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本文考察了 2 0世纪 90年代以来中国城镇居民的收入分配变化中人力资本和地区因素的影响。一个值得注意的现象是人力资本因素在每一年的收入差异中解释能力仅次于地区因素而且其重要性正在上升。动态分析告诉我们人力资本占到工资基尼系数指标增加的 44 .3 6%。最后 ,我们重点对教育对工资收入不平等的相对要素贡献度的变化进一步分解 ,发现主要是教育和收入的相关性以及教育回报率的增加导致了教育的可解释程度的增加 ,从而造成工资收入不平等的增加 ,而教育本身的不平等有所下降并起到减缓工资收入不平等的作用。  相似文献   

本文使用基于工具变量分位数回归的分解方法,通过构建低收入家庭子女与高收入家庭子女拥有相同的特征分布情况下的反事实收入分布,对高、低收入家庭子女的收入差距进行分解。结果显示,高、低收入家庭的子女之间的收入差距主要来源于教育水平、工作经验、工作单位性质等特征差异;两组子女间的回报差异存在,但主要影响低分位点处子女之间的收入差距,对高分位点处的收入差距影响有限。高分位点处子女之间的收入差距几乎能够完全被特征差异所解释。  相似文献   

在共同富裕背景下,缩小收入差距、优化收入结构、促进低收入群体实现收入增长已成为政府和学术界普遍关注的焦点问题。文章采用《中国统计年鉴》《中国农村贫困监测报告》等数据,分析低收入群体总体收入现状、城乡低收入群体收入现状和农村低收入群体收入结构差异;运用logit模型,基于2020年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,实证分析低收入发生概率的影响因素,结果显示个人特征因素和家庭特征因素对低收入发生概率有一定影响,并针对增收能力、承受风险、区域差异、收入结构方面面临的问题提出了相应的政策建议,以促进低收入群体实现长效增收。  相似文献   

利用江苏、四川两省1206名农村子女的抽样问卷调查资料,以农村非独生子女为比较对象,描述农村独生子女的学校教育特征,并从微观层面提出解释。农村独生子女的学校教育优势明显:文化水平更高、上重点学校的可能性更大、享有更多的家庭教育投入;独生子女身份、性别等个人因素,尤其是父母的文化水平、家庭的经济条件等家庭因素,能为农村独生子女的学校教育优势提供一定的解释。  相似文献   

自2001年起,我国实施了撤点并校的政策,该政策对学校和家庭产生了诸多影响.本文以农村家庭为考察对象,利用描述性分析的方法,讨论并校背景下,造成家庭对子女教育投入行为选择差异的因素.得到的结论是并校背景下家长对子女的教育投入的差异主要体现在“是否继续供子女上学”和“去哪儿上学”两个方面.造成差异的因素主要有:家长受教育程度、家长价值观念、家庭收入状况、学校教育环境和当地的就业机会.  相似文献   

朱辉  高蓉  杜梦琳 《时代经贸》2013,(10):183-184
自2001年起,我国实施了撤点并校的政策,该政策对学校和家庭产生了诸多影响。本文以农村家庭为考察对象,利用描述性分析的方法,讨论并校背景下,造成家庭对子女教育投入行为选择差异的因素。得到的结论是并校背景下家长对子女的教育投入的差异主要体现在“是否继续供子女上学”和“去哪儿上学”两个方面。造成差异的因素主要有:家长受教育程度、家长价值观念、家庭收入状况、学校教育环境和当地的就业机会。  相似文献   

运用2012年中国劳动力动态调查微观数据,结合Heckman样本选择方法,估计垄断行业和竞争行业的收入方程,结果发现,垄断对行业收入的影响远大于性别、教育、工作经验等个人特征。运用Shapley值分解方法,考察各因素对我国城镇内部行业工资差距的贡献,结果发现,人力资本因素对行业收入差距的贡献最大。分行业看,人力资本因素能够解释垄断行业收入差距的一半左右,管理岗位对竞争行业收入差距的贡献最大,性别因素对竞争行业收入差距的贡献高出垄断行业两倍,非农户口在解释垄断行业收入差距时的贡献要远大于竞争行业。因此,缩小我国行业收入差距,亟需打破行业垄断壁垒,提高劳动者的受教育水平,减轻劳动者地区间流动障碍。  相似文献   

