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本文着力于探讨国内远期外汇市场的有效性及其价格发现功能,分别就美元兑人民币的境内外远期汇率与即期汇率构建基于汇率期限结构的VECM模型.实证检验中,境内外远期汇率都拒绝了市场有效性假说,两类汇率对即期人民币汇率的价格发现功能都不够强,但境外远期无本金交割汇率的价格所包含的即期汇率信息量仍然较境内远期汇率更多,其原因可从制度约束、境内外的外汇市场分割性、交易规模和市场活跃度、人民币国际化程度等方面来解释.  相似文献   

关于外汇市场有效性的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外汇市场的有效性检验不仅是一个理论问题,而且是一个影响政府经济、金融决策的重要现实问题。从最早的线性回归模型,到近期的随机漫步和协整理论,学者们试图用不断发展的新方法从各方面研究外汇市场的有效性。本文采用上述三种方法检验香港外汇市场的有效性,比较了三种方法在实际运用中的一些特点。  相似文献   

This paper presents further empirical evidence on the relationship between black market and official exchange rates in six emerging economies (Iran, India, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan, and Thailand). First, it applies both time series techniques and heterogeneous panel methods to test for the existence of a long-run relationship between these two types of exchange rates. Second, it tests formally the validity of the proportionality restriction implying a constant black-market premium. Third, it also analyses the short-run dynamic responses of both markets to shocks. Finally, it tries to shed some light on the determinants of the market premium. Evidence of slow reversion to the long-run equilibrium is found. Further, it appears that capital controls and expected currency devaluation are the two main factors affecting the size of the premium and determining the breakdown in the proportionality relationship.  相似文献   

Eighteen months after sizable declines in the US and Australian dollars in 1985, the trade accounts of both countries showed little improvement In some markets import prices failed to decline as expected Was this due to normal lags, or are there markets where exchange rate responses are limited? This paper analyzes the impact of firm behaviour and market structure on the sensitivity of import markets to exchange rate changes.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the determinants of the exchange rate regime within a time series approach, in order to overcome limitations of the cross-section approach. The former approach is based upon the assumption that policy makers would not change the regime until the long term benefits would exceed the cost of the switch. This would imply some inertia in regimes that will be better captured by a time series analysis. The empirical results show that: (i) Chile opted captured by a time series analysis. The empirical results show that: (i) Chile opted for a fixed exchange rate regime as an anchor when domestic inflation was relatively high with respect to world inflation, and (ii) minimizing real consumption variability rather than real output variability was a dominant target for Chilean authorities, with domestic monetary disturbances favoring a more flexible arrangement, while real shocks were absorbed by changes in the balanced of payments supporting a fixed regime. [F31,F32]  相似文献   

当前我国经济运行情况以及面临的问题 过去的一年里,我国经济保持了稳定增长的态势,在全球经济特别是关、日和欧三大经济体同时陷入衰退的情况下,2001年我国国内生产总值达到95800多亿元,同比增长率为7.3%。更令人感到鼓舞的是,中国在2001年加入WTO,正式成为世界贸易组织的一员,中国的对外开放进入了一个新的阶段。 但在成功数字的外表下,我们还应该看到中国经济的一些问题以及在2002年可能遇到或者已经遇到的一些难题。2001年中国经济增长前高后低,四个季度的经济增长一路滑坡,前3个季度的增长速度分别是8.1%、7.8%和7%,第4季度GDP增长也很难达到7%,11月份居民消费价格总水平比去年同月下降3%,又面临通货紧缩的威胁。2001年的经济增长,主要是由国内投资和消费需求的增长拉动的。由于国际经济严重衰退,一方面,我国出口增速下降,大约在6%左右,净出口减少,对经济增长的贡献度为负值;另一方面,促使外资流入加快,实际利用外资增长近20%,减弱了出口下降的影响。……  相似文献   

A popular model for considering many international trade and macroeconomic questions is the 'Australian model' of Wilson, Swan and Salter. This paper develops a general equilibrium trade version of the 'Australian model' where unemployment comes from a specified factor market distortion, and considers the effects of immigration, transfers, changes in wage fixing arrangements, terms of trade shocks, tariffs and devaluations. Debates over policies for external and internal balance are revisited, with the advantage that the general equilibrium specification allows welfare consequences of various alternatives to be explicitly considered. In the model external balance is achieved through a flexible exchange rate and the most attractive policies for achieving internal balance are encouraging skilled immigration and skill augmenting technical change, training, and unskilled wage cuts (accompanied by redistribution to affected workers). Foreign borrowing, import tariffs and currency devaluation are problematic policies from a welfare point of view.  相似文献   

