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为了提高浅井低温油层(即延安组油层)固井质量,通过对水泥添加剂和水泥浆体系反复筛选与评价,固井方案的研究与论证,在原来使用的水泥浆体系的基础上,研究出了适合于靖安油田、安塞油田浅油层的水泥浆体系和固井工艺技术,通过现场应用,固井质量达到优质,为靖安油田、安塞油田浅油层进一步开发提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

随着石油企业勘探开发领域的不断扩大以及规模的不断壮大,油田固井技术的推广运用有效促进了油田固井质量的大幅度提高;但是目前形势下,加强、改进油田固井技术仍有必要,本文通过分析固井作业中的技术难题,提出了油田固井技术施工质量控制的有效技术和措施。  相似文献   

黄慧  王斌  罗初 《中国石化》2022,(9):37-38
<正>“近日,我们在江汉油区2022年固井质量评价会上对江汉油田30口油气新井开展固井质量评价,其中优质28口,优质率达93.3%,较2021年同期江汉油田固井质量优质率提高近10%。”日前,江汉油田工程技术管理部钻井室主任易争利表示。今年以来,江汉油田针对投产新井,提升管理水平,应用先进科学技术,破解固井难题,有效提升了油气新井固井质量。  相似文献   

近年来,人们对石油能源的需求不断增加,这也对油田开采提出了更好的要求,在油田的开采中,水平井的应用十分广泛,其能够有效的实现油田开采增产目的,但是在实际的水平井应用中,由于受到诸多因素的影响,也导致其固井质量存在不足,这对油田开采工作也造成了很大的影响,下面,文章就针对影响水平井固井质量的因素进行分析,并提出一定的提高水平井的固井质量措施,希望对其固井处理提供帮助。  相似文献   

油田采油厂设备多、人员少、周边环境复杂,打破传统思维模式,积极探索采油队专业化、精细化、高效化管理模式,不仅设备管理质量有效提升,而且劳动效率提高。  相似文献   

针对春光油田固井水泥浆漏失严重、漏失层位及漏失压力难以确定,以及纵向油水关系复杂、隔层薄、易发生管外窜等固井难题,通过对地层岩性、测井曲线、固井漏失情况等资料进行分析,确定春光油田固井水泥浆漏失主要发生在石炭系和塔西河组。春光油田采用双密度一次上返固井,14口井发生固井漏失;"正注反挤"防漏注水泥工艺固井33口井,仅2口井实现水泥环对接,90%以上无法实现全井段封固,经推算当量密度1.45 g/cm3左右。通过新型减轻材料优选及体系配方研究,形成了1.35 g/cm3、1.40g/cm3两套新型纳米基低密度水泥浆体系,解决了春光油田一次上返固井水泥浆漏失问题。  相似文献   

本文从吉林油田的地质构造、施工环境特点出发,分析了地层、钻井液及水泥浆等影响固井质量的主要因素.通过对水泥浆外加剂及外掺料的实验评价,优选出了适合该油田的矿渣水泥及抗盐降失水剂,并对水泥浆体系与地层储层特征适用性方面进行了实验研究,在此基础上,开发了适合吉林油田的水泥浆体系及冲洗隔离液体系.经过过现场应用,使吉林油田固井质量合格率平均提高了7个百分点,并初步形成了适应吉林油田特点的固井配套技术.  相似文献   

近些年,在油田开发过程中,对完井后进行固井质量检查时各个测井公司主要使用声幅变密度测井进行固井质量测试,通过分析影响固井质量测试的因素有利于提高固井质量评价的准确性。文章主要讨论声幅变密度测井原理、测井过程中的影响因素分析,同时根据这些因素探讨了提高固井质量测试准确性的措施,希望能对有关单位和企业有所帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,中原油田积极实施“走出去”战略取得了显著成效。截至目前,全油田共有物探、钻井、测井、录井、固井、井下作业、运输等40多支专业化队伍共1.7万多人次先后进入欧、亚、非、拉美四大洲的20多个国家,相继承揽了90多个国际工程项目,累计签订合同额5亿多美元,形成了非洲、中东、拉丁美洲三大市场格局,呈现出连片发展的良好态势。油田自己所生产的“中油牌”修井机、采油车、酸罐车、  相似文献   

针对伊拉克M油田高压盐膏层固井井漏、下部作业井控、井口带压和高低压过渡层窜流等问题,分别从井筒准备、前置液设计、水泥浆设计及施工阶段制定了盐膏层固井的关键技术措施。通过大排量循环清洗井壁及固井期间的紊流顶替保证固井质量;对套管扶正器类型及性能进行优选提高套管居中度;结合使用压稳系数进行浆柱设计以压稳地层;以壁面剪切应力作为衡量顶替效率的有效表观参数等技术措施在M油田20口井高压盐膏层固井作业中的应用,使固井质量得到了明显改善。  相似文献   

从分析几个典型的固井作业事故事例出发,指出了影响固井作业安全的各种水泥浆因素,具体包括实验室与现场配方材料的一致性问题、混配均匀性问题、油井水泥及外加剂材质问题及水泥浆配方设计问题。从完善标准化工作的角度提出了通过加强水泥浆技术管理工作以防范固井作业事故的一系列可行措施。  相似文献   

