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Credit risk transfer and contagion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some have argued that recent increases in credit risk transfer are desirable because they improve the diversification of risk. Others have suggested that they may be undesirable if they increase the risk of financial crises. Using a model with banking and insurance sectors, we show that credit risk transfer can be beneficial when banks face uniform demand for liquidity. However, when they face idiosyncratic liquidity risk and hedge this risk in an interbank market, credit risk transfer can be detrimental to welfare. It can lead to contagion between the two sectors and increase the risk of crises.  相似文献   

We present a banking model with imperfect competition in which borrowers’ access to credit is improved when banks are able to transfer credit risks. However, the market for credit risk transfer (CRT) works smoothly only if the quality of loans is public information. If the quality of loans is private information, banks have an incentive to grant unprofitable loans that are then transferred to other parties, leading to an increase in aggregate risk. Higher competition increases welfare in the presence of CRT with public information. In contrast, welfare eventually decreases for high levels of competition in the presence CRT with private information due to the expansion of unprofitable loans. This finding coincides with the decrease in credit quality observed during the late years of the credit boom preceding the subprime crisis.  相似文献   

Credit risk transfer and financial sector stability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we study credit risk transfer (CRT) in an economy with endogenous financing (by both banks and non-bank institutions). Our analysis suggests that the incentive of banks to transfer credit risk is aligned with the regulatory objective of improving stability, and so the recent development of credit derivative instruments is to be welcomed. Moreover, we find the transfer of credit risk from banks to non-banks to be more beneficial than CRT within the banking sector. Intuitively, this is because it allows for the shedding of aggregate risk which must otherwise remain within the relatively more fragile banking sector. Therefore, regulators should act to maximize the benefits from CRT by encouraging the development of instruments favorable to the cross-sectoral transfer of aggregate credit risk (including basket credit derivatives such as collateralized debt obligations). Finally, we derive the optimal regulatory stance for banks relative to non-bank financial institutions. We show that a level playing field approach is sub-optimal. Regulatory stances should be set to actively encourage cross-sector CRT, first because of the higher fragility of the banking sector and second to induce banks to incur the costs of CRT which otherwise lead them to undertake an insufficient amount of CRT.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates a positive relationship between information risk and the credit contagion effect. We use abnormal changes in the Credit Default Swaps (CDS) spreads to measure the contagion effect, and the dispersion of analyst forecasts as a proxy for information risk. We find that firms with higher information risk suffer a greater contagion effect that occurs in advance to the credit default events. This finding is robust under controls of key firm-specific characteristics and general condition of stock and credit markets.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new measure of tail risk spillover: the conditional coexceedance (CCX), defined as the number of joint occurrences of extreme negative returns in an industry, conditional on an extreme negative return in the financial sector. The empirical application provides evidence of significant volatility and tail risk spillovers from the financial sector to many real sectors in the U.S. economy from 2001 to 2011. These spillovers increase in crisis periods. The CCX in a given sector is positively related to its amount of debt financing and negatively related to its valuation and investment. Therefore, real economy sectors—which require relatively high debt financing and whose value and investment activity are relatively lower—are prime candidates for stock price volatility and depreciation in the wake of a financial sector crisis. Evidence also suggests that the higher the industry’s degree of competition, the stronger the tail risk spillover from the financial sector.  相似文献   

We generalize existing structural credit risk models that account for contagion effects across economic sectors, to capture the impact of neglected skewness and excess kurtosis in the asset return process, on the shape of the credit loss distribution. We specify Skew-Normal and Skew-Student t densities for the underlying asset return process and estimate the derived credit loss density using sector default rates based on proprietary data from the Central Bank of Mexico for six firm sectors. We show that, out of the six sectors analyzed, there is a significant contagion effect in ‘Commerce’, ‘Services’ and ‘Transport’. Moreover, we show that the non-Gaussian modelling of the common factor provides a better characterization than its Gaussian counterpart for the ‘Services’ sector. This result has a significant impact on the shape and the corresponding Value-at-Risk levels of the ‘Services’ credit loss distribution. In this context, traditional Basel and vendor-based credit risk models are inadequate as these do not consider the individual or the joint impact of contagion and non-Gaussian asset returns.  相似文献   

To accurately measure the dynamic characteristics of systemic risk contagion under the impact of extreme financial events, we construct a research framework that analyzes the contagion dynamics of systemic risk under extreme risk impact from the perspectives of both time and space. Based on the macro-jump CCA method, this paper extracts the heterogeneous volatility sequence of financial industries considering the thick tail of the distribution of financial assets returns. Then, the dynamic variation of systemic risk in the financial sectors is characterized from the time dimension. The volatility spillover network method is used to examine the spillover contagion of systemic risk among financial system sectors from the spatial dimension. Empirical studies have found that when considering the risk contagion level, the capital market service sector plays a risk‑leading role, followed by the currency service sector and the insurance sector. The measurement indicators that consider the jump risk and the tail risk have good early warning effects on extreme financial events. Seen from the spatial direction of risk spillover, the real estate sector exhibits the most obvious risk spillover effect on other sectors and can be regarded as the source of systemic risk, which suggests differentiated regulation.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - We test the hypothesis that underwriters set higher gross spreads and deeper offer price discounts in seasoned equity offers of firms exhibiting weak...  相似文献   

