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The mechanism of relative cost advantage is still playing a role in the contemporary international division and world trade.China‘‘‘‘s relative advantage is rich labor resource.The high growth of China‘‘‘‘s world trade has benefited from its low labor cost since reform and opening to the outside.As dual economic structure and gap between regions are existed,and at the aame time the supply of labor force is larger than the demand,China‘‘‘‘s relatively low labor cost will continue for a long period of time.However,advantage of low labor cost is comparative and is less obvious in the capital and Hi-tech industries.As many enterprises developed all directions and overstaffed largely offset the advantage of low cost of labor.So improving labor productivity must be paid attention to in market economy.Although low labor cost benefits reducing production cost,it has negative influence,on one hand it leads to flow national welfare in world trade;on the other hand,it both restricts purchasing power of the people with low income and domestic demand.We believe increasing wages of workers in manufacture industry is necessary.  相似文献   

Dear Readers The turbulent year of 2007 is gone,and the new year has set in,but what would happen to Chinese textile industry in the Year of Rat if little Jerry can no longer be playful with often-fretful Tommy Cat? EU-China textile agreement was just terminated at the end of 2007 for a few weeks.The double-check system is now in operation when China issued  相似文献   

With the spread of the global financial turmoil, China is under growing tension from its large population, limited resource, environment problems, and losing its competitive edge in the world as exports are being driven down by shrinking demand abroad as well as higher costs. Despite challenges, China still has a great potential to develop its domestic demand and a solid financial system. Under such circumstance, we should enhance confidence. It is imperative for us to perceive favorable conditions and positive factors for acting against the negative outside environment and promoting development in a scientific way.  相似文献   

The Access into WTO is a milestone in China’s process of reform and opening- up. In 2001, China fi nally became a WTO member after years of negotiation to overcome the hardship in the way. Seven years passed, and China’s economy, in particular, its foreign trade has greatly evolved. Mr. Mike Moore- the No. 1 witness of China’s entry into WTO, came to Hangzhou on the invitation of the 15th Annual Global Finance Conference, and accepted our exclusive interview:  相似文献   

Expert system, a new area in computer’s application, is a late artificial intelligent application science developed from the mid-term of 1960s. The expert system is a computer procedure, which can deal with the problems as an expert in some certain realm, sometimes even takes advantage over experts. As human society making unceasing progress, people become paying much more attention on the beauty and comfort of clothes. Therefore, we need an objective evaluation of feel, comfort and style in …  相似文献   

Dear Readers     
This March is quite a heat in Beijing as the two important national congresses are held in a gorgeous gathering of the 11thNational People’s Congress and the 11th China People’s Political Consultative Conference.A new industrial and IT information ministry is established and added to the State Cabinet to fuel the overall management to entire manufacturing industry in China.Textile Ministry,as a national textile industrial  相似文献   

March 28,in China International Exhibition Center the China National Textile and Apparel Council,held a seminar on the Japanese textile industry standards & white list management system,marking the two sides to build a white list management system was officially launched. It is understood that the white list management system developed self-regulatory standards for the Japanese textile industry,that textiles do  相似文献   

China has set aggressive goals to increase the production of branded textile and clothing goods. According to a circular published by the Ministry of Commerce and six other government industries in June, China is determined to foster a number of internationally recognized name brands by 2010. The circular  相似文献   

France famous department store-Gal-eries Lafayette will continue bullish about the prospects of China’s market. It is said, Galeries Lafayette have begun to siting the second department store in China. Chief Executive Officer of Galeries Lafayette Philippe Houze said the Beijing store would be a "test", the company is siting China’s second store. At the same time , Galeries Lafayette is also seeking acquisitions to expand financial resources. Recently, Galeries Lafayette acquired Didier Guerin,Didier Guerin is a jewellery brand in France,having total of 34 stores in the Paris region and its turnover close to 50 million euros in 2011.Philippe  相似文献   

Located in Guangzhou, the central city of Southern China, China Fabric & Accessories Center is one of the largest super modern business centers for textile wholesale in Asia. It has 300 thou- sand square meters of building area with more than 4,000 shops and 2,000 brands of fabrics and accessories. By providing a wide- ranging of textiles products, the suitable prices and the advanced trade model, the Center attracts more domestic and overseas fab- rics and accessory buyers as a first-choic…  相似文献   

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