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The increase of land fraud statistics in Malaysia's administration system shows that the legal security, at present, is not able to guarantee landowners in the long run. Furthermore, there are registered landowners who are not able to recover their losses due to the stripping of title done erroneously by the government. This occurs due to the Malaysia's administration system only practices two principles out of the three principles in the Torrens systems, which are the mirror principle and the curtain principle. The retention of these two principles for the last 40 years since the National Land Code came into effect on the 1st January, 1966, and this has revealed the failure of the government in guaranteeing the landowners in the form of the economic security. This can indirectly impact the real estate investment in Malaysia due to the complaints pertaining to the loss of trust in the Malaysia administration system. Based on the studies conducted, we can see that the recognition towards economic security in the form of assurance fund can impact the increase of real estate investment in Malaysia. This can bring benefits not only to land owners as a protection but also towards the increased securities legislation in the form of the Malaysia land administration system, which could attract in an increase in the interest of investors to invest in Malaysia. So, the interviews with the directors of the land office in Peninsular Malaysia, legal practitioners, and insurance companies have been conducted to support this study. The results of this study hopefully will assist our land administration system in creating a form of economic security in order to make our system more guarantees, efficient, and good governance in resolving matters related to land, especially to address the issue of fraud and forgery. Furthermore, it is expected to help the landowners and innocent buyer in seeking protection of economic loss is not due to their own mistakes and to increase the investment in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Accountants' abiding the code of ethics or not is inevitably affected by many factors, especially by the economic factors. Cost and revenue, the economic externalities and the marginal utility of substance and ethics, all of these economic drivers arising from their behaviors have much effect on the accountants' ethic behavior choice. If we want to diminish the breach behaviors, from the economic angle, we should adopt the following measures as a plus to our widely-spreading and in-depth education system for all accountants: to increase the costs arising from the practitioners' breach behaviors, to construct the trust system in a relatively fast pace over time in future, to make certain the ownership of the "trust goods" for respective practitioners to accumulate their costs and revenues, to integrate the accountancy practitioners into the occupation to make them behave as a whole and enhance their substance utilities to a optimal situation.  相似文献   

The "Opinions on Further Improving Investment Enviroment" promulgated in April 2003(i.e. the Plan 173), emphasized creating a "commercial cost basin "in the suburbs of Shanghai, so to elevate the substance and energy level of region manufacturing. But, our special commentator points out that, considering the case in Shanghai, it should overcome ideologically the influence left by planned economy system, and devote itself to offering perfect productive services and attractive more advanced manufacturing industry. Different places in the Yangtze River Delta can promote their overall benefit only by pursuing economic laws in laying out industrial distribution.  相似文献   

The paper examines the outcomes of and responses to the policy system (the "obligatory indicator system") used by the Chinese central government to induce provincial governments to meet energy-saving targets during the llth Five Year Plan. The institutional mechanisms underlying the policy system that promotes implementation of energy saving are identified. An analytical framework is developed to identify the strategic responses of provincial governments and the factors shaping their responses. Comprehensive sets of provincial data on economic and energy performance are collected and analyzed. The findings indicate that the central government 's credible commitment to implement the policy system drove the initially disparate attitudes of provinces to a converged outcome. However, the outcome is significantly constrained by provinces ' initial energy intensity. In particular, provincial governments have applied strategies of ceremonial implementation, efficiency-oriented efforts and effectiveness-focused efforts to attain specific targets. This paper discusses the implications in comparison with the modified obligatory indicator system in the 12th Five Year Plan and offers policy suggestions accordingly.  相似文献   

Cities play a key role in the modem global economy. They became full-fledged (together with states, multinational corporations, and international economic organizations) subjects of international economy relationships; concentrated financial and commodity markets, enormous productive and innovative potential of humanity. The main reasons of transformation of economic importance of cities are their advantages in comparison with State economic systems. Labor and capital in urban economy systems are more mobile and productive; cities are more predisposed to create and commercialize innovations. Moreover, cities are easier to connect with international markets and world trade, which are able to reduce transport costs, to increase own investment attractiveness, and to rapidly form new types of business activities and forms of manufacturing organization. This study analyzes a current system of global cities, an intensity of inter-cities relationships, a potential of global urban system transformations in a future.  相似文献   

<正>The New Chongqing will become more beautiful with our hard work, and the New Journey will be more splendid with our dedication.This year’s Chongqing Two Sessions draw to a close. Deputies to the Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress and members of the CPPCC Chongqing Municipal Committee have expressed their strong will to work for new progress in creating a better future of the New Chongqing. Let’s see what are their plans to contribute to the Chinese modernization.  相似文献   

