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在战后日美汽车贸易争端中,丰田等大型企业在缓解摩擦、应对外压中日益起到积极的作用,这也成为透视战略性贸易摩擦的一个重要案例。战略性贸易摩擦涉及的产业和企业具有较长的产业链和价值链,较强的产业外溢和辐射效应,因此其发生和发展具有一定的必然性。从丰田的案例可以看出,在战略性贸易摩擦中,企业在发挥自身力量实现市场多元化、提高核心竞争力、运用国际法理及其机制的同时,有必要主动借用、积极配合政府的干预和斡旋,实现"官民互补"。  相似文献   

企业能力的构建是实现产业政策目标的微观基础。传统产业政策建立在新古典经济学假设之上,其理论分析范式的重点在挑选"获胜者"、实现规模经济和一定的产业集中度等方面,对微观企业及其能力的考察则相对不足,这在很大程度上影响了产业技术升级、结构优化的步伐。该文阐述了传统产业政策的理论基础,运用企业能力理论对传统产业政策的局限性和失效进行了分析。  相似文献   

中国式的地方经济分权为地方竞争创造了前提条件,这是经济分权破解"中国奇迹"之谜的主要原因。现阶段要利用经济分权来促进我国产业升级、战略性新兴产业的发展和经济方式转变,关键是进一步厘清政府和市场的关系,建立科学的地方政府官员政绩评价体系,实施科学的促进战略性新兴产业发展的产业政策,科学地贯彻和执行国家产业政策。  相似文献   

紧缩。进一步紧缩! 毫无疑问,明年中国的宏观调控将是“杀气腾腾”,只要目前趋热的宏观经济稍有动弹,便会被“五花大绑”押往刑场:土地、信贷、财政、节能、行政以及产业政策等“大棒”都将轮流侍候。  相似文献   

日本“入关”后,为了适应形势的要求,及时地调整了产业政策,对经济的发展起到了重要作用。日本调整产业政策,并通过各种方式贯彻和落实产业政策的做法,对于我国“入世”后产业政策的调整、贯彻与落实,有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

产业政策是南朝鲜外向型经济发展的重要因素之一。南朝鲜和台湾同属亚洲新兴工业国家和地区的典型。在“四小龙”中它们的经济与工业体系相对更为完备,实行明确的产业政策,也是其共同之处。值得注意的是,南朝鲜和台湾虽发展层次相同。  相似文献   

阮萌  杨海水 《开放导报》2005,(4):105-108
二战后日本产业政策曾被广泛运用,并被认为对日本经济的赶超产生了明显的促进作用。日本产业政策体现如下特征:立足于世界市场;充分利用产业结构发展规律;政府主导与市场结合的多样化政策手段。但日本产业政策的运用也引起了一定的争议,我国产业政策在借鉴日本产业政策的手段时,一定要处理好产业保护与调整资源禀赋结构、根据产业演进规律来选择合适产业升级方式、产业政策与金融市场的发展相适应、政府适当干预与发挥市场优势等关系。  相似文献   

发展战略、产业政策与产业结构变迁——中国的经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了研究发展战略、产业政策和产业结构变迁的文献,并在此基础上,构建了一个分析这三者关系的一般性框架。运用这一框架,本文对中国建国以来的发展战略和产业政策的演变以及产业结构的变迁进行了历史性考察。历史证据表明,中国改革前后经济增长巨大差异的根源在于经济发展战略的转变。  相似文献   

本文在美国财政政策整顿的前提下,通过相关数据对财政悬崖的形成和演进路径进行了分析,分析表明财政悬崖问题可能会将美国经济带入到弱复苏的境况。由于财政政策与货币政策失衡,加上债务限制,财政悬崖问题还将对国际经济产生较大的冲击。美国国会需要出台折衷的解决方案来尽量减小财政悬崖问题带来的影响。  相似文献   

