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应用DEA方法评测中国各地区健康生产效率   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
张宁  胡鞍钢  郑京海 《经济研究》2006,41(7):92-105
本文将地区健康系统视为健康生产决策单元,通过数据包络分析方法(DEA)对地区健康生产进行效率评测和影响因素分析。我们发现:各年份处于生产前沿面上的省份各不相同,而远离前沿面的省份基本一致,总体而言平均健康生产效率不断提高;根据效率和产出可以将全国划分为六类具有不同的效率提高路径的地区;健康生产效率在东、中、西部,东、西部和东、中部之间存在显著差异;地区人口密度与健康生产效率之间存在显著的相关关系,公共健康投入比例与健康生产效率之间呈现并不十分显著的负相关关系,这可能是公共财政支出不当偏重倾向的结果;城乡居民在支付能力与健康生产效率之间的关系上恰好相反,这可能与城乡之间截然不同的收入水平和公共服务待遇相关,因而应当采取有针对性的医疗卫生政策。  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析的综合类生态工业园区环境绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数据包络分析法对中国24家综合类生态工业园环境绩效进行实证研究,研究表明:整体而言,园区环境效率非有效性主要来自纯技术非有效性,次要来自规模非有效性。各园区在环境绩效上存在较大差异,通过验收的国家生态工业示范园区在环境绩效上并无明显优势。大部分经济体量大的园区需要适当控制规模提升效率。研究还为园区未来环境调控提出定量化的调整建议,为未来我国深入推进生态工业园建设提供参考。  相似文献   

基于DEA的新疆玉米生产效率地区差异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于经济条件和生产投入的不同,新疆各地州玉米的生产效率存在着一定差异。本文采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对新疆2006年9个玉米主产区的技术效率和规模效率进行了测算,并按相对生产效率的大小将9个地州进行了分类。结果显示只有喀什地区和伊犁州DEA是有效的,各玉米产区生产效率的差异主要是投入方面的差异。通过本文,为构建粮食后备产区提供科学的决策依据,并为各地州提出了生产效率的改进方案和对策建议。  相似文献   

如何在提高技术效率的同时,降低工业的资源环境负荷,实现经济与资源环境的多赢,是摆在全世界面前的严峻课题。本文采用SBM模型,利用线性规划技术,对1998-2008年资源环境约束下我国工业的环境效率展开实证分析。我们发现,总体上,在资源环境约束与技术进步的共同作用下,全国SBM环境效率微降;从静态观察,地区尤其是西部与东部沿海地区之间,协调性水平存在明显差距,从动态观察,沿海与中部地区工业与资源环境协调性变化不大,而东北与西部地区均出现了阶段性下降。究其原因:经济结构重型化、工业企业规模过大制约SBM环境效率的提高;生活水平提高、自主创新与技术引进、外商直接投资则有利于工业与资源环境协调发展。  相似文献   

Since January 2005 the European Union has launched an EU-internal emissions trading scheme (EU ETS) for emission-intensive installations as the central pillar to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. The EU ETS will be linked to a Kyoto emissions market where greenhouse gas emission allowances of signatory Kyoto countries can be traded. In this paper we investigate the implications of Russian market power for environmental effectiveness and regional compliance costs to the Kyoto Protocol taking into account potential linkages between the Kyoto emissions market and the EU ETS. We find that Russia may have incentives to join the EU ETS as long as the latter remains relatively separated from the Kyoto international emissions market. In this case, Russia can exert monopolistic price discrimination between two separated markets thereby maximizing revenues from hot air sales. The EU will be able to substantially reduce compliance costs if it does not restrain itself to EU-internal emission regulation schemes. However, part of the gains from extra-EU emissions trading will come at the expense of environmental effectiveness as (more) hot air will be drawn in.   相似文献   

