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经济全球化第一次使通货膨胀的全球性传导成为了可能。而全球经济流动性过剩、美元贬值以及国际游资投机炒作,则是引发本轮全球性通胀的根本原因。目前,物价上涨、通货膨胀具有全球化趋势,发展中国家和发达国家都一直面临通货膨胀的难题,世界各国普遍关注。  相似文献   

当前,管理通胀预期已成为我国政府文件中的频繁用语,这自然不是无缘由的。2009年信贷过多使得人们对通货膨胀预期加强,而美元贬值导致的全球资产价格上涨带来的输入型通胀压力也不断增长;同时,国内能源资源价格的上涨苗头也在一定程度上加大了市场的通胀预期。2009年中央经济工作会议明确指出,2010年要处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理好通胀预期的关系。这表明政府早已对通胀及未来资产泡沫的产生有了警惕。  相似文献   

调查数据显示,女性消费者所感受到的通货膨胀要显著地高于男性.原因何在?本文基于微观个体通胀感受模型发现,在“损失厌恶”、“过度自信”、“锚定效应”等心理偏差和“易得性”心理法则的作用下,消费者倾向于高估通胀,而且消费者购物频率越高、经济境况越差、通货膨胀知识越缺乏,则其对通胀的高估就越严重.从而可以推测,女性通货膨胀感受度普遍高于男性的原因可能是:(1)女性经济境况平均来说比男性差;(2)女性购物频率平均高于男性;(3)女性比男性更缺乏通货膨胀知识.进一步基于问卷调查数据和心理实验两种方法进行了实证分析,结果都表明,居民通胀感受所表现出的性别差异确实可以归因于女性和男性在以上三个方面的差异,而不是因为女性生来就具有与男性不同的思维特质.这个结论有重要的政策含义.  相似文献   

2012年6月国家统计局公布的宏观经济数据中,经济增速和CPI的涨幅双双创下了最低记录,数据公布之后很多人认为通胀压力已经大为减缓。此番通胀降低的原因一方面是由于国际大宗商品市场的价格下降;另一方面也归因于我国持续的贸易顺差,使得我们的货币汇率相对稳定。本文主要以近年的经济统计数据为依据探究引起中国通货膨胀的主要因素,试图找出控制通货膨胀的措施,以预防严重的通货膨胀。  相似文献   

对输入型通货膨胀压力问题的初步探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
输入型通货膨胀是指在开放经济条件下,国际市场的价格变动通过国际贸易、资本流动等途径,导致一国国内经济产生通胀压力的现象。2003年  相似文献   

伴随着油价、金价和食品价格的不断上扬以及美国次贷危机的后续影响的持续扩大,美国经济开始露出滞胀的苗头,欧元区经济和新兴国家也开始面临着通胀高企的巨大压力,市场普遍预期美国经济及全球经济增长将显著放缓,并预期全球通胀压力也将进一步上升。国际分析评论认为,上世纪70年代“通货膨胀的噩梦”死灰复燃,世界经济面临着不断增长的通货膨胀压力,始于21世纪初的“低物价时代”将落下帷幕,“通货膨胀时代”即将到来。究其原因,一方面,随着中国、印度和巴西等新兴国家经济迅速增长,  相似文献   

王小华  温涛  宜文 《财贸研究》2013,24(2):1-11
基于国家干预的凯恩斯 AD - AS 视角,主要对财政货币政策与通货膨胀之间的关系进行研究,并采用 1952—2010 年中国宏观经济数据进行实证分析,结果表明: ( 1) 长期内,地方财政支出的扩张是导致通货膨胀的关键性因素; 而中央财政支出的扩张却有利于控制通货膨胀; 不同层次的货币供应量对通货膨胀的冲击则并不显著; 除此之外,通货膨胀还受到消费者预期、人民币汇率、职工工资水平和原材料购进价格的正向影响。(2) 短期内,无论是中央抑或是地方财政支出都能对通货膨胀产生负向的冲击作用; 然而,货币供应量( M0、M1、M2) 却对通货膨胀起到了明显的助推作用,且 M0与通货膨胀具有双向的 Granger 因果关系。( 3) 新时期,财政货币当局不仅需要高度关注高通胀惯性对政策效果的影响,尤其应注重财政货币政策的多重目标分解、梳理及协调配合,而且要处理好反通胀、保增长、调结构之间困难而复杂的关系,寻求三者之间的有效"平衡点"。  相似文献   

