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伴随着国际商贸的发展和经济的全球化,旨在商品宣传的产品商标和商标翻译的重要性不断得到体现和加强。从一种语言到另一种语言,商标的翻译既要保留原文的精华,又要符合消费者的消费心理。商标是个外来词,英语trademark翻译成“商标”。过去也曾译成“牌”“商牌”“货牌”等。  相似文献   

原文人情反复,世路崎岖。行不去处,须知退步之法;行得去处,务加让三分之功。译文人情变化无常,世路崎岖不平,走不过去的地方要有退一步的打算,容易通过  相似文献   

本书由Н·П巴内和凸·Н巴内合著,原文共有389页,估计译成中文有25万字,全书分为两大部分,总共有13章,各部分及每章的主要内容简介如下.第一部分共6章,主要是研究并确定投资和新技术经济效果的理论基础和它的重要的方法学原理.第1章 评价技术措施经济效果的指标和原则——效果的原则是节约社会劳动,提高劳动生产率或降低生产单位产品的劳动消耗.劳动消耗要计算企业的和国民经济的.确定效果采用的指标是以生产单位产品的社会必要劳动消耗量的降低,即它的价值来表  相似文献   

虚拟经济探微   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
成思危 《经济界》2003,(1):4-10
对于虚拟经济,国际上尚无一致的定义和系统的研究,而且由于译名的相同,混淆了三个不同的概念,将三者均译成虚拟经济。一是指与证券、期货、期权等虚拟资本的交易有关的经济活动(Fictitious Economy);二是指以信息技术为依托所进行的的经济活动(Virtual Economy),也有人称之为数字经济或网络经济;三是指用计算机模拟的可视化经济活动(Visual Economy)。为了区别这三个概念,笔者主张将Fictitious Economy译成虚拟经济,将Virtual Economy译成网络经济或拟实经济,将Virtual Economy译成可视化经济。需要注意的是,网络经济与虚拟经济的概念是不同的,网络经济是指经济的运行方式,虚拟经济是指经济活动的模式,因此必须将这二者区分开来。  相似文献   

不同民族分布区域内的地名,一般总是由生息在当地的居民以其语言命名.地名的命名依据还能反映一个民族的心理状态、风俗习惯和其他文化特征.比如九阡镇的水族人们,尽管他们居住的地方-九仙,被汉译成"九阡区"、"九阡镇"已五六十年过去了.可是他们依旧称呼这个地方为九仙;经过传统古法手工酿造的酒,水语还是叫做九仙酒;三都水族自治县电视台水语新闻栏目等水语媒体在报道"九阡镇"时,依然称之为"九仙".因此值得深思和探讨九阡镇水译(水语翻译)九仙镇的必要性及意义.  相似文献   

管理学与管理文学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈佛“个案”是谁写的? 源于上个世纪80年代初,我国在引进美国管理的时候,把“case”这个英文词误译成“案例”了!其实在管理学中应译成“个案”。  相似文献   

庞弓立  庞鑫焱 《活力》2007,(10):84-84
一、关于阅读理解 影响学生获得阅读能力的主要障碍首先是词义问题。学生在阅读中常犯的毛病就是孤立、机械地把某一个词译成汉语,并由此造成阅读不准确,不深入的现象。例如:You are bad tempered,she is the very opposite,这句话的大意是:“你的脾气不好;她恰恰相反。”这里“very”一词应译成“恰恰”。而某些学生却译成了“非常”,从而造成了阅读上的不准确。再比如“We can hardly thank you enough,”  相似文献   

刘成文 《秘书》2013,(1):26-28
广东人民出版社1999年12月出版的《一个革命幸存者——曾志回忆实录》一书中,披露了革命战争时期很多真实的历史细节,其中有一段专门记录了毛泽东同志是如何开展调查研究的,写得鲜活生动,给人以有益的启示。原文如下:重视调查研究,掌握第一手资料,是毛委员历来的良好工作作风。在红四军的戎马倥偬时期尚且如此,现在到了地方工作,时间较多,毛委员更是不失时机地开展各  相似文献   

论盈余管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盈余管理是指当企业的管理人员有选择会计政策的自由时,他们必定会选择使其自身效用最大化或使企业的市场价值最大化这样一种行为。盈余管理在有些地方也被译成利润操纵,但我认为盈余管理更为中性,也更符合本对这种行为的态度,盈余管理也不同于会计造假。会计造假是一种蓄意欺骗行为,而盈余管理则是一种合法行为。在因为如此,盈余管理表现出强大的生命力,已成为各公司财务经理们必须掌握的一项基本技能。盈余管理问题也成为了当代西方尤其是美国实证会计研究的重点之一。  相似文献   

贾可 《经营者》2011,(21):186-186
任何翻译都不及自己亲自读一读乔布斯传的英文原著。作者的风格和乔布斯的情书写法一样简洁、有力,充满感情,译成中文不易表达  相似文献   

