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钱钟书在<围城>一书中写道,有些人拼命想挤进城来,另一些人又想方设法要冲出城去.在某种意义上,这是对中国当今经济格局的写照.中国入世在即,按照WTO"市场准入"的原则,国外企业势必要大量涌入中国市场.然而,出于国家利益需要,中国企业也应敢于"走出去",与外国公司在国际市场一争高低.  相似文献   

Since going out strategy launch implementation, Chinese central government has gradually established a continuously improving system of relevant pohcy and measures,which can be very helpful to enterprises to carry out foreign investment and cooperation.  相似文献   

A radical model of “going out by going in” is proposed. Conventionally, firms enter overseas markets by selling and ultimately investing—this is “going out.” Here, I argue that firms in emerging markets can draw revenues from overseas by penetrating previously inaccessible domestic markets and then renting their distribution and service channels to foreign competitors—this is “going out by going in.” Further, firms in emerging markets can combine knowledge platforms with distribution and service platforms to create markets for innovative products and, again, rent these platforms to overseas competitors. Two cases, both from the Haier Group, are on point: Haier's Integrated Channel Services business targeting rural markets, and the Haier “water box” project aimed at supplying potable water to households throughout China. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

China once more shows its exploits in holding world events, but what are the implications in trakte and commerce?  相似文献   

At the moment,the whole world faces the most severe inflation in food prices in history,as grain and soybean prices climb to all-time highs.Although some observers blame the weather for the decrease in crop yields and that the growing demand for cereals used for bio-fuel production has conspired toward continuous price rises on world grain ma ket;others regard it simply as a matter of demand outpacing supply.In seven of the last eight years,world grain production has fallen behind rates of consumption.  相似文献   

Have you ever watched the movie of Pirates of the Caribbean?This Hollywood movie hit several headlines in its time and pushed a charming and mysterious Caribbean under limelight.The Latin America and the Caribbean area caught the world's eyesight,  相似文献   

A growing research literature suggests that visual brand placements need not be recalled in order to have an impact on brand attitudes. In an experimental study working with an authentic television broadcast, the authors investigated the influence of frequency of placement exposure, viewers’ involvement and viewers’ persuasion knowledge on the attitudes towards the brand and brand recall. Results clearly indicate a mere exposure effect. A frequently presented brand placement can have a positive effect on brand evaluations although viewers do not recall the brand. However, this effect can only be found when there is a high involvement in the programme and low persuasion knowledge. In contrast, when persuasion knowledge is high and involvement is low, frequently presented placements lead to a deterioration of brand attitudes.  相似文献   

Have you ever watched the movie of Pirates of the Caribbean?This Hollywood movie hit several headlines in its time and pushed a charming and mysterious Caribbean under limelight.The Latin America and the Caribbean area caught the world's eyesight,so from China.On February 27th,the fourth session of CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)International Forum focus on Latin America and the Caribbean affairs was heldin Beijing,China.  相似文献   

According to the bulletin of the National Bureau of Statistics, the summer harvest nationwide this year was 246.2billion jin, a decline of 0.3% compared to last year. The cold spell in late spring and high temperatures afterwards are considered as the main causes for this round of rising grain prices. However, "natural disasters" are dwarfed by another worrisome picture: young and strong farming hands flooding out of the rural areas and the elderly, the weak, females and children are made the mainstay of the tilling army.  相似文献   

经济全球化是市场竞争发展到一定阶段的必然产物,这是一个势不可档、不以人的意志为转移的世界经济发展大趋势。实施“走出去”战略是我国进一步融入全球经济一体化的标志,也是我国对外开放进入历史新阶段的重大举措。随着越来越多的企业走出国门参与国际经济贸易的合作和竞争,政府支持的出口信用保险的作用势必日益凸现。本文以WTO的补贴例外为切入点,结合《经济与合作发展组织》的新《君子协定》,探讨出口信用保险在企业“走出去”中发挥作用的问题。  相似文献   

From August 31 to September 2,the splen- did Beijing Industrial Distinguished Brand Expo 2007 was held in Beijing Exhibition Center.The hosts of this well-known Expo were Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industrial Development,Beijing Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision,Beijing Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.The strong organizing team has made this grand event a great hit to public.  相似文献   

Many Chinese organisations are beginning to realise the value of creating a global brand.As wage-price inflation increases and manufactures from other countries begin to compete with Chinese companies,...  相似文献   

中小企业“走出去”亟需外部推进   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中小企业“走出去”在我国是一项前所未有的新兴事业,必须审时度势,精心筹划,制定相应的政策措施予以鼓励,才能卓有成效。政府及社会各界应通过创建中小企业“走出去”的推进机构,完善必要的融资支持,制定宽松的政策和制度,加快中小企业“走出去”的步伐。  相似文献   

流通企业"走出去"是促进我国产品价值链创新的重要途径,但目前我国流通企业外向国际化还处于初级阶段。文章分析我国流通企业"走出去"的方式,研究我国流通企业外向国际化的影响因素,探索流通企业"走出去"促进我国产品价值链创新的机理,并提出相关政策建议。结果表明,流通企业"走出去"改善产品价值链薄弱环节,提升价值链治理效率,形成"买方驱动的价值链"创新,并推动产品价值链升级。  相似文献   

From cradle to grave For high net worth individuals (HINWIs), private banking involves a scientific management of wealth, risk,and stable growth of wealth value.  相似文献   

From cradle to grave For high net worth individuals (HINWIs),private banking involves a scientific management of wealth,risk, and stable growth of wealth value. It includes not only services such as personal credit and mortgage found in traditional banking,but also extends  相似文献   

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