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In this paper, we study the inventory control system of the apparel industry supply chain in which the products are fast-fashion and mass-consuming goods. Retailers tend to promote by price-discount policy to regulate overstock situation caused by fluctuated demand, frequent product upgrading, etc. Here, we discuss the impact of fluctuated demand triggered by price-discount promotion policy on the comprehensive inventory control system in which the final inventory and supply line stock are considered and weighted differently according to corresponding practical operation situations. In this model, stock returns are permissible. Then we calculated the Lyapunov stable region of the decision parameters based on the state space model. These conclusions present the managers a big picture to inspect the inventory control system and serve as reliable references to make correct decisions.  相似文献   

推销在经济全球化的背景下日益广泛流行,并带动了推销培训市场的发展,传统的培训主要针对与客户面对面的销售技巧,往往忽视了客户背后潜在的巨额市场。文章主要阐述了以点带线思维方式在传统推销培训中的应用,即以拉网式深挖潜在市场,大幅提升业绩。  相似文献   

新华书店销售分析系统可以收集该企业位于全省各地门店的销售数据,为业务人员提供科学的数据分析。文章论述了基于Web Service技术数据收集系统的设计和实现,对系统的功能模块和数据库结构作了详细的分析,对Hibernate实现数据持久层及Web Service技术实现数据收集接口做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

随着中国移动通信业的高速发展,移动通信的用户量迅速增长,手机及其短信作为一种实用、方便、廉价的通信手段已赢得了广大用户的青睐。现代企业要想提升其产品的市场竞争力与销售终端运营效率,就必须全面、准确、及时地掌握其产品终端销售数据,只有解决了"销售末梢"的终端数据的实时性采集问题,企业管理者才能快速做出正确的生产、经营决策。文章分析了短信技术在企业终端销售数据管理中的应用,提出了新系统所应该具备的功能需求,并在此基础上讨论了系统实现中的关键技术问题及其解决方法。  相似文献   

文章认为,许多经济学教材中关于需求价格弹性对销售收入影响的结论存在明显缺陷,通过严格的数学分析,无论如何都不能得出需求价格弹性大于1时,降价会使销售收入增加这样的结论。正确的结论应该是:对同一条需求曲线,对应不同的点有不同的弹性,中点的价格弹性为1,是销售收入最大点,销售收入的变化由销售点在需求曲线上的位置及移动方向共同决定。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the empirical literature on banking profitability by testing the impacts of competition and shadow banking on bank profitability using a sample of 100 Chinese commercial banks over 2003–2013 with 417 and 395 observations. The current study fills the gaps in the empirical studies by examining the competition in different banking markets (i.e. deposit market, loan market and non-interest income market) in China and further evaluating their impacts on bank profitability. The findings show that the non-interest income market has a higher level of competition compared to the deposit market and loan market. It is further reported that a lower level of competition in deposit market leads to an increase in the profitability of Chinese commercial banks. Finally, the results suggest that shadow banking improves the profitability of Chinese banks.  相似文献   

随着中国零售业全面对外开发,外资零售企业加快了进入中国零售市场的步伐,给本土零售企业带来了巨大的挑战。与跨国零售企业相比,中国本土零售企业在品牌资产的建设上还处于劣势。中国本土零售企业需要针对品牌资产建设的现状以及存在的问题进行深刻分析,从而找到加快零售企业品牌资产建设的合理策略,促进本土零售企业市场竞争能力的持续提升。  相似文献   

市场营销软件模型设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于市场营销模式的变化与社会信息化相结合,市场营销必将步入信息化的进程,而且是构成ERP管理体系的重要环节。文章结合药品生产经营企业的产品销售与信息化的过程,描述了销售的业务流程到信息流程的转变,数据流图到软件模型的转变,E-R关联图到数据结构的转变,直至营销管理系统的实现。  相似文献   

The disproportionate concentration of healthcare professionals in urban areas is a concern in many countries, including Canada. A need to address this rural care gap has driven a large number of government led initiatives worldwide over the years. This paper presents a model that can be used as a tool to examine the efficacy of such policies on the workforce distribution in the long term. A small system dynamics model is employed to simulate the current and future distribution of general physicians at a jurisdictional level. The model represents the transition of general practitioners to provide insight into the dynamics of care provision over time. The movement, and competition, between rural and urban areas is modeled to enable detailed exploration of the ability for proposed measures to alleviate the care gap in the future. Among the tested policies are such commonly used initiatives as financial incentives to rural professionals, promotion of medical education in rural areas, expansion of rural education programs and the engagement of international medical graduates etc. We demonstrate how the model can be used as a tool to determine an efficient and well-chosen combination of policies which can help alleviate the rural care gap in the future, given that some policies are more effective than others alone but also combined with other initiatives. The presented small system dynamics model is tested on Canada's reality, but its simple nature lends itself to easy application to other countries that experience a similar problem.  相似文献   

文章通过研究市场竞争和企业创新这两个主要因素对市场占有量的影响,从而得到企业发展战略部署的一般规律,并运用系统动力学模型从市场导向的战略视角来研究企业持续发展的根本动因。  相似文献   

