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在建设社会主义和谐社会中,企业要积极承担社会责任;关心员工的切身利益,建立与员工良好的关系;坚守顾客至上、质量第一、诚信守法的准则,坚持对顾客、客户高度负责,建立企业良好的信誉.企业在生产、效益得到快速发展的同时,不忘回报社会,积极参加新农村建设,开展扶贫、支教和改善农村基础建设的各项活动,使企业在两个文明建设中取得长足发展.  相似文献   

酒店业“以顾客为中心”的企业文化的重塑与变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王立新 《价值工程》2006,25(5):95-97
随着我国酒店业的不断发展,酒店之间的竞争越来越激烈,在这种情况下,建立并维持与顾客的良好关系是酒店成功的基本保证。酒店应该把着眼点放在企业文化建设上,通过理念贯彻、思想融合,塑造一个“以顾客为中心”的企业文化,从整体上提高员工的素质,提高酒店服务质量、增强酒店竞争力。  相似文献   

第一,建立良好的企业文化,缓解企业压力。企业文化对员工的思想和行为会产生一定的影响,企业文化的建立与否、其侧重点往往在很大程度上影响甚至改变员工的行为取向,是对员工的一种有效的软约束机制。因此,企业应建立积极、健康的企业文化,建立员工的诚信思维,强化对企业的认同感和归属感。在这个过程中,管理层的经营理念也会产生重要作用,企业领导者的良好的行为和决策也会成为积极的示范作用,  相似文献   

<正>党中央所主张建立社会主义和谐社会,是针对当前社会经济迅速发展过程中出现阻碍经济进一步发展的诸多不和谐因素而提出的“运用科学发展观点,建立起和谐发展的理念”,从而为社会经济健康发展创造良好的环境。我们说企业是社会的组成部分,是社会经济发展的“细胞”在社会经济发展的大环境中扮演着重要的角色。企业的建设和发展又离不开全体员工的努力,那么如何调整和处理好企业与员工的关系,在企业内部建立和谐的环境,是企业能不能和谐进步发展的关键。我认为企业应当从科学发展观出发“以人为本”构建和谐企业来调整并实现企业内部各个方面的和谐关系,促使企业与员工在社会经济发展中发挥最大的作用。  相似文献   

企业是一个生命体,它必然遵循优胜劣汰适者生存的规律。企业的存在必须满足顾客满足度、供应商满足度、员工满足度、社会满足度、环境满足度、经营者满足度和股东满足度7个条件,其中最重要的是顾客的满足度和员工的满足度。 为在市场竞争中立于不败之地,企业要使自己的产品和服务令顾客满意,把顾客吸引在自己的周围就是成功。实行以人为本的人力资源管理,提高员工的满足度是实现企业战略目标的关键。推行TQM,建立适应市场竞争的管理体制,是企业面向世界、迎接更大挑战的必由之路。TQM的实质是在追求企  相似文献   

杨文 《活力》2022,(21):151-153
做好企业基层员工的作风建设,是帮助员工端正思想认识,改变生活作风、企业学风、工作作风等的必要工作。企业内部只有建立良好的工作氛围,实现高效、科学、积极、廉洁的企业文化建设,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,这对提升企业市场应变能力,强化企业综合实力有重要意义。现如今,不少企业已经认识到在企业发展阶段加强企业作风建设的重要意义。在企业运营管理期间,不同发展阶段的要求不同,要多组织员工参与实践活动,坚持社会主义核心价值观的渗透,使员工有素质、有担当、有纪律。员工有良好的素养,企业整体逐渐树立创新发展意识,才能契合时代发展所需,完成可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

