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Canada has historically exported large numbers of swine and volumes of fresh and frozen pork products to the U.S. with minimal trade barriers. However, a substantial increase in imports of Canadian swine in 1983 and 1984 caused concern among U.S. producers, and their lobbying efforts culminated in the imposition of a countervailing duty in April 1985. The objectives of this research are twofold: ? to determine if Canadian swine imports into U.S. markets over the 1982 to 1985 period had a significant effect on U.S. prices, and ? to assess the impact of the countervailing duty on pricing efficiency in the Canadian slaughter hog markets. Several empirical methods have previously been used to analyze pricing relationships in agricultural markets: structural econometric models, univariate time-series models and multivariate time-series models. The vector autoregression (VAR) technique, representing a recent development in multivariate modeling, was chosen here to analyze the study hypotheses. VAR models have received considerable attention for their ability to evaluate the dynamic interrelationships among several time series in one system. The VAR analysis shows that Canadian swine imports into U.S. markets did not have a significant effect on U.S. prices. The results also indicate that pricing efficiency in the Canadian markets declined following enforcement of the countervailing duty. The research findings highlight the interdependence of the two countries and the need for ongoing bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations between them and third-party trading partners. Le Canada exporte depuis longtemps aux États-Unis de grandes quantités de pores sur pied et de produits frais et congelés du porc et les obstacles à ce commerce ont toujours été assez limités. Toutefois, la forte croissance des importations de pore canadien, en 1983 et 1984, a soulevé des inquiétudes parmi les producteurs américains, et les pressions exercées par ces derniers ont abouti, en avril 1985, à ?imposition ?un droit compensatoire. La présente recherche avait un double objectif: 1) déterminer si les importations de porc canadien sur les marchés américains de 1982 à 1985 ont eu un effet sensible sur les prix pratiqués aux États-Unis; 2) évaluer ?incidence du droit compensatoire sur ?efficacité de ?établissement des prix dans le secteur canadien de la production porcine. Plusieurs méthodes empiriques ont déjà été utilisées pour analyser les facteurs intervenant dans la détermination des prix dans les marchés agricoles: modèles économériques structuraux, séries chronologiques univariées et séries chronologiques multivariées. La technique ?autorégression vectorielle (VAR), une méthode de modélisation multivariée récemment mise au point, nous a servi à ?analyse de nos hypothèses de travail. Les modèles VAR ont soulevé énormément ?intérêt à cause de leur aptitude à évaluer les rapports dynamiques qui existent entre plusieurs séries chronologiques dans un système donné. ?analyse VAR a démontré que les importations de pore canadien sur les marchés américains n'ont pas influé de façon significative sur les prix pratiqués aux États-Unis. Nos résultats montrent également que ?eficacité de ?établisement des prix dans les marchés canadiens a diminué par suite de la mise en vigueur du droit compensatoire. Finalement, nos résultats mettent clairement en lumière ?interdépendance du Canada et des État-Unis et la nécessité de poursuivre les négotiations bilatérales et multilatérales entre ces deux pays et leurs partenaires commerciaux.  相似文献   

We investigate the applicability of the present-value asset pricing model to fishing quota markets by applying instrumental variable panel data estimation techniques to 15 years of market transactions from New Zealand's individual transferable quota (ITQ) market. In addition to the influence of current fishing rents, we explore the effect of market interest rates, risk, and expected changes in future rents on quota asset prices. The results indicate that quota asset prices are positively related to declines in interest rates, lower levels of risk, expected increases in future fish prices, and expected cost reductions from rationalization under the quota system.  相似文献   

本文对尼日利亚牛羊市场的空间价格一体化程度进行了检验,试图运用双变量自回归时间序列模型验证寡头垄断市场上牛羊价格的非竞争性定价行为。论文分别对牛羊市场的合谋、歧视性、价格领袖和竞争性定价行为进行了经验性检验。结论表明,在牛羊价格形成中,博尔诺(Borno)和索科托(Sokoto)州的牛羊价格领先于克里斯河(CrossRiver)、依莫(Imo)、卡诺(Kano)、拉各斯(Lagos)、尼日尔(Niger)和奥约(Oyo)州这些地方市场的价格。有关证据也支持共谋定价一般与市场的集中有关的判断。  相似文献   

Measuring Integration and Efficiency in International Agricultural Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper critiques the methods used to investigate integration and efficiency in international markets. Integration is best reflected by flow-based indicators of tradability, while efficiency is related to price-based notions of market equilibrium. Data insufficiency poses a serious constraint because empirical tests that rely on just prices cannot separate tests of the market efficiency hypothesis from tests of the strong assumptions underpinning model specification. Finally, even if market efficiency holds, there may nonetheless be considerable social inefficiency remaining due to trade barriers and excessive costs of commerce.  相似文献   

