in discussion mediation, which, in turn, affects their level of privacy concern. In contrast, teens high in socio‐oriented communication tend to have more family rules and surf the Internet with parents. Rulemaking mediation is not directly related to teens’ level of privacy concern, while cosurfing mediation is related to their level of concern. This study also finds that parental mediation and teens’ concern level explain their attitude toward privacy protection measures. Implications for policymakers and educators are discussed.  相似文献   


This study explores several key potential influences of privacy concerns on consumers' attitudes toward websites. Using a sample of 221 subjects, it was found that privacy concerns could decrease the likelihood of purchasing online. This finding highlights the importance of privacy concerns and contributes to the understanding of Internet marketing in that the early literature incompletely addresses the issue of consumer privacy empirically, which represents a potential threat to the growth of e-commerce. Thus, online marketers should be careful not to abuse (e.g., distribute it without permission) the personal information of consumers. In sum, it is advised that online marketers assure the public that consumer information will not be tracked and traded without the individual consumer's knowledge or consent.  相似文献   

商业信用是商主体在市场经济中不可避免的经济行为。商业信用权的保护因而也应当纳入法律规制的视野。商业信用权是一种混合型的权利,保护商业信用权有相应的法理基础。应当依照一般侵权行为,对权利人的受侵害事实进行救济。  相似文献   

Consumers' personal information often informs retailers' marketing efforts in terms of creating value in the online marketplace. This study examines four factors related to consumers' social media engagement and online privacy protection behaviors. Regulatory focus, social exchange, and marketing relationship theories explain the online consumer personal information share-and-protect model developed. Consumers aged 18–64 years across the United States participated in this survey research. The results suggest that while personal privacy violation experience and perceived secondary control of one's personal information are influential antecedents, privacy concerns and trust in social media websites mediate each of these respectively. The findings suggest that promotion- and prevention-related behaviors regarding personal information align with the orientation of the antecedents, indicating that regulatory focus theory shows promise for examining the privacy paradox. We conclude by developing a matrix that integrates regulatory focus and social exchange theories to guide future research.  相似文献   

周丽 《江苏商论》2022,(2):31-33,40
随着电子商务的迅速发展,互联网消费已经成为生活的一部分.在网络购物领域,消费者权益受到侵害的现象越来越严重,不仅影响网络购物领域消费者的个人利益,而且对整个网络购物的发展起着阻碍作用.本文按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路论述网络消费者权利的法律保护,首先阐述消费者在网络购物领域的合法权利,接着分析在保护网络消费者...  相似文献   

学界普遍认为法律对于公众人物的隐私权保护应该弱于对普通公民的隐私权保护。但是,目前对于公众人物隐私权保护没有一个比较确定的保护界限和保护程度。再加上大数据时代信息交替更新速度加快,在操作上给信息的阻隔传递带来了巨大的困难。提出在目标信息传递之前进行控制,明确公众人物隐私权的保护界限,增加对信息传递的管控,事前两步法判断信息是否公开,事后建立分级处罚机制。  相似文献   

Online advertisers are increasingly enjoying the ability to target messages to specific segments based on information collected at Web sites. Information collection, particularly from children, has been an ongoing concern of regulators, consumer advocates, and advertising industry organizations. Although the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has advocated the implementation of safeguards (such as warnings, threats, and barriers) designed to limit children's online disclosure of sensitive information, little research to date has examined the effectiveness of these safeguards. We address this issue by first examining the current state of online safeguards for Web sites that target preteen children, a group shown to be particularly vulnerable to the persuasive efforts of marketers. We then present a quasi-experimental investigation of online safeguard types and how their effectiveness in limiting preteen information disclosure is moderated by the mediation strategies of parents. Implications for advertisers, policymakers, parents, and educators are discussed.  相似文献   


The use of the Internet and related technologies in data sharing and new product development, which essentially serves as a foundation for the management of data flows for strategic IT, are rapidly expanding. The innovation clusters and frameworks to characterize recent e-commerce sites' privacy policies to ensure confidentiality of personal information have been under increasing academic inquiries. An application of Rogers' (1995) diffusion of innovation or technology concepts as applied to the Internet is used to develop several models of e-commerce related security and privacy concerns. One possible solution discussed is the strategic leveraging of a consortium model, providing for governmental assurances of privacy and security. Unfortunately, the current e-commerce model has no governing body to represent the consumer and e-tailer in terms of privacy and security issues so critical to the continued growth and success of the Internet.  相似文献   

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