本文基于全国31个省份6 937份家庭问卷调查数据,对我国城乡居民收入差距现状进行了统计测算,运用Mincer收入模型及Oaxaca Ransom分解法对我国城乡收入差距的主要影响因素及其贡献率进行实证分析。研究结果表明:我国城乡居民收入差距较大,基尼系数已超过警戒线;户主个人与家庭基本特征、人力资本、地区差异与城乡差异对居民家庭收入有显著影响;户主文化程度差异对城乡居民收入差距的贡献率最大,城乡二元结构差异、户主个人及家庭基本特征差异对城乡居民收入差距的贡献率较大,而地区差异对城乡居民收入差距的贡献率最小。在此基础上从四个方面提出了缩小城乡居民收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于明瑟收入函数模型及其扩展模型,利用CGSS2015中国综合社会调查数据,以本科学历的教育收益率为基准进行对比。采用多元回归分析的方法综合考虑工作经验、工作区域、性别、家庭背景以及工作单位性质等相关因素,对研究生个人教育收益率进行实证研究。结果表明,在个体特征中,受教育程度、工作经验以及性别因素都对研究生教育回报有显著影响,但家庭背景在研究生群体的教育回报中已不显著;在工作区域上,东部的教育回报率最高且就业人数最多;虽然国有集体企业的教育回报率最低,但是教育人数的数量趋势最高。  相似文献   

李曼 《经济论坛》2001,(9):18-18
一、市场细分的标准(一)个人客户市场细分标准1.地理因素。地理因素是指个人客户市场所处的地理位置和环境。包括区域、地形、气候、人口密度、生产力布局、交通运输与通讯条件等。处于不同地理条件的个人客户,对银行的服务有着不同的需求。2.人口因素。人口因素包括个人客户的年龄、职业、收入、家庭人口、家庭生命周期、社会阶层等。(1)社会阶层的细分。社会阶层的细分重点着眼于不同收入、不同职业、受教育水平和社会地位的划分。一般采取统计测定的方法确定出各阶层的人数,然后研究他们使用各种相关银行服务的频率,从而描述出不同阶…  相似文献   

Educational Attainment and Family Background   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. This paper analyses the effect of aspects of family background, such as family income and parental education, on the educational attainment of persons born from 1967 to 1972. Family income is measured at different periods of a child's life to separate long-term versus short-term effects of family income on educational choices. We find that permanent income matters to a certain degree, and that family income when the child is 0–6 years old is an important explanatory variable for educational attainment later in a child's life. We find that short-term credit constraints have only a small effect on educational attainment. Long-term factors, such as permanent family income and parental education, are much more important for educational attainment than are short-term credit constraints. Public interventions to alleviate the effects of family background should thus also be targeted at a child's early years, the shaping period for the cognitive and non-cognitive skills important later in life.  相似文献   

We investigate if the association between family background and income in Sweden has changed for men born between 1932 and 1968. Our main finding is that the share of the variance in long-run income that is attributable to family background, the so-called brother correlation in income, has fallen by some 17% from 0.49 for the cohorts of brothers born in the early 1930s to below 0.32 for the cohorts born around 1950. From then on, the correlations have inched back up to around 0.37. We report suggestive evidence that the decline is driven by changes in education.  相似文献   

We apply a twin design to examine the relationship between health and education and income. The estimated associations between health and education and income, controlling for unobserved endowments, at the twin‐pair level, are lower than estimates obtained via ordinary least‐squares (OLS) on the same sample. Thus, OLS‐based effects of education and income are biased, exaggerating the contribution of education and income to health inequality. The main part of health inequality is explained by within‐twin‐pair fixed effects, incorporating family background and genetic inheritance. It appears that education and income policies have less to offer for reducing health inequality than is usually assumed.  相似文献   

