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基于循环经济背景下的安徽旅游业研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱盛毅 《华东经济管理》2007,21(11):23-25,29
大力发展旅游循环经济是旅游业转变经济增长模式的客观要求,是实现资源的持续利用、提升旅游产业效益、实现旅游业可持续发展的重要途径.文章以循环经济理论为指导,对安徽旅游业发展的现状及问题进行分析,提出安徽旅游循环经济发展的对策,旨在为安徽旅游业发展探索出一条新的发展之路.  相似文献   

Local economic development (LED) planning is of major policy importance in post-apartheid South Africa. Although issues surrounding LED have attracted considerable policy attention, one neglected theme has been the role of tourism as a lead sector for LED. The aim of this article is to examine the planning and workings of one tourism-led LED initiative in South Africa. The case study is that of the Highlands Meander in Mpumalanga province, where five towns are collaborating in their LED initiatives in order to promote the area's tourism products. A key finding is that this growing tourism initiative is currently not benefiting local black communities. Recommendations are offered for developing a pro-poor tourism initiative.  相似文献   

湖南省委、省政府决心把旅游资源大省建设成为旅游产业大省,在此战略背景和战略视野下,湖南高职旅游教育应该有所作为,但当前的湖南高职旅游教育还难以适应这一战略要求。区域特色是旅游的底蕴和支撑,湖湘特色是湖南旅游的区域特色和品牌,因此,湖南高职旅游教育的发展为适应湖南旅游强省的产业战略,要突出湖湘特色,创新人才培养模式、打造湖湘特色的高职旅游教育"航母",拓展自己的发展空间。  相似文献   

In the past few decades, rural areas have experienced major socioeconomic changes. Due to modernisation and deepening globalisation, the economic and employment potential of many traditional livelihoods has decreased. Currently tourism is increasingly seen as a relevant tool for addressing rural problems in developing countries and tourism is actively used for economic diversification and opening up new ways to generate income and employment. However, many development models, such as integrated rural tourism (IRT) with emphasis on co-planning, learning and participation, originate from the Global North. This calls for careful considerations when such models are applied to the Global South's rural contexts. This research note discusses some of the key challenges of rural tourism development, especially related to the integration of the tourism industry and rural communities in developing countries, and overviews the applicability and conditions of the IRT framework as a potential approach for rural tourism development in the developing world.  相似文献   

Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP) is a transboundary protected area that straddles the borders of Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The park's development was partly motivated by the ecological objective of re-establishing traditional migratory wildlife routes once fences between the three countries are dismantled. Besides biodiversity conservation benefits, the park may also provide a basis to generate revenue for conservation and local economic development through tourism. This paper describes current state and private sector tourism within the GLTP and planning initiatives that may promote responsible tourism, and describes the achievements by community-based tourism enterprises and public–private partnerships in generating economic, social and environmental benefits. The livelihoods of people living in the park are outlined in relation to government policies on land redistribution, resettlement and options for the future, and progress in biodiversity conservation and responsible nature-based tourism development within the GLTP over the past five years is evaluated.  相似文献   

广西东湖乡村旅游综合体开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆军 《特区经济》2012,(4):137-140
乡村旅游综合体是破解"三农问题"的重要路径,是乡村旅游发展的创新模式。目前,乡村旅游综合体在我国还处于探索发展阶段,相关研究成果较少。本文在对乡村旅游综合体理论诠释的基础上,以广西东湖乡村旅游综合体为研究对象,以理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,剖析了广西东湖乡村旅游综合体开发建设的条件,并对其开发战略进行了较为深入的研究,最后,提出了广西东湖乡村旅游综合体开发的三大核心对策。  相似文献   

