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阳松谷 《国际融资》2006,74(12):52-54
2005年11月22日,我国最大亦是惟一国字号出版集团--中国出版集团在经历一年多的酝酿后,终于正式挂牌中国出版集团公司,从事业单位转制为企业.由经营性的事业单位到企业,标志着中国出版集团改制的初步成功,标志着这家由全国顶尖级品牌出版单位共同打造的中国出版航母在改革前进的道路上又迈出加速度的一步.  相似文献   

尽早出台政策性农业保险法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庹国柱 《银行家》2007,(9):112-114
政策性农业保险具有其特殊性,需要众多政府部门共同承担责任,如果不通过法律法规规定其具体支持责任,各地是无力自办政策性农业保险的。近几年来农业保险备受国人关注。一方面,每年的水、旱、风、雹、冻、疫病等灾害使部分地区的农业遭受损失,农民因灾致贫,因灾返贫的现象在受灾地区已经不是个别现象。相对而言,国家的救济和社会的慈善捐助显得杯水车薪而不能从根本上  相似文献   


This paper critically reviews 19 studies published between 1972 and 2012 that investigated the written and/or oral communication skills of practicing accountants. The core aim of the review was to identify skills considered important and highlight gaps regarding what is known about existing and desired communication skills in the accounting profession. Key findings include that most studies did not detail the basis used to select the skills examined, used very broad skill-set categories and/or did not sufficiently incorporate information already established in the literature. Differing views on the importance of communication skills were found between educators and accountants. Knowledge gaps identified relate to the communication skills considered most important at varying career stages and different career paths, the specific types of oral and written communication skills needed and the role and importance of oral versus written and informal versus formal communication skills. A fundamental concern is that much of the existing communication skills research is crucially out of date. Of the 19 studies reviewed, only three have been published in the past decade. This suggests that further research is needed in the area.  相似文献   

周程 《国际融资》2005,(2):28-32
当人们对于自由竞争无比崇尚之时,垄断便成了一无是处的魔鬼。于是好事者就不顾后果地打倒一切,反垄断成了产业界和学界的时尚。一阵亢奋之后,我们突然发现反垄断的结果是越反越垄断。究竟垄断是什么?怎样反垄断?带着这些问题本刊记者采访了垄断问题专家、首都经济贸易大学工商管理学院副院长、MBA中心主任戚聿东教授  相似文献   

This paper reviews the vast academic literature on the market for corporate control. Our main focus is the cyclical wave pattern that this market exhibits. We address the following questions: Why do we observe recurring surges and downfalls in M&A activity? Why do managers herd in their takeover decisions? Is takeover activity fuelled by capital market developments? Does a transfer of control generate shareholder gains and do such gains differ across takeover waves? What caused the formation of conglomerate firms in the wave of the 1960s and their de-conglomeration in the 1980s and 1990s? And, why do we observe time- and country-clustering of hostile takeover activity? We find that the patterns of takeover activity and their profitability vary significantly across takeover waves. Despite such diversity, all waves still have some common factors: they are preceded by technological or industrial shocks, and occur in a positive economic and political environment, amidst rapid credit expansion and stock market booms. Takeovers towards the end of each wave are usually driven by non-rational, frequently self-interested managerial decision-making.  相似文献   

In recent years, considerable pressure has grown within the British auditing industry for limitation of liability arising from negligent mis-statements in audit reports. Under British company law, auditors are forbidden from contracting with companies for their liability to be restricted. This legal provision was introduced in the Companies Act 1929 as a byproduct of legislation relating to directors' liability. The paper explores the background to this legal provision, observing that auditor liability cannot be viewed as a self-contained matter of interest only to a limited community. Attitudes to auditor liability have been shaped against a background of changes in the law of negligence, some, but by no means all, arising from cases involving auditors. Moreover, changing concepts of the position of the auditor within corporate governance structures have at different times encouraged and discouraged the assimilation of the legal treatments of auditors and directors. These concepts themselves reflect differing notions of what actually constitutes the “company”: a collectivity of shareholders or a separate entity controlled by directors. These notions emerged against a background of corporate failure and the need to allocate losses among various parties with different degrees of culpability for failure. However, legal developments do not account by themselves for changing attitudes within the auditing industry towards unlimited liability; acceptance of full responsibility for one's statements, adopted as a badge of professional status, has more recently been seen as inhibiting the commercial development of British auditing.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a number of issues regarding crime prevention and criminal justice. We begin by considering how crime is measured and present both general and specific evidence on the level of crime in a variety of countries. Crime is pervasive and varies substantially across countries. We outline the arguments for some public role in crime prevention, enforcement, prosecution, defence, adjudication and punishment. We consider the relative roles of the public and private sectors in crime control and criminal justice. We discuss various measures for the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. We conclude by suggesting some potential areas for research.  相似文献   