This paper provides microeconomic estimates of the role played by family background in determining children's level of schooling attainment in Spain. We use an ordered logit model to explore the effects of family background and other supply factors on the probability of various educational outcomes. Our estimates are based on household data obtained from the ECVT, Living and Working Conditions Survey (Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda, 1985), a Spanish nation-wide household survey conducted at the end of 1985. In general, and given the Spanish capital constraints, parental income, social class, and family size, explain children's level of schooling. These results are consistent with those of the literature that focuses on the role of family background in determining schooling attainment.  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which tuition and needs‐based aid policies explain important differences in the relationship between family income and post‐secondary attendance relationships between Canada and the U.S. Using data from recent cohorts, we estimate substantially smaller attendance gaps by parental income in Canada relative to the U.S., even after controlling for family background, cognitive achievement, and local‐residence fixed effects. We next document that U.S. public tuition and financial aid policies are actually more generous to low‐income youth than are Canadian policies. Equalizing these policies across Canada and the U.S. would likely lead to a greater difference in income‐attendance gradients.  相似文献   

This paper provides estimates of brother income correlations for rural China. Brother correlations are a parsimonious measure of the importance of family and community background as determinants of individuals’ economic status. We find internationally high levels of income similarity for brothers and siblings: 0.57 and 0.58, respectively. Compared to the 1990s, income correlations have decreased in more recent years, but remain high. Furthermore, we document virtually no differences between the coastal and interior provinces and by father’s education. The high brother correlations imply that the high level of income inequality in China is likely to persist.  相似文献   

周兴  张鹏 《经济学(季刊)》2015,14(1):351-372
本文通过对中国城乡家庭代际间的职业流动与收入流动进行实证研究,得出以下结论:(1)城镇家庭子女的职业随其职业生涯的发展有向父辈职业"回归"的趋势,而农村家庭中父代从事非农职业有助于子女实现职业的向上流动。(2)子女受教育程度的提高有利于代际间职业的向上流动,但其父辈的社会经济特征也对代际间的职业传承和流动有显著的影响。(3)代际之间职业的传承在一定程度上阻碍了代际间的收入流动,代际职业传承对高收入家庭的代际收入弹性影响更强。  相似文献   

We investigate consumption inequality in China both theoretically by constructing a theoretical model that delineates the transmission channels by which income shocks affect consumption and empirically through an Unequally Spaced Dynamic Panel Data model estimation. We find that China is experiencing consumption inequality with the full partial insurance of consumption against both permanent and transitory income shocks, although the impact of both types of shock are larger than the case of the United States. The results are due to precautionary savings motives of the Chinese. We further document how income becomes more dispersed in China and show how the family background of a child affects his outcome to a large extent. Policy implications based on our findings are proposed.  相似文献   

"The impact of household characteristics on child survival and height, conditional on age, is examined using household survey data from Brazil. Parental education is found to have a very strong positive effect on both outcomes and this is robust to the inclusion of household income and also parental heights, which partly proxy for unobserved family background characteristics. We find that income effects are significant and positive for child survival but insignificant for for child height although the latter depends on identification assumptions. Parental height has a large positive impact on child height and on survival rates even after controlling for all other observable characteristics."  相似文献   

本文实证分析了农民收入流动水平的结构差异及其影响因素。结果表明:低收入阶层的农户家庭收入流动较强,高收入阶层农户家庭稳固其地位的能力逐渐增强,其家庭收入固化趋势较为明显。流动效应是导致农户家庭收入流动水平差异的主要原因,而结构效应中家庭经营性收入流动水平是缩小差异的最大贡献者。从家庭亲属亲密程度和近邻便利程度的视角来看,“远亲”不如“近邻”的现象在农户家庭收入流动水平上表现明显。家庭亲属性质、亲属关系层级分别对家庭经营性收入和工资性收入流动性存在较强的显著影响。而近邻就业机会越高,组织程度越强,地区区位优势越好,越有利于农户家庭收入流动水平的提升。  相似文献   

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