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一、上海家化——百年老店打造日化民族品牌龙头 上海家化成立于1898年,至今有110年历史,她前身一香港广生行。借助曾获巴拿马奖的著名花露水品牌“双妹”,广生行迅速成为民族化妆品业的领头羊。2001年,上海家化在上海证券交易所成功上市。资本平台的搭建,为家化走向世界舞台奠定了坚实基础。六神、美加净、佰草集、高夫、  相似文献   

化妆品包装被称为"无声推销员",是化妆品品牌视觉形象设计的一个重要的部分。化妆品作为时尚消费品,代表着时尚、前卫和潮流,除了有一定的使用功效外,还体现着不同的文化色彩,是使用功能与精神文化的结合,满足消费者对美的心理追求。"时尚性"和"文化性"就是化妆品的品位。包装也是一个极其重要的环节。合适的包装不但可以吸引消费者的注意,而且还可以将该品牌的品位体现得淋漓尽致。在高端化妆品中,时尚设计的个性化尤为突出,它不仅是一种化妆品,更像是一个时尚品,一件艺术品。因此,个性化的包装新产品,将提高对客户的影响,以及创新的包装也将会为产品增添光彩。  相似文献   

化妆品作为一种时尚消费品,它需要优质的包装材料,以提升其身价。玻璃、塑料和金属三种材料是当前主要使用的化妆品包装容器材料。当前世界各国对化妆品包装容器的开发重点是研制新材料和新的加工技术,追求新的造型,从而突出商品的新颖与高雅。随着包装技术和数字化的逐渐应用,化妆品包装的未来发展趋势主要表现在——  相似文献   

零售实体店具有新型而切中本质的定位启迪。让我们暂且先抛弃"数字时代零售实体店面临巨大尴尬"那样的陈词滥调。为什么一定要认为实体店受到数字商务趋势的挤兑而注定式微?为什么仅仅让它们担负针对线上零售"拾遗补缺"的角色定位?以下这些案例将有望颠覆我们的固定思维模式,为零售实体店打开一段"回到未来"(Back to the Future)的——新型而切中本质的——定位启迪。在欧洲,化妆品零售品牌KIKO可谓时尚界的一位新锐。她的商业模式也绝非走寻常路  相似文献   

法国莱雅集团经营诀窍—— 科技领先 包装至上 生产化妆品的法国莱雅集团创立于19O7年,它生产的化妆品多达500多种,占世界化妆品市场的11.7%,供世界上10亿多人使用,是世界上最大的化妆品集团。 莱雅集团成功的一个重要诀窍是重视依靠现代科技使自己立于不败之地,莱雅集团尤其重视保持科研的领先地位。目前集团拥有科研人员2500多名,其中的3/5专门研  相似文献   

蔡恩泽 《董事会》2013,(8):60-61
这几年,相比其他在华化妆品跨国公司的"闷声发财",国际化妆品直销巨头雅芳却青春不再,业绩剧降,排名难堪。虽然衰败的原因不一而足,但其在中国市场市场定位、经营策略的摇摆错位,是绕不过去的。起了大早,赶个晚集化妆品行业与宏观经济的增长、居民收入水平的增加一般情况下具有正相关性。乘着中国经济发展的春风,同为国际化妆品直销巨头的安利在中国  相似文献   

江大红 《化工管理》2012,(6):102-102
<正>在对抗衰老的过程中,化妆品几乎是我们最强大的武器。我们顶着睫毛膏、唇膏、眼霜、日霜出门,伴着晚霜、精华液入睡。但英国《每日邮报》曾指出,在这些美丽化妆品的背后,隐藏着不为人知的"丑陋"秘密:唇膏中含有铅,眼线膏中含砒霜,睫毛膏中含有  相似文献   

正"相宜本草"诉"植物本草"侵权知名品牌相宜本草被不法商家傍上,类似的商标图案被写成"植物本草"。近日,上海相宜本草化妆品股份有限公司状告广州雅升化妆品有限公司等侵害商标权一案等来终审判决:上海一中院认定商标侵权成立,判决雅升公司赔偿损失及合理费用2.5万元。去年10月,相宜本草公司代理人在上海某商店,购买了植物本草的海藻润、红石榴润手霜等产品。相宜本草公  相似文献   