汇率与股价变动关系:基于汇改后数据的实证研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
张兵  封思贤  李心丹  汪慧建 《经济研究》2008,43(9):70-81,135
研究我国2005年7月汇率制度改革后汇率与股市的关系及其传导机制,有助于深刻认识金融市场联动特征,对于防范金融市场风险和完善我国资本市场、外汇市场等的改革具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文实证发现了汇率和股价存在着长期均衡的协整关系;从长期来看,两者关系符合流量导向模型,上证指数受到汇率长期影响,从短期来看,股市和汇市存在着交互影响,汇率变化影响股指变动有时滞。运用滚动窗口的Granger检验和加入其他重要宏观变量的多变量协整检验,本文证明了这种长期关系具有较强的稳健性。进一步从板块指数与汇率的关系来看,房地产、金融、民航、石化、钢铁指数均与汇率存在着长期的协整关系,汇率变化是这些板块指数的Granger原因。最后,本文对实证结果做出分析并指出了相应的政策含义。  相似文献   

Using survey forecasts of a large number of Asian, European, and South American emerging market exchange rates, we studied empirically whether evidence of herding or anti‐herding behavior of exchange‐rate forecasters can be detected in the cross‐section of forecasts. Emerging market exchange‐rate forecasts are consistent with herding (anti‐herding) if forecasts are biased towards (away from) the consensus forecast. Our empirical findings provide strong evidence of anti‐herding of emerging market exchange‐rate forecasters.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the relationship between the balance of trade and the exchange rate in the US/UK case. Many authors have studied this issue for many countries, but despite the intensive research, there is still no agreement about the effectiveness of currency devaluation to increase a country's balance of trade. We first analyse the relationship between the two variables using unit roots and co-integration methods, and the results are ambiguous. We try a new approach based on fractional integration. The unit root hypothesis is rejected in case of the trade balance in favour of smaller orders of integration, while this hypothesis is not rejected for the exchange rate. Thus, the two series do not possess the same order of integration. We sort this problem out by taking the exchange rate as an exogenous variable, and including it in a regression model where the residuals might follow a fractionally integrated model.  相似文献   

中国股票市场的渐进有效性研究   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
本文研究了中国股市是否弱式有效。不同于传统的检验方法 ,本文的实证分析运用了特别适合于转轨经济体中新兴股市的渐进有效性检验 ,该方法采用时变系数的AR( 2 )自回归模型 ,同时考虑到“波动集群”的异方差影响 ,更能清晰地反映出市场有效性的动态演进过程。加之分年度检验的结果 ,我们有把握认定中国股市从 1 997年开始呈现弱式有效。  相似文献   

The authors' research suggests that people search online for information on currency exchange rates and that this information-seeking process can be translated into data on people's interest for a given currency. The authors utilize Google Trends data to capture the level of interest in 3 currency pairs: the euro, the pound sterling, and the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar and conduct a multivariate data analysis in the context of vector-autoregressive models. The findings suggest that there is a small but significant impact on collective perception on exchange rates. The authors show that Google Trends data could be an important source of information for investors looking into exchange rate trends.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the relation between exchange rates and monetary policy. It focuses in particular on the role of the exchange rate of the euro in the context of the ECB's monetary policy strategy. The objective of monetary policy is to maintain price stability. The euro area is a large and relatively closed economy. Therefore, the exchange rate of the euro is not an intermediate target nor is it an objective. Nevertheless, the ECB's stability–oriented monetary policy strategy does not neglect the exchange rate of the euro. Clearly, exchange rate developments are taken into account both when looking at the transmission mechanism of monetary policy and when assessing the current economic situation and prospects for the euro area.  相似文献   

Exchange Rates and Oil Prices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper documents a robust and interesting relationship between the real domestic price of oil and real effective exchange rates for Germany, Japan and the United States. It also offers an explanation of why the real oil price captures exogenous terms-of-trade shocks, and why such shocks could be the most important factor determining real exchange rates in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of the nominal exchange rate and fiscal deficits in a continuous time optimizing general equilibrium model with OLG. It is shown that alternative financing modes of budget deficits imply different patterns of adjustment along the transitional path towards the steady-state equilibrium. In particular, the respect of public solvency without money financing is not sufficient to avoid the depreciation of the exchange rate in the long-run after a fiscal expansion. In addition, money and tax financing generate opposite intergenerational reallocation of wealth.  相似文献   

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