The channels for the cross-border propagation of sovereign risk in the international sovereign debt market are analysed. Identifying sovereign credit events as extraordinary jumps in CDS spreads, we distinguish between the immediate effects of such events and their longer term spillover effects. To analyse “fast and furious” contagion, we use daily CDS data to conduct event studies around a total of 89 identified credit events in a global country sample. To analyse “slow-burn” spillover effects, we apply a multifactor risk model, distinguishing between global and regional risk factors. We find that “fast and furious” contagion has been primarily a regional phenomenon, whilst “slow-burn” spillover effects can often be global in scope, especially those of the recent European debt crisis. The global risk factors are found to be driven by investor risk appetites and debt levels, whilst the regional factors depend on economic fundamentals of countries within a region.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a duplex banking network formed by credit relationships and information interaction via the banks’ balance sheet to model the structure of systemic risk and investigate the dynamic mechanism of contagion in terms of default and liquidity infection along with the factors that affect the extent of the contagion. We systematically explain the role that duplex banking networks play in different aspects of risk contagion. Through theoretical analysis and simulations, we conclude that asymmetric information interaction would increase the inflexibility of the system, which leads to liquidity shortage and possibly the collapse of the whole market. The weakness of systemic risk in the interior of the complex banking system can be characterized by the partial discount factor using illiquid assets in the information network. By improving the connectedness of the information network of the duplex networks, the spread of contagion can be partially slowed.  相似文献   

I provide evidence that financial contagion risk is an important source of the equity risk premium. Banks’ contributions to aggregate financial contagion are estimated in a state space framework and linked to systemic risk. Greater bank connectedness today leads to increased systemic risk 3–12 months later. More contagious banks earn significantly greater risk-adjusted returns than less contagious ones and the tradable high contagion-minus-low contagion bank portfolio is priced in the cross-section of stock returns. Stocks that co-move more strongly with contagious banks have greater expected returns. These results are robust to factor model specification, test assets, and time period considered.  相似文献   

Recent events have highlighted the role of cross-border linkages between banking systems in transmitting local developments across national borders. This paper analyzes whether international linkages in interbank markets affect the stability of interconnected banking systems and channel financial distress within a network consisting of banking systems of the main advanced countries for the period 1994–2012. Methodologically, I use a spatial modeling approach to test for spillovers in cross-border interbank markets. The results suggest that foreign exposures in banking play a significant role in channeling banking risk: I find that countries that are linked through foreign borrowing or lending positions to more stable banking systems abroad are significantly affected by positive spillover effects. From a policy point of view, this implies that in stable times, linkages in the banking system can be beneficial, while they have to be taken with caution in times of financial turmoil affecting the whole system.  相似文献   

This paper studies systemic risk in the Chinese debt market stemming from inter‐corporate loan guarantees using field data from Zhejiang Province. We apply a weighted and directed network model to analyse the implications for default contagion and systemic risk under different stress testing scenarios. The empirical results indicate that the topology of the loan guarantee network is close to a ‘scale‐free’ structure, which is known to be robust against accidental failures but vulnerable to coordinated attacks. Hence, the network is able to cope with idiosyncratic shocks resulting from single company failures, but can easily suffer from more widespread contagion if a group of systemically important companies are hit by a targeted shock. We further demonstrate that within our sample of small and medium‐sized enterprise (SME) companies, increasing leverage reduces network stability and exacerbates the effects of contagion. More lenient bank lending policies increase the survival rate of sample companies and thereby reduce the losses from default contagion.  相似文献   

Comment: Credit Market Access and the Effects of CRA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics -  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for the short-term modelling of market risk and shock propagation in the investment funds sector, including bi-layer contagion effects through funds’ cross-holdings and overlapping exposures. Our work tackles chiefly climate risk, with a first-of-its-kind dual view of transition and physical climate risk exposures at the fund level. So far, while fund managers communicate more aggressively about their awareness of climate risk, it is still poorly assessed. Our analysis shows that the topology of the fund network matters and that both contagion channels are critical in its study. A stress test based on granular short-term transition shocks suggests that the differentiated integration of sustainability information by funds has made network amplification less likely, although first-round losses can be material. On the other hand, there is room for fund managers and regulators to consider physical risk better, and mitigate the second-round effects it induces, as these are less efficiently absorbed by investment funds. Improving transparency and setting relevant industry standards in this context would help mitigate short-term financial stability risks.  相似文献   

The strong autocorrelation between economic cycles demands that we analyze credit portfolio risk in a multiperiod setup. We embed a standard one-factor model in such a setup. We discuss the calibration of the model to Standard & Poor’s ratings data in detail. But because single-period risk measures cannot capture the cumulative effects of systematic shocks over several periods, we define an alternative risk measure, which we call the time-conditional expected shortfall (TES), to quantify credit portfolio risk over a multiperiod horizon.  相似文献   

China's banking system has seen increasing convergence in exposures to different asset types. These concentrated commonalities have far reaching implications on systemic financial risk. Based on the commonality structure of banks' balance sheets, we construct a bipartite financial network and design novel indicators to analyze the systemic risk of China's banking system and its relation to the real economy. Results show that (1) considering the interconnectivity, indirect loss arising from common exposure is much higher than direct loss; (2) concentrated common exposure to mortgage is demonstrated to be the most significant source of systemic vulnerability in China; (3) the derived contagion network shows the property of “small world”, which plays an important role in generating systemic risk, amplified non-linearly by multi-rounds of contagion; (4) a bank's systemic importance/vulnerability depends on complex interaction between asset volume, leverage rate, and its commonality of asset composition to other banks. The model proposed in this study provides a new structural perspective to investigate the systemic risk, and a macroprudential instrument to complement existing stress testing that contributes to more efficient and precise regulations. Moreover, we contribute a ranking framework to assess each bank's systemic importance as well as vulnerability corresponding to specific real sectors.  相似文献   

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