This paper provides an initial analysis of the EU ETS based on the installation-level data for verified emissions and allowance allocations in the first 2 years of the first trading period. These data reveal that CO2 emissions were about 3% lower than the allocated allowances. The main objective of the paper is to shed light on the extent to which over-allocation and abatement have taken place in 2005 and 2006, when a significant CO2 price was observed. We propose a measure by which over-allocation can be judged and provide estimates of abatement based on emissions data and indicators of economic activity as well as trends in energy and carbon intensity. Finally, we discuss the insights and implications that emerge from this tentative assessment. The ideas expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent views of the International Energy Agency or its Member Countries.  相似文献   

中国财产保险业效率实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈璐 《现代财经》2006,26(5):22-25,67
据中国财产保险公司1999年-2003年相关数据统计,通过运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对各家公司的技术效率的测度和实证分析,表明我国财产保险公司5年内综合技术效率呈锯齿形渡动,极不稳定。在对技术效率进行分解后发现,投入要素用拥挤测度和纯技术效率值比较接近生产前沿面,且规模效率值的变化是造成综合技术效益波动的主要因素。  相似文献   

上市公司治理结构效率评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立有效的公司治理结构无论对于所有者还是对于投资者而言都是有利的。基于诸如委托代理人理论、不对称信息理论等前沿理论成果,兼顾考虑到正在发展中的中国资本市场环境,本文运用数据包络分析(DEA)分析和研究了中国上市公司治理结构的有效性和效率。  相似文献   

广东省城市旅游效率评价与区域差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
梁明珠  易婷婷 《经济地理》2012,32(10):158-164
采用DEA方法,以广东省21市为研究对象,从《广东旅游年鉴》中选取相关指标,利用2008—2010年旅游行业的面板数据,对旅游效率进行评价,并分析其在珠三角、粤东、粤西和粤北四个地区的差异。研究发现,广东省城市旅游总效率、技术效率和规模效率均较高;各市之间、各地区之间的总效率和技术效率差距较大,规模效率差距较小,且各类效率的差距均有缩小的趋势。其次,近40%的城市处于规模收益不变的阶段,这些城市多位于珠三角地区。最后,根据旅游效率的大小和增速,可以将城市划分为草根型、新秀型、明星型和贵族型四类。相关部门和企业可以根据这些特征和规律,对旅游资源要素的投入规模和各项技术的利用水平进行相应调整。  相似文献   

This paper develops a multi-regional general equilibrium model for climate policy analysis based on the latest version of the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model. We develop two versions so that we can solve the model either as a fully inter-temporal optimization problem (forward-looking, perfect foresight) or recursively. The standard EPPA model on which these models are based is solved recursively, and it is necessary to simplify some aspects of it to make inter-temporal solution possible. The forward-looking capability allows one to better address economic and policy issues such as borrowing and banking of GHG allowances, efficiency implications of environmental tax recycling, endogenous depletion of fossil resources, international capital flows, and optimal emissions abatement paths among others. To evaluate the solution approaches, we benchmark each version to the same macroeconomic path, and then compare the behavior of the two versions under a climate policy that restricts greenhouse gas emissions. We find that the energy sector and CO2 price behavior are similar in both versions (in the recursive version of the model we force the inter-temporal theoretical efficiency result that abatement through time should be allocated such that the CO2 price rises at the interest rate.) The main difference that arises is that the macroeconomic costs are substantially lower in the forward-looking version of the model, since it allows consumption shifting as an additional avenue of adjustment to the policy. On the other hand, the simplifications required for solving the model as an optimization problem, such as dropping the full vintaging of the capital stock and fewer explicit technological options, likely have effects on the results. Moreover, inter-temporal optimization with perfect foresight poorly represents the real economy where agents face high levels of uncertainty that likely lead to higher costs than if they knew the future with certainty. We conclude that while the forward-looking model has value for some problems, the recursive model produces similar behavior in the energy sector and provides greater flexibility in the details of the system that can be represented.  相似文献   