This paper assesses pricing efficiency in the rapeseed futures market. It reports the results of an updating of an earlier analysis, by Martin and Storey, which applies Gray' s simulation of long trading positions in futures market operations. A second test of the martingale hypothesis is also applied to rapeseed futures prices and to futures prices for soybeans, rapeseed' s major competitor. The results of simulated trading activities give some indication of price bias in the first decade of trading in rapeseed futures contracts but there is no evidence of bias in the second decade of trading. The test of the martingale hypothesis indicates that there may have been periodic instances suggestive of pricing inefficiency for the rapeseed futures contract in recent years, although such instances also characterize the more heavily traded United States Board of Trade soybean contract. Cet article évalue l' efficacité de la détermination des prix sur le marché a terme des graines de colza. II met à point une analyse précédente, par Martin et Storey, qui applique la simulation de Gray de positions longues dans les opérations sur le marché à terme. Un deuxième test de l' hypothèse martingale est appliqué aux prix à terme des graines de colza et aux prix à terme des graines de soya, le principal concurrent des graines de colza. Les résultats de la simulation des activités d' échange donnent quelques indications de partialité dans les prix pendant la première décennie d' échange de contrats à terme pour les graines de colza, mais il n' y a pas d' évidence de partialité pendant la deuxième décennie d' échange. Le test de l' hypothèse martingale démontre qu' il y a eu peut-être des cas périodiques pendant les années récentes qui semblent indiquer 1' inefficacité de la détermination des prix pour le contrat à terme des graines de colza, mais ces occasions caractérisent aussi le contrat des graines de soya du Board of Trade des Etats-Unis, dont le marché est plus actif.  相似文献   

We present a micro‐econometric analysis of agricultural credit market outcomes in Poland that investigates the relationship between contractual arrangements and interest rates. An innovative theoretical framework based on a hedonic market model is developed. We interpret the factors that influence interest rates as ‘quality’ components of the credit contract. Using unique data allows us to consider both nominal interest rates and additional bank fees. The results show that banks have preferences for particularly liquid types of collateral, whereas they care little about the purpose for which the loan is used. Furthermore, the analysis allows quantification of the effects of socioeconomic attributes of farmers, different lending sources and government subsidies on interest rates. The latter effect is small compared with the officially declared reduction of the nominal interest rate. A simulation shows that enabling more borrowers to use liquid forms of collateral implies lower rates than those obtained by participating in the subsidy programme.  相似文献   

从市场整合程度看中国木材市场效率   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文利用1997年7月到2004年7月全国20个主要城市的红松原木价格和12个城市的杉原木价格数据,采用协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验的方法测试中国木材市场在长期和短期的整合程度。结果表明,在多种政策的作用下,中国木材市场存在长期的整合关系,但不存在短期的整合关系。  相似文献   

Six alternative methods of allocating and pricing irrigation water used in developing countries are compared and ranked on the bases of allocative efficiency in production, equity in the distribution of income, and cost recovery to the provisioning authority. Several pricing and nonpricing allocation methods are compared, both between and among these categories. Comparisons and rankings are based on measures of efficiency, equity and cost recovery derived within the framework of a Cobb-Douglas production system. It is found that nearly unique rankings prevail, but that the rankings depend crucially on the relative capital intensities between small and large producers. Rankings presented here should provide significant information to people choosing among alternative resource allocation methods. Nous avons comparé et classé six méthodes différentes de distribution et de tarification de ?eau ?irrigation utilisées dans les pays en développement, à partir de lew efficacité quant à la production, à ?équité dans la répartition du revenu et au recouvrement des coûts par le fournisseur. Plusieurs méthodes de distribution avec ou sans tarification sont comparées entre ces catégories ainsi qu'au sein de chacun ?elles. Les comparaisons et le classement sont fondés sur des mesures de ?efficacité, de ?équité et du recouvrement des coûts déivées dans le cadre ?un système de production Cobb-Douglas. On constate que le classement est presque toujours le même mais qu'il dépend avant tout de la prédominance relative de capital entre les petits et les gros producteurs. Les classements présentés ici devraient s'avérer utiles pour ceux qui doivent choisir entre plusieurs méthodes de distribution des ressources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the nature of risk preferences of Quebec dairy and hog producers. The direct elicitation of utility method is employed to determine producers'degree of risk aversion. The Delphi process is used to obtain more refined and realistic responses. The results reveal that the risk preferences of the randomly selected Quebec farmers are highly diverse. The percentage of risk-taking farmers ranges from 8% to 23% depending upon the level of investment and the nature of the enterprise. On average, the majority of farmers in both groups are found to be risk averse. Based on the differences between the means as well as distributions, although not significant in all cases, hog producers are found to be consistently more risk averse than dairy producers. Moreover, the gap between the two groups widens as the level of investment increases. The implications of this result are that the stability of farm income due to supply management in dairy sector may facilitate investments of a given risk (for example, adoption of a new technology) more so than it would in the hog sector.  相似文献   