从分析几个典型的固井作业事故事例出发,罗列了影响固井作业安全的各种水泥浆因素.具体包括实验室与现场配方材料的一致性问题、混配均匀性问题、油井水泥及外加剂材质问题及水泥浆配方设计问题。从完善标准化工作的角度提出了加强水泥浆技术管理工作以防范固井作业事故一系列具体措施。  相似文献   

生物医药是我国具有一定优势的科技产业化重点领域,然而,生物医药产业化过程却面临诸多问题。目前,已经开始出现一批专门面向产业化提供知识服务的公司。这种集孵化器、风险投资和专业服务为一身的新型公司正在积极探索推动生物医药产业化新模式和知识服务新业态, 政府应积极关注这类公司和这种新业态的发展,加速生物医药成果产业化。  相似文献   

The evolution of radio technology and various services has increased the world's dependence on wireless communications. The demand for and value of spectrum resources therefore are also increasing. Spectrum efficiency is the most important factor in managing spectrum scarcity. However, under the current spectrum management approach, it is difficult to adopt innovative technologies that improve spectrum efficiency and flexible usage in the current dynamic wireless market. Recently, there have been several approaches to improve efficient use of spectrum resources, and each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this research first discusses current issues and analyzes relative social welfare based on the different characteristics of technology and market conditions to compare various attributes of each approach. Based on the techno-economic simulation results, this paper introduces a mixed spectrum management framework for the future wireless service and support policy makers’ decision making. Furthermore, the mixed spectrum policy to spectrum management in Korea is proposed to find a more realistic and efficient spectrum management policy.  相似文献   

本文运用一般均衡及超边际分析方法,通过建立一个包含制造组装环节和品牌营销环节的内生分工模型来探索全球价值链的"空间逻辑"。研究表明:促进制造组装环节与品牌营销环节空间分离的主要动力有两个:一是发挥各个区域的外生比较优势,最大限度地提高整条价值链的生产效率;二是充分利用各个区域的专业化经济,尽量降低整条价值链的固定学习成本。而要实现制造组装环节和品牌营销环节的空间分离,需要制造产品以及品牌服务的区域间交易效率提高到一定的临界值,其中,品牌服务在提高市场交易效率方面的"正反馈效应"对上述两个环节空间分离的实现起着促进作用。在此基础上,本文进一步分析了模型衍生的一系列区域经济政策含义。  相似文献   

强化管理服务 努力做好仪器设备管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仪器设备是高校培养人才、进行科学研究的重要物质条件之一。管好高校的仪器设备,具有十分重要的意义。在管理工作中应该树立全员管理和动态管理的理念,提高管理意识,提升管理效益,强化服务意识,加强团结协作,深入基层和一线,不断提高服务质量,学习创新,努力探索,提高仪器设备管理人员的管理能力和服务意识,努力做好设备管理工作。  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles for managing in business nets. The roles are studied by applying an initial conceptual framework built on network management research and role theory. The study empirically grounds the framework by using the case of a new mobile service development net. The article answers the question of what are the managerial action-based roles for managing in business nets. The empirical data of the study consists of fifteen interviews and a seven-month participant observation in a net that created and piloted a new mobile service directed at the spectators of a sports team. As a result of this study, an empirically grounded typology of twelve roles for managing in nets is presented. The roles are related to the changes in the net, the service development over time, and to the interpretations of the behaviours by the other actors in the net. Moreover, the study shows how external actors to the net can influence it.  相似文献   

Many trading companies have taken a global approach to their supply markets, sourcing from low-cost foreign countries in order to achieve cost reductions. There remains, however, a lack of evidence that sourcing internationally actually leads to improved economic performance. This can be explained by two key challenges in terms of how to achieve a balance between: (1) purchasing and logistics costs, and (2) customer service. The purpose of this paper is to examine the organisation and management of international supply from a total cost perspective, taking into account both purchasing and logistics costs, as well as customer service and agility. Previous research into a number of Norwegian companies that have sourced from China has identified four configurations for managing international supply. This paper utilises the supply management literature and an example of a Norwegian retail and wholesale company to analyse and discuss these configurations and their effects on total costs and customer service. The paper's theoretical contribution is the conceptualisation of a total cost perspective on international supply management and the discussion of such costs in relation to customer service. This contribution may, in turn, aid companies that source from foreign, low-cost countries.  相似文献   

The Nature and Causes of Effective Human Resource Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract : Four models of the causes of effective human resource management were tested using a large sample of national health service (NHS) provider trusts and districts. The four models, labelled organizational integration, policy integration, functional integration and process integration, were operationalized and tested in a regression analysis against a range of qualitative and quantitative measures of HRM effectiveness. The results reveal little or no association between the qualitative and quantitative measures of effectiveness and show that the models are better at explaining qualitative effectiveness. The most strongly supported models are organizational integration, reflected particularly in the formalization by senior management of HRM policy, and process integration, reflected in the quality and efficiency of personnel service and support. There is little support for policy integration — the idea of a coherent policy focus — and none at all for functional integration, that is, the view that a personnel department generously staffed by professional specialists will enhance effectiveness. The theoretical and policy implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

针对固井水泥浆在使用中的技术特点,在固井现场水泥浆性能监测中,选取不同区块及不同类别的单井,开展了固井水泥浆质量对固井质量影响的分析研究。  相似文献   

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