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当前复杂多变的经营环境驱使各类组织采纳多元化雇佣方式和弹性人力资源管理政策以控制成本和提高灵活性,也导致组织不公平和非典型员工出现攻击性情绪、反人际行为等消极结果 ,但既往研究对此议题尚未深入开展探讨。本研究基于相对剥夺感理论构建被调节的链式中介模型,深入探究了非典型员工劣势雇佣地位感知对反人际行为的影响及作用机制。利用多时点、多来源的320份调查问卷的数据,本研究验证了非典型员工劣势雇佣地位感对反人际行为的正向影响,并进一步验证了相对剥夺感和攻击性情绪的链式中介效应,以及歧视感知的直接和间接的调节效应。本研究从理论上拓宽了非典型雇佣领域的研究视角,强化了相对剥夺感、攻击性情绪和反人际行为等议题的研究深度。研究结论对组织从员工感知的角度改进人力资源管理实践和提升组织公平性具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

共情指个体对他人的情绪状态和想法的感知、理解和体验。共情对组织管理实践具有重要的作用,组织管理中的共情研究也逐渐受到了学者们的关注。本研究整理归纳了共情的定义,厘清了组织管理中共情的概念。从团队层面的群体共情和个体层面的个体共情入手,本研究从不同理论视角厘清共情在不同层面上的形成和作用机制,形成组织管理中共情的多视角多层面理论模型。在此基础上,本研究提出未来的研究方向:基于组织管理中的两个重要行为主体(即,领导和员工),对领导共情与员工共情的研究进行细分;基于横向视角,关注领导特质对领导共情的影响;基于纵向视角,关注领导共情对员工共情的垂滴效应,以及员工个体共情对群体共情的影响;探索组织中共情的负面作用及其边界条件;优化相关研究方法。  相似文献   

武倩倩 《人力资源》2009,(19):68-69
新一轮的校园招聘序幕即将拉开,但是越来越多"面霸"开始让许多企业头痛不已,甚至许多企业对一直信赖有加的面试也不敢再抱有太高的期望.细究"面霸"之所以"霸",多是因为应聘者深谙面试中印象管理的使用之道.印象管理是一种试图控制他人所获得的信息,影响他人对自己产生印象的行为活动,在面试这种特殊的人际互动中,任何应聘者都在有意识或无意识地进行着印象管理.如何与这些"面霸"过招,破解招聘者印象管理,已成为面试考官们的当务之急.  相似文献   

众多研究认为社会经济地位(SES)是影响健康的重要因素。但相对于二者因果关系的检验,对社会经济地位影响健康的作用机制的研究要匮乏得多。鉴于生活方式是影响个体健康的近端因素,且综合已有的经验证据,文章选择从生活方式的角度探索SES影响健康的作用机制。首先基于健康风险行为理论对SES影响健康的作用机制作相关理论分析。然后构建结构方程模型,运用CHNS数据对SES通过生活方式影响健康的作用机制进行了实证探索。实证结果表明:SES对生活方式为显著正向影响;生活方式对健康也为显著正向作用;生活方式为SES影响健康的中间机制。最后对实证结果作了总结和相关社会经济原因分析,并提出应通过改善国民生活方式、提升健康意识等来提高健康的公平程度。  相似文献   

张永军 《现代企业》2020,(2):16-16,28
长期以来,大家都普遍认可组织公民行为是个体变量和情景变量交互作用的产物,社会交换理论和互惠准则是其理论解释基础,组织公民行为是员工的自愿行为、积极行为。然而,近年来有研究指出员工可能受印象管理动机驱使展现满足私利的"虚假组织公民行为"(Bolino,1999),也可能迫于辱虐管理表现出非自愿的"强制型公民行为"(Vigoda-Gadot,2007),组织公民行为并不能完全理解为员工的自愿行为,其潜在影响也需要区别对待。  相似文献   

幽默作为一种人际互动模式,凭借其社会适应功能,近年来逐渐被引入组织管理研究领域,并发展出职场幽默的概念.基于多层次视角,职场幽默分为个人职场幽默和组织幽默气氛.在介绍职场个人幽默和组织幽默气氛的定义、属性与测量后,我们根据现有研究总结出前因与后果.在个体层面,大五人格、黑暗三人格和情绪智力能够预测个体职场幽默,而个体职场幽默又能影响员工的工作态度和工作行为.在组织层面,情感事件、情绪感染和组织类型是组织幽默气氛的影响因素,而组织幽默气氛又会影响员工的创造力、组织承诺和离职率等.未来研究可从领导者视角或领导—下属匹配视角探讨职场幽默的影响效果.  相似文献   