“10+3”区域经济合作与中国的产业政策调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪末,以“地缘优势”为载体的区域经济合作取得了突飞猛进的发展。区域经济一体化进程相对落后的东亚地区为了寻求自身经济的进一步发展,适应世界经济竞争的需要,“10+3”区域经济合作应运而生。本文具体分析了“10+3”区域经济合作的发展现状和未来趋势,并在此基础上论述了区域经济合作背景下,中国应如何利用开放的国际环境,参与新的区域经济分工格局,及时调整产业政策,适应日益国际化的市场竞争。  相似文献   

Since the tax-sharing reform in 1994, the Chinese fiscal system has exhibited a marked vertical fiscal imbalance—a mismatch between expenditure and revenue assignments—at the local levels, which may cause the common-pool problem in local governments' behavior. Using a large fiscal dataset at the county level from 1997 to 2006, this paper studies the effects of fiscal decentralization on local expenditure policy and analyzes how the vertical fiscal imbalance shapes these effects. The estimation results show that expenditure decentralization increases government spending and leads to a fund allocation with a larger weight on capital construction and smaller weights on education and administration. In contrast, revenue decentralization has little influence on local government expenditures. We show that the differences in the effects of expenditure and revenue decentralization can be attributed to the distortionary effects caused by the vertical fiscal imbalance and, thus, offer support to the importance of the common-pool problem at the county level of China's fiscal system.  相似文献   

The impact of the Electoral College on U.S. presidential elections is often criticized by academics and political commentators. One facet of its impact, the winner-take-all allocation of states’ Electoral College votes, serves in practice to overweight some votes in some states relative to other votes in other states. These disparities in the relative impact of votes in a presidential election can be large. Here, a metric is introduced to quantify the magnitude of these disparities in each presidential election. Using that metric, we show that states whose votes were overweighted in a presidential election subsequently received higher levels of federal grant spending under the newly-elected (re-elected) administration.  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - China has experienced profound economic and social changes in recent decades. During this period, China’s fiscal policy framework has been substantially reformed....  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - The relative merits in a monetary union of a fiscal federalism scheme and intergovernmental fiscal cooperation without a federal authority are assessed using a standard...  相似文献   

In this paper we revisit the Dutch disease paying particular attention to the role of specific factors of production and capital stock dynamics. The main insight is that if the natural resource rich windfall is substantial but not large enough for the country to become a rentier, capital goods must be produced at home and adjustment to natural resource windfall takes time. It takes time to build this home-grown capital. Specific factors are crucial to explain the dynamic responses of the real exchange rate, capital intensities and wages in response to a natural resource windfall. If a country is small and the windfall is large, it may be able to import capital and migrant labour in which case the Dutch disease can be avoided.  相似文献   

This paper estimates fiscal policy feedback rules in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom for more than a century, allowing for stochastic regime changes. Estimating a Markov-switching model by the Bayesian method, we find the following: First, the Japanese data clearly reject the view that the fiscal policy regime is fixed, i.e., that the Japanese government adopted a Ricardian or a non-Ricardian regime throughout the entire period. Instead, our results indicate a stochastic switch of the debt-GDP ratio between stationary and nonstationary processes, and thus a stochastic switch between Ricardian and non-Ricardian regimes. Second, our simulation exercises using the estimated parameters and transition probabilities do not necessarily reject the possibility that the debt-GDP ratio may be nonstationary even in the long run (i.e., globally nonstationary). Third, the Japanese result is in sharp contrast with the results for the US and the UK which indicate that in these countries the government’s fiscal behavior is consistently characterized by Ricardian policy.  相似文献   

银行保险与我国分业体制下的银保合作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪80年代以来,银行保险在国际上获得迅猛发展有其强烈的内在动因和理论支持。目前,在我国分业经营体制下,现行金融法规为银行与保险业开展广泛合作实际上留有一定的空间,特别是去年以来,银行与保险公司之间的全方位金融合作正日渐高涨并向纵深方向发展,为未来融入国际发展潮流打下坚实基础,但是,银保合作进一步发展还需要妥善解决相关的产品设计,保险公司的信息技术系统和金融监管等方面问题。  相似文献   

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