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基于地方实践的旅游发展与乡村振兴:逻辑与案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国长期以来存在城乡发展不均衡和乡村发展不充分的问题。新时代背景下",乡村振兴"战略直面乡村社会发展困境,以乡村的多维发展重塑合理的新型城乡关系。文章基于对旅游发展推动乡村振兴内在逻辑的探讨,借助傣族园村寨、双廊村、天龙村、落水村和明月村等多案例研究,具体分析旅游推动乡村在不同维度上的振兴实践,研究认为:旅游发展为乡土空间重聚发展主体,将各类经济生产要素注入乡村,实现乡村在经济层面的产业结构多元化和空间多功能化,文化层面的物质文化保存与修复和精神文化的调适与再造,治理层面的内生自组织治理优化和网络治理的构建与深化,有效缓解甚至逆转乡村多重危机;同时,旅游发展在推动乡村各层面发展的过程中释放乡村居民的自主性,构建地方和外部力量的互动场域,共同推动乡村实现"新内生性发展"和持续振兴。研究有助于进一步理解旅游发展与乡村振兴的多元内在关系,为我国乡村地区尤其是西部地区的乡村振兴和贫困消除提供指导。  相似文献   

芦婧 《当代旅游》2022,(11):34-36
在我国经济发展以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局之下,乡村振兴已经成为我国经济振兴的压舱石。本文首先对乡村旅游可持续发展的内涵进行分析,在引入生态文明视角、城乡一体化视角以及旅游季节生命周期视角之后,提出相关可行的对策。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是促进城乡市场连接的途径之一。厘清乡村旅游发展带来的城乡要素流动过程及其机制,既是乡村旅游衔接乡村振兴战略、推动城乡融合发展的重要议题,也是促进乡村旅游高质量发展的题中之义。本文遵循“过程—特征—机制”的研究思路,分析乡村旅游发展的城乡流动要素类型,总结要素流动过程中的规律与特征,进而阐释要素流动机制。研究表明:乡村旅游带来的要素流动,既涵盖了人、资金、物资等基础要素,也涵盖了生态、文化等核心要素及技术、信息等创新要素。在乡村旅游的萌芽和启动、设计和建设以及运营和转型等发展阶段中,城乡之间的流动要素类型不断增加,要素流向从单向逐步转变为双向,生态和文化是关键要素类型。“需求牵引—价值耦合—市场推动—政策促进”是乡村旅游发展的要素流动机制,合理的流动能促进城乡要素互动以及乡村要素价值增值、类型增多、数量增长,进而推动乡村振兴和城乡融合发展。  相似文献   

中国乡村旅游发展的新形态和新模式   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:45  
我国是农业大国,更是乡村大国,乡村永远是中国大地上的主导景观.我国乡村旅游的发展是时代发展的需求,业已引起社会对乡村发展、乡村景观、乡村遗产、乡村旅游的广泛关注,并感悟到乡村景观保护与乡村旅游发展的紧迫性,对落实我国新农村建设具有重要意义.对比欧美发达国家发展过程和成就,乡村旅游在走过了贵族化阶段后成为体验乡村文化和乡村遗产重要的旅游方式,成为休闲、度假、康体、治疗等重要的旅游空间.在欧洲,乡村旅游曾一度成为"拯救乡村的乡村旅游",成为乡村经济变革和推动乡村发展的重要动力,为乡村发展注入的活力和推动乡村持续发展所展现出的作用不仅在欧美发达国家,而且在今天我国乡村变革和发展中充分体现出来,成为乡村发展的新动力、新模式和新途径,是城乡统筹发展过程中最完整、最典型、最内在的体现.我国乡村旅游20多年的发展业已完成产业的第一次积累,乡村旅游亟待解决经营理念低俗化、品牌定位趋同化、产品层次粗浅化、乡土文化城市化、管理模式混乱化和产业组织自发化6大问题,抓住发展机遇,实现乡村旅游产业升级和产品换代.  相似文献   

乡村振兴是关乎我国实现“两个一百年”伟大奋斗目标的重要内容,也是我国全面建设小康社会的重大战略。乡村旅游作为旅游服务业与传统农业融合发展的产物,对推动乡村发展有着多方面积极地作用。目前我国乡村旅游在发展过程中的不足,为更好地实施乡村旅游,振兴乡村经济战略,从多方面、多角度进行分析,为实现乡村可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

我国乡村旅游的发展是从20世纪80年代提出并兴起的,经过多年的发展,我国乡村旅游体系已经初具规模。现实中很多人并不看好乡村旅游的发展,但从旅游产业发展的现实意义上来讲,乡村旅游的兴起和发展在推进我国整体经济结构改革方面发挥着巨大的作用。乡村旅游一直是生态环保的代名词,在高楼林立的现代环境背景下,淳朴的民风、自然未经修饰的景观、原汁原味的特色产品,都是众多人追求和向往的理想生活。在全域旅游的视角下,乡村旅游的发展能够有效促进农村经济转型,转移和解决农村劳动力再就业问题,促进城乡一体化建设快速完成。总体来说,在全域旅游战略计划具体实施的背景中,其为乡村旅游的发展和转型提供了一个有利的契机,且从多个角度分析,乡村旅游的可持续发展是十分可行的。基于此,本文简要分析全域旅游和乡村旅游的特点,对全域视角下乡村旅游发展的优势与可行性进行分析,并研究现今影响乡村旅游可持续发展的限制因素,最后提出促进其可持续发展的有效策略。  相似文献   

