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《The Economic record》1963,39(86):244-253
Book reviewed in this article:
The Structure of the Australian Economy. By P. H. K armel and M aureen B runt .
Atlas of Australian Resources. Edited by K. F renzel , A nne F. B auer and T. W. P lumb .
Introducing Population Statistics. By N orma M c A rthur .
New Zealand's Butter and Cheese in the European Economic Community. By P. G. E lkan
The Firm:Micro-Economic Planning and Action. By N eil W. C hamberlain .
Agricultural Policy Under Economic Development. By B. 0. H eady .
Studies in an Inflationary Economy. By F. W. P aish .
Economics and Industrial Efficiency. By H. S peight .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1942,18(2):232-271
The International Labor Code, 1939
Economics for Commerce. By J. K. Gifford
Publc Investment and the Trade Cycle in Great Britain. By R. F. Bretherton, F. A. Burchardt and R. S. G. rutherford
Distribution Costs-An International Digest. By Malcolm P. McNair and Stanley F. Teele
Cambridge History of the British Empire
The Problems of Modern Government. Edited by R. MacGregor Dawson
World Economy Survey, 1939-40. Economic Intelligence Service
Soviet Economy and the War. By Maurice Dobb London, George Routledge
First Annual Report of the Federal Security Administrator
Cash Benefits under voluntary Disability Insurance in the United States Federal Security Agency: Social Security Board
An Outline of Foreign Social Assurance and Assistance Laws Federal Security Agency: Social Security Board
An Introduction to Political Economy. By V. W. Bladen
The Rice Economy of Monsoon Asia. By V. D. Wickizer and M. K. Bannett
The I.L.O. and Reconstruction
Federal Resrve Charts on Industrial Production
The Theory of Incidence of Sales Taxation. By John F. Due King's
War Time Developments in Government Employer Worker Colaboration
Organization for Kentucky Local Tax Assessments
The Economics of Peace. By Sir Alfred Davidson Angus and Robertson
Banking Studies. By Members
Economics of W. S. Jevons, By E. W. Eckard  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1932,8(1):119-147
Book reviewed in this article:
A Contributive Society. By J. R. Bellerby.
The Japanese Population Problem , by W. R. Crocker
International Migrations. Vol. 2. Interpretations.
Arbitration Principles and the Industrial Court. By Mary Theresa Rankin.
An Atlas of Population and Production for New South Wales. By Macdonald Holmes.
South Australia: A Geographical Study. By Charles Penner.
Capital Imports and the Terms of Trade by Boland Wilson.
The World Depression, South Africa and the Gold Standard , by Professor C. G. W. Schumann.
Unemployment as a World-Problem. By J. M. Keynes.
The World Unemployment Problem. By Paul H. Douglas.
Coming of Age. Sticdies in South African Citizenship and Politics . By E. H. Brookes and others.
Farm Book Keeping. A Report on Annual Accounts of Nine Farms in the Te Awamutu district, New Zealand, for the season 1929-30. By F. B. Stephens.
Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général, by Richard Can-tillon , edited by Henry Higgs.
Modern Currency and the Regulation of Its Value , by Emeritus Professor Edwin Cannan.
The French Colonial Venture , by Constant Southworth.
Alien Merchants in England, 1350 to 1377 . By Alice Beardwood.
Monetary Problems of the British Empire , by S. E. Harris.
The Evolution of Industrial Organization. By B. F. Shields.
The Industrial Revolution and The Economic World of To-day. By L. W. White and B. W. Shanahan.
The Course and Phases of the World Economic Depression.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1959,35(71):278-292
Book reviewed in this article:
The Australian Wool Market, 1840–1900. By ALAN BARNARD.
Australian Banking (Third Edition). By J. K. GIFFORD, J. VIVIAN WOOD and A. J. REITSMA.
Minerals in the Development of Australia.
Land Utilization in Australia. (Third Edition.) By SIR S amuel W adham , R. K ent "W ilson and J oyce W ood .
Atlas of Australian Resources: Five maps with commentaries.
Early New Zealand. A Dependency of New South Wales 1788–1841. By E. J. TAPP.
Selected Studies of Migration Since World War II: Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual Conference of the Millank Memorial Fund, held October 30–31 at the New York Academy of Medicine.
Population Growth and Economic Development in Low Income Countries: A Case Study of India's Prospects. By A. J. C oalb and E. M. H oover .
The Strategy of Economic Development. By A lbert O. H irschmak .
International Trade and Economic Growth. By H arry G. J ohnson .
The Economic Theory of Fiscal Policy. By BENT HANSEN.
Policy Against Inflation. By R. P. HABROD.
Business Enterprise: Its Growth and Organisation. By RONALD S. EDWARDS and HARRY TOWNSEND.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1926,2(1):88-117
Books reviewed in this article:
Memorials of Alfred Marshall . Edited by A. C. Pigou
Australian Banking Currency and Exchange . By H. E. Teare
A Digest of Australian and New Zealand Currency Legislation . By H. E. Teare
State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand . By W. Pember Reeves
The Long White Cloud . By W. Pember Reeves
The Menace of Cotour . By J. W. Gregory
Making the Tariff in the United States . By Thomas Walker
1. Introduction to Lift of Friedrich List , by Margaret E. Hurst
2. The National System of Political Economy , by Friedrich List
Wages . By Lionel Robbin
European Currency and Finance . Prepared by John Parke Young, Ph.D.
Control of Credit . By J. R. Bellerby, published for the International Association on Unemployment. (P. s. King and Son Ltd
Monetary Stability . By J. R. Bellerby
Australia Unlimited . By E. J. Brady  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1939,15(1):119-159