基于"掠夺效应"和市场势力理论,从行业竞争程度和企业竞争地位的双重视角分析了产品市场竞争对企业双元创新投资的作用机制。选取2013~2015年我国中小板公司为样本进行实证分析,研究发现,行业竞争程度对企业双元创新投资会产生激励作用,与开发式创新投资相比,对探索式创新投资的激励作用更显著。企业竞争地位对企业双元创新投资产生抑制效应,其中对探索式创新投资的抑制作用更强。企业竞争地位强化了行业竞争程度对创新投资的激励作用。这些结论细化了对企业创新投资行为的研究,对深入分析中国上市公司市场结构对企业创新投资的影响具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

工作场所蔑视是指个体对他人或群体违反特定标准时产生的一种贬低性消极情绪。目前,该研究领域面临着概念不清、前因零散、后果争议等挑战。文章明确剖析工作场所蔑视的显性与隐性特征,将其与愤怒、厌恶等类似消极情绪进行区分。工作场所蔑视的形成机制围绕交换、比较、传染和匹配等视角,并受到蔑视参与主体和组织特征的调节作用。从影响机制来看,蔑视既可以通过人际回避和自我提升动机对表达者产生影响,也可以通过情感反应和认知推断对接受者产生影响,这取决于蔑视参与主体和组织特征等权变因素。未来研究应当进一步拓展蔑视的研究层次,聚焦多元的表达主体,丰富前因研究,探讨双刃剑效应,挖掘接受者特征的调节作用以及开展本土化或跨文化研究。  相似文献   

交互分析为一种人格理论,是一套描述有关推测人类在内心及人际层面如何运作的理论。本文主要阐述了交互分析中的心理地位理论,这是当事人能够改变已不适应的早年决定,以过去经验为基础而重做决定的基础。  相似文献   

组织二元性理论为解决研发管理中探索与开发的平衡问题提供了新的视角,但对于实践案例尚缺乏系统性的整理与思考.本研究以某高新技术企业研究院为例,从组织架构、领导和绩效管理三个方面阐述了结构二元性、领导二元性和情境二元性在具体管理情境中的运用,并给出了相应的管理启示.  相似文献   

Human resource management (HRM) research has documented the importance of high performance work practices (HPWPs) to organizations, and recent efforts have argued for increasing attention to the role of line manager implementation of HPWPs. To date, research in this area has focused largely on the organizational or employee implications of HPWP implementation, ignoring the process through which implementation affects outcomes. In this article, we use theory on impression formation to describe the perceptual process through which line manager implementation of HPWPs facilitates the formation of different employee impressions of manager leadership styles. We argue that this process is contingent upon employee attributions of implementation intent, which are influenced by the interaction of employee affective and attributional tendencies with line manager implementation style (i.e., political skill). Our conceptualization of this process contributes to HRM research by demonstrating the benefits of integrating it with leadership theory, as well as identifying the role of interpersonal perceptual processes in the effects of HPWPs.  相似文献   

We study a population of first year midshipmen within an elite military academy to explore the relationship between individuals’ sociometric status (e.g., status conferrals based on positive interpersonal affect and perceived competence, and status degradations based on negative interpersonal affect) and their attempts to directly control their peers’ behaviour over a year's time. Results show that multiple informal sociometric status hierarchies develop early in the organization's life and remain remarkably stable. Control attempts are driven by these status hierarchies: Lower competence status individuals and those who attract negative status degradations are targeted for control by more people early in the group's life, those relatively free of negative status degradations attempt to control greater numbers of others throughout the group's existence, while higher positive status is generally unrelated to control attempts. However, control attempts do not lead to higher future sociometric status, suggesting they are not status signals. Findings also show that individuals targeted for control by many others leave the organization entirely.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2000,7(5):575-601
We study the character of self-employment, drawing upon household survey evidence from six transition economies. Multinomial-logit analysis distinguishing employers from own-account self-employed and comparing both groups to employees and unemployed finds that own-account status is intermediate in most characteristics; tests reject the pooling of any of these categories. Selectivity-bias-corrected earnings premia are large for employers and smaller for own-account. A structural polychotomous model shows that employers respond strongly to predicted earnings premia in all countries, while the own-account response is estimated to be negative, supporting the interpretation that individuals may be pushed into own-account status by lack of work opportunities.  相似文献   

