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This paper extends the literature on the money supply announcement effect by examining the response of stock prices to the monthly announcements of the money supply made in Australia. The unexpected component of the money supply change is identified using both a market based survey of expectations and rolling ARIMA time series models. The analysis is further extended to examine the impact of the money supply announcements during the period of monetary target-ting; the cross-sectional impact of the announcements across various stock price indices and the pre- and post-announcement responses of stock prices. The results documented show no evidence of a significant stock price response to the money supply announcements in Australia.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the money supply and inflation rate announcements on interest rates. Survey data on expectations of the money supply and consumer and producer price indexes are used to distinguish anticipated and unanticipated components of the announcements. This distinction is used to test for the efficiency of the financial market response to the announcements of new information. The results indicate that the unanticipated components of the announced changes in the Producers Price Index and in the money supply have an immediate positive effect on short-term interest rates. The Consumer Price Index announcement has no apparent effect. There is no evidence of a delayed announcement effect. However, there is some indication of a liquidity effect of the money supply change on interest rates. This takes place when reserves are changing and several weeks prior to the information announcement.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of monetary policy announcements in Thailand, which is one of emerging market countries in Asia, on stock prices at the firm level. We find that the expected change, rather than the unexpected change, in interest rates affects stock prices. The stock price response to the interest rate announcement is asymmetric. For instance, the relation between interest rate surprises and stock prices is conditional on the direction of the interest rate change. In general, macroeconomic conditions and firm characteristics cannot explain the stock price reaction to the announcement. In addition, stock prices of firms in different industries appear to react heterogeneously to the interest rate announcement.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that unexpected changes in the announced monetary base have an impact on interest rates above and beyond the impact of unexpected changes in the announced money supply. In addition, both money supply and monetary base announcements are shown to have a significant signalling role for subsequent changes in monetary aggregates. However, in contrast to several leading hypotheses, it appears that the observed link between monetary announcements and interest rates is not attributable to the signals that announcements provide about the subsequent behavior of money and the base.  相似文献   

We track trading activity in the days preceding acquisition announcements for target firms and find that abnormally high trading volume precedes significant price movement. Using additional intraday data, we find increased active-selling in target stocks before acquisition announcements that offsets increased active-buying. This is unexpected because sellers often lose money when an acquisition is announced. After ruling out alternative explanations, we find evidence that sellers are rational investors who trade on the market??s perceived overreaction to takeover rumors. While sellers lose money when a rumor precedes an actual announcement, in most cases rumors fail to materialize into public announcements. We provide evidence that the significant pre-announcement volume we document reflects the market??s processing of highly uncertain information in takeover rumors.  相似文献   

The author provides evidence on the perceived existence of strong liquidity effect. The analysis is based on the response of the term structure of interest rates to the weekly Federal Reserve announcements of bank reserves during the post-October 1979 period. It is shown that unanticipated changes in the mix between borrowed and nonborrowed reserves cause expected real interest rates to change after the announcement because they provide information about a future change in the supply of money. A precise model is developed and tested during subperiods of nonborrowed and borrowed reserves targeting by the Fed.  相似文献   

Bid–ask spreads using intraday data reveal significant sensitivity to European Central Bank (ECB) macro-announcements. Effects are strongest for announcements that comprise unexpected information or a change in interest rates, and spreads rise sharply during the minutes surrounding interest rate or other important macroeconomic announcements by the ECB. Both Euro area stocks (of German DAX 30 and French CAC 40) and non-Euro area stocks (of FTSE 100) have been used for comparative reasons. All results are robust to changes in specification and when being controlled for normal daytime-dependent frictions and stock-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