《The Economic record》1928,4(2):321-349
Book reviewed in this article:
Farm Relief. A Brief on the McNary Haugen Plan. By James E. Boyle
Problems of the Pacific (Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 15th to 29th, 1927). Edited by J. B. Condliffe
The Political Economy of Free Trade. By the Rt. Hon. J. M. Robertson.
Representative Industries in the United States. By H. T. Warshow.
Some Problems of Modern Accountancy. By E. V. Nixon and A. A. Fitzgerald.
Farm Cost Studies in the United States. By Merrill K. Bennett.
The Peopling of Australia. Written by Professor W. E. Agar and others. Edited by P. D. Phillips and Q. L. Wood.
An Atlas of Economic Geography. By Bartholomew and Lyde.
Business First in Accountancy. By Dr. 0. "Wunderlich.
Wages and Labour Costs. By Edmund Dane
Economic Problems in Europe To-day. W. H. Pringle
City Government by Commission: Sydney's First Experiment. By P. A. Bland
Six English Economists. By T. P. Kinloch.
The Elements of Costing. By Glover and "Williams.
Great Britain and the Dominions.
The Development of Trust Companies in the United States. By James G. Smith
Some Problems of Marketing. By R. B. Lemmon, H. G. Darling, E. S. Levinson and E. Lee NeiL.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1963,39(85):117-125
Book reviewed in this article:
Trends in, Australian Industrial Relations. J. E. I saac
Trade Unionism in Australia—Some Aspects. By O. DE E. F oenander .
Principles of Economics. By S ir D ennis R obertson .
Theory of Money. By W. T. N ewlyn .
International Trade:Theory and Economic Policy. By J. V anek .
National Income and the Price Level. By M. J. B ailey .
A Philosophical Interpretation of Economics. By J. K. M ehta .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1960,36(76):582-586
Book reviewed in this article:
Capital Imports Into Sterling Cowntries. By A. R. Conan.
The Australian Trading Banks (2nd Ed.) By H. W. A rndt
Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped Countries with Special Reference to India. By Raja J. Ceelliah.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1961,37(78):235-250
Book reviewed in this article:
Gold and the Dollar Crisis. By R. T riffin . (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1960.) Pp. xiii + 195. 4·75.
Immigrants in Australia. By J. Z ubrzycki . (M.U.P. on behalf of the Australian National University, Melbourne, 1960.) Volume, pp. xi + 118. 57/6 Aust. Supplement, pp. ix + 102. 30/- Aust.
The Commonwealth and Europe. Prepared by T he E conomist I ntelligence U nit . (London, 1960.) Pp. xiii + 606. 42/- stg.
Merger Movements in American Industry, 1895–1956. By R. L. N elson . (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1959.) Pp. xxi + 176. 5.00.
Industrial Development. By M. D. B ryce . (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.) Pp. xri + 282. 7.50.
Essays on Value and Distribution. By N. K aldor . (Duckworth, London, 1960.) Pp. 238. 35/- stg.
Labor and Trade Unionism. An Interdisciplinary Reader. Edited by W. G alenson and S. M. L ipset . (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1960.) Pp. xix + 379. 6.50.
The Demand for Durable Goods. Edited by A. C. H abberger . (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960.) Pp. viii + 274. 6.00.
The Prof. By R. F. H arrod . (Macmillan, London, 1959.) Pp. xv + 282. 41/6 Aust.
Fluctuations in Trade, Industry, and Finance:A Study of British Economic Development 1850–1860. By J. R. T. H ughes . (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1960.) Pp. xvi + 344. 73/- Aust.
Progress and Profits in British Economic Thought, 1650–1850. By G. S. L. T ucker . (Cambridge University Press, London, 1960.) Pp. vii + 205. 27/6 stg.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1945,21(2):265-314