Aviel Verbruggen   《Ecological Economics》2009,68(12):2930-2937
Many scholars analyze the Kyoto–Copenhagen process, and offer corrective suggestions for identified flaws in the present design. Based on various proposals in the literature, this article adopts a global master-plan perspective, leaving executive architecture to sovereign participants. Transparent, flexible and fair top-down rules must synchronize the numerous bottom-up initiatives while addressing the diversity of national circumstances in the drastic transformation of the world's energy economies.Plan B refutes absolute emission reduction targets on old or speculative baselines. It criticizes global tax and permit trade instruments for being ineffective, inefficient and unfair when uniformly applied on a tremendous differentiated world. Plan B is built on three annually observed variables measuring percentage progress against rolling baselines (the variables' values in the previous year): the ratio of net climate tax revenues to GDP, the commercial energy intensity of GDP, and the carbon intensity of commercial energy use. The three variables together indicate countries' progress affecting emissions per person, a metric that must converge to lower bands when climate change is addressed seriously. Long-term scenarios of global convergence “funnels” serve as guidance to frame near-term actions rich and poor countries individually propose to take. The global regime is common for all countries, and is ranked by GDP per person to determine whether a nation is a donor or a beneficiary in a Global Climate Transfer Fund. Fund payments and drawing rights depend on that ranking but also on the performances of the countries in realizing committed progress. The transparent mechanisms of the design and of the fund persuasively invite countries to participate in a fair, self-enforcing agreement.  相似文献   

In this paper we put forward a model that explains a firm's employment growth with the degree of technological efficiency and labour costs. To measure efficiency, we use a non-parametric linear programming method. DEA. The results of empirical analysis of 450 firms in 12 manufacturing sectors confirm that innovative firms experience stronger employment growth. Because the demand growth effect of technological leadership outweighs the factor saving effect, firms which m technological leaders are in most cases the creators of jobs. Technologically backward firms, on the other hand, have few options to compensate their demand loss probably caused by deteriorating competitiveness. Consequently, their employment growth is relatively weak. The employment growth additionally depends on the type of factor combination, i.e. the technological trajectory chosen by an individual firm. The trajectory's effects vary significantly across industries. The effect of labour costs is generally negative. However, technologically leading industries are. less sensitive to increases in labour costs than nature industries.  相似文献   

By using Data Envelopment Analysis approach, we treat the health production system in a certain province as a Decision Making Unit (DMU), identify its inputs and outputs, evaluate its technical efficiency in 1982, 1990 and 2000 respectively, and further analyze the relationship between efficiency scores and social-environmental variables. This paper has found several interesting findings. Firstly, provinces on frontier in different year are different, but provinces far from the frontier keep unchanged. The average efficiency of health production has made a significant progress from 1982 to 2000. Secondly, all provinces in China can be divided into six categories in terms of health production outcome and efficiency, and each category has specific approach of improving health production efficiency. Thirdly, significant differences in health production efficiencies have been found among the eastern, middle and western regions in China, and among the eastern and middle regions. At last, there is significant positive relationship between population density and health production efficiency but negative relationship (not very significant) between the proportions of public health expenditure in total expense and efficiency. Maybe it is the result of inappropriate tendency of public expenditure. The relationship between abilities to pay for health care services and efficiency in urban areas is opposite to that in rural areas. One possible reason is the totally different income and public services treatments between rural and urban residents. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust health policies and service provisions which are specifically designed to different population groups. __________ Translated from Jingji Yanjiu 经济研究 (Economic Research Journal), 2006, (7): 92–105  相似文献   

薛华溢  吴青 《经济经纬》2012,(4):141-145
笔者应用DEA方法,对我国15家主要银行机构的整体生产效率、纯技术效率、规模效率进行研究。研究发现,2002年以来我国银行机构通过市场化的股份制改造,提升了核心竞争力,银行机构的整体效率提高,这在一定程度上反映了我国金融改革所取得的成绩。  相似文献   

