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本文从产品多样性视角考察中国进口贸易利益规模。基于现有文献的研究模型和中国海关2002年至2012年进口数据,本文发现在一系列对称性假设下中国进口贸易带来产品多样性增加的贸易利益总体规模较小。分产品类别看,中间产品、工业品及初级产品贡献了绝大部分贸易利益。分产业类别看,金属矿的开采、化学品及化学制品的制造及与资源、初级产品相关的行业贡献较大。  相似文献   

文中作者通过关务实践与教学活动,发现进口消费税的计税组成价格计算出来后,可以直接作为进口增值税的计税组成价格,而大可省去后者的计算过程。依据简单的代数方程的演算,完全证实了:进口消费税和进口增值税的组成计税价格存在互通性。  相似文献   

高翔 《物流科技》2009,32(6):22-25
根据航空货运业的发展,空运通关改革势在必行。文章在比较美国、荷兰、新加坡、日本空运进口通关模式的基础上,揭示其在通关流程、信息系统、风险管理、查验等方面的作法,并总结四国具有共性的特点,在此基础上提出单一窗口、物流信息流分离、自动缴税等建议,为我国空运通关模式改革提供思路。  相似文献   

本文以常弹性需求为例,考察当本国企业和外国企业在本国市场上进行(可能的)古诺竞争时,最优关税的决定问题。研究表明:(1)尽管常弹性需求满足贸易条件收益,但低关税不一定会提高社会福利。(2)就常弹性需求,最优关税的符号并不能仅由需求函数单独决定,边际成本对最优关税的决定有重要影响。(3)如果在自由贸易下,本国企业能够同外国企业进行古诺竞争,且相对外国企业,本国企业缺乏明显的成本优势,则低关税提高社会福利,最优关税为正;反之,若本国企业具备明显的成本优势,则低关税降低社会福利,自由贸易是最优选择。(4)如果在自由贸易下,外国企业的进入将使得本国企业退出市场,则低关税会降低社会福利。此时,相对外国企业,若本国企业的成本劣势并不严重,则应适当征税以使得本国企业进入市场;反之,若本国企业的成本劣势严重,则应选择自由贸易并由外国企业垄断市场。  相似文献   


This pa per in ves ti gates the forces and fac tors that in flu -ence im p o r t o r i en t a t i o n s in Jor da n. It was found that or ga ni za tional buyers rate qual ity and price, rather than the coun try-of-or i gin, as the most im por tant prod uct at trib ute. The size of firms and their ex pe ri ence in import ing had min i mum im pact on im port ori en ta tions. Re sults in di cate that the or ga ni za tional buy ers in Jor dan are tra di tional in their use of promo tional tools and tend to pri mar ily rely on word-of-mouth and news papers for their in for ma tion con cern ing ex port ers and chan nels. The ar ti cle con cludes with a dis cus sion of the im pli ca tions for in ter na tional business.  相似文献   

石油被喻为“工业经济的血液”,事关一国乃至全球的经济命脉.自1993年中国成为石油净进口国以来,石油进口就不断增加,进口依存度呈现持续上升趋势,2004、2005、2006年,我国石油对外依存度分别达到47.3%、44.5%和45%。据国际能源署(1EA)估计,到2030年中国的石油进口比例将高达84%。据海关最新统计,  相似文献   

高飞 《价值工程》2010,29(26):238-239
商标领域的平行进口是国际贸易中普遍存在且争议很大的一个问题。其中有关商标权的权利用尽问题,国际公约没有对其进行规定。我国可借鉴美国和欧盟的作法,根据本国的经济利益和政治考虑制定对自己比较有利的平行进口规则,以保护我国的产业发展。  相似文献   

一、我国进口贸易现状及存在的问题我国进口体制,一直是高度集中的中央计划经济的产物,在对外贸易发展战略方面,选择并实施了进口替代与出口导向相结合的发展战略。从1992年以来,进口体制已作了一些重大改革,并  相似文献   

The paper estimates and analyzes an equation for intermediate imports in Mexico during the 1988–2006 post-liberalization period. While some results are obtained from Johansen's VECM model, most of the analysis is carried out within an Error-Correction ARDL framework, following the bounds testing approach of Pesaran et al. (2001). Besides showing that an aggregate equation for intermediate imports can be satisfactorily estimated, the paper focuses on two specific results. First, exports have a very significant effect on imports, and failure to control for this effect (as in most previous studies) can yield misleading results, like an over-estimation of the output elasticity of imports. Second, the response of imports to variations in the real exchange rate has fallen over time, presumably because of the rising share of maquila in Mexico's export basket and the increasing “vertical specialization” of non-maquila export production. Some implications of the estimation results are briefly discussed, making reference to the possible external constraint on Mexico's economic growth.  相似文献   

This study estimates price–marginal cost mark-ups for Canadian manufacturing industries during the 1970s in order to assess the impact of import competition on domestic market power. The results are mixed. Based on the analysis, there is no consistent evidence that imports reduced the mark-ups of Canadian firms during that period.  相似文献   

