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The paper describes the growth and organization of workers' production co-operatives in Denmark. Various theoretical propositions concerning workers' co-operatives are tested empirically. All these propositions entail comparisons between co-operatives and conventional firms in the same industry and are concerned with firms' lifespans, scale elasticities, factor intensities and productivity. In the light of empirical findings the paper briefly discusses the applicability to workers' co-operatives of the theory of labour-managed firms.  相似文献   

Extending earlier equivalence results for perfect competition and for (imperfect) quantity competition, here it is shown that in price competition, too, the behavior of a workers‘ enterprise (defined by the coincidence of its workers with its partners) is tamed by the worker-partnership market so as to be identical with that of a twin entrepreneurial firm. Thus, not only is Bertrand–Nash equilibrium unaltered when an entrepreneurial firm is replaced by its workers’ enterprise twin, but such a replacement also leaves Bertrand-von Stackelberg equilibrium intact whether we switch the leader or a follower from one form of ownership/management to the other.  相似文献   

说到体育,人们对全运全、亚运会、奥运会等赛事,津津乐道,尤其对曾为我们国家赢得荣誉的世界冠军,从容国团到邓亚萍等,如数家珍.  相似文献   

Turkey is a developing country in the Middle East, and is attracting an increasing number of foreign investments and joint ventures. However, the Turkish accounting system is not one of the topics that is studied in detail, the language barrier perhaps being the main reason. As the amount of foreign investment and the number of joint ventures increase and the Turkish stock market develops, a new responsibility will fall on accountants to disclose and discuss the current accounting system in Turkey. This paper attempts to fill this gap by describing the current accounting system and state of the profession in Turkey.  相似文献   

2010年国家统计局公布的农民工数据显示,当前农民工总量已达到2.5亿人。国内对农民工这一群体的人力资本研究主要还是集中在农民工人力资本的投资、开发、人力资源转化、人力资本与经济增长、个人收入的关系等方面。本文对目前国内学者在农民工人力资本上的研究进行一定的梳理,并提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

倩倩 《中国新时代》2004,(1):120-122
准备要采访Tracy的时候,得知她在乌鲁木齐出差,电话打了好几通都没有人接.第三天,Grace告诉我Tracy已经回上海,想想应该是她稍微空点的时候了,赶紧发短信给她,告之采访意愿,Tracy回复我说,她现在在徐州,晚上会有点时间.三天之内,她从乌鲁木齐到上海然后又到徐州,我有点不忍心占有她可怜的休息时间,但是还是在MSN上拖住了她,从晚上9点一直到12点,断断续续地终于把采访做完.……  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model for forecasting elections in Turkey. In doing so, this study is based on three theoretical premises: first, that the voters reward or punish parties according to their performances relative to the macroeconomic conditions; second, that the popularity of the political parties in Turkey are closely connected to their performances in local elections; and third, that the centre-periphery distinction affects the fortunes of the political parties in Turkey. The contribution of this analysis is the introduction of an explicit model on which can forecast the impact of economic and political variables on the elections in Turkey by using reliable, public and macro level data. Our findings show that the dynamics of the evaluation of political parties in Turkey follow a similar pattern to those of contemporary democracies, being driven by both economic and political factors.
“…why did AKP win? There cannot be a scientific and sociological explanation of this.”Özdemir ?nce, 17 August 2007, Hürriyet, emphasis added.

宁波市白溪水库是以供水、防洪为主,兼顾发电和灌溉的国家大二型综合利用水利枢纽工程.四年多来,白溪水库建设发展有限公司坚持以人为本,努力培养高素质的职工队伍,被命名为在建水库中唯一的全国水利系统文明单位,还先后被评为宁波市和浙江省重点工程建设先进集体、宁波市文明单位和浙江省水利系统文明单位、宁波市模范集体和绿化、卫生、治安先进单位.  相似文献   

随着Facebook的上市,全球互联网又将迎来新的时代。以互联网公司为典型代表的科技公司和层出不穷的新技术,正在以越来越快的速度,深刻地改变整个人类社会和每个人的生活。在这场永不停息的技术变革中,现年60岁的凯文·凯利是对技术本质挖掘得最深刻的观察者和预言者之一。他写于1994年的《失控》,已经提到了云计算、物联网等概念。  相似文献   

Costs of insuring against work-related injuries and diseases have escalated rapidly since 1972; growing variation in premiums among States over the same period may indicate unequal rates of improvement in workers' compensation laws.  相似文献   

2002年青岛啤酒股份有限公司对其人力资源管理进行了重组。这是国内最大的啤酒制造企业,在百年华诞之际对企业管理进行的一次大刀阔斧的改革。在人力资源部成立运行一年之际,北京外企太和企业管理顾问有限公司的高级顾问张蔚坤,与青啤人力资源部部长姜宏就这一年来人力资源部运作中的困惑、阻力、发现以及对未来的希望进行了一番对话。  相似文献   

一个周末的早上,记者的手机上收到了一条特别的短信:"华夏江山措头公司现寻房地产集团败血副总经理,年新100万元以上;大盘项目总经理,年薪60万元以上;土地一级开发总经理年薪80万元,商业地产开发副总经理,年薪40万元.敬请推荐."……  相似文献   

新时期,经济形势的变化对于煤矿企业带来了更大的挑战,对于煤矿企业的思想政治工作提出了更多的挑战。目前,我国煤矿企业组工思想政治工作目前还存在着很多的不足,只有加强煤矿企业组工思想政治工作,才能促进煤矿企业的发展。本文对煤矿组工思想政治工作的创新进行了分析与研究。  相似文献   

In recent years the workers' committees—the lowest level of trade union organization—in manufacturing industry in Israel have shown increasing disregard for their central body, the Histadrut. So far the Histadrut's attempts to stem this alienation have been unsuccessful.  相似文献   

对农民工住房问题的研究,首先基于对农民工概念的界定,界定的关键点应在于农村户籍身份和所从事工作的非农业生产性质,不宜加入在劳动关系中所处的地位、收入来源等判定标准。国外的研究中,没有与农民工完全相同的概念,研究成果中具有参考意义的是对移民工人、城市贫民住房问题的研究,因而可借鉴性有限。国内的研究中,多侧重于农民工住房及住房政策的现存问题分析与对策研究;研究方法以个别城市的定量分析,以及逻辑推演的定性分析为主;结论建议集中于将农民工的住房保障纳入城镇住房保障体系,尚欠缺从统筹城乡的视角对农民工住房问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

本文探讨了物流公司在进行ISO9001:2000标准认证中,其在供应链以及产品的形成至销毁过程、特殊过程与关键过程、测量装置等方面与一般企业的区别所在。  相似文献   

人才选拔与营养重于一切美国通用电气公司在世界500强中名列第9位,年销售收入1000亿美元,年纯利润突破100亿美元,资本利润率达到25%,财务状况被评为三A,其成功的秘诀之一就是十分注重选拔和培养领导人才.  相似文献   

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