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This article presents a review of some recent contributions on the relation between global finance and economic development in emerging economies. It first, stresses the growing consensus among economists on the financial instability that financial and capital account liberalization can possibly cause in emerging economies. It then outlines and compares two alternative strategies to tame such instability. The comparison is between the “good-institutions need-to-come-first” approach put forward by some mainstream economists, and the request for a deeper reform of the existing monetary system advocated by heterodox economists.  相似文献   

Turkey’s exchange rate based stabilization programme had collapsed within just 11 months of its implementation in the midst of a liquidity crunch in November 2000 caused by a reversal in the capital inflow. The onset of the stabilization programme created ample opportunities for speculative investors to make relatively safe one‐sided bets, and the initial success of the programme in bringing down interest rates implied substantial capital gains over securities obtained in 1999 and early stages of the programme. It was only natural that speculative investors would take the opportunity to realize these gains while the firm exchange rate commitment was still in place. The programme failed to deal with this contingency effectively, assuming that as long as it was implemented faithfully, long‐term investors would be forthcoming to takeover positions speculators would want to unload. That assumption proved disastrously wrong.  相似文献   

李巍 《财经研究》2007,33(11):41-52
文章建立一个由金融发展程度、资本账户开放与金融不稳定指标组成的向量自回归(VAR)模型,利用中国1982~2005年的年度数据对这些变量的长期协整关系和短期的调整动力学进行相关的时间序列分析。模型的估计结果显示,对于中国来说,金融发展程度、资本账户开放和金融不稳定之间存在着长期的协整关系,但三者之间的影响程度和方向各不相同。所有结果均显示,无论从短期和长期看,金融发展程度对一国的金融稳定具有显著影响,对资本账户开放的进程也具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

李巍 《财经科学》2007,(11):113-118
本文针对中国资本账户开放及金融现状进行分析.结论提示,目前,中国资本账户的开放步伐会渐进加速;中国的金融发展程度在逐渐提高的大背景下,这几年会出现一定程度的回调;中国金融体系中存在着大量的不稳定因素,从2002年开始,金融稳定状况开始出现一定程度的恶化,但目前发生系统性金融危机的可能性还较小.  相似文献   

郭威 《财经科学》2007,(8):104-110
开放资本账户既是我国金融改革的发展方向,也是我国经济开放的必然目标之一.资本账户开放能够促进我国许多领域的改革,是不可阻挡的必然趋势.我国有必要参考其他国家的成功经验,采取适当的方式尽可能地减少开放过程中的各种风险.本文选取三个典型国家作为研究对象,对其资本账户开放的实践过程进行综合比较,重点考察了开放顺序,以期为我国资本帐户的开放提供些许借鉴.  相似文献   

资本账户开放后的居民资产组合问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资产组合理论强调投资者应将资产分散于不同形式以降低整体风险,资本账户开放可以使居民在国际范围内调整自己的投资组合.中国目前面临着资本账户开放,在资本账户开放后我国居民的资产组合也会发生较大的变化.因此,讨论中国在资本账户开放后的居民资产组合问题具有重要的现实意义.本文就一国居民在开放资本账户后可能发生的资产组合调整进行分析,并探讨资本账户开放对中国居民的投资组合收益与风险的影响.  相似文献   


The paper estimates the long run demand for money function in the Bangladesh economy using cointegration and the Vector Error Correction Modeling (VECM) technique. The cointegration results suggest that although the process of globalization has shown no significant impact on money demand by the fact that the foreign interest rate is seen as statistically not significant, the financial liberalization has an important impact, reflected in the statistically significant role of domestic interest rate, in influencing both M1 and M2 money demand. An estimate of VECMs also reveals the fact that the short run speed of adjustment is moderately influenced by the financial reform measures to establish the long run relation between money balances, income and domestic interest rates. The phenomenon of credit constraint in the context of a developing country has shown no significant role in influencing money demand, which may imply that the stage of financial development is getting higher level in the Bangladesh economy. The existence of exchange rate depreciation in the cointegration relation with the expected sign suggests that currency substitution is now effective in the monetary sector and, therefore, its impact should be considered in the Bangladesh monetary policy matrix.  相似文献   

资本账户开放与经济增长关系综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新古典模型中,开放资本账户有效地推动了资源的国际问分配,使得发展中国家可以获得较低成本的资本流入,从而推动了该国投资的暂时性增加,带动经济增长,最终提高了该国人民的生活水平.经济学家们在这一理论思想的指导下,分别用横断面模型、政策实践观点和企业层面的实践考察了资本账户开放和经济增长之间的关系,其测定理论的研究显示出资本账户开放对资本成本、投资和经济增长有着巨大的影响.  相似文献   

赵清 《经济问题》2012,(7):106-110
美国金融危机在全世界范围引发了对金融领域发展尤其是20世纪下半叶以来的金融自由化的重新思考。在后危机时期,对金融自由化的反思仍显重要。采用研究金融自由化影响的标准化模型,加入主权债务风险等因素进行修正,进而获得启示,并对我国金融领域发展提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines how capital account liberalization (CAL) affects foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Authors use a dynamic panel model encompassing 14 Middle East countries over the period from 1985 to 2009. The findings suggest that countries that are able to reap the benefits of the capital openness policy satisfy certain threshold conditions regarding the level of financial development and institutional quality. Thus to promote FDI, governments in this region should develop a set of policies that not only focus on financial openness, but also on the improvement of the financial system and legal institutions.  相似文献   