This article compares reforms to directors' liability for insolvent trading in Singapore and in Australia. We analyse the law in these two countries because they are important Asia‐Pacific trading partners and their laws were originally largely the same—Singapore's law on insolvent trading reflected the law in Australia from the 1960s. However, the law in the two countries has now diverged substantially. The comparison of these two countries therefore represents an interesting case study in how countries differ in their approaches to balancing the competing interests evident in laws that impose personal liability on company directors for insolvent trading. Reform of the prohibition against insolvent trading was a focus of Australia's insolvency law reforms in 2017, which led to the introduction of a safe harbour for directors from liability. Singapore's omnibus insolvency law reforms of 2018–19 include amendments to update Singapore's fraudulent and insolvent trading provisions by introducing a concept of “wrongful trading.” The article finds that there are some areas of convergence between these two jurisdictions when it comes to debates about such provisions but concludes that the different contemporary legislative histories in Australia and Singapore have affected their approaches to reform. Reformers in both jurisdictions have attempted to find an appropriate balance between protecting creditors, discouraging director misconduct, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation; however, this comparison suggests that the weight that reformers place on creditor protection compared with the concern that excessive personal liability can make directors unduly risk‐averse is influenced by their existing legislative framework and experience of those laws. Although Australia has shifted away from a strict focus on creditor protection, to give directors more opportunities to engage in restructuring, Singapore's amendments may provide a more creditor‐friendly regime.  相似文献   

This case poses the issue of marginal costing for a service that occurs regularly, but is not the primary function of the organization. The setting is a university and the service is courses offered during spring/summer semesters, a situation familiar to many students. In this case, students must decide whether spring/summer courses are analogous to a special order or whether such costs should be considered integral to the institution’s programming. Students are asked to identify relevant costs and revenues and to devise a decision rule which takes into consideration the implications of various cost assumptions.After completing the case students should be able to apply the concepts of incremental revenues and costs in decision-making. They should also be able to justify using incremental costing in a recurring setting. Students will be able to explain how managerial incentives, in the form of fixed budgets, can interfere with the application of incremental cost and revenue concepts. During class discussion, the broader implications of changing institutional responsibility reporting and budgeting policies may be raised. This case is suitable for introductory courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels and in the first upper-division undergraduate course in managerial accounting.  相似文献   

Sharing information and data across organizational boundaries has proved hard to achieve. This is, in part, because we have framed the problem, and possible solutions, in one of three conflicting ways that draw on powerful institutional logics: design, governance and enculturation. Five strategies for addressing this conflict are presented—contingency, combination, conflict, ambiguity and synthesis. The conclusion links the problem of information sharing to the paradoxical nature of information.  相似文献   

A general requirement for an accountant to take the CPA examination is the completion of a course in business law. It appears that what constitutes the business law course requirement is rather loosely defined and leaves excessive room for interpretation. What is a business law course? A survey of accounting educators regarding the business law requirement and the law courses taught at their respective schools reveals, inter alia, a divergence of opinion regarding the business law requirement, the perceived objective of teaching business law to accounting students, the importance of the legal topics included on the CPA exam, and the coverage of those topics at their respective institutions. In general, accounting educators are encouraged to both review their current business law requirements and to take a more active role in monitoring the business law curriculum.  相似文献   

京津冀能源一体化问题与国际经验借鉴 京津冀地区地处中国环渤海地带,是中国北方经济规模最大、最具活力的地区.在2015年4月中央政治局审议通过的《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》中,对京津冀整体功能定位是"以首都为核心的世界级城市群、区域整体协同发展改革引领区、全国创新驱动经济增长新引擎、生态修复环境改善示范区".自此,京津冀区域协同发展被提升为国家战略高度.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine what colleges and universities are doing to improve accounting students' communication skills and how they are doing it. Results indicate that much is already being done to improve the communication skills of accounting students, and that more programs are being planned. The survey revealed that accounting students at most of the responding colleges and universities have access to formal instruction in business communication, and that some communication programs are tailored for accounting majors. In addition to communication programs already in effect at the time of the survey, several schools were planning to add either an accounting communication course or an integrated skills program.  相似文献   

坚持出口退税中性原则:出口退税率不宜下调   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
理性的出口退税应是消除出口歧视的中性政策,而不是鼓励出口的优惠和补贴措施。现实中由于市场缺陷和国际竞争的原因,往往存在不彻底的出口退税制度。彻底的出口退税是税制本身的要求,也是我国遵循世贸组织规则的基本要求。我国出口退税政策目标的确立应贯彻中性与非中性相结合的原则,在政策设计上力求按消费地原则和国民待遇原则,朝实行彻底的出口退税政策方向迈进。  相似文献   

Generally, accounting standard setting in the 21st Century promises to be an interesting and increasingly diverse endeavor. This paper discusses the formation of the FASB’s Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee in 2010 and its work to date. I identify the various changes that will likely impact accounting and auditing for not-for-profit entities. Specifically, prospects for changes to current not-for-profit standards are discussed with emphasis on how future changes might follow the patterns outlined for private companies or small and medium-sized entities. New possibilities and implications for educators and curriculum design are introduced.  相似文献   

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