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本文使用1999-2007年我国制造业的面板数据分析外商直接投资(FDI)对我国制造业行业间和行业内就业结构变化的影响。在FDI的影响下,行业间就业结构呈低端化,但是行业内就业结构得到优化。FDI通过促进劳动密集型行业的就业增长带动了制造业的就业增加,同时劳动密集型行业劳动力从内资流向外资的情况也较严重,即FDI主要通过增加自身的就业而非内资的就业带动了我国就业数量的增长。行业内就业结构来看,技术密集型行业就业结构得到优化的结果比劳动密集型行业要明显。其中竞争效应促进了内资就业结构的升级,但存在高技能劳动力从内资企业流向外资企业的情况。总体上增加就业和提升就业结构的因素在于内资投资的增加。  相似文献   

本文利用中东欧七个国家1995-2006年的面板数据,研究了这些国家经济发展中FDI、就业规模和就业结构的关系。研究发现,FDI有利于促进就业结构升级,并不能扩大就业规模,但是FDI对各经济部门劳动生产率的提高都有显著的促进作用。就业结构中出现高技能劳动力需求增长,低技能劳动力需求大幅下降的现象。同时在经济增长中,以工作时数衡量的劳动量的贡献率为负,而劳动力结构转变的贡献率为正。  相似文献   

中东欧国家FDI、就业规模和就业结构关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用中东欧七个国家1995-2006年的面板数据,研究了这些国家经济发展中FDI、就业规模和就业结构的关系。研究发现,FDI有利于促进就业结构升级,并不能扩大就业规模,但是FDI对各经济部门劳动生产率的提高都有显著的促进作用。就业结构中出现高技能劳动力需求增长,低技能劳动力需求大幅下降的现象。同时在经济增长中,以工作时数衡量的劳动量的贡献率为负,而劳动力结构转变的贡献率为正。  相似文献   

论外商直接投资对中国就业结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
外商直接投资(FDI)是中国促进经济发展和缓解就业问题的一个重要手段,相关理论分析和实证分析(SPSS分析软件)说明FDI对中国就业结构(主要是就业的地区结构、产业结构)具有明显和积极的影响,应继续扩大FDI规模,创造更多的就业机会。  相似文献   

FDI产业选择的变化对我国就业的影响及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦小玲  董有德 《经济师》2007,8(6):14-14,16
外国直接投资(FDI)对我国经济带来了许多积极作用。在就业方面它吸纳了境内大批劳动力,并对我国典型的二元就业结构起到了一定的积极作用。但随着FDI进入的产业结构越来越高,逐渐由劳动密集型向资本密集型和技术密集型的行业过渡。在这个过程中,必定释放出大量的非熟练劳动力,使我国面临巨大的就业压力。又因为资本密集型和技术密集型的FDI企业面向的是劳动市场的一小部分年轻高素质劳动力。所以无论是对就业水平还是对就业结构的影响上,将越来越凸现其消极影响。针对此文章提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

本文在叙述分析FDI对就业影响的内在机制和描述分析中国FDI与就业现状的基础上,实证考察了FDI对中国就业数量、产业就业结构、区域就业结构和就业质量的影响。研究发现,FDI流入对中国就业数量和质量都存在显著的正向拉动效应,而FDI对就业影响的产业分布和区域分布存在明显的差距,基本呈现出"东部中部西部"和"第二产业第三产业第一产业"的格局。  相似文献   

面对西部地区劳动力素质低下,就业结构不合理的现状,本通过就业成本-收益比较分析,提出了增加劳动力就业成本是获得高质量劳动力的前提,也是改善就业结构的关键所在。  相似文献   

就业结构变化是发挥劳动力资源优势、提升劳动生产率、促进共同富裕的重要途径。在不同的发展阶段上,劳动力就业的内容与形式不同,就业结构也随之发生变化。目前,以劳动力向服务业转移、私营经济吸纳更多劳动力为主要特征的就业结构变化愈加明显。就业结构的变化是一个时期经济体技术条件、产业结构、市场主体类型变化的结果。伴随着科技进步不断催生出新产业,劳动力市场需求发生变化,现代产业内部衍生出新职业、新岗位来吸纳更多劳动力就业。在信息技术普及的条件下,劳动力技能提升,劳动者具备向现代产业转移的素质与禀赋条件,能够更好地适应现代产业发展的需要。大力发展第三产业、支持非公有制经济发展、加快信息基础设施建设、完善公共就业服务、优化就业结构空间格局对于实现更加充分更高质量就业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论FDI对我国劳动力市场绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FDI通过直接和间接的方式对东道国的劳动力市场产生影响,其净效应非常复杂,既与FDI的进入方式有关,也与东道国劳动力市场的发育程度、劳动力质量等因素有关。尽管FDI对我国就业的总体贡献并不突出,但从动态的角度来看,FDI的就业效应比较明显,其贡献呈现不断增加的趋势。FDI在增加国内就业的同时,还促进了我国劳动力市场的建立和发展,对促进我国劳动力资源的流动与市场化配置、提高我国人力资源素质和薪资水平起到了积极作用。但是,依赖跨国公司培养我国的企业家是不现实的,国内民营企业的发展才是我国企业家培养的主要途径。  相似文献   