中国资本账户开放、利率市场化和汇率制度弹性化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何慧刚 《经济经纬》2007,(4):124-127
开放经济下,资本流动、利率和汇率三者相互联动、相互协调、自动平衡。利率市场化是资本账户开放和汇率制度弹性化的前提条件;资本控制程度影响利率市场化和汇率制度弹性化;利率和汇率相互作用、相互传导。一国宏观经济调控政策的效果不仅仅取决于资本控制程度和利率或汇率水平的变动,更取决于资本控制、利率和汇率三者的联动效应。中国金融自由化改革进程中,必须正确处理好资本账户开放、利率市场化和汇率制度弹性化之间的关系,发挥三者联动协同效应,实现内外均衡。  相似文献   

Globalization, Financial Volatility and Monetary Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently it has often been claimed that globalization eases the job of central banks as it helps to tame inflation. This is used to argue that central banks (particularly the ECB, referring to the objectives as laid down in the EU Treaty) could or should reduce their efforts in the fight against inflation in favor of supporting the general economic policies of the governments. This paper takes a critical look at this argument, pointing to the structural changes associated with globalization and to the corresponding increase in uncertainty by which the central banks are affected. As an example of this, the increase in financial volatility is analyzed and explained as the result of optimal portfolio allocation, and its implications for monetary policy are discussed.  相似文献   

资本账户开放与系统性金融危机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以全球范围内具有代表性的55个国家的跨国数据为基础,通过实证分析系统考察了资本账户开放和系统性金融危机之间的相关关系.实证结果表明,在资本账户开放和系统性金融危机的联系机制方面,重要的是开放方式的选择,而不是开放程度的高低:长期中资本账户开放程度的提高不会诱发金融危机,但激进式的资本账户开放方式会显著增加金融危机的发生概率.  相似文献   

This paper examines the possibility that, contrary to conventional wisdom, capital controls accelerate currency crises. Theoretical analysis shows that capital controls can constitute an additional burden on government budget and so bring forward the onset of crises. Since perfect capital mobility does not occur, domestic interest rates may deviate from world interest rates. High interest rates under capital controls create an additional cost of servicing outstanding domestic public debt, precipitating crises. Even though the government can delay crises with capital controls, welfare may be less than in a situation with perfect capital mobility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the volatility of capital flows following the liberalization of financial markets. Utilizing a panel data set of overlapping data, the paper focuses on the response of foreign direct investment, portfolio flows, and other debt flows to financial liberalization. The financial liberalization variable comes from the chronology and index developed by Kaminsky and Schmukler [Kaminsky, G.L. and Schmukler, S.L., 2003, Short-run pain, long-run gain: The effects of financial liberalization, IMF Working Paper WP/03/34.]. Different types of capital flows are found to respond differently to financial liberalization. Surprisingly, portfolio flows appear to show little response to capital liberalization while foreign direct investment flows show significant increases in volatility, particularly for the emerging markets considered.  相似文献   

由美国"次贷危机"诱发的"金融海啸"的本质是资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计"碰撞"的结果,是国际金融资本因贪婪给自己挖掘的坟墓。由此,我国应高度重视资本大规模流动的监测和对策研究,加强国际合作来限制资源金融的炒作,注重金融创新风险濡染机制的研究,完善对金融创新的有效监管。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the relationship between macroeconomic volatility and the current account. Using quarterly data for a panel of OECD economies, time-varying relative volatility measures are constructed for GDP, net output, and government consumption. The empirical evidence suggests that current account balances are positively affected by all three volatility measures. Moreover, the current account balance is found to be related positively to output growth and negatively to the growth of government consumption. Evidence from saving and investment rates also suggests that the precautionary saving motive is part of (though perhaps not the entire) mechanism that relates output volatility and the current account. Broadly consistent with the predictions of the standard theoretical model, these estimates are sizable, statistically significant, and robust.  相似文献   

本文采用1985-1999年泰国、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、马来西亚和菲律宾的季度数据,选取几个重要指标,运用面板数据的方法,从货币危机的视角进行了实证研究,认为发展中国家的资本账户开放有引发货币危机的可能,但是这种可能性与一国的经济基础条件关系密切,因此,为了避免和缓解发生货币危机的风险,发展中国家应在实现内外均衡和深化金融改革的前提下开放资本账户.  相似文献   

In the past decade, financial markets have been hit twice by crisis, followed each time by recession (i.e., Enron and the subprime mortgage crisis). I present three theories to explain the dynamics of share prices: rational expectations, behavioral finance, and an institution-oriented theory. Institutional investors are the dominant actors on financial markets. They hold the majority of the share capital in big companies. They tend to drive financial markets to a higher level of risk (volatility). The greater the percentage of the share capital held by institutional investors in a company, the higher the volatility (variance) of the share price. The results of my multilevel analysis confirm this hypothesis (a sample of 1,369 firms in twenty-two OECD countries). There are also significant differences among the OECD countries. Whereas both financial market crises originated in the United States, the country did not have the highest level of volatility in the period from 2000 to 2013.  相似文献   

中国正面临越来越大的三元悖论困扰,即在维持有限的汇率制度弹性以及货币政策自主性的同时,持续面临着大规模的国际资本流入。实证研究发现,在面临大规模的外汇资本积累后,央行的外汇冲销水平在2006年第3季度后下降了,但总体上看,中国货币供应还存在一定的自主性。由于外汇冲销存在一定成本,央行应提高成本较低的回购操作比重,降低成本较高的央行票据操作比重。考虑到十二五规划已经制定了扩大内需战略,来自经常项目盈余的外汇流入会持续下降,中国对外国直接投资进行了有针对性地控制和引导,限制热钱流入应该是中国今后应对外汇资本流入的重点。而只有人民币成为国际信贷货币,才能从根本上消除外汇积累的货币效应以及货币错配风险。  相似文献   

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