创造顾客价值是企业生存之本,谁来创造?谁来发现这种创造后面的顾客需求?--自然是员工,因此,员工与顾客及社会联系是企业能力的基础.一个健康的企业,必须基于分工与合作的原则,通过人性化管理不断拓展员工与顾客、与社会的联系渠道,让员工成为企业了解社会的窗口和桥梁.这既适宜于旅游、餐饮之类的服务行业,也适宜于商品生产、销售之类的产业.针对各种业态的企业来说,多数时候顾客离我们并不遥远,距离仅是一堵人造的墙,即便在金融危机下消费市场萎缩的今天,顾客与企业的距离仍很近.只要我们多一些人文关怀,多一些换位思考,就可充分调动员工积极性,促使员工成为企业发展的贡献者.  相似文献   

随着经济的全球化和知识经济的发展,企业文化逐渐成为企业的核心竞争力。企业文化建设是一个多方参与的、长期的、复杂的过程,企业员工应积极地参与到企业文化的建设中。文章通过对我国企业文化建设中员工参与现状的分析,总结了企业文化建设中员工参与存在的普遍问题,探讨企业文化建设中员工参与机制,以树立良好的企业形象,促进企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

为持续改进经营、满足顾客要求,企业需要建立质量文化。在企业范围内建立对质量重要性的认识,并使质量成为企业文化的基石,是促使企业形成未来共同愿景的关键步骤。首先,你需要确定企业中现有的质量文化水平。对于以下10个选项,请选择适合你所在的组织的情况:1)所有员工都朝着同一个目标努力;2)所有员工的意见都会被重视;3)根据需要,共享信息;4)我们以协作的方式与顾客共事;  相似文献   

在我国员工的工作投入程度普遍偏低,尤其以顾客接触型员工为甚。本文创新地从组织外部视角出发,结合工作要求——资源模型理论,探讨顾客参与各个维度对顾客接触型员工工作投入程度的影响。通过实地问卷调查和spss16.0进行数据分析,发现顾客参与对顾客接触型员工工作投入有显著影响,且各维度的影响方向是不同的。因此,企业在努力提高顾客接触型员工工作投入程度时要关注来自顾客方面的影响;招聘和培训员工时应采取积极措施,重视顾客参与的影响,以提高员工的工作投入程度。  相似文献   

根据服务利润链理论,内部服务质量决定了员工的满意感,满意的员工能够为顾客提供高价值的服务,从而使顾客形成满意感和忠诚感,为企业赢得利润和发展。要激励全体员工做好服务工作,自觉地为顾客提供优质服务,服务性企业必须将广大员工当做内部顾客,尽力满足员工的需要和愿望,为员工提供优质的内部服务。  相似文献   

亲顾客偏离行为是指一线员工以帮助顾客、维护顾客利益、满足顾客个性化需求为首要动机,在服务交付过程中有意识偏离组织正式规章制度、服务规程或政策禁令的一种角色外行为。本文立足于亲顾客偏离行为"亲顾客"与"偏离组织规则"这两个特征,系统性揭示员工亲顾客偏离行为的形成机制与影响后果。在形成机制方面,揭示了服务型领导通过激发员工的心理安全感与工作自主性,来增强员工的自我效能感,最终促进员工的亲顾客偏离行为,组织创新氛围与员工冒险倾向在上述过程中起到正向调节作用。在影响后果方面,揭示了亲顾客偏离行为的双刃剑效应,既能引发涉事顾客的感知优待与赞许他人的道德情绪,促使其做出积极的服务评价;又会引发同属顾客的不公平感知与谴责他人的道德情绪,致使其做出消极的服务评价,涉事顾客的涉入度在上述过程中起到负向调节作用。本文有助于科学地认识、评估并有效引导员工的亲顾客偏离行为。  相似文献   

赵彬  黄蒙蒙 《价值工程》2012,31(6):243-245
重庆市建设事业的发展与行业人才队伍的素质密切相关,建设教育培训对于提高行业人才队伍的素质至关重要,因此要重视建设教育培训。本文引入了GM(1,1)灰色预测模型对"十二五"期间重庆市建设行业专业技术和职业技能人才培训需求进行预测,并分析了重庆市未来需加强培训的人员类别。最后为重庆市建设教育培训工作的全面可持续发展提供合理建议。  相似文献   