谢安国 《价值工程》2012,31(10):226-227
新建地方本科院校在很大程度上是区域经济社会发展的人才供应库和科技支撑点,为地方经济社会发展提供服务是地方本科院校生存和发展的使命之所在。新建地方本科院校应明确办学思想和办学定位,在彰显办学特色、拓展服务社会的途径和方式等方面大胆创新,实现地方高等教育与区域经济和社会发展的对接,促进自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The role of local government is viewed in the context of the overall role of government per se. A particular advantage of local government lies in its ability to arrange for the provision of local public goods in line with local tastes and preferences. A number of arguments suggest that local governments should be assigned adequate powers of local taxation to finance their expenditure responsibilities rather than having to rely on central government grant.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship education is high on political agendas for its contributions to cultural change and economic growth. Scholars have suggested that the local context may influence the results of entrepreneurship education, and have recommended that educators strengthen their relationships with local businesses and help students learn from actual business settings. By combining policy analysis with empirical data, the present qualitative study explores two issues. First, we look at how the role of local business is expressed in entrepreneurship education policy documents. Second, we explore how local entrepreneurial activity and culture may influence how policies are understood and translated into practice at the local level. The findings indicate that collaboration between schools and business life may strengthen, rather than change, existing local development paths. The present paper contributes to the literature and understanding of the interplay between entrepreneurship education policy and the local context and proposes several policy recommendations emerging from the empirical study.  相似文献   

Cluster emergence is an important topic but weakly conceptualized in the literature. Focusing on the interaction of the local knowledge pool and firm growth, the paper develops a comprehensive framework to understand cluster emergence. In the framework, the cluster formation process starts with the collision of local and external knowledge which generates an innovation and stimulates the creation of local pioneering firms in a new field. To support the growth of follow-up entrants in the new industry, the local knowledge pool needs to be expanded and deepened through local knowledge sharing and external knowledge inflows. The enlarged local knowledge pool enables local firms to grow and explore other fields further. To promote cluster emergence, public policies need to facilitate the interaction of the local knowledge pool and firm growth. The paper illustrates the interactive framework with two aluminum extrusion clusters in China that emerged in different ways over different time periods.  相似文献   


This article seeks to identify which factors lead local governments to use corporate public sector organizations, particularly municipal corporations, for service delivery. The authors argue that local officials trade off bureaucratic costs of in-house production with agency costs of external delegation to municipal corporations when deciding how to deliver local public services. Econometric models are employed to test this explanation for the adoption of municipal corporations by 278 Portuguese local governments. The results indicate that organizational size, financial independency and fiscal surplus, as well as ideological concerns and the activity of local interest groups, drive choices of local governance structures.  相似文献   

世界性的金融危机让西方许多国家面临严重的主权债务危机,地方政府债务危机成为世界不稳定的因素之一。近年来,我国地方政府债务风险逐渐增大,2013年IMF、穆迪、惠誉及高盛等外资金融机构均发布了对中国地方政府性债务的警示报告,指出我国地方政府性债务存在失控风险。文章回顾了国内外政府债务风险评价研究现状,建立了地方政府风险评价指标体系,并试图通过模糊综合判断法和层次分析法建立地方政府风险评价模型,最后就我国某市地方政府债务指标进行实证研究,以论证模型的可行性。  相似文献   

本文以政府效率作为FDI社会综合效应的重要表征,在测算1996~2008年各省份地方政府效率及其分解值的基础上,实证考察了FDI对地方政府效率的影响。实证结果表明,FDI对地方政府效率产生了显著的负面效应,其中,FDI与地方政府的技术进步呈正相关但不显著,而与规模效率呈负相关且部分显著;此外,FDI对地方政府效率的影响与财政分权程度、教育水平、转移支付状况以及资本存量有着密切的联系。在此基础上,提出了如何改善招商引资策略和提高FDI消化能力来提高地方政府效率的基本思路。  相似文献   

The emission of long-lived pollutants and public debt policies are related by the joint problem of intergenerational externalities. This paper examines both phenomena from the local perspective, in a model with interregional household mobility. We conclude that local environmental agencies have incentives to internalize all intergenerational pollution externalities, provided all rents of immobile production factors, including waste emissions, are appropriated by the regions. Contrary to widespread belief, however, neutrality of local public debt is not guaranteed in general. Shifts in the intertemporal pattern of local taxes change the net wealth of local property owners if distortionary residence-based taxes are imposed to service the local debt.  相似文献   


Despite growing preoccupation on the part of both the public and researchers with the concept of political corruption and the ‘corruption eruption’ phenomenon, research studies addressing corruption in local government are few and far between. This exploratory research offers a theoretical conceptualization of institutionalized corruption in local government, and identifies structural factors that lead to such corruption. Further, this study empirically assesses institutional corruption at the local level and its correlation to attitudes and characteristics of local authorities and their populations, based on a survey of 1,709 residents of 156 local authorities in Israel and data on the local authorities from a separate database. This article proposes a model according to which local corruption arises from structural factors at three levels: the central–local level (relations between local authorities and the central government); the local–local level (competition between local authorities) and the intra-local level (factors relating to the performance of local councils and local democracy). Our analyses reveal correlations among characteristics of the local authority and community, residents' perceptions of local performance and perceptions of local corruption. Implications of the findings in light of strategies conventionally employed against corruption in local government are discussed.  相似文献   

何国松  黄莉敏  周显鹏  胡玲 《价值工程》2012,31(13):132-134
对地方财政风险进行综合评价,能够定量地确定地方财政面临的风险程度,及时采取有效措施加以防范。本文采用引进物元模型对地方财政风险进行综合评价,并以湖北省咸宁市为例,对其财政风险进行评价,其结果为预警级风险,在此基础上,提出了防范财政风险的建议。  相似文献   

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