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This paper reports findings from a study that systematically evaluated the nature of the relationship between internationalization and systematic risk. In addition to previous conceptualizations, this study also examined whether the number of foreign countries and segments a firm operates in constitute a part of the information used by market participants to assess a firm's risk exposure. We find that international diversification is significantly and positively associated with systematic risk and that diversification augments systematic risk. Our findings have implications on the stability of foreign expansion and business decisions by managers on the appropriate level of overseas commitment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the benefits and asset allocation of the optimal international diversification for the U.S.A. investor while considering various portfolio constraints. Although the global financial market is becoming more integrated, the findings suggest that adding lower and upper weighting bounds reduces, but does not completely eliminate, the potential economic value of international investment. The addition of investment constraints makes asset allocation more feasible and decreases the volatility in portfolio return. The time-variation in the optimal asset allocation implies that fund managers should rebalance international portfolios dynamically. The out-of-sample test suggests that the Markowitz model with constraints realizes trivial improvement in mean-variance efficiency but still demonstrates significant reduction in risk.  相似文献   

Equity investors exhibit home bias although they can reduce risk with diversified global portfolios. We studied 118 years of data for 21 developed markets to investigate international diversification benefits for long-horizon equity investors. Investing equal proportions in all the markets would have increased Sharpe ratios only for investors in countries with low domestic ratios. Optimal global portfolios would have significantly increased Sharpe ratios for investors in all the countries. Allocating equal proportions to five optimal countries would have provided most of the maximum potential benefits of international diversification. Investors in countries with lower domestic Sharpe ratios would have benefited more from international diversification, primarily through risk reduction.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of corporate international diversification (CID) on risk. Results document a mostly positive relation between CID, as measured by four different empirical proxy variables, and equity risk. I also find that diversification increases the volatility of cash flows and earnings. There is no empirical support of a reduction in correlations between firm-level and domestic market-level cash flows of internationally diversified firms. Finally, this study shows that the risk-increasing effects of CID are stronger for firms that are in more advanced stages of the internationalization process. The latter finding would be consistent with firms expanding to more risky countries in their latter stages of CID.  相似文献   

A cultural perspective on innovation in international manufacturing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the results of a survey administered across 24 countries that examines innovation in manufacturing firms by adopting Hofstede's national cultural framework. The purpose of this study is to test the validity of the “culture-specific” argument as an explanatory construct for innovation performance in international manufacturing. Data was collected in 2006 as part of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey IV (IMSS) by relying on a questionnaire addressed to firms classified by ISIC codes (rev.3.1) Divisions 28-35. From the findings it emerges that the “culture-specific argument” is a useful explanatory construct for innovation performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relative magnitude of the international diversification benefits for the domestic investors in various countries. The constraints of short-sales, over-weighting investments, and investing region are considered. The empirical results suggest that local investors in the less developed countries, particularly in East Asia and Latin America, comparatively benefit more from both regional and global diversification. This finding holds even though the international market has become more integrated so that the diversification benefits have decreased over the past two decades. The results are useful for asset management professionals to determine target markets to promote the business of national/international funds.  相似文献   

Sources of gains from international portfolio diversification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper looks at the determinants of country and industry specific factors in international portfolio returns using a sample of forty eight countries and thirty nine industries over the last three decades. Country factors have remained relatively stable over the sample period while industry factors have significantly increased during the last decade and dropped again since 2000. The importance of industry and country factors is correlated with measures of economic and financial international integration and development. We find that financial market globalization is the main driving force behind the changes in relative magnitude of the different shocks. Country factors are smaller for countries integrated in world financial markets and have declined as the degree of financial integration and the number of countries pursuing financial liberalization has increased. Higher international financial integration within an industry increases the importance of industry factors in explaining returns. Economic integration of production also helps in explaining returns. Countries with a more specialized production activity have higher country shocks.  相似文献   

This paper reviews various investment vehicles and examines their international diversification potential. The primary focus is on the ability of U.S. exchange-listed investments such as closed-end country funds, American depository receipts (ADRs), and multinational corporations (MNCs) to provide a diversification effect similar to direct investment in foreign equity. The results show that the U.S. exchange-listed securities included in this study behave more like the host exchange than their home exchange. This result suggests that these U.S. exchange-listed securities, on average, do not perform an international diversification role for U.S. investors.  相似文献   

We examine how US mutual funds that invest domestically make portfolio adjustments by incorporating US-listed foreign stocks (cross-listed stocks) when faced with US market economic policy uncertainty. We document a positive association between US economic policy uncertainty and US mutual funds’ weight of cross-listed stocks, and find that the effect is concentrated in funds that mainly invest in the US domestic market. The findings are not sensitive to the instrumental variable approach, model specification, sampling, variable definition, and controlling for macro characteristics. Funds with higher weight of cross-listed foreign stocks when US economic policy uncertainty increases outperform other funds, indicating the rationality of such an investment strategy. A long-short portfolio generates 3.4% annualized abnormal return in the immediate following quarter. Our study shields light not only on the international diversification benefit of US-listed foreign stocks but also on the importance of capital market openness for domestic investors.  相似文献   