乡村振兴作为重要国家战略,需要实体经济的支撑及带动,乡村旅游是乡村振兴战略中重要的引领产业。当前,我国乡村旅游存在两个先天不足,一是缺少规划,给乡村旅游建设与发展带来了负面影响,造成部分乡村旅游"千村一面"。二是缺少标准,本文从政策、体系、内容等多方面角度分析我国乡村旅游标准化发展现状。剖析乡村旅游标准化存在的问题,为进一步推动我国乡村旅游标准化建设提出一些理论依据。  相似文献   

全域旅游的发展是以旅游产业为核心,实现旅游资源与周边资源的有机融合,优化旅游产业结构的同时,也有利于提高旅游经济收益,推动城乡一体化发展。本文将深入分析当前全域旅游视域下乡村旅游发展出现的问题,并针对这些问题提出具有针对性的解决对策,通过生态化开发、优化游客体验、多元产品融合等手段,带动乡村旅游的有序转型和发展。  相似文献   

乡村土地旅游化利用逐渐成为全面推进乡村振兴发展阶段过程中的一种普遍现象,但国内外学者目前对于“旅游化与乡村土地利用”关系的系统理论研究还较为欠缺。本研究基于我国乡村旅游发展中土地利用旅游转型的现象观察和文献梳理,提出“乡村土地旅游化利用”的概念,并对其内涵与外延进行系统解读,从局部与整体、结构与功能、保护与发展3个视角,以及发展阶段性、主体多元性和系统复杂性3个方面归纳阐述了乡村土地旅游化利用的效应特征,通过引入“情境—结构—行为—结果”框架对乡村土地旅游化利用的形成机制进行了深入剖析。研究结论如下:乡村土地旅游化利用受到地方性、价值观和制度安排的情境条件约束,内部结构主要由土地资源结构、利益主体结构、治理力量结构、共同利益和集体行动组成,行为过程主要由政府、社会和农户三大主体根据各自利益诉求和共同利益协同进行决策,呈现出土地利用多功能化、旅游高质量发展和乡村振兴3个方面的效果。本研究旨在为全面推进乡村振兴阶段过程中的乡村旅游发展与土地利用深度融合提供理论支持。  相似文献   

<正>乡村振兴作为推动我国农村发展的重要战略,对农村地区的经济、文化、产业建设有着重要影响。在实施乡村振兴战略的背景下,要想推动森林旅游产业健康发展,需要充分考虑乡村的发展情况,从当地自然环境与人文景观入手,凸显乡村资源的特征。基于此,要对乡村森林旅游产业进行合理布局,推动产业转型升级,以提高农民收入为抓手,以森林生态景观资源和人文景观为依托,满足游客的多样化旅游需求。  相似文献   

In The Gambia, as in many other African countries, rural areas rarely profit from the turnover earned in the country's tourism sector. In academic and political literature, however, rural tourism is frequently identified as a diversification strategy that may trigger local economic development in remote communities. To promote rural tourism development, further knowledge is required to understand why tourists are motivated to engage in distinct tourism market segments. In this study, survey data was collected from 450 tourists in The Gambia using a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed to identify the key characteristics and motivations of tourists so that the significant market segments could be categorized and the (latent) tourist demand for rural tourism activities could be gauged. This study identified four distinct segments of tourists in The Gambia: heritage & nature seekers, multi-experiences seekers, multi-experiences & beach seekers, and sun & beach seekers. Drawing on our key findings, we conclude by identifying a development path that could diversify Gambia's tourism sector. The development path would also include event-based rural tourism initiatives that align with the motivations of the identified market segments and may additionally benefit rural communities by reducing economic leakage rates.  相似文献   

古红梅 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):26-30
文章运用利益相关者理论,对北京市海淀区西北部地区旅游发展中利益相关者的利益关系进行分析,提出构建乡村旅游的利益分享机制,通过为旅游行业提供公共服务、对旅游市场实施行业管理、向当地社区提供财政支持和转移支付等措施,达到了以旅游业发展促进农村居民等弱势群体增权的目的,进而实现区域旅游业的和谐发展.  相似文献   

