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The current paper provides a general approach to construct distortion operators that can price financial and insurance risks. Our approach generalizes the (Wang 2000) transform and recovers multiple distortions proposed in the literature as particular cases. This approach enables designing distortions that are consistent with various pricing principles used in finance and insurance such as no-arbitrage models, equilibrium models and actuarial premium calculation principles. Such distortions allow for the incorporation of risk-aversion, distribution features (e.g. skewness and kurtosis) and other considerations that are relevant to price contingent claims. The pricing performance of multiple distortions obtained through our approach is assessed on CAT bonds data. The current paper is the first to provide evidence that jump-diffusion models are appropriate for CAT bonds pricing, and that natural disaster aversion impacts empirical prices. A simpler distortion based on a distribution mixture is finally proposed for CAT bonds pricing to facilitate the implementation.  相似文献   

Paralleling regulatory developments, we devise value-at-risk and expected shortfall type risk measures for the potential losses arising from using misspecified models when pricing and hedging contingent claims. Essentially, P&L from model risk corresponds to P&L realized on a perfectly hedged position. Model uncertainty is expressed by a set of pricing models, each of which represents alternative asset price dynamics to the model used for pricing. P&L from model risk is determined relative to each of these models. Using market data, a unified loss distribution is attained by weighing models according to a likelihood criterion involving both calibration quality and model parsimony. Examples demonstrate the magnitude of model risk and corresponding capital buffers necessary to sufficiently protect trading book positions against unexpected losses from model risk. A further application of the model risk framework demonstrates the calculation of gap risk of a barrier option when employing a semi-static hedging strategy.  相似文献   

This paper studies announcement returns of Western European acquisitions of private and public targets. It uses a contingent claims perspective to offer a new explanation for the difference in abnormal returns between acquirers of private and public targets. In this context, an acquisition is analogous to buying a call option and the value of the acquirer increases with uncertainty about its growth prospects (options). We test this idea by studying the relation between announcement returns and acquirer's characteristics that proxy for the existence of growth options. Consistent with the contingent claims hypothesis, the private acquisition gains are associated with the combined effects of growth options (having higher runup before the acquisition announcement) with low level of leverage (near-all equity capital) and with uncertainty (measured by age and analyst coverage of acquirers).  相似文献   

Numerical evaluation of multivariate contingent claims   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We develop a numerical approximation method for valuing multivariatecontingent claims. The approach is based on an n-dimensionalextension of the lattice binomial method. Closed-form solutionsfor the jump probabilities and the jump amplitudes are obtained.The accuracy of the method is illustrated in the case of Europeanoptions when there are three underlying assets.  相似文献   

We develop a unified approach with closed-form solutions for pricing bonds, stocks, currencies and their derivatives. The specification assumes a fundamental risk factor represented by a stochastic positive definite matrix following a Wishart autoregressive (WAR) process. By assuming a volatility-in-mean specification for the domestic stock returns and the relative changes of exchange rates, and a domestic stochastic discount factor exponential affine with respect to the fundamental risk, it is possible to derive closed form solutions for the term structures of interest rates and for the risk-neutral probabilities while keeping the flexibility of the model. In particular:
i) The domestic and foreign term structures are jointly affine and correspond to Wishart quadratic term structures, which can ensure the positivity of interest rates;
ii) In this framework where the stock price follows a model with stochastic volatility, we obtain explicit or quasi-explicit formulas for futures and forward contracts, swaps and options. This extends results by
Heston (1993)
Ball and Roma (1994)
Keywords: Quadratic term structure; Exchange rates; Stochastic volatility model; Wishart process; Futures; Forward contract  相似文献   

次贷金融危机后,或有可转换债券作为解决"太大而不能倒闭"的一种方案以及金融机构的自救手段而广受热议,并得到许多监管机构的推崇。文章在对或有可转换债券产品及其功能进行深入分析后,发现其仍面临着诸如监管风险、低评级风险以及技术性风险等制约因素。鉴于或有可转换债券在危机期间显示出的对企业强大的救助功效以及防范危机进一步蔓延的能力,其发展前景仍值得期待,文章最后对或有可转换债券未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

We determine the minimum cost of super-replicating a nonnegativecontingent claim when there are convex constraints on portfolioweights. We show that the optimal cost with constraints is equalto the price of a related claim without constraints. The relatedclaim is a dominating claim, that is, a claim whose payoffsare increased in an appropriate way relative to the originalclaim. The results hold for a variety of options, includingsome path-dependent options. Constraints on the gamma of thereplicating portfolio, constraints on the portfolio amounts,and constraints on the number of shares are also considered.  相似文献   

Convergence from discrete- to continuous-time contingent claims prices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
He  H 《Review of Financial Studies》1990,3(4):523-546
This article generalizes the Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979)binomial option-pricing model, and establishes a convergencefrom discrete-time multivariate multinomial models to continuous-timemultidimensional diffusion models for contingent claims prices.The key to the approach is to approximate the N-dimensionaldiffusion price process by a sequence of N-variate, (N+1)-nomialprocess. It is shown that contingent claims prices and dynamicreplicating portfolio strategies derived from the discrete timemodels converge to their corresponding continuous-time limits.  相似文献   

