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Recently, Duan (1995) proposed a GARCH option pricing formula and a corresponding hedging formula. In a similar ARCH-type model for the underlying asset, Kallsen and Taqqu (1994) arrived at a hedging formula different from Duan's although they concur on the pricing formula. In this note, we explain this difference by pointing out that the formula developed by Kallsen and Taqqu corresponds to the usual concept of hedging in the context of ARCH-type models. We argue, however, that Duan's formula has some appeal and we propose a stochastic volatility model that ensures its validity. We conclude by a comparison of ARCH-type and stochastic volatility option pricing models. 相似文献
On Feedback Effects from Hedging Derivatives 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper proposes a new explanation for the smile and skewness effects in implied volatilities. Starting from a microeconomic equilibrium approach, we develop a diffusion model for stock prices explicitly incorporating the technical demand induced by hedging strategies. This leads to a stochastic volatility endogenously determined by agents' trading behavior. By using numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, we quantitatively substantiate the idea that option price distortions can be induced by feedback effects from hedging strategies. 相似文献
This article considers the pricing and hedging of barrier options in a market in which call options are liquidly traded and can be used as hedging instruments. This use of call options means that market preferences and beliefs about the future behavior of the underlying assets are in some sense incorporated into the hedge and do not need to be specified exogenously. Thus we are able to find prices for exotic derivatives which are independent of any model for the underlying asset. For example we do not need to assume that the underlying assets follow an exponential Brownian motion.
We find model-independent upper and lower bounds on the prices of knock-in and knock-out puts and calls. If the market prices the barrier options outside these limits then we give simple strategies for generating profits at zero risk. Examples illustrate that the bounds we give can be fairly tight. 相似文献
We find model-independent upper and lower bounds on the prices of knock-in and knock-out puts and calls. If the market prices the barrier options outside these limits then we give simple strategies for generating profits at zero risk. Examples illustrate that the bounds we give can be fairly tight. 相似文献
近年来,我国的证券投资基金有了超常规的发展,因此,借鉴国外投资基金的管理经验已成为当务之急。作为一种风险管理的工具,动态套期保值在国外广泛应用于投资基金的组合管理中。通过对两种典型动态套期保值策略的计算机模拟,来检验其套期保值的效果。 相似文献
Robustness of the Black and Scholes Formula 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Consider an option on a stock whose volatility is unknown and stochastic. An agent assumes this volatility to be a specific function of time and the stock price, knowing that this assumption may result in a misspecification of the volatility. However, if the misspecified volatility dominates the true volatility, then the misspecified price of the option dominates its true price. Moreover, the option hedging strategy computed under the assumption of the misspecified volatility provides an almost sure one-sided hedge for the option under the true volatility. Analogous results hold if the true volatility dominates the misspecified volatility. These comparisons can fail, however, if the misspecified volatility is not assumed to be a function of time and the stock price. The positive results, which apply to both European and American options, are used to obtain a bound and hedge for Asian options. 相似文献
Mean-Variance Hedging for Stochastic Volatility Models 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper we discuss the tractability of stochastic volatility models for pricing and hedging options with the mean-variance hedging approach. We characterize the variance-optimal measure as the solution of an equation between Doléans exponentials; explicit examples include both models where volatility solves a diffusion equation and models where it follows a jump process. We further discuss the closedness of the space of strategies. 相似文献
Complete Models with Stochastic Volatility 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
The paper proposes an original class of models for the continuous-time price process of a financial security with nonconstant volatility. The idea is to define instantaneous volatility in terms of exponentially weighted moments of historic log-price. The instantaneous volatility is therefore driven by the same stochastic factors as the price process, so that, unlike many other models of nonconstant volatility, it is not necessary to introduce additional sources of randomness. Thus the market is complete and there are unique, preference-independent options prices.