Global Quota System and China's Textile and Clothing Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I. Introduction As a developing country, textile and clothing goods remain one of the most important sources of China’s exports since the opening up to the outside world and economic reform at the end of the 1970s. The contribution of textile and clothing exports to China’s total exports hit its record in the middle of the 1980s. In 1987, the share of these two types of goods in China’s total exports was 31.13 percent. From 1986 to 1995, their share in China’s exports was more than 30 pe…  相似文献   

With the gradual open-up of the market, foreign logistics companies who have already obtained market access will establish logistics business in China, which enhance the competition of our domestic logistics market. Personnel who have decisive role in the development of companies are the dominator of companies' resources and fashioner of their profit. To conduct analysis on their human resources the companies possess is to conduct test on the companies' market competitiveness. However, during to the non-by-the-job character of logistics enterprise services and its own feature of human resources, there is great difficulty in quantizing the question. The present essay selects analytic hierarchy process, combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis, thus form a set of scientific Logistics Enterprises Personnel Evaluation System.  相似文献   

Concurrent with market economic reforms, China is facing an increasing income gap and an aging population. The question addressed in the present paper is how much aging contributes to the rising disparity in consumption. Based on the model established by Ohtake and Saito (1998), our study shows that cohort effects contribute close to 60percent of the rising consumption inequality, while approximately lO percent is the result of aging. The growth of aggregate consumption inequality caused by the cohort effect has various implications. Strengthening the redistribution system, especially the tax system, may enable the economy to avoid further increases in income inequality.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionSince economic reform and an opening-up in 1978, the Chinese government has decentralized its state-owned enterprises (SOEs) system in the centrally planned economy. The separation of government administration and enterprise management is moving China toward a market-oriented economy, forcing Chinese enterprises to become more competitive and more efficient. Market forces of supply and demand are intended to govern firms' industrial production, which is no longer subject to government planning and control.  相似文献   

This article uses multivariate regression and decomposition analyses to assess household income mobility determinants and their contributions to income mobility in rural China from 1989 to 2006. The findings indicate that households with lower initial income level, higher share of wage income, higher educational level of household members, larger number of non-agricultural employed household members and younger heads are more mobile. Moreover, besides initial income, change in the share of wage income, change in the share of non-agricultural employed household members, and change in average year of education of household members are the most important factors that account for income mobility. These findings necessitate more emphasis on policies that promote non-agricultural employment and education to enhance household income mobility in rural China.  相似文献   

The recent economic developments in the world have shown how important it is to solve the logistics problems of machine failures in an expedite way. A model based on queues theory to solve these failures is presented. Using this model with M | G | ∞ queuing systems, customers arrive according to a Poisson process at rate A. Each of them receives, immediately after its arrival, a service whose length is a positive random variable with distribution function G(.) and mean value α. An important parameter of the system is the traffic intensity ρ =λα The service of a customer is independent of the services of the other customers and of the arrival process. The busy period of a queuing system begins when a customer arrives there, finding it empty, and ends when a customer leaves the system letting it empty. During the busy period, there is always at least one customer in the system. Therefore, in a queuing system, there is a sequence of idle and busy periods. For these systems with infinite servers the busy period length distribution is difficult to derive, except for a few exceptions. But formulae that allow the calculation of some of the busy period length parameters for the M| G | ∞ queuing system are presented. These results can be applied in logistics (Ferreira, 2002; Ferreira, 2003; Ferreira, Andrade & Filipe, 2009). For instance, they can be applied to the failures which occur in the operation of an aircraft, shipping or trucking fleet. The customers are the failures. And their service time is the time that goes from the instant at which they occur till the one at which they are completely repaired. Here a busy period is a period in which there is at least one failure waiting for reparation or being repaired. The formulae referred allow the determination of measures of the system performance.  相似文献   

In an open economy, the economic concussion in sole country will transmit to other countries which make the international economic concussion play an important role in the formation of economic fluctuation. Both America and China, as two prominent economy units, have a great impact not only on the regional economy but also international economy. This paper constructs a shock-response model for China-America bilateral trade relations by using of impulse-response function of the vector auto-regressive model. The fluctuation of mutual economic growth caused by the shock of bilateral trade variances is empirically analyzed. Further more; the paper also uses variance decomposition technology to estimate its contribution-rate. The empirical analysis result shows that American economy has a notable impact on China, and Chinese economy will depend on American economy more and more.  相似文献   