Contrary to economic theory and common sense, stock returns are negatively related to both expected and unexpected inflation. We argue that this puzzling empirical phenomenon does not indicate causality. Instead, stock returns are negatively related to contemporaneous changes in expected inflation because they signal a chain of events which results in a higher rate of monetary expansion. Exogenous shocks in real output, signalled by the stock market, induce changes in tax revenue, in the deficit, in Treasury borrowing and in Federal Reserve “monetization” of the increased debt. Rational bond and stock market investors realize this will happen. They adjust prices (and interest rates) accordingly and without delay. Although expected inflation seems to have a negative effect on subsequent stock returns, this could be an empirical illusion, since a spurious causality is induced by a combination of: (a) a reversed adaptive inflation expectations model and (b) a reversed money growth/stock returns model. If the real interest rate is not a constant, using nominal interest proxies for expected inflation is dangerous, since small changes in real rates can cause large and opposite percentage changes in stock prices.  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical framework of analyzing preliminary announcements of economic data and then apply this framework to the money stock. We find that preliminary announcements of the money stock are best characterized as measured with classical errors-in-variables. That is, the revision is not correlated with the true value of the series. The revision is, however, forecastable using information available at the time of the preliminary announcement. Our ability to forecast the revision implies that preliminary announcements are not rational estimates of the true money stock.  相似文献   

This paper documents the response of exchange rates, interest rates and stock prices to monthly announcements of the Australian current account balance. Survey data on market participants' expectations and forecasts generated from ARIMA time series models are used to identify the unexpected component of the announcements. The study also controls for day-of-the-week effects that have been documented in the Australian equity market The results support the efficient market hypothesis and show a significant depreciation of the Australian dollar in foreign exchange markets and a significant rise in both short- and long-term interest rates to announcements of larger than expected current account deficits. The study was, however, unable to find evidence of a significant stock price response to the current account announcements.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple explanation of open‐market stock repurchases and the stock price behavior surrounding them. There is ex ante asymmetry of information with regard to the private benefits that corporate managers can attain from real investments. In our model, open‐market repurchase announcements reveal information about the managers' private benefits when real investment opportunities are unprofitable in terms of firm values. This study differs from previous studies in that we show that announcements of open‐market repurchase programs can be believable without the restriction that the announcements are commitments. Empirically, the model simultaneously predicts that a stock price will drop prior to an open‐market repurchase announcement and will rise in response to the announcement. These predictions are consistent with stylized facts.  相似文献   

贾盾  孙溪  郭瑞 《金融研究》2019,469(7):76-95
中国人民银行周期性发布的货币政策相关公告为市场判断货币政策走向提供重要信息。较于实体经济反馈政策信息具有滞后性,股票市场是否在货币政策公告期内及时对政策消息做出反应,即存在公告效应?股票价格是否体现预期货币政策调整带来的不确定性?本文基于2011-2017年A股市场数据,研究我国股票市场在我国货币政策相关公告发布前后几日这一较短窗口区间内的市场反应。结果表明,股市指数在发布货币供应量指标的公告前几天内会出现显著为正的风险溢价,而在指标发布后溢价并不显著,这一现象我们称之为货币政策相关公告的“预公告溢价效应”。本文发现,预公告溢价的产生并非由于市场提前预期到货币政策的走向,而是来源于投资者预先获得了对政策不确定性的溢价补偿。本文进一步就防范系统性风险、从数量型货币政策工具向价格型转变等问题提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

We provide a new test of the informational efficiency of trading in stock options in the context of stock split announcements. These announcements tend to be associated with positive abnormal returns. Our traditional event study results show abnormal returns that are significantly lower for optioned than non-optioned stocks, whether traded on the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq. After controlling for market returns, capitalization, book-to-market ratio, and trading volume, we find that the abnormal returns are significantly lower for NYSE/Amex optioned than non-optioned stocks. Although the results for Nasdaq stocks are not as clear, the overall effects tend to be lower after optioning. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the prices of optioned stocks embody more information, diminishing the impact of the stock split announcement. They provide new evidence of the beneficial effects of options on their underlying stocks.  相似文献   