The WHO goal of eradicating measles is delayed by widespread scepticism of parents against the recommended MMR vaccination. In this context, a model of the prevalence of measles that incorporates behavioural aspects is desirable. Parental decisions can be influenced by epidemiological and behavioural factors. The former include vaccination coverage and its impact on the prevalence of the disease. The latter include perceptions of the risk to be infected, which affects vaccination decisions, as well as government campaigns to affect vaccination behaviour, vaccination scares or changes in disease control policies. We develop a model that incorporates both kinds of effects. In particular, we illustrate how incorporating parental response to a change in the prevalence of the disease impacts the outcome of governmental policies aiming to increase the vaccination coverage. While calibrated to measles, this model is also applicable to other childhood diseases, such as pertussis or diphtheria. Different scenarios illustrate the long-term consequences of the interaction between health policies (in particular, vaccination campaigns) or the agenda of social institutions (e.g., drawing attention to specific events to create vaccination scares) and parental reactions. Periodic ups and downs of the disease's prevalence, characteristic of epidemiological feedback, are the consequence of the interaction between parental behaviour and events such as vaccination campaigns or vaccination scares. International and national health authorities, pursuing the fight against measles, may be helped by the potential of the model to provide understanding in the way different predictors of vaccination behaviour interact.  相似文献   

胡冰洁 《价值工程》2014,(22):23-25
以钢铁品牌为研究对象,首先从品牌市场占有率、品牌盈利能力和品牌发展潜力三个方面分析了影响品牌力的供应链管理因素;然后利用Vensim软件建立钢铁品牌生态系统动力学模型,并进行了系统动力学仿真;最后,分析结果表明,在供应链管理因素中,原材料价格水平、库存周转率、分销水平因素和人力因素的改善对钢铁品牌力有明显的提升作用。  相似文献   

The emergence of online group-buying provides a new consumption pattern for consumers in e-commerce era. However, many consumers realize that their own interests sometimes can’t be guaranteed in the group-buying market due to the lack of being regulated. This paper aims to develop effective regulation strategies for online group-buying market. To the best of our knowledge, most existing studies assume that three parties in online group-buying market, i.e. the retailer, the group-buying platform and the consumer, are perfectly rational. To better understand the decision process, in this paper, we incorporate the concept of bounded rationality into consideration. Firstly, a three-parties evolutionary game model is established to study each player’s game strategy based on bounded rationality. Secondly, the game model is simulated as a whole by adopting system dynamics to analyze its stability. Finally, theoretical analysis and extensive computational experiments are conducted to obtain the managerial insights and regulation strategies for online group-buying market. Our results clearly demonstrate that a suitable bonus-penalty measure can promote the healthy development of online group-buying market.  相似文献   


This article studies the application of fuzzy logic to the risk analysis of a new software product development and marketing in specific case of a small size IT company. Identification and analysis of external and internal risk factors show that this type of business activity could be evaluated as high-risk enterprise. So, the purpose of the paper is to develop robust method to evaluate probability of occurrence of major risk events and their impact on the company financial health. The fuzzy logic is used to estimate degrees of threat of each relevant risk factor due to lack of reliable statistical data. The novelty of proposed approach is the inclusion into the model the risk event time.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,银行业竞争日趋激烈,客户已成商业银行的战略性资源,客户满意度目前已成为影响商业银行竞争力的关键因素。基于实证研究,对JY市邮储银行的客户满意度进行测量与分析,并从服务理念、特色与定位、产品与服务创新等方面提出了JY市邮储银行客户满意的提升策略。  相似文献   

通过应用系统动力学建立城市新区规划系统仿真模型,已成为新区规划的一种重要手段。从分析构建仿真模型过程中通常所采用的系统分析方法入手,阐明了该方法的一些不足之处,提出了一种改进型的分析方法,即系统反馈环分析方法,探讨了该方法的机理和可行性,并结合天津滨海新区空港加工区的案例,论述了该方法对仿真模型系统结构和行为模式的分析过程。  相似文献   

虽然区域医药企业技术创新的模式有其固定的模式可循,但是创新的产品如何推向市场却没有固定的模式。基于技术创新的区域医药企业合作营销模式重点探讨区域医药创新产品推向市场的一种营销模式;同时本文探讨了一套对该营销模式进行评价的指标体系。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步和人们生活水平的提高,能源及环境问题日益成为摆在我们面前的突出问题.在现代建筑节能体系中,暖通空调系统的能耗进一步增大,节能问题已成为人们关注的焦点,加大暖通空调系统的节能力度可以为节约资源.本文在分析暖通空调系统能耗存在的问题的基础上,提出了优化暖通空调系统节能的策略,希望能对暖通空调节能系统提供一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

基于系统动力学(System Dynamics)理论建立公路货运系统的系统动力学模型,通过仿真分析车辆载重程度对货运需求、车辆使用决策、车型演化、车辆运输成本以及路面性能的长期动态作用,继而进行车辆重载运输的社会经济影响评估。最后形成一套完整的公路货运车辆重载运输对社会经济影响的系统化研究方法。基于实例的仿真结果表明,在货运车辆普遍重载的条件下,生产要素价格的变动、路面厚度的提高、路面维修间隔期的改变和公路税费标准的调整均不会对车流轴载水平乃至公路货运系统的运行产生根本性影响。在实施车辆载重限制后,系统行为又表现出以下重要特征:反直观性、远期与近期利益相矛盾、系统绩效受车辆载重标准与产业结构的影响较大。  相似文献   

This paper shows that brand reputation alone may not be sufficient to help firms successfully issue green bonds and that they may need superior corporate social responsibility performance in the form of high ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores to unlock the full potential of their brand reputation. Using a sample of 338 international green bond issues across 108 unique firms, we found significant positive effects of ESG disclosure score and its interaction brand reputation on the issuance of green bonds while controlling for other variables, such as fixed effects of industry, region, and time. We also show that it is the S (Social) component of ESG and the interactions of its E (Environmental) and G (Governance) components with brand reputation which drive successful green bond issuance. Besides extending the current research on the impact of brand reputation and ESG on green bonds, these results also have important managerial implications for analysts, fund managers, and firms planning to raise green capital.  相似文献   

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