This paper reproduces the slope of the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) regression for ten country pairs within one standard deviation under rational expectations. We propose an infinite horizon dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with incomplete markets. Heterogeneous investors experience varying risk aversion as a result of habit formation.The underlying mechanism of the model relies on varying international diversification in the investors' portfolio choice decision. In response to their changing habit levels, investors' hedging desire varies over time. This leads to adjustments in interest rates. The habit-induced investment decisions are negatively correlated with movements in the exchange rate. This results in a negative correlation between interest rates and expected exchange rates, as implied by a negative UIP slope.Depending on the magnitude of habits, the model is capable of reproducing positive as well as negative UIP slopes, as seen empirically in the data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the magnitude of the benefits from international diversification from the Nordic point of view. Special attention is paid to whether potentially increased co-movement of stock markets together with more volatile Nordic currencies have resulted in decreased benefits from international diversification towards the end of the 1980s. Moreover, the paper presents evidence on the benefits from international diversification for a currency which has recently started its free float, the Finnish markka (FIM). We find significant increases in stock market co-movement. Both unhedged ex ante strategies as well as strategies hedged for exchange rate risk are investigated, revealing substantial benefits from international diversification for the Nordic countries. However, we obtain mixed results concerning the question of the optimality of hedging.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of international diversification in institutionally managed portfolios from more than 60 countries. Survey-based country-specific variables on cross-cultural behaviors help to explain both home bias and diversification among foreign equities. In particular, investment funds from countries characterized by higher uncertainty avoidance behavior display greater home bias and are less diversified in their foreign holdings. Portfolios from countries with higher levels of masculinity and long-term orientation display lower levels of home bias, and portfolios from countries with higher levels of masculinity are more diversified abroad. Portfolios from culturally distant countries invest less abroad and underweight culturally distant target markets. The economic significance of cultural variables is high and comparable in magnitude to geographical distance, a consistent influence on foreign diversification in prior studies. Culture impacts investor behavior directly and not merely though indirect channels such as legal and regulatory framework.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on the value of industrial and international diversification for more than 3000 firms from Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. Consistent with prior studies, we find that industrial diversification reduces firm value in the U.K. and the U.S. Furthermore, similar to the recent findings of Denis et al. [J. Finance 57 (2002)], we find that U.S. multinationals trade at a discount relative to firms operating only in the domestic market. This result is robust to different benchmarks used to measure the value of diversification. By contrast, we find that international diversification has no effect on the value of firms headquartered in either Germany or the U.K.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - This paper examines whether the widely reported phenomena of home and foreign biases (i.e. suboptimal international equity portfolio diversification)...  相似文献   

We examine the benefits of international portfolio diversification for U.K. investors between January 1985 and December 2000 using the approach of Wang [Wang, Z., 1998. Efficiency loss and constraints on portfolio holdings. Journal of Financial Economics 48, 359–375] and Li et al. [Li, K., Sarkar, A., Wang, Z., 2003. Diversification benefits of emerging markets subject to portfolio constraints. Journal of Empirical Finance 10, 57–80]. We find significant increases in the Sharpe [Sharpe, W.F., 1966. Mutual fund performance. Journal of Business 39, 119–138] and certainty equivalent return (CER) performance in moving from a domestic strategy to an international strategy that includes either global industry or country equity portfolios, even in the presence of short selling restrictions. We also find significant diversification benefits using U.K. unit trusts with international equity objectives. However, U.K. international unit trusts do not capture all the diversification benefits provided by either global industry or country equity portfolios.  相似文献   

The paper discusses excess returns within four Scandinavian stock markets and also how Scandinavian returns are related to the returns in non-Scandinavian markets. Some underlying reasons for the observed economically weak relationships between markets are reviewed. Moreover, some reasons why the interrelationships between markets can be expected to increase in the future are provided.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of financial education on foreign portfolio investment. We show that higher investor financial education fosters international diversification, and that its role is particularly pronounced where information problems and monitoring costs are likely to be more severe, that is, in countries where protection of minority shareholders' rights is weaker.We interpret this evidence as supportive of the conjecture that financial education lessens the informational constraints binding foreign investors.  相似文献   

Following Roll [Roll, R., 1992. Industrial structure and comparative behaviour of international stock market indices. Journal of Finance 47, 3–42] and Heston and Rouwenhorst [Heston, S.L., Rouwenhorst, G.K., 1994. Does industrial structure explain the benefits of international diversification. Journal of Financial Economics 36, 3–27], researchers have decomposed stock returns into country and industry components. Evidence suggests that industry components have become more important in recent years, but the reasons for this are unclear. Existing research concentrated mainly on stock returns in industrial countries. In this paper we consider instead the decomposition of stock risks within emerging equity markets. We provide a rationale for this procedure and its relationship to return decompositions. The results provide new firm-specific evidence on the debate over country and industry components, their stability over time, and the implications for portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

We use the Bayesian approach of Wang (1998) to examine the diversification benefits of investing in international government bonds. We find that no short-selling constraints substantially reduce but do not eliminate the diversification benefits when only investing in G7 government bonds with different maturities. There are significant diversification benefits when using the G7 bonds, an inflation-linked bond index, and emerging market bonds even in the presence of no short-selling constraints. The superior performance is driven by the emerging markets bonds. We also find that the diversification benefits vary across different economic states.  相似文献   

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management - I use the simulation approach of Jobson and Korkie (J Portfolio Manag 7:70–74, 1981), combined with Michaud optimization (Michaud and Michaud,...  相似文献   

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