This paper documents a relationship between announcements of unexpected changes in financial policy and unexpected changes in performance of the firm. Using a new methodology that combines analysis of stock price movements and earnings forecast data, the authors provide evidence that analysts revise their earnings forecasts following the announcement of an unexpected dividend change by an amount positively related to the size of the unexpected dividend change. They also provide evidence that these revisions are positively related to the change in equity value surrounding the announcement. Further, they find that these revisions are consistent with rationality. Their results therefore provide direct evidence consistent with the hypothesis that unexpected dividend changes signal information about firm performance to market participants.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic news announcements move yields and forward rates on nominal and index-linked bonds and inflation compensation. This paper estimates the reactions using high-frequency data on nominal and index-linked bond yields, allowing the effects of news announcements on real rates and inflation compensation to be parsed far more precisely than is possible using daily data. Long-term nominal yields and forward rates are very sensitive to macroeconomic news announcements. Inflation compensation is sensitive to announcements about price indices and monetary policy. However, for news announcements about real economic activity, such as nonfarm payrolls, the vast majority of the sensitivity is concentrated in real rates. Accordingly, most of the sizeable impact of news about real economic activity on the nominal term structure of interest rates represents changes in expected future real short-term interest rates and/or real risk premia rather than changes in expected future inflation and/or inflation risk premia. Such sensitivity of real rates to macroeconomics news is hard to rationalize within the framework of existing macroeconomic models.  相似文献   

Asymmetric Effects of Interest Rate Changes on Stock Prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the stock price adjustment process around announcements of changes in the federal funds rate target in the 1990s using an asymmetric autoregressive exponential GARCH model (ASAR‐EGARCH). We find that target change announcements convey new information to the stock market. Risk aversion increases before the announcement of a rate change, and especially before the announcement of a joint target and discount rate change. The volatility estimates suggest that such joint rate changes send a clearer signal to the stock market about monetary policy objectives relative to unilateral target changes. Our findings are consistent with overreaction in the wake of bad news (rate hikes), and point to a shift in volatility from before to after the rate change announcement since the adoption of the immediate disclosure policy of the Federal Open Market Committee in February 1994.  相似文献   

This study examines how short sales constraints affect the stock price adjustment to the release of public information in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Using a unique feature of this market that allows us to directly investigate the impact of short sales restriction, we find the following. First, non-shortable stocks react more strongly to the publication of negative information than shortable stocks do. Second, non-shortable stocks are overpriced before negative earnings announcements. Hence, part of the strong market reaction of non-shortable stocks on announcement day could be due to the correction of such overpricing. Third, the prices of non-shortable stocks reverse following the announcement of negative information, suggesting that investors overreact to negative information on announcement day. Fourth, it takes longer for the prices of non-shortable stocks to adjust to negative earnings information. On the whole, our results support the research that finds short sales restrictions reduce the efficiency of stock markets.  相似文献   

Using a database of stock lending fees for Japanese centralized margin transactions, I show that short‐sales constraints reduce the adjustment speed of stock prices to negative information before the announcements of revised earnings forecasts disclosed by firms in the Tokyo Stock Exchange from July 1998 to December 2001. I find that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of the stocks with high short‐sales costs are insensitive to negative information on pre‐announcement days, but the CARs of these stocks become significantly lower than the CARs of the stocks with low short‐sales costs when the announcements reveal negative information to the public.  相似文献   

Most current explanations of the effect of money supply announcements on the rate of interest center on central bank policy. This paper analyzes a flexible price macroeconomic model where present and future monetary policy have no influence on either interest rates or real output, but monetary data signal information about real economic activity which influences both short- and long-term real rates of interest. The magnitude of the interest rate response is shown to depend on the difference in the income elasticities of currency and deposit demand and the relative size of monetary and real disturbances to the economy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of interest rate news surprises on Islamic and conventional stock and bond indices, using a dataset which covers interest rate announcements and forecasts, as well as stock and bond indices in three Islamic and eight non-Islamic countris. We find that interest rate surprises tend to have a smaller impact on the returns and volatility of Islamic than conventional bonds because Islamic bonds are structured to avoid explicit interest rates. However, interest rate surprises have about the same or bigger impact on the returns and volatility of Islamic relative to conventional stocks, despite the low amounts of cash and debt holdings of firms comprising Islamic stock indices.  相似文献   

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