高等教育科技资源能否优化配置,不仅关系到高等教育的教学、科研和社会服务产出能力的提高,更关系到科技可持续发展能力和区域经济发展核心竞争力的提升。利用DEA方法及模型,对黑龙江省高等教育科技源配置状况进行了相对有效性评价与比较分析,以推动各地区高等教育资源优化配置,促进高等教育与区域经济的良性、互动发展,提升区域创新能力和竞争力。  相似文献   

When using the Data Development Analysis method for analyzing the efficiency of different firms, it is common to put all similar DMU together for measurement in order to figure out the efficiency values of various DMU. However, such an analysis may easily neglect the source property of an individual DMU, meaning that the differences among various DMUs derive from different environmental backgrounds, e.g. environment variables such as economic civilization, laws and regulations, and political backgrounds. Applying the Metafrontier model can overcome the barriers resulting from the environment variables, and it can analyze and measure the differences among various DMUs which have different source properties. It can also be used for measuring the difference between each group of DMU and all DMUs. Therefore, this study adopts the DEA method, assuming variable returns to scale to evaluate and comparatively analyze the business performance of life insurance industries in Taiwan and Mainland China based on "BBC input orientation". When evaluating the business performance, the operating management echelon is affected by uncontrollable external environment variables. Thus, this study applies the Four-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis to discuss the impact of environment variables on business performance and re-measures the business efficiency of life insurance industries in Taiwan and Mainland China after adjusting the input variables. The demonstration period adopted by this study is from 2003 to 2005, and the research subject comprises 43 companies in Taiwan and Mainland China, among which, there are 19 companies in Taiwan and 24 companies in Mainland China, and there are 129 sets of sample data. It is assumed that the discount rate is ? (), is set as 3% in this paper), and figured out the change of each life insurance company in technical efficiency in the inter-period accumulative years from 2003 to 2005.  相似文献   

本文重点研究了数据挖掘的预处理环节。以某中型城市移动通信运营商的业务数据为对象,运用相关分析方法对数据进行了分析和处理,确定哪些属性可以进行合并,既减少需要处理的数据量,又使得一些绝对值较小的数据在合并中增大,优化分析效果,减小分析难度。  相似文献   

我国主要沿海港口的动态效率评价   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
本文利用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国50家主要沿海港口1999—2002年的经营效率进行总体分析与评价,并利用Malmquist生产率指数对这些沿海港口的效率变动进行分析与评价。研究结果表明,我国沿海港口存在严重的投入拥挤与资源浪费现象;同时,各区域的沿海港口在总体效率、纯技术效率与规模效率方面存在地区差异,沿海港口的纯技术效率在下降。这些结果表明,要从根本上提高港口经营效率,一方面,必须整合港口资源,防止盲目扩大港口的基础设施;另一方面,通过港口与其他系统协调发展来消除影响港口效率提高的因素。  相似文献   

以2012-2014年“中国制造2025”上市公司相关数据为样本,运用数据包络分析方法,从创新效率分析、规模收益分析、有效性分析、行业分析及投影分析5个角度评价了上市公司的技术创新效率。实证研究结果表明:“中国制造2025”上市公司技术创新效率整体波动较大且水平偏低;上市公司研发资源配置不合理;不同行业、不同公司之间的创新效率差异较为明显。最后,就提高“中国制造2025”上市公司技术创新效率提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

A three-year window analysis together with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is employed to investigate the effects of mergers and acquisitions on the Singapore banking groups’ efficiency. The results suggest that the merger has resulted in a higher Singapore banking groups’ mean overall efficiency. We do not find evidence of more efficient acquirers compared to the targets and that the acquiring banks’ mean overall efficiency tends to improve from the merger with a more efficient bank. The Tobit regression results suggest that bank profitability has positive impact on bank efficiency, whereas poor loan quality has negative influence on bank performance. (JEL: G21, D24) All findings, interpretations, and conclusions are solely those of the authors’ and do not necessarily represent the views of the institutions to which they belong. We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions. The remaining errors are of our own.  相似文献   

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