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蟒河生态旅游景区位于山西省阳城县东南部,太行山的末端,离阳城县40公里的山西阳城蟒河猕猴国家级自然保护区内,为国家森林公园。景区北承太岳,东接太行,西倚中条,南连王屋。全区东西长15公里,南北宽9公里。总  相似文献   

景区等级AAAA景区位置晋城市阳城县桑林乡,距晋城市区约70公里风光旖旎,一景区看尽秀、险、幽、奇;山水娇美,引古今多少游人云集。蟒河景区位于晋城市阳城县桑林乡与河南省济源市交界处,面积58平方公里,主峰海拔1572米。蟒河景区有北方小桂林之美誉,集人文、山水、动植物等景观于一体,地貌以深  相似文献   

开往婺源的班车出发时,天亮了。 天空阴沉沉的,路让我忆起富春江,是清浅的江。弯弯窄窄的小渔舟,随风摇曳的芦花,车过,惊起一滩白鹭。满眼是丰收的稻田,公路向前蔓延着,我想起了童年时自家附近的郊区。 路况开始差起来,这里是洪灾多发区,崎岖泥泞,当地人走路也“霸道”,经常牵大水牛走得不那么靠边,没办法,只好缓行绕开。 进入婺源境内,古建多起来,门上都有对联和横幅,县城紫阳到了。车站里发往各村镇  相似文献   

有些摄影题材,会有很大的时间性及限制,例如烟花摄影,摄影人需要找准时间才有机会拍摄,例如元旦、农历新年、国庆等大型的节日。而现在,刚过完春节就是元宵节,是拍摄烟花的最佳时机,千万不可错过。不过想在人山人海中拍到好的照片,没有点准备怎么行呢?在这里就与大家分享8招烟花摄影速成技术!  相似文献   

话扯得远一点,要从1988年说起。1988年6月14日,一则新闻轰动了贵州:“被列为国家级自然保护区的贵州  相似文献   

初到欧洲,人生地不熟,最头疼的问题莫过于找厕所了。于是,虚心求教当地的朋友,才知街头巷尾一般不设公厕,车站、地铁也少有方便之处,而商场、酒店、餐馆、咖啡厅、酒吧才是“解决问题”的最佳公共场所。  相似文献   

桂林旅游业发展迅速,每年有大量国内外游客到桂林旅游,因此我们借助桂林旅游业蓬勃发展,和桂林以山水观光旅游而闻名的特点,在桂林进行玫瑰花旅游业发展的可行性研究。试打造一个集"现代农村旅游、玫瑰花海休闲、浪漫风情度假、风情小镇体验"为一体的休闲度假庄园,可以给游客提供一个原生态、无公害的休闲舒适的旅游环境。本文将会从玫瑰花旅游业发展状况和市场分析、桂林玫瑰花种植条件和环境、针对潜在市场的调查分析和玫瑰花旅游发展存在的问题和解决办法这四个方面来进行研究。  相似文献   

根据党的十四大关于加快经济改革步伐,把企业推向市场,“鼓励有条件的企业联合、兼并,合理组建企业集团”的精神,为改变桂林旅游业政出多门、多头对外、削价竞争、经济效益不够高、服务质量不够稳定的状态,打破近年来旅游接待人数和经济效益徘徊不前的局面,建立符合桂林旅游业实际的适应和促进旅游生产力发展的社会主义旅游市场经济体制,实现桂林旅游业超  相似文献   

红海是内陆海,面向内在的疆域;蓝海连接全球,面向无垠的海洋。对“功成名就”的桂林旅游来说,传统旅游已经遇到瓶颈,需要寻找新的突破,与全球市场及未来市场接驳。  相似文献   

当你打点行装,准备去旅游观光时不妨带上些姜、蒜、葱、盐、糖、醋和辣椒,它们可为你健康愉快的旅行助上一臂之力。一、姜湖南宁乡盛产"冰姜",在海内外颇有名气。当地群众常拿它驱寒、健胃、预防晕车,有"一杯茶、一片姜,驱寒健胃是良方"的说法。如果在乘车前,口服一片鲜姜,缓缓嚼其汁或将姜片用胶布固定在内关或合谷穴上(左右各1片),即可防止晕车。二、蒜现代医学证实,蒜含有一种强烈刺激性物  相似文献   


This paper examines industrial relationships in the distribution channel of tourism. Distribution becomes one of the most significant elements of tourism marketing as it determines all other aspects of the marketing mix. This paper concentrates on the conflict experienced in the distribution channel between hoteliers and tour operators in the Mediterranean summer/seaside resort context. It attempts to illuminate the area, to identify significant variables for its assessment and to provide a solid background for further research on the topic. Research in Greece demonstrates that Mediterranean hoteliers increasingly find the power of tour operators from Northern European countries very challenging. Similarly with other intermediaries, in order for tour operators to remain competitive in the marketplace they reduce the profit margins of their suppliers at destinations and thus reduce the profitability levels of enterprises and the economic impacts at destinations.  相似文献   