中国经济已经进入了一个新的运行周期,即长周期的开始阶段,中长周期的下降阶段,中周期的复苏向扩张的转化阶段,短周期的再次扩张阶段。当前经济运行的周期性特点决定了经济增长的放缓是一个必然趋势,同时通货膨胀也会继续上行。中国在短期内同时出现严重的停滞与通胀的可能极低,出现严重停滞与缓和通胀、或者是缓和的停滞与严重的通胀的可能性也较低,但是在中长期内出现轻微停滞与通胀的可能却非常高。政策含义是,中国亟需解决过去三十年来数量型经济增长模式遗留下来的结构性欠账,以人力资本投资为重点,加强服务型政府的建设和推进财政和金融体制改革。  相似文献   

付洁 《现代商业》2011,(24):175+174
通货膨胀无疑是2011年的热点词汇,GDP、CPI、通货膨胀这些经济术语在新闻媒体上出现的频率也越来越高了,而普通民众的切实感受是物价又涨了,治理通货膨胀也成为2011年经济工作的重点。本文将从2011上半年国内通货膨胀形势和国家宏观调控入手分析,去探索下半年通货膨胀政府面对的通胀以及调控压力。  相似文献   

管理通货膨胀预期,是我国目前和今后面临的紧迫任务.通胀直接影响是货币贬值,人们的购买力下降.释放通货膨胀的压力,会对我国的金融经济产生负面影响.这时积极采取科学合理的金融经济应对策略显得尤为重要.本文先是根据通货膨胀发生的原因,提出了通胀时期应当采取的金融应当策略.  相似文献   

At the heart of entrepreneurship are imagination, creativity, novelty, and sensitivity. It takes these qualities to develop a new product or service and bring it to market, to envision the possible impacts a new product may make and come up with novel and creative solutions to problems that may arise. These qualities go to make up what could be called the spirit of entrepreneurship, a spirit that involves the ability to handle the experimental nature of entrepreunerial activity. These same qualities are crucial for moral decision making, and an ethical approach which emphasizes imagination, creativity, and has an experimental thrust is much better adapted to the entrepreneurial activity and much more relevant to the unique situations that entrepreneurs face. In this sense, the process approach to ethics developed in this article is a unifying framework that brings together the activity of entrepreneurship and moral decision making.  相似文献   

In an effort to restrict seed piracy in the global agricultural market, Monsanto intends to implement some form of genetic use restriction technology (GURT). Regarding such intentions, many activist groups adamantly contend that Monsanto will be acting immorally if GURTs, specifically Terminator Technology (TT), are implemented in the global agricultural market. They argue that the potential implementation of TT is immoral because it threatens to infringe upon the rights of resource-poor farmers (mainly in developing countries) by denying them the ability to save the seed derived from their harvests. While there may be ways that the implementation of TT can be construed as wrong, I narrowly argue that Monsanto will not be wrongfully infringing upon the basic rights of resource-poor farmers if it actually implements TT. Moreover, as long as Monsanto takes the appropriate measures to minimize the possible negative effects that TT may have on resource-poor farmers, and allows these farmers to make an autonomous choice to use seed that contains this technology, Monsanto’s possible implementation of TT cannot be accurately considered to instantiate an immoral violation of basic rights.  相似文献   

产业集群是创业企业天然的孵化器,在集群区域内创业,可以获得更大的资源优势和能力拓展空间,产生超额利润即集群租金.而企业家对集群租金的追逐,也成为推动集群创业企业建立和发展的内在动力,并贯穿集群创业过程的始终.不过集群内企业家的寻租行为也面临多个潜在约束,如知识吸收能力、创新能力、创业模式、集群租金的周期性特征等,突破这些潜在约束也就成为实现集群创业企业孵化的关键.  相似文献   

This study aims to establish how employees' experiences of workplace embitterment may direct them away from voluntary efforts to help coworkers, mediated by emotional exhaustion and moderated by religiosity. Three rounds of survey data, collected from employees and their supervisors in various Pakistani organizations, reveal that a sense of being emotionally overburdened by work links rancorous feelings due to negative work events with tarnished helping behavior, mitigated by employees' ability to draw on their religious faith. As an original contribution, this research addresses the effect of an actually felt negative emotion (workplace embitterment), instead of a source of emotional hardship, on employees' propensity to halt extra-role work efforts; it also describes how the personal resource of religiosity influences this process.  相似文献   