This article uses auction theory to analyze wholesale markets for wheat in Northern India. This approach enables us to characterize the market in terms of buyer asymmetries, to detect the existence of collusion, and to quantify its impact on market prices. We show that buyer asymmetries exacerbate the downward impact of collusion on prices. The article also considers whether the government paid too much for the wheat it procured at the minimum support price, and shows that for our sample it did not. The article is based on a primary survey of two wholesale markets in North India.  相似文献   

Hog Producer Preferences for Marketing Contract Attributes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a stated preference instrument to elicit producer preferences for the attributes of risk-shifting hog marketing contracts and express acceptable producer trade-offs between contract attributes in a convenient dollar metric. Respondents value an increase in a window contract's price ceiling three to five times more than the same increase in the price floor, which suggests that hog producers dislike contracts that limit up-side price potential (limit positive skewness). The contractor's organizational form is also important. Cooperative forms are preferred by many respondents, particularly those who state that trust in the contractor is an important antecedent for any contractual relationship.  相似文献   

A variety of methods and empirical techniques are now available for estimating dynamic economic relationships. Unfortunately, most dynamic modeling procedures rely heavily on the sample data for specification. This is due to a lack of a priori information useful for determining the appropriate lag structure. However, there is frequently a rich source of information that can be used to define lag structures in agricultural supply models. This information is related to the biological and physiological processes characterizing agricultural production. In this paper, a quarterly econometric model of supply response in the U.S. hog industry is specified and estimated. This model incorporates relevant biological features of hog production directly into the specification. The structural integrity of the model is evaluated by examining post-sample predictive ability and mean-path elasticities. The results indicate performance that is consistent with observed behavior in the U.S. hog industry. Nous disposons aujourd'hui de toute une gamme de méthodes et de techniques empiriques pour ?estimation des rapports économiques dynamiques. Malheureusement, la plupart des méthodes de modélisation dynamique dépendent étroitement, pour leurs spécifications, sur des données échantillonnées. Ceci découle ?un manque ?informations a priori utiles pour la détermination de la structure de retard appropriée. Toutefois, on dispose fréquemment ?une riche source ?informations qui peuvent servir à définir les structures de retard dans les modèles de ?offre en agriculture. Cette information est liée aux processus biologiques et physiologiques caractérisant la production agricole. Dans le présent document, nous procédons à la spécification et à ?estimation ?un modèle économétrique trimestriel du comportement de ?offre dans le secteur américain du pore. Ce modèle incorpore directement dans la spécification les caractéristiques biologiques pertinentes de la production porcine. Nous évaluons ?intégrité structurale du modèle en examinant ?aptitude prédictive post-échantillonnage et les valeurs moyennes ?élasticité. Nos résultats laissent conclure à une performance qui vient corroborer le comportement observé dans le secteur américain du porc.  相似文献   

中国生猪饲养业比较优势分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
生猪饲养业在中国畜牧业中占有重要的地位,对世界猪肉市场也有重要影响。本文利用国内资源成本模型对中国生猪养殖业的比较优势进行了实证研究,对农户散养、专业户饲养和国营集体大规模化饲养3种方式下生猪的比较优势的差异进行对比。研究从生猪饲养效率角度出发,对农户散养、专业户饲养和国营集体大规模化饲养的比较优势水平的差异进行了分析。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drugs are fed to hogs at subtherapeutic levels to prevent disease and promote growth. However, there is concern that the presence of antimicrobial drugs in hog feed is a factor promoting the development of antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria. This study uses a treatment-effects sample-selection model to examine the impact that feeding antibiotics has on the productivity of U.S. hog operations. No relationship was found between productivity and antibiotics fed during finishing, but productivity was significantly improved when antibiotics were fed to nursery pigs. Restrictions on feeding antimicrobial drugs during the nursery phase would likely impose significant economic costs on U.S. hog producers.  相似文献   

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