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TheChinaPublicDataNetworkisundertheadministrationoftheDataCommunicationsBureauofChinaTelecom,whichhassofarestablishedanumberofnationwidenetworks,includingCHINANET,CNINFO,CHINAPAC,CHINADDNandCHINAFRN.CHINANET(ChinaPublicComputerInterconnectedNetwork)AsapubliccomputerinterconnectednetworkundertheoperationandadministrationofChinaTelecom,CHINANEThasbecomethelargestandfastestnetworkinthecountry,coveringavastareaandwiththelargestnumberofusers.CHINANEThasaroamingfunction…  相似文献   

Hisense recommends its first-generation global network TVs to the public in China. With these TVs, you cansurf intend. listed to music and watchTV programs at the same time. Atpresent, it is the only electrical appliance in China with which one can watchTV programs via the internet.According to Hisense's engineers, the TV adopts the technologyfrom US silicon valley to achieve successful combination of TV and computer with the performance of high clarity,no interference, better brightnes…  相似文献   

OnSeptember14,WuJichuan,MinisteroftheinformationIndustry,reiteratedtherulesoftheChinesegovernmentissuedin1993thatenterprisesandindividualsabroad,andwhollyforeign-investedenterprises,jointventuresorcooperativeenterprisessetupinChina,arenotpermittedtooperateorjointlyoperatethepubliccommunicationsnetWork,.thespecializedcommunicationsnetwork,andwireandwirelesscommunicationsnetworksinChina,andforeigncapitalcannotbeusedinanyformtopurchasesharesinthem.ManynetWorkcompaniesinChinaquicklyunderstoodM…  相似文献   

in recent years, private enterprises have increasingly become a major economic force in China. As such businesses grow, the revenue from the international business that they conduct grows accordingly. China's private enterprises are going global. Due to the world's economic globalizatlon and China's entry into the WTO, both domestic and international competition has come to be more intensified, which to some extent has provided a favorable environment for the international business operations of China's private enterprises. A document entitled Opinions of the State Council on Encouraging, Supporting and Guiding the Development of the Non-Public Ownership Economy, Including Individual Ownership and Private Investment, issued in February 2005, explicitly supports the exploration of foreign markets by private enterpris- es. It is the definitive guide for private business in China, and thus has been a driving force behind private enterprises to start international business.  相似文献   

NetworkCreatesNewRichesinChinaToseektalentsforhisgrowingcompany,WangZhidong,agraduateofBeijingUniversity11yearsagoandtheCEOofsina,madeamovingspeechontheeveningofDec.2,1999,promisingabrilliantfutureforthosefromwhojoinsina..Whensinalistssuccessfully,it...  相似文献   

In early 1995 China began to build eight optical fibre cable trunks, including the 4,532km-long Hangzhou-Fuzhou-Guiyang-Chengdu trunk in southern China, the 2,133km-long Beijing-Hohhot-Yinchuan-Lanzhou trunk in the northern part of the country, and the 3,000km-long Beijing-Wuhan-Guangzhou trunk across the country. They will be put into use by the end of the year, thus finalizing the construction of 22 A-  相似文献   

In China's three northern regions of the Northwest, North and Northeast (3Ns), there are 1.33 million sq km of desert and sand land, forming a 5,000-km-long wind-sand belt. In 1978, the Chinese government decided to build the "3Ns" shelterbelt network. The project covers 13 provinces, autonomous regions and cities including Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, eovering an area of 4.06 million sq km, 42% of the country's total land. It plans to complete the project in 73 years, in three phases: the first phase is  相似文献   

UAL Corporation, the holding company whose primary subsidiary is United Airlines, announced it is substantially accelerating the company‘s plan to expand its international leadership, redeploy aircraft to more profitable routes and reduce the overall size of its mainline fleet.  相似文献   

More Frequent Flyer Benefit——Air China and Shanhai Airlines Join Star Alliance In the end of 2007,Air China Limited (hereinafter"Air China")and Shang- hai Airlines,formally joined Star Alli- ance at a ceremony held in the new Termi- nal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport.With the addition of the two Chinese airlines,Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

"The network will foster new relationship between US and Chinese small and mediumsize companies in 14 key business centers, generating new opportunities for US SMEs in the China market and prosperity for both our great nations, " said Tim Hauser.  相似文献   

We provide clear insights into the key foreign direct investment obstacles for the manufacturing sector in FYR of Macedonia, an EU candidate country. The survey results, based on data for 79 manufacturing companies, revealed that the investors in this particular sector perceive the bureaucratic and administrative constraints, corruption and bribery, and the lack of law enforcement as three major investment obstacles. Furthermore, we found that the perception of the investment obstacles largely differ depending on the industry the companies operate in, the country of origin, and the export orientation. Therefore, we recommend a tailor-made approach in pursuing the national investment promotion policies and strategies.  相似文献   

China council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Chairman Wan Jifei and US Commerce Acting Under Secretary for International Trade Tim Hauser signed a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) on July 11,2005 to launch a new Sino-US International Partner Network in 14 major business centers across China. The MOU was signed during the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade annual meeting.……  相似文献   

YHW:Wheretogo?Twoyearsago,alargeadvertisementboardbearingthewords:"HowfaristhesuperhighwayfromChina-northward1,500meters"couldbeseeninBeijing'sZhongguancun,orthe"SiliconValley"ofChina.Nowtheboardhasdisappeared.TheboardwaserectedbytheYHWInformationTelecommunicationsCo.Ltd.ThecompanywasestablishedinMay1995andlistedinsharesinSeptember1996,witharegistrationfundofRMB80million.TheChinakingfaGroupwasitslargestshareholder,andtheremainingshareholdersincludedtheChinaTelecommunicationsConstru…  相似文献   

For the ninth year in a row, Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) outranked all of its U.S. competition in international Business Class service, according to results of a survey of Cond6 Nast Traveler readers published in the magazine's October 2006 edition.  相似文献   

For the ninth year in a row, Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) outranked all of its U.S. competition in international Business Class service, according to results of a survey of Conde Nast Traveler readers published in the magazine's October 2006 edition. Overall rankings were determined using a variety of criteria including Seat Comfort/ Legroom, Food, Cabin Service, Amenities/  相似文献   

Countries should have a clear, credible, appealing, distinctive image in a wide and diverse global marketplace. Nation branding is a good method for countries to survive and prosper in a wide and diverse global marketplace, and many countries have embraced the concept. Nation branding is a sophisticated endeavor, which includes economics, tourism, culture, and political destiny. This paper addresses the problem of branding Taiwan's tourism using the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory approach combined with the analytic network process method to evaluate the performance criteria of branding Taiwan. The results show that ‘festival’ is the critical criterion for branding Taiwan for tourism.  相似文献   

In the end of 2007, Air China Limited (hereinafter "Air China") and Shanghai Airlines, formally joined Star Alli-ance at a ceremony held in the new Terminal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport. With the addition of the two Chinese airlines, Star Alliance now ha,s 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

In the end of 2007, Air China Limited (hereinafter "Air China") and Shanghai Airlines, formally joined Star Alliance at a ceremony held in the new Terminal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport. With the addition of the two Chinese airlines, Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.……  相似文献   

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