Retirees are increasingly responsible for managing their retirement savings. The ability to manage these assets efficiently can have an important impact on retirement well‐being. Lower levels of cognitive ability in old age can reduce an investor's ability to control emotional responses to a loss. Greater sensitivity to loss may increase preferences for safety following a market decline, resulting in allocations away from stocks that are associated with long‐term underperformance. We investigate whether cognitive ability is related to stock reallocations among retirees during the Great Recession. Using the Health and Retirement Study, we find that cognitive ability is negatively related to allocations away from stock. Compared to those with the lowest levels of cognitive ability, respondents with higher cognitive ability are 40% less likely to reduce their stock allocation by 50% or more. These results suggest that the quality of investment decisions in old age may be compromised by cognitive decline.  相似文献   

The ability to look into the supply chain has long enticed SCM scholars and practitioners. The possibilities created by such visibility are endless—from risk reduction and continuity planning to inventory management and cost reduction, nothing is off the table when end‐to‐end visibility is a possibility. Because of such enticements, there is usually much buzz in the industry every time a new technology that promises visibility and transparency is brought forward. Yet, years later, stories sometimes emerge that said technologies either failed to deliver or were not everything they were made out to be. Blockchain is yet another emerging technology in this space. Some consultants promise that it will be the final answer to the transparency and visibility woes that companies currently face. Yet, there is little empirical investigation regarding how the technology may benefit adopters, what the bottlenecks may be, and to what extent it may be able to deliver on these promises, without massive system‐wide upgrades of extant hardware and computing prowess. The current study takes a step in this direction by investigating a blockchain‐driven proof of concept across an industry consortium to identify promises, possibilities, and challenges of blockchain.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,知识团队对企业的重要性不言而喻。由于知识团队对企业的创新能力的提高有着重要作用,目前对知识型团队的管理成为研究的热点。本文通过文献研究得知知识型团队与企业创新能力的关系,进而结合最新研究动态得出知识型团队的高效管理途径,以期对我国企业的知识型团队有效管理和企业创新能力的提高起到一定作用。  相似文献   

The Red Tops, an African-American dance orchestra that performed in southern states during the period spanning two decades before and after the U.S. civil rights movement, might seem a rather unexpected source for the study of effective leadership. Nonetheless, Walter Osborne's management of the group provides an exceedingly appropriate case for just that. In this article, we examine the phenomenon of team leadership using a sociohistorical paradigm to identify and describe effective team leadership, draw lessons for organizational leaders, and demonstrate the power of sociohistorical analysis. In our endeavor, we used the framework proposed by Morgeson, Lindoerfer, and Loring to explain how the team needs of the Red Tops were met by the team leadership of Osborne, the band's elected manager. The main lesson for business team leaders is to ensure that every member feels free to express his or her own identity, while still preserving the shared identity of the team. The team's ability to function and remain intact over a long period of time is enhanced by the ability of the team leader to meet team needs—in terms of trust, fairness, and equality—such that each member may experience what it means to be a true part of the group.  相似文献   

《管理信息系统》课程教学质量,直接关系到学生创新能力、研究能力、实际工作能力以及学生整体综合素质的提高。正确评价该课程教学质量是完善课程教学理念、方法,最终提高课程教学质量的关键环节。根据MIS课程教学特点,构建教学质量评价模型及指标体系,可设立4项三级指标;12项二级指标;37项三级指标。研究显示,该指标体系用于MIS课程教学质量的评价后,相关决策部门可将其作为教学内容、教学方法、教学理念等改革的决策依据,从事MIS课程教学的教师可根据该指标体系作为提高课程教学质量的依据。此外,也可为深入研究应用奠定良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

Pro-environmental behaviour is a salient concern in contemporary society. However, consumers often overstate their intention to purchase pro-environment products. Prior research has focused on intentions as a predictor of actual behaviour. This study directly compares two distinct predictors of behaviour, behavioural expectation (BE) and behavioural intention (BI), to explain whether differences in the way in which consumers’ mental judgments are measured act as a barrier to understanding pro-environmental behaviour change. Findings confirm that BE has a higher temporal stability than BI, potentially accounting for the greater predictive ability of the former. One key reason for this finding is that subjects may overestimate their likelihood to act when responding to BI questions. Thus, this paper confirms that BE has a higher temporal stability than BI, and therefore, superior predictive ability. TRA/TPB researchers in particular should consider BE ahead of BI as an immediate predictor of pro-environmental and other behaviours.  相似文献   

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