We find a partial differential equation for the price of a European call option. Smiles and skews are found in the resulting plots of implied volatility. 相似文献
We find a partial differential equation for the price of a European call option. Smiles and skews are found in the resulting plots of implied volatility. 相似文献
This paper introduces a mathematical model for a currently popular financial product called a stock loan. Quantitative analysis is carried out to establish explicitly the value of such a loan, as well as the ranges of fair values of the loan size and interest, and the fee for providing such a service. 相似文献
Bounds on European Option Prices under Stochastic Volatility 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In this paper we consider the range of prices consistent with no arbitrage for European options in a general stochastic volatility model. We give conditions under which the infimum and the supremum of the possible option prices are equal to the intrinsic value of the option and to the current price of the stock, respectively, and show that these conditions are satisfied in most of the stochastic volatility models from the financial literature. We also discuss properties of Black–Scholes hedging strategies in stochastic volatility models where the volatility is bounded. 相似文献
M. Motoczyski 《Mathematical Finance》2000,10(2):243-257
One of the well‐known approaches to the problem of option pricing is a minimization of the global risk, considered as the expected quadratic net loss. In the paper, a multidimensional variant of the problem is studied. To obtain the existence of the variance‐optimal hedging strategy in a model without transaction costs, we can apply the result of Monat and Stricker. Another possibility is a generalization of the nondegeneracy condition that appeared in a paper of Schweizer, in which a one‐dimensional problem is solved. The relationship between the two approaches is shown. A more difficult problem is the existence of an optimal solution in the model with transaction costs. A sufficient condition in a multidimensional case is formulated. 相似文献
This paper provides comparative theoretical and numerical results on risks, values, and hedging strategies for local risk-minimization versus mean-variance hedging in a class of stochastic volatility models. We explain the theory for both hedging approaches in a general framework, specialize to a Markovian situation, and analyze in detail variants of the well-known Heston (1993) and Stein and Stein (1991) stochastic volatility models. Numerical results are obtained mainly by PDE and simulation methods. In addition, we take special care to check that all of our examples do satisfy the conditions required by the general theory. 相似文献
Option Pricing Under Incompleteness and Stochastic Volatility 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Pricing Stock Options in a Jump‐Diffusion Model with Stochastic Volatility and Interest Rates: Applications of Fourier Inversion Methods 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Louis O. Scott 《Mathematical Finance》1997,7(4):413-426
Fast closed form solutions for prices on European stock options are developed in a jump‐diffusion model with stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates. The probability functions in the solutions are computed by using the Fourier inversion formula for distribution functions. The model is calibrated for the S and P 500 and is used to analyze several effects on option prices, including interest rate variability, the negative correlation between stock returns and volatility, and the negative correlation between stock returns and interest rates. 相似文献
This paper solves the mean–variance hedging problem in Heston's model with a stochastic opportunity set moving systematically with the volatility of stock returns. We allow for correlation between stock returns and their volatility (so-called leverage effect). Our contribution is threefold: using a new concept of opportunity-neutral measure we present a simplified strategy for computing a candidate solution in the correlated case. We then go on to show that this candidate generates the true variance-optimal martingale measure; this step seems to be partially missing in the literature. Finally, we derive formulas for the hedging strategy and the hedging error. 相似文献
We price an American floating strike lookback option under the Black–Scholes model with a hypothetic static hedging portfolio (HSHP) composed of nontradable European options. Our approach is more efficient than the tree methods because recalculating the option prices is much quicker. Applying put–call duality to an HSHP yields a tradable semistatic hedging portfolio (SSHP). Numerical results indicate that an SSHP has better hedging performance than a delta-hedged portfolio. Finally, we investigate the model risk for SSHP under a stochastic volatility assumption and find that the model risk is related to the correlation between asset price and volatility. 相似文献
The paper examines equilibrium models based on Epstein–Zin preferences in a framework in which exogenous state variables follow affine jump diffusion processes. A main insight is that the equilibrium asset prices can be computed using a standard machinery of affine asset pricing theory by imposing parametric restrictions on market prices of risk, determined inside the model by preference and model parameters. An appealing characteristic of the general equilibrium setup is that the state variables have an intuitive and testable interpretation as driving the consumption and dividend dynamics. We present a detailed example where large shocks (jumps) in consumption volatility translate into negative jumps in equilibrium prices of the assets as agents demand a higher premium to compensate for higher risks. This endogenous “leverage effect,” which is purely an equilibrium outcome in the economy, leads to significant premiums for out‐of‐the‐money put options. Our model is thus able to produce an equilibrium “volatility smirk,” which realistically mimics that observed for index options. 相似文献
Long memory in continuous-time stochastic volatility models 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
This paper studies a classical extension of the Black and Scholes model for option pricing, often known as the Hull and White model. Our specification is that the volatility process is assumed not only to be stochastic, but also to have long-memory features and properties. We study here the implications of this continuous-time long-memory model, both for the volatility process itself as well as for the global asset price process. We also compare our model with some discrete time approximations. Then the issue of option pricing is addressed by looking at theoretical formulas and properties of the implicit volatilities as well as statistical inference tractability. Lastly, we provide a few simulation experiments to illustrate our results. 相似文献
国内现有关于波动率的研究多集中于时间序列模型,忽略了另一类预测波动率的方法即隐含波动率法。文章在回顾、评述了国内关于波动率的研究后,对国外关于隐含波动率的研究进行了梳理,为在我国大陆地区发展股指期权市场、通过提高期权市场的效率,以运用隐含波动率法更好地预测波动率提供了理论基础和政策建议。 相似文献
本文以2007-2010年我国资本市场的整个波动周期为考察期间,在考虑了变量内生性的问题的基础上,采用2SLS方法实证分析了机构整体持股对于股价波动的影响。研究发现:机构整体持股对股市波动的影响因不同的市场状态而具有非对称性,并可以用市场状态假说进行解释;在对于机构分类的实证研究中发现,在控制内生性情况下,同一类别的机构投资者对股市波动的影响是随着市场的变化而变化;同时,即使在相同的市场环境下,不同的投资者对市场波动的影响也不相同。因此,需要辨证认识各类机构投资者的作用,针对不同机构投资者的特征及不同的市场状态采取不同措施以稳定市场。 相似文献