耿慧 《时代经贸》2012,(2):206-208
本文针对中国经济增长与就业的非线性关系及产业结构和就业结构之间匹配性差的现象,依据经济增长、产业结构与就业等相关理论进行了分析,在宏观经济政策取向、优化产业结构、发挥我国比较优势、提高劳动力素质、建立现代劳动力市场、加快城市化建设等方面提出了促进经济发展与就业增长的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines long‐term impacts of improved school quality at the elementary school cycle on subsequent schooling investments and labor market outcomes using unique data from a survey that tracked nearly 3,500 former students in the Philippines. The Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP) intervention introduced a package of investments and management reforms at the school level, including classroom constructions, textbooks, teacher training, and school‐based management in the period of 2000 to 2006. The impacts on subsequent schooling investments and labor market earnings differ between females and males. The intervention significantly increased earnings among females, which reduced the existing wage gap by gender. However, the findings on schooling outcomes are mixed; the gender gap tended to widen, enhancing females’ existing relative advantage in schooling, though their impacts are insignificant for both females and males.  相似文献   

根据影响非农部门劳动力增长速度的相关因素,运用C-D生产函数,利用1996~2004年间的非农部门有关数据,对影响非农部门劳动力增长速度的有关因素进行实证分析,结果表明影响我国非农部门劳动力增长速度的主要因素为:资本增长速度、非农部门实物工资增长速度、技术进步引起的劳动边际产出的增长速度和工业劳动边际产出对劳动力的弹性。政府应通过提高资本质量、吸引国外投资,保持物价稳定、控制工资上涨,加强创新力度,提高员工技能以促进非农部门劳动力增长。  相似文献   

国际失业属性理论回溯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
失业属性是失业理论发展的重要观察视角.本文基于对失业属性的认识.从凯恩斯对劳动供求数量失衡的观察到"后凯恩斯主义"对劳动供求结构失衡的认识和人力资本理论对劳动供求质量失衡的认识,以及发展经济学对发展中国家工业化过程中劳动数量供给特殊性的观察,正是在人们对失业属性的认识逐步深化过程中,失业理论得到了不断发展.  相似文献   

城市化和城乡一体化   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
城市化不仅要解决劳动力向城市转移问题,还需要解决城乡一体化问题。城乡一体化是现阶段城市化的重要内容。城乡一体化,并不是城乡均质,其基本含义是通过体制一体化、城镇城市化、产业结构一体化、农业企业化和农民市民化,把城市与乡村建设成一个相互依存、相互促进的统一体,充分发挥城市与乡村各自的优势和作用,使城乡之间的劳动力、技术、资金、资源等生产要素在一定范围内进行合理的交流与组合。推进城乡一体化的核心在于强化都市圈内的中心城市的市场功能,发挥中心城市对外围区域的支配、联系和溢出等效应,促进城乡设施、产业、空间的紧密联合乃至融合。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the nature of foreign direct investments by firms from developing countries in industrialized country markets, which is coined as “reverse direct investment.” On the basis of the experiences of the Korean consumer electronics firms operating in the U.S., this paper identifies the nature of the investment as “defensive” and “premature“ strategic moves of firms in their internationalization process. There investment are made not to exploit firms' monopolistic firm-specific advantages, but to protect their export markets at an earlier time than economic forces might have led them to do. However, in the process, firms try to convert their home country-specific advantage (e.g. low labor cost) into firm-specific ones as much as possible. [440]  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to construction of optimal trajectories in the model, which balances growth trends of investments in capital and labor efficiency. The model is constructed within the framework of classical approaches of the growth theory. It is based on three production factors: capital, educated labor and useful work. GDP level is described by a production function of the Cobb–Douglas type. The utility function of the growth process is given by an integral consumption index discounted on the infinite horizon. The optimal control problem is posed to balance investments in capital and labor efficiency. The problem is solved on the basis of dynamic programming principles. A novelty of the solution consists in constructing nonlinear stabilizers constructed on the feedback principle, which leads the system from any current position to a steady state. Growth and decline trends of the simulated trajectories are studied for all components included in the model.  相似文献   

In this paper I elucidate the sources of growth of human capital in the course of economic development. On the supply side (Section 1) I include the growth of family income, urbanization, the demographic transition, and the rising cost of time.The supply side alone cannot explain the continuous growth of human capital as it implies a self limiting decline in rates of return below those in alternative investments. Such declines are offset by growing demands for human capital in the labor market. Growth of demand for labor skills is a function of capital accumulation and of technological changes. Evidence on this hypothesis is summarized in Section 2 and on supply responses to growing demand for human capital in Section 3. Changes in the skill and wage structures in the labor market are an important part of the evidence.The reciprocal relation between economic growth and the growth of human capital is likely to be an important key to sustained economic growth. A caveat applies to indirect effects of economic growth on family instability, which may lead to a deterioration of childhood human capital in some sectors of society.  相似文献   

We compare the effects of competition for the design of labor laws in an environment characterized by irreversible investments in human and physical capital. We compare autarky with two-country cases, assuming that capital is mobile and labor immobile. We distinguish two cases. In the first, the political system is free from capture, while in the second, we examine the case where labor captures the institutional design problem. We find that in the former case legal competition reduces welfare while in the latter it improves the overall outcome.  相似文献   

This paper explores the welfare effects of public consumption, income transfers and public investment financed through different types of taxes. One surprising result is that, contrary to public consumption goods, public capital goods do not necessarily become less attractive if distortionary taxes, rather than lump-sum taxes, are necessary to finance them. The numerical simulations reveal that the net welfare effects of public investments in the Netherlands are typically positive if financed through lump-sum taxes or distortionary taxes on labor. However, if a source-based capital tax is adopted to finance public investments, the overall welfare effect may be negative.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the interaction of international migration of high-skilled labor and relative wage income between source and destination economies of expatriates. We develop an overlapping-generations model with increasing returns which suggests that international integration of the market for skilled labor aggravates between-country inequality by harming those which are source economies to begin with while benefiting host economies. The result is robust to allowing governments to optimally adjust productivity-enhancing investments which could potentially attenuate brain drain. Optimal public investment tends to decrease in response to higher emigration.  相似文献   

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