The Albanian health care system is currently in a period of deep transformation as well as the country is reflecting the future reforms after the turbulent development of the most recent years. The admission of Albania among future members of the European Union requires also an innovation in the health care system in order to build a model more compliant with the European performance and standards. These innovations are required also in the managerial approach to the health care and in its financing system. The aim of this paper is to analyze the actual financing model of the Albanian health care sector while highlighting the possible future managerial development. First of all, this article presents a history review of the Albanian health-care system, analyzing the current governance model. The goal of this approach is to describe the starting point of the reform paths for the future policy makers. Afterwards the research underlines the transition from a financing model based on historical public expenditure to a system based on the performance as one of the main innovation in the managerial approach to the health care. The introduction of management thinking will then allow developing a cost-based financing model, an accounting system in the teaching hospital and, finally, a financing system able to pay for services provided by private health care entities. The article then offers also a contribution to policy makers in order to define the "paths" of the Albanian health care system in the next years.  相似文献   

The extensive applications of the flexible manufacturing (management) system and management information system are ultimate characteristics of economic process now and future. Those not only promote the trend of high gradation of cost system and the differences of cost utilities determined by their inconsistencies, but also eliminate the validity of the traditional cost control based on the thrift and monev-erubbing consciousness.  相似文献   

The self-organizing theory which was formed and developed in last century is a subject that studies complex system. It has been widely applied to such fields as physics, living beings, society, economic management, etc.. According to the changes of market demand and the need of competition at present, this paper gives a new definition to the enterprise's flexible manufacturing system and analyzes the properties and characters of it, thinking that it is qualified to form dissipative structure. With the usage of self-organization theory, this paper proposes some suggestions and measures to improve the operation efficiency of enterprise's flexible manufacturing system.  相似文献   

Human capital is one of the most important factors to promote economic growth. It is critical both on theory and practice to study how human capital investment and accumulation promote the economic growth in China. The thesis takes Lucas's Human Capital Spillover Model as the analysis tool. Through SPSS 14.0 software, it uses the serial data from 1992 to 2006 to analyze the human capital's correlation and contribution to the economic growth, so as to find out why the human capital contribution to economic growth is low. And then, in order to increase the human capital accumulation, it puts forward the relative strategies which include paying more attention to the importance of human capital, greatly developing education, improving the quality of human capital and investing more on the human capital of enterprises.  相似文献   

With the arrival of big-data society, methods for classifying real-world problems have attracted much attention for researchers and developers in various fields. In recent years, much effort has been devoted for improving performances of classification algorithms by adding functions or modifying their weaknesses. However, since a large variety of classification algorithms has been available, it is difficult for non-experts to find classification algorithms that achieve good results on a given data set. Therefore, if there is a system which automatically selects the best classification algorithm for a given data set, non-experts would receive various benefits such as saving time and effort. This paper presents a system of predicting the best possible classification algorithm for a given data set with respect to the accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach focused on predicting the best one. The main target users of the proposed system are non-experts who do not have knowledge and experience in data mining. The proposed system utilizes useful meta-features selected from existing recta-features to increase the performance of the prediction. The feature selection is conducted by a wrapper approach with the genetic search algorithm. In the proposed system, K-nearest neighbor algorithm is used to learn the selectedmeta-features and build a classification model for predicting future data. Experiments using 58 real-world data sets show that the proposed system predicted the best classification algorithm with 60.34% accuracy from the top five in 30 classification algorithms.  相似文献   

The sovereign wealth club acquired a new member with the official launch of the China Investment Corporation (CIC) on 29 September 2007. The arrival of CIC has further heated up debate regarding sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) and their potential implications for global financial markets. This is because, in carrying out its investments, CIC can tap into China's huge official foreign exchange reserves, which by April 2008 had surged to US$1.76tn. CIC's initial working capital of US$2OObn makes it the fifth largest SWFs in the world today. This article seeks to analyze CIC's investment strategies, as well as their potential economic and political implications for global as well as US financial markets.  相似文献   

In China, per capita water resource is hard up very much, and it has already become a very important restrictive factor to the economic growth, for over 20 years, the water quality of the river basins of our country has worsened continuously, further aggravated the pressure from water resource !o society and economic development. Though the party and government have done a large amount of work; and have made great achievements in prevention and control of water pollution, but as a whole, the severe situation of water pollution hasn't been changed radically, in some areas, it's being still aggravated. The appearance of this situation involves numerous causes of many aspects, such as the thought, technology, method and system, etc. The author maintains that we must strengthen the construction of legal system, and overcome the problem of soft management existing at pre sent, to enhance the dynamics of prevention and control of water pollution; simultaneously sets forth a concept: on the basis of green accounting, use the economic means, harden the interest restriction, strengthen the management of preventing and controlling of water pollution; hopes to offer a new way of thought for improving the water quality and environment.  相似文献   

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