The aim of this case study is to increase our understanding of the role of entrepreneurs in enhancing the competitiveness of a rural tourism destination. A literature review of the research on destination competitiveness with a focus on the roles of different stakeholders is first presented, followed by a narrative about rural tourism development, the competitiveness of rural destinations and the role of entrepreneurs in establishing successful destinations. The data consists of six case studies and nine semi-structured interviews among tourism entrepreneurs and managers at a rural tourism destination in Finland. The findings challenge the prevailing DMO dominated approach to destination competitiveness development, and call for the acknowledgment of collaboration between small tourism enterprises in the enhancement of rural destinations. Municipalities have a crucial role as facilitators of the entrepreneurial environment, but without innovative, committed, and risk-taking entrepreneurs no destination will flourish.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition of the importance of inter-organisational collaborations, or partnerships, for tourism development at various geographical and sectoral levels. Academic studies of the phenomenon are, in part, a reflection of the increasing number and forms of partnership arrangements being established in a range of settings to develop tourism. This paper examines a particular case of inter-organisational collaboration for local tourism development for the London inner city fringe. Established in 1991, Discover Islington provides an illustration of an agency involving representation from diverse stakeholders with an interest in tourism within a single administrative district. The agency has been innovative in its approach to local tourism development in the inner city fringe, but it is confronted by issues that may affect its longer-term viability. The perspectives and experiences of the partners represented on the Board of Discover Islington are pertinent to the study of comparable collaborative arrangements for local tourism development in other urban fringe contexts. The analysis is based on interviews with Board members and their policy and strategy documents within a theoretical framework that draws on regime theory. Implications for other inner city fringe tourism development partnerships are offered in the conclusion of this paper.  相似文献   

Integrated rural tourism:: Concepts and Practice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of integrated rural tourism, which took account of the various resources (cultural, social, environmental, economic), their use, and the role of pertinent stakeholders, was developed to explore effective methods of promoting tourism as part of a rural development strategy. “Strategic fit” was used to assess the effectiveness of the model in adding value locally in the context of an established tourism area in western Ireland. The model reveals considerable robustness in identifying features that promote the adding of value in a holistic way and in identifying the pertinent stakeholders and issues that require attention to meet objectives more effectively.  相似文献   

作为土地增值收益再分配过程的土地收储,不断导致乡村旅游开发中各利益主体间的矛盾与冲突。识别居民对土地收储意愿态度特征及其作用机制,不但有助于乡村旅游开发土地收储的顺利进行,更对维持乡村社会稳定具有重要意义。文章以河北W村为例,采用扎根理论对非参与式观察和深度访谈法获取的536条数据资料进行层级编码分析,探析乡村旅游开发土地收储阶段居民征地意愿及其特征。研究发现,居民在土地收储阶段的意愿会依据个体条件产生差异化价值需求,并根据需求的被满足程度形成积极响应、条件支持、矛盾屈从和顽强抵抗4种典型形态。通过扎根理论形成的"条件-需求-意愿"作用路径,可对意愿细分形成原因进行阐释,其本质是人地关系地域系统中地理环境影响人行为选择的一种具体表现。  相似文献   


This article presents results from a mapping and analysis of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) for West Virginia using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GeoDa. Results show visitors' travel spending is significantly related to the urban class of the ROS spectrum, although this class only accounts for 3.3% of all ROS classes. It seems that the role of the urban class in generating travel spending had become less important in 2012 compared to 2010. These findings suggest a balanced development strategy be adopted, and more efforts should be put on the conservation of rural landscapes for the promotion of authentic rural tourism in the state. Rural tourism, we argue, will be more sustainable in the long run than the gambling industry, which has been declining in recent years because of increasing competition from surrounding states.  相似文献   

旅游业已经成为中国城乡发展的新动力,在城乡地域功能演化中起到的作用越来越显著。山地丘陵地区在旅游业驱动下,多种地域功能交互重叠,构成了多类型复杂耦合空间,面临着区域可持续发展的模式抉择。本研究以河南鲁山县为例,探讨山地丘陵地区在旅游引导下的城乡一体化发展策略。研究发现:(1)山地丘陵地区的地域功能正在从传统单一的“居住-农业非农业生产”向综合功能的“生态保障-居住-农业非农业生产-休闲文化服务”转变,多类型空间交互特征明显。(2)鲁山县由农业经济主导向旅游经济主导转变,可划分为旅游服务承接平台区、山地生态旅游发展区、特色林业旅游融合区、平原高效农旅融合区,进行中心城区-中心镇-一般镇-中心村的层级划分和产业方向优化。(3)发展策略应强调分层实施、分类引导,优化城乡利用空间,做好城乡地域分类引导,实现资源要素合理配置。研究成果为认识山地丘陵地区地域功能演化规律、制定城乡一体化发展策略提供了科学案例。  相似文献   

Research in the Isle of Man, British Isles, reveals limited and dysfunctional collaboration between stakeholders, and in particular between public and private sector actors. Power and influence over tourism decision-making is generally felt to be restricted to a small and opaque network. Moreover, different levels of interest in and support for tourism further divide stakeholders. Various negative consequences are shown to arise from this absence of collaboration, including a lack of shared vision or future strategy for local tourism, and high levels of mutual mistrust between stakeholders. Resulting conflict, wasted resources, lost enthusiasm and lack of strategic direction appear to undermine the current and future management of island tourism. Emphasised by research is the importance of stakeholder collaboration to sustainable tourism management and underlying factors which may enhance or undermine. Focus on describing dysfunctional collaboration within an untypical small island setting makes a unique contribution to the existing literature.  相似文献   

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