饭店在做好为入住客人服务的同时,应极力保障员工的权益和主动倾听员工的声音。管理者应将员工的权益保障与对客人的服务放在同样重要的位置,并将二者统一起来,以道德和法律的双重标准来约束和改进饭店人力资源管理的现状,切实保护员工的合法权益,同时避免法律纠纷的困扰。  相似文献   

This study extends strategic human resource management research by focusing on the effects of high-involvement work practices (HIWPs) on relational outcomes with customers (patients). The authors provide evidence that relational dynamics among employees act as a mediating mechanism for the relationship between workplace practices and these outcomes. In particular, we propose that human resource management practices designed to increase employees' involvement at work reduce the level of organizational conflict among employees, which, in turn, affect employees' conflict with patients and their families. Using a two-wave longitudinal survey of 378 patient care providers at 20 nursing homes, the authors argue that the effect of HIWPs on conflict between nursing home staff and patients and their family members is mediated by task and relationship conflict among employees. The results provide strong support for the mediating role of organizational conflict among employees by documenting that the negative effect of HIWPs on employees' conflict with patients and their families is mediated by the reduced levels of task conflict and relationship conflict among employees. The study's findings shed new light on the relational mechanism through which HR practices affect employees and customers. Scholarly and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of customer retention as a mediator in the service climate–firm performance chain. Using a predictive design that involves data collected from 1,500 automotive service stores from 12,518 employees and approximately 30,000 customers, a model linking service climate (a concern for employees and customers), customer satisfaction, customer retention, and firm performance was tested. Notably, the results support the overall model and the hypothesized mediating effect of customer retention regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and firm performance. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the dithyramb on training found throughout the literature, its impact on organizational performance still remains a ‘black box’ yet to be unlocked. Indeed, neither the intervening process nor the factors that mediate training effectiveness have been substantively explored or linked together in a framework. In this paper, gaining insights from the concept of the balanced scorecard and using the service profit chain as a strategy map, an attempt is made to formulate a casual linkage value chain that highlights one possible route through which training can impact organizational performance. Using a predictive design, data were collected from multiple sources (employees, customers, and the bank's financial records) and raters from a sample of 30 branches of a Greek bank. The findings confirmed a framework illuminating a value exchange process ignited by training. More precisely, the results suggested that a formal, structured, and long-term approach to training, as well as certain pre- and post-training conditions and activities, improve training effectiveness by creating positive perceptions about the training's value. The generated for employees value results to higher levels of job satisfaction which boosts employee loyalty, creating in this sense value for the organization. This value is reflected to customers, in terms of better service quality, and reciprocated to the organization through higher customer satisfaction and branch loyalty leading to improved profitability at the branch level.  相似文献   

This paper is the result of research carried out to identify trends of the human resources management model in Brazilian organizations. In order to do this, we employed a research methodology known as Delphi, which consists of gradually adjusting the perceptions of specialists. Respondents were selected using criteria that characterized them as opinion leaders in human resource management.

Having consulted more than 160 people, we observed that themes such as the management of competences, corporate education and encouragement for organizational learning will be gradually assimilated by companies. One of our main conclusions is that the change process in human resources has ceased to be reactive. Data relating to changes that occurred during the 1980s and 1990s showed that the function concentrated on internal restructuring, on reducing the number of specialist employees, on encouraging the outsourcing of operational processes and on establishing a new model for looking after in-house customers.  相似文献   

On-site service encounters blur the organizational boundary between employees and customers. The strategic trade-offs involved in having customers on-site, and the HRM practices that can influence the satisfaction and performance of customers within the organization, are described. Central points include the HRM practices that foster a climate for service and that provide customers the role clarity, ability, and motivation they require to contribute to service production and delivery.  相似文献   

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