介绍了我国长江沿岸钢铁公司进口铁矿石物流基本情况,结合实际数据指出目前的其物流成本居高不下的主要原因,并提出降低成本的相应方法与对策。  相似文献   

There is widespread concern about the growth of imports in the United Kingdom. British industry is said to be ‘bleeding to death’ as a result of foreign competition and calls are heard for protective measures such as import controls to save the economy. There are three elements in the case for protection. The first is that trends in Britain's foreign trade in manufactured goods have been extremely adverse and that there are no good grounds for believing that they will change spontaneously. The second is that the growth of the economy is constrained by the balance of payments and that consequently a serious and growing depression will develop throughout the 1980s which could reach catastrophic proportions towards the end of the decade when North Sea oil production declines. The third is that import controls are an effective way of coping with the problem. It is recognised that the second two elements are controversial. As it happens we disagree with both of them. However, it is generally assumed that the first element - the view that increasing import penetration will destroy British industry - is common ground and that no-one disagrees with it. Our aim in this Briefing Paper is to challenge this view. There is no doubt that import penetration (which we measure as the share of imports in GDP) has growth rapidly, especially over the past two decades. In 1960 imports amounted to 25 per cent of GDP. By 1970 this proportion had risen to 28 per cent and in 1979 it had risen to 35 per cent. However, we shall argue that the economic processes that have been responsible for this development have on the whole been poorly understood. We reject the popular view that Britain is structurally unable to compete in world markets. Instead we propose an alternative interpretation of import penetration which explains UK trade performance in terms of the broader pattern of the world trade order. In the light of this theory we argue that import penetration in the UK is not an inexorable trend reflecting the relative weakness of the UK in international trade. On the contrary, UK import penetration has been adjusting to a new world trading environment and now that this process of adjustment is nearing completion the rate of increase of import penetration seems likely to abate. Moreover, the British people have benefited from this greater degree of free trade and any protective measures designed to inhibit the economic forces that we describe below would damage the economic welfare of the British public as a whole.  相似文献   

经济新常态下,“一带一路”战略为我国更好地由国内经济发展模式转向国际资源配置模式提供了历史契机。本文实证研究后发现进口生产性服务复杂度对“一带一路”18省份制造业增加值率提升有区域异质性特征。沿海5省处于要素驱动、资本驱动过后第二波创新驱动过渡期。西北6省制造业尚处于第一波增长期。东北3省和重庆效应尚不显著。避免“一带一路”战略下“运动式”增长,优先发展地区特色、优势制造产业,升级效果更显著。  相似文献   

中国进出口银行是我国的官方出口信用机构,是符合国际通行规则和惯例的制度安排.官方出口信用机构,是指提供政府支持的担保、保险和贷款,主要支持本国国际经济活动的金融机构.  相似文献   

清洁发展机制与中国环境技术引进   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对中国参与CDM能够引进技术的规模,种类,可扩散性,引进技术对中国可持续发展目标实现的短期影响与长期影响是否一致等进行分析,进而为中国在CDM机制设计谈判中应坚持的立场提出了两点建议。  相似文献   

郭睿 《价值工程》2014,(23):162-164
本文从宏观因素上和结构因素上分别对我国外贸进出口总额增减变动趋势进行分析,在宏观方面运用逐步回归,得出1985-2009年我国外贸进出口总额的变动主要取决于国内生产总值和实际利用外资两个因素的变动。在结构方面运用动态分析,得出了影响外贸进出口总额最重要的因素是机械和运输设备的进出口额。  相似文献   

对确定进口固体肥料份样数的方法进行了初步探讨,提出并论了检验进口固体肥料的一般风险。  相似文献   

研究目标:探究中间品进口对企业生存时间的影响及其作用机制。研究方法:基于中国工业企业和海关贸易的综合数据,通过倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)降低样本选择性偏误,采用生存分析模型进行研究。研究发现:进口中间品对延长企业生存时间具有显著促进作用;这种促进作用对混合加工贸易的提升效果尤其明显。同时随着使用强度的增加,进口中间品对企业风险的降低作用增强;中间品的技术水平越高,对企业生存概率的改善作用越大;但这些作用的发挥需要满足一定的时间门槛。研究创新:与先前文献侧重强调出口的巨大作用不同,本文研究并论证了进口的积极作用,发现了进口中间品对企业生存的重要意义。研究价值:本文的这一研究为延长企业生存时间、提升企业竞争力找到了新途径,也为相关贸易政策的制定提供了新视角。  相似文献   

在中国出口扩张的同时,贸易伙伴采取的NTMs也逐年增加。本文利用CEPII BACI数据库测算了中国出口的二元边际,并借助引力模型检验了NTMs对其影响效果。研究发现,贸易伙伴对华频繁发起NTMs,使得中国出口的密度边际扩张,但广度边际收缩,这与年度变化趋势完全吻合。同时,经济总量、关税水平、FDI、外部冲击及地理距离等控制变量对出口边际也有显著影响。来自发达经济体和发展中经济体的NTMs对中国出口边际的影响存在一定差异。  相似文献   

Some African economies have experienced increases in the level of their foreign exchange reserves as well as increases in their import volume. Theory suggests that as the level of exchange reserves increases, it may affect the demand for imports since more funds will be available for imports. This paper examines import demand behavior in three African economies, namely Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. An empirical analysis of import demand behavior is presented, based on the dynamic error-correction model, which allows an explicit parameterized division of effects into long-run influences, short-term adjustment and error-correction term. It uses econometric techniques organized around Johansen and Harris–Inder cointegration analyses; fully modified OLS, dynamic OLS and non-linear OLS to estimate long-run import demand functions.  相似文献   

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