There is often a vast difference between the needs of the tourism industry and tourists on the one hand and of the local inhabitants of developing tourist destination areas — especially in Third World, rural settings — on the other hand. This article describes some of the problems associated with tourism development in general and discusses tourism development in terms of the psychological saturation effects it can have on local inhabitants. The authors state that tourism could enhance the development of rural areas on an ecologically and economically viable basis, and improve the quality of life of the rural black. They further state that it is possible to reconcile the needs and demands of locals and those of tourism through adequate planning and the development of effec‐tive intra‐ and intercultural communication systems. Using the Kosi Bay area of the Maputaland region in northern Natal as a case‐study, specific suggestions are offered about ways in which this process of need reconciliation can be built into tourism plan‐ning and into the development of a meaningful infrastructure for tourism.  相似文献   

高谋洲 《乡镇经济》2008,24(3):78-81
乡村旅游发展的实践证明,它具有促进农村产业结构优化的功能,但在发挥这一功能方面它也面临很多困难和问题。为了规避或矫正乡村旅游在此方面的不足,发展乡村旅游时,必须加强整体规划和机制设计,提高乡村旅游地农民的参与范围和程度;提高建设规划水平,在保持乡村整体风貌的基础上进行标准化建设;充分利用价格机制,调节游客流量;充分发挥社区和乡村旅游合作经济组织的作用,克服乡村旅游经营分散性带来的弊端;加大政府的指导和管理力度,保证乡村旅游健康持续发展。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,浙江农村经济取得了举世瞩目的成绩,探求浙江农村经济成功发展的原因可以发现:浙江民营经济十分发达,普遍实现了地域专业化分工,基本做到了"一村一品、一乡一品"或"几乡一品",由生产带动销售,形成了浙江经济的典型特征"专业市场"经济模式。农村专业市场村落的形成也正基于此。本文试从农村工业品市场发展演化的一般过程出发,来探寻浙江农村市场型村落发展变迁的历史轨迹和宝贵经验。  相似文献   

王摇橹 《科技和产业》2023,23(20):66-71
“双碳”目标是中国“十四五”时期乃至更长时期内所有产业发展的政策导向和重要约束,旅游业作为战略性支柱产业之一,是碳减排的重要领域,河南作为旅游大省,随着旅游业的快速发展,与旅游相关的碳排放也逐年增加。借助“自下而上”法测度2006—2020年河南省旅游业碳排放量,并利用Tapio脱钩模型测算旅游业碳排放脱钩水平。研究发现,河南省旅游经济发展与碳排放的脱钩关系以弱脱钩为主,多种脱钩关系并存。因此建议,从加强政府引导监督、优化能源消费结构、鼓励低碳技术创新、开发低碳旅游产品、引导游客低碳消费等方面提升河南省旅游业绿色低碳发展水平。  相似文献   

This article explores how information communication technologies (ICTs) can help tourismbased small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) address their constraints to growth and development in rural South Africa. More specifically, it reports on research conducted in the Wild Coast region of the Eastern Cape province focussed on the constraints, and related information needs affecting the success of rural SMMEs operating in the tourism industry, and explores how ICTs might address these limitations. Within the context of the constraints faced by rural SMMEs, this article examines the information needs and current patterns of communication that impact on the development of the sector, the nature of tourism SMMEs in the case study area, and the potential use of ICTs to support tourism-based SMME development in rural areas.  相似文献   

张欣旻 《改革与战略》2010,26(11):102-104,159
在国际金融危机不断加重、国内经济处于下行阶段、"三农"问题急待解决的大背景下,可通过BOT模式的运用,对乡村旅游项目进行开发,将会对新农村建设产生战略性影响。  相似文献   

乡村旅游助推乡村振兴,乡村振兴促进乡村旅游。在乡村振兴战略背景下,梳理海南乡村旅游发展现状,指出海南乡村旅游发展遇到的瓶颈、困境,提出海南乡村旅游质效提升的思路和策略,包括开拓客源市场、锻造产品质量、提高经济效益和强化要素保障四个方面。  相似文献   