We explore the role of social networks used by people with disabilities for finding employment. In addition, we outline obstacles to network building for those with a disability. We contend that this group is often constrained and they underutilize their networks during job searches. Both factors are likely to result in negative employment outcomes and contribute to the employment gap between those with and without a disability. We outline how key network characteristics such as homophily, tie strength, and centrality influence job search outcomes for those with a disability differently than for those without a disability. Furthermore, we propose that although individuals with disabilities develop and rely upon networks that are comprised of close bonds with similar individuals that are either unemployed or underemployed in lower status positions, optimal networks for employment purposes should consist of diverse acquaintances that occupy central positions and higher status jobs within organizations. Finally, we outline propositions to guide future research on this neglected topic and also suggest practical implications.  相似文献   

In today's more participative work environments, it is more important than ever to have strong interpersonal skills. Several recent studies cite interpersonal skills as a critical element in the selection of leader's in today's organizations. No longer are we relying upon power and control, but rather on empowerment and commitment. This article deals with building interpersonal working relationships, the type that helps to create synergy and teamwork within a workgroup or organization.  相似文献   

The relationship between urbanization and democratization remains under‐theorized and under‐researched. Radical urban theory has undergone a veritable normative turn, registered in debates about the right to the city, spatial justice and the just city, while critical conceptualizations of neoliberalism present ‘democracy’ as the preferred remedy for injustice. However, these lines of thought remain reluctant to venture too far down the path of political philosophy. The relationship between urban politics and the dynamics of democratization remains under‐theorized as a result. It is argued that this relationship can be usefully understood by drawing on lessons from avowedly normative styles of political theorizing, specifically post‐Habermasian strands of critical theory. Taking this tradition seriously helps one to notice that discussions of urbanization, democracy, injustice and rights in geography, urban studies and related fields invoke an implicit but unthematized democratic norm, that of all‐affected interests. In contemporary critical theory, this norm is conceptualized as a worldly register of political demands. It is argued that the conceptual disaggregation of component values of democracy undertaken through the ‘spatial turn’ in recent critical theory reorients the analysis of the democratic potentials of urban politics around the investigation of the multiple forms of agency which urbanized processes perform in generating, recognizing and acting upon issues of shared concern.  相似文献   

Collateralized Social Relations: The Social in Economic Calculation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Traditionally, economists have viewed social relations as "friction" or "impediments" to exchange and have excluded social relations from their analyses by assuming autonomous actors. Recently, however, a number of scholars—economists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists—have begun to discuss the numerous ways in which social arrangements both prompt and channel economic activity. Rational choice theory, social capital and network analysis, and agency and game theory, are among those approaches that consider the effects of social relations on economic action. In this paper we extend that discussion by arguing that social relations can function as "collateral" or assurance that an economic transaction will proceed as agreed by the parties involved. We review recent microeconomic theories and conjecture how they might be developed following this observation, which is derived from sociological and anthropological studies of economic action and organization.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between entrepreneurship and innovation in modern business corporations. It extends Alford's idea of ‘diffused entrepreneurship’ to the interrelationships between firms. By drawing upon the literatures of business policy and marketing, it draws attention to the ‘porous’ boundaries of industrial organizations as open systems, and to the need to examine the balance between the part played by individuals within such organizations and that played by innovative organizational processes themselves.  相似文献   

The recent article in this journal by Scott and Storper (2015) suggested that the field of urban studies currently contains a multitude of varied theoretical viewpoints and argued for a unified general urban theory encompassing all urban scholarly work. Their proposal is that such a theory is based upon a foundational understanding of agglomeration and clustering. This response counter‐argues this, suggesting that such a proposal leaves urban theory too instrumental, deterministic and economistic. Moreover, Scott and Storper argue that there is a need to isolate the urbanization process from a wider suite of social, cultural and economic processes in which the urban is said to be ‘embedded'. If we are to embrace a unified urban theory, however, it should be one which views cities as differing intensities of an urbanization process, and does not try to draw arbitrary boundaries about what is and what is not a city. If we are to strive for a general urban theory, then it would be far more beneficial to champion an ontology of an urbanization process with varying degrees of (de)intensification.  相似文献   

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