This article describes the impact of tourism on the environment in the Channel Islands and how controls are exerted to conserve the natural heritage of those islands.  相似文献   

Attributes important to escorted tour participants were used to explore the differences between clients of tour operators and clients of travel agents. Customers purchasing directly form operator's valued experience with the tour company and personal recommendations. Agency clients valued the ease of booking through agents along with information form guidebooks and tourist bureaus. Domestic travelers were more often operator clients, and foreign travelers were more often agency clients. Differences are discussed in terms of different segments of customers within the channel of distribution.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to conduct empirical comparisons between two models of optimal experience within an on-site whitewater kayaking setting using a modification of the Experience Sampling Method. Four concerns are examined: (1) differences in explanatory power between the four channel flow model and the Adventure Experience Paradigm, (2) convergent validity among measures used to determine conditions within these models, (3) differences among measures of perceived challenge and risk between test times of Class I-V river difficulty, and (4) differences among measures of perceived skill and competence between test times of Class I-V river difficulty. Questionnaires were administered in the Cheat River Canyon in West Virginia to 52 whitewater kayakers at eight sites of various levels of river difficulty. Data were analyzed at the experience level, rather than between subjects, using 409 experience sampling observations. Hypothesis testing, performed with statistical analyses (stepwise regression, correlations, and repeated measures ANOVA), suggested that the explanatory powers of the four channel flow model and Adventure Experience Paradigm were similar and indicated support for convergent and ecological validity of measures used to determine conditions within each of the two models.  相似文献   

As businesses use social networking sites (SNS) to connect with consumers, SNS can be viewed as another way to collect users’ information. Since many consumers spend significant amounts of time connecting with others on SNS, it would be a suitable channel to gather information from the captured audience. This study compares survey responses from the traditional paper-and-pencil survey and online survey collected through an SNS recruitment method. The test results showed that there are no statistically significant differences in model fits from the two data collection methods. Thus, this study concludes that SNS holds great potential to serve as a survey distribution channel for collecting meaningful data. More in-depth empirical studies are needed to validate the method before using it for a wider range of research.  相似文献   

海洋海岛类国家公园是中国国家公园体系的重要类型之一,开展环境教育建设对于国家公园公益性的发挥具有重要作用。本文根据美国海峡群岛国家公园的实地考察及资料分析环境教育特点,总结环境教育实践经验,提出对中国海洋海岛国家公园环境教育体系建设的启示。结论如下:(1)海峡群岛国家公园环境教育具有生态系统及景观特殊性、教育场所弱可达性及教育方式多元性。(2)海峡群岛国家公园环境教育体系以教育内容和支撑体系为主体架构,其中教育内容划分为海岸、海岛、沿海(潮间带与泛洪区)、海下区域4类,支撑体系涵盖管理、资金、解说、传播、人才5个方面。(3)中国海洋海岛国家公园环境教育可在统筹管理、解说规划、人才培养等多方面予以借鉴,以探索符合中国国情的海洋海岛国家公园的环境教育建设模式。  相似文献   

This paper examines the significance of the Channel Tunnel and the introduction of a new tourist-transport service—Le Shuttle. Christopher Garnett discusses some of Eurotunnel's forecasts for tourist use of the tunnel. The paper also considers the tourism markets which the tunnel is targeting and how it plans to market this new service to tourists.  相似文献   

基于渠道权力理论的旅游供应链企业关系博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从渠道权力的角度对旅游供应链上下游企业间的关系类型进行分析.在渠道权力二元结构基础上,结合旅游供应链的特点,利用旅游淡季与旺季的供给-需求曲线关系,重新建立了旅游供应链渠道权力二元结构.并对不同的旅游供应链供应商-中间商关系进行了分析.文章重点讨论了随着旅游淡旺季旅游产品出现周期性供给过剩与供给不足情况下,供应商与中间商的单次博弈与无限次博弈的最优策略.  相似文献   

With social media playing an increasingly important role in marketing strategies for travel agencies, this study explores travel agencies that develop their own travel blogs as a marketing channel in order to differentiate their products or services and their strategic performances. The paper herein adopts a two-stage research design, with the first stage developing a three-round Delphi research. According to this research, Taiwanese travel agencies consider four external environment forces, five internal motivations for investment, four developing differentiated strategies, and four channel performance measurement indicators for managing travel agencies' own blogs as a marketing channel. The second stage explores a quantitative survey, Structural Equation Modeling, with the structural equation testing the business model of a travel blog marketing channel strategy. Finally, the findings provide innovative approaches for effectively exploiting differentiated marketing channel strategies when targeting maximum profits.  相似文献   

Online distribution channels increasingly serve as platforms hotels can use to offer competitive room rates to attract price-sensitive customers and maximize yield. Capturing the lowest and highest daily room rates over a 360-day period from five of the most popular online travel agencies, and two batches of data showing the lowest room rates over 28 days from a last-minute bookings website, this study compares the lowest prices offered. The results indicate that no single online channel outperforms the others in any of the hotel star-rating categories, and that the last-minute reservation service provides the lowest hotel room rate across different star ratings.  相似文献   

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