Interest-only (IO) and principal-only (PO) mortgage strips are valued in a stochastic interest-rate environment. The prepayment rate of the underlying mortgages is affected by two considerations not present in the pure financially rational model: (1) The property owner's holding period is assumed to follow a Gamma distribution, resulting in the possibility of prepayment due to the sale of the property (i.e., prepayment that is too early based on market interest rates); and (2) borrowers are assumed to face heterogeneous transaction costs related to refinancing the existing mortgage, and delay refinancing when market conditions make it optimal to do so (refinancing too late). Properties of IO/PO strips are identified by the finite difference method.  相似文献   

Explicit tests of contingent claims models of mortgage default   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
This paper provides explicit and powerful tests of contingent claims approaches to modeling mortgage default. We investigate a model of frictionless default (i.e., one in which transactions costs, reputation costs, and moving costs play no role) and analyze its implications-the relationship between equity and default, the timing of default, its dependence upon initial conditions, and the severity of losses. Absent transactions costs and other market imperfections, economic theory makes well-defined predictions about these various outcomes.The empirical analysis is based upon two particularly rich bodies of micro data: one indicating the default and loss experience of all mortgages purchased by the Federal Home Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), and a large sample of all repeat sales of single family houses whose mortgages were purchased by Freddie Mac since 1976.  相似文献   

This study compares the computational accuracy and efficiency of three numerical methods for the valuation of contingent claims written on multiple underlying assets; these are the trinomial tree, original Markov chain and Sobol–Markov chain approaches. The major findings of this study are: (i) the original Duan and Simonato (2001) Markov chain model provides more rapid convergence than the trinomial tree method, particularly in cases where the time to maturity period is less than nine months; (ii) when pricing options with longer maturity periods or with multiple underlying assets, the Sobol–Markov chain model can solve the problem of slow convergence encountered under the original Duan and Simonato (2001) Markov chain method; and (iii) since conditional density is used, as opposed to conditional probability, we can easily extend the Sobol–Markov chain model to the pricing of derivatives which are dependent on more than two underlying assets without dealing with high-dimensional integrals. We also use ‘executive stock options’ (ESOs) as an example to demonstrate that the Sobol–Markov chain method can easily be applied to the valuation of such ESOs.  相似文献   

This paper shows that state contingent debt can be synthetically constructed using non-contingent debt of different maturities. A main policy implication of this principle is that the Ramsey allocation with complete markets can be sustained with non-contingent debt only by properly managing its maturity structure. The numerical experiments, however, suggest that this policy implication ought to be taken with care. We find that the debt positions that sustain the Ramsey allocation are very high (on the order of a few hundred times total GDP for a very simple four state economy) and increasing in the number of states. In addition, they are very sensitive to small variations in the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

A general formula is derived for the price of a security whose value under specified conditions is a known function of the value of another security. Although the formula can be derived using the arbitrage technique of Black and Scholes, the alternative approach of continuous-time portfolio strategies is used instead. This alternative derivation allows the resolution of some controversies surrounding the Black and Scholes methodology. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the derived pricing formula must be continuous with continuous first derivatives, and that there is not a ‘pre-selection bias’ in the choice of independent variables used in the formula. Finally, the alternative derivation provides a direct proof of the Modigliani-Miller theorem even when there is a positive probability of bankruptcy.  相似文献   

Hazard rate for credit risk and hedging defaultable contingent claims   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We provide a concise exposition of theoretical results that appear in modeling default time as a random time, we study in details the invariance martingale property and we establish a representation theorem which leads, in a complete market setting, to the hedging portfolio of a vulnerable claim. Our main result is that, to hedge a defaultable claim one has to invest the value of this contingent claim in the defaultable zero-coupon.Received: April 2003Mathematics Subject Classification: 91B24, 91B29, 60G46JEL Classification: G10The authors would like to thank D. Becherer and J.N. Hugonnier for interesting discussions and the anonymous referee whose pertinent questions on the first version of this paper help them to clarify the proofs. All remaining errors are ours.  相似文献   

This study develops a transformed-trinomial approach for the valuation of contingent claims written on multiple underlying assets. Our model is characterized by an extension of the Camara and Chung (J Futur Mark 26: 759–787, 2006) transformed-binomial model for pricing options with one underlying asset, and a discrete-time version of the Schroder (J Finance 59(5): 2375–2401, 2004) model. However, unlike the Schroder model, our model can facilitate straightforward valuation of American-style multivariate contingent claims. The major advantage of our transformed-trinomial approach is that it can easily tackle the volatility skew observed within the markets. We go on to use numerical examples to demonstrate the way in which our transformed-trinomial approach can be utilized for the valuation of multivariate contingent claims, such as binary options.  相似文献   

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