《The Economic record》1944,20(2):227-265

《The Economic record》1930,6(3):296-299
Book reviewed in this article:
New Zealand in the Making : A Survey of Economic and Social Development, by J. B. Condliffe, D.Sc
Trade and Credit , by R. G. Hawtrey
Report on the General Question of Tasmania's Disabilities. By the Joint Committee of Public Accounts of the Commonwealth Parliament
Credit and Currency Control. By D. B. Copland
Mathematics Preparatory to Statistics and Finance. By George N. Bauer
The Pacific Basin. By Gordon L. Wood, M.A., Litt.D., F.R.G.S
Zzrr Problentatik der empirisch-statistischen Konjunkturforschung; Kritische Betrachtung der Harvard-Methoden. By Oskar Anderson.
Zur Analyse von Nachfragekurven in ihrer Bedeutung fiir dic Konjunkturforschung. By Dr. Hans Staehle.
Die Sozialen Auswirkungen der Konjunkiurschwankungen. By Josef Soudek.
Die Korrelationsrechnung in der Konjunkturforschung. By Oskar Anderson.
Wheat , by W. W. Swanson and P.C. Armstrong
The World's Population Problems and a White Australia. By H. L.
Planning and Control of Public Works. Report of the Committee on Recent Economic Changes of President Hoover's Conference on Unemployment  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1936,11(1-2):284-315
Book reviewed in this article:
Economic Aspects of Australian Land Tazation. By J. M. Garland.
Unbalanced Bicdgets, A Study of the Financial Crisis in Fifteen Countries. By Hugh Dalton and others.
The British Way to Recovery. By Herbert Heaton.
Social Aspects of Indwtriul Development in Japan. By Fernand Maurette
Miners and Management. By Mary Van Kleeck.
Agriculture and the Trade Cycle. By J. H. Kirk.
Prairie Settlement: The Geographical Setting. By W. A. Mackintosh
KupitdpoEitik. By R. W. Goldschmidt.
Publications of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Eschange Control. By Paul Einzig.
The Development of Social Insurance and Minimum Wage Legislation in Great Britain. By Helen F. Hohman.
The Triumph of Mediocrity in Business. By H. Secrist.
World Economic Survey-Third Pear 1933-34. By J. B. Condliffe.
Xationul Public Works. (Report of an Enquiry-by the Communications and Transit Organization of the League of Kations).
Public Works Policy. (International Labour Office, Studies and Reports, Series C, No. 19).
Imperial Econontu and Its Place in the Formation of Economic Doctrine, 1600–2932. By C. R. Fay, M.A., DSC.
Early Constitutional Development in Australia: New South WaZes, 1789–1856. By A. C. V. Melbourne.
Economic Scares. By Edwin Cannan.
The Depreciation of Capital dndytically Considered. By R. F. Fowler
Commercial Banks 19251933. League of Nations.
League of Natims: Bdawes of Payments, 1933.
Economic and Trade Conditions in Australia to Decembw, 1933. By R. W. Dalton.
Population Theories and Their Application, W i t h Special Reference t o Japun. By E. F. Penrose.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1929,5(2):348-374
Book reviewed in this article:
Studies in Australian Affairs. By various writers.
New Zealand Affairs. By Sir Apirana T. Ngata and ten other writers.
The Economic Effects of Federation. By L. G. Melville and J. W. Wainwright.
Gold and Central Banks. By Feliks Mlynarski.
Gold and Central Banks. By Feliks Mlynarski.
International Gold Movements. By Paul Einzig.
Handbuch der Finanzurissenschaft; Kap. 25, Der Staatsaushalt und das Finanzsystem Australiens seit 1900, von R. C Mills
Economic Control: Australian Experiments in "Rationalization" and "Safeguarding. " By N. Skene Smith
Fixation of Wages in Australia. By George Anderson
Agricultural Economics. By George O'Brien.
Unemployment in New Zealand:
Double Taxation and International Fiscal Co-operation. By Professor E. R. A. Seligman.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1925,1(1):101-128
Book reviewed in this article:
Laetures on the Principle of Money Banking und Foreign Exchange and Their Application to Australia . By R. C. Mills, LL.M., D.Sc. (Econ.).
Modern Economic History . By H. Heaton, M.A., M.Com., D.Litt.
Taxation in Australia . By Stephen Mills.
Sheltered Markets . By F. IJ. McDongall.
Changing Price Levek;: Their Effect upon the Economic Development of New Zeeland . By Professor J. B. Condliffe and A. H. Tocker, M.A.
A Short History of New Zealand . By Professor J. B. Condliffe (L. M. Isitt, Christchurch, price 3/-), with an Introduction by Professor J. Hight.
A Brief Survey of Rural Credit . By Professor J. B. Condliffe and H. Belshaw.
Commerce and Business . By D. B. Copland, M.A., D.Sc.
Employment Relations and the Basic Wage . Papers Published in Connection with the Pitt Cobbett Foundation, 1925.
History of tire White Australia Policy . By Myra Willard, M.A.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1961,37(79):391-401
Book reviewed in this article:
Central Banking in South and East Asia. By G ethyn D avies .
Essays on Economic Stability and Growth. By N. K aldor
Inflation. By T. W ilson .
Exercises in Economic Analysis. By J oan R obinson .
The Use of Economic Statistics. By C. A. B lyth .
Tropical Africa. By G. H. T. K imble .
Interest Rates and Asset Prices. By R. T urvey .
Demographic ad Economic Change in Developed Countries. By N ational B ureau of E conomic R esearch .  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1943,19(2):241-289

《The Economic record》1948,24(1):117-168

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