基于利益相关者理论的内生式乡村旅游发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程增建  王金叶 《乡镇经济》2009,25(5):109-113
基于利益相关者理论的内生式乡村旅游发展是一种强调由当地利益相关者主导的发展模式,它需要各利益相关者的合作和参与,其关键是通过内部整合力量、社区动员、当地旅游资源和社会团体潜能开发、乡村特有文化保护、政府职能转变等,建立新型合作经济组织、完成社区组织建立和组织创新、构建内外各利益群体协调平台、增强个人和组织的权力、重构符合时代发展的乡村文化、建立利益相关者战略联盟伙伴关系、创新政府参与形式等等,最终形成由当地主导的利益相关者内生式乡村旅游发展模式,实现地区可持续发展和地方综合发展能力提高的目标。  相似文献   

随着国家经济实力增强和国际地位提高,我国对海洋权益的重视也达到了前所未有的高度,十八大会议中首次将海洋战略提升到国家级战略层面。福建省位于我国东南沿海,拥有丰富的海洋资源,但开发和保护仍然相对落后。文中对福建省现存无人居住海岛资源进行了分析,并结合目前旅游业对经济的贡献,从点轴开发模式和文化、生态的保护开发两个方面份析福建省无人居住海岛的开发与利用。  相似文献   

乡村旅游对农民增收、就业实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐代剑  黎彦 《改革与战略》2009,25(12):122-125
对乡村旅游促进农村经济和就业,学术界缺乏定量研究,致使人们无法准确认识乡村旅游的作用与价值。文章利用浙江省三个不同类型乡村旅游点的社会调查资料,运用回归分析法,探讨乡村旅游对农民收入增加、农村就业的比例以及乡村旅游收入与从业人数之间的关系。结果表明:在乡村旅游发展时期,可以促进农民增收12.17%,提高农村就业率13.26%,对新农村建设和城乡一体化发展有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

以"农家乐"为代表的湖州乡村旅游产品在满足消费者休闲游方面遇到了瓶颈,如何实现其转型和升级成为湖州乡村旅游发展的新问题。日本和台湾地区在发展中积累了一些经验。本文总结提出借鉴台湾和日本的经验,分析了湖州乡村旅游出现的问题的基础上,提出了湖州乡村旅游发展的策略。  相似文献   

我国发展乡村旅游经济的思考——以湖南省郴州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐闪光 《特区经济》2009,242(3):159-160
作为一种逐渐成熟的旅游模式,乡村旅游具有蓬勃的生机与活力。"十一五"期间,发挥乡村旅游在建设社会主义新农村中的重要作用,将是政府解决"三农"问题的有效方法之一。湖南省郴州市独特的地理位置和丰富的旅游资源为乡村旅游的发展提供了广阔空间,发展乡村旅游将成为创建和谐郴州的一剂良方。  相似文献   

地方政府在农村人力资源开发中的作用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施杨  童举希 《乡镇经济》2008,24(11):71-73
做好发展农业、建设农村、开发农民(农村人力资源)这项“综合工程”,是今后一个时期我国经济社会发展的重大战略任务之一,也是各地全面推进社会主义新农村建设的客观要求。在剖析农村人力资源开发战略意义的基础上,明确地方政府在农村人力资源开发中的职能定位,提出地方政府推动农村人力资源开发的基本任务,为相关部门决策提供参考。  相似文献   

The structural dimensions of a country's tourism sector, and in particular the spatial structure of tourism production and consumption, relate closely to the nature and extent of the impact that tourism can have. This article examines the spatial characteristics of tourism in the Western Cape province, one of South Africa's foremost international tourist regions, and where its government seeks to use tourism as an instrument of development and socio-economic transformation. To understand how this could be effected it is necessary to understand the spatial distributional effects of tourism, and the underlying reasons for it. To this end the article examines the spatial structure of the provincial accommodation sector as evidenced in patterns of accommodation supply and tourist usage (demand); and trends in the nature, direction and distribution of public and private-sector tourism investments. The central argument is that tourism is geographically focused, with tourist activities concentrated in a few locales and sub-regions. This follows the general demographic and economic contours of the province. Yet trends in capital investments tend to reinforce the spatial concentration of tourism. Attempts by the government to spread tourism's benefits have not been too successful due to institutional and capacity deficiencies. Greater emphasis should be placed on developing domestic tourism.  相似文献   

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