化妆品柜台是否就该在商场一层?是否就该与同类货品相邻相接"扎堆"着卖?记者日前在北京的商场走访时发现,这一常规做法已被打破。在新光天地2层,化妆品Za的柜台隔一条走廊与Esprit女装品牌的边厅相对;与Za的柜台合为一体的是redearth、美宝莲的专柜,3个知名化妆  相似文献   

任海军 《化工管理》2011,(12):90-90
<正>美国安全化妆品运动联盟1日宣布,部分强生婴儿洗发水含有可致癌的二恶烷及释放出甲醛的季铵盐-15,并号召消费者抵制强生婴儿洗发水,直至这些产品不再含有害化学物质。这一消息引发了这些产品是否"有毒"及化妆品标准的争论,中国国  相似文献   

随着行为运营管理的发展,利他、公平、信任等行为得到广泛的关注。文章构建一个由供应商和零售商的闭环供应链,供应商负责旧产品回收再加工。将利他行为引入到供应链中,研究利他属性对供应链决策的影响。研究发现,在该模型的供应链中,供应商的利他属性,对于供应链的回收率、零售商的利润、供应商的效用、供应链的整体利润都是有益的。而零售商的利他行为,有利也有弊,带来的效益是局部的。然后通过数值分析对结论作出解释和说明。  相似文献   

质押物的完整性是关系存货质押融资业务能否顺利开展的重要问题,质押物损耗长期困扰各参与方,阻碍了存货质押融资业务的顺利开展。考虑质押物损耗和第三方物流企业对质押物监管所带来的损耗节约的基础上,研究了存货质押融资最优决策。研究表明:当零售商的初始现金余额很低时,零售商的最优订购数量随着初始现金余额的增加而减少,之后零售商最优订货量保持不变,直到初始现金余额大于某一水平时,零售商的最优订货量开始增加;在零售商贷款且不存在破产风险时,银行的收益随着零售商初始现金余额增加而减少;当风险估值是需求的增函数时,零售商的最优订货量随利率减少。  相似文献   

There is a contentious debate about the exclusionary effects of upfront payments to be made by manufacturers to place their products on retailers’ shelves. Analyzing a two-stage bargaining process with one downstream retailer and a pool of upstream manufacturers, we find that upfront payments lead to a smaller assortment if the retailer’s bargaining power is high enough and the suppliers’ products are close substitutes.  相似文献   

本文研究了风险中性的单再制造商与单销售商构建的二级闭环供应链模型,基于博弈论和委托代理理论。在不同回收水平下,再制造商都存在单边道德风险,销售商根据影响再制造商质量预防水平的因素来引导再制造商的决策,并制定激励契约来降低再制造商的道德风险,以达到闭环供应链协调的目的。研究表明:回收水平和质量检测水平均影响再制造商的质量预防水平,回收水平同质量预防水平呈正相关,质量检测水平同质量预防水平呈负相关;在不同回收水平下,通过销售商质量检测控制后,闭环供应链收益增加,同时求得最优控制水平和最优契约金额。在最后,通过算例分析验证了契约的有效性。  相似文献   

When the manufacturer opens an online channel to compete with its traditional retailer, what valuable strategy can be utilized to alleviate the O2O (online to offline) competition and conflict and improve the performances of all channel members? Our research addresses this important question by initiating an innovative strategy considering the retailer's sales effort and the manufacturer's support in local advertising simultaneously in a manufacturer – retailer O2O supply chain. Our results show that although the retailer's sales effort helps improve the channel coordination and leads to a win-win solution for both the manufacturer and the retailer, investing in both the retailer's sales effort and manufacturer's support in local advertising is a more effective strategy to be employed to coordinate the O2O distribution and achieve higher profits for all parties in the manufacturer - retailer supply chain. In addition, our results also show that compared to the simultaneous mode, the Stackelberg leader-follower mode provides no competitive advantage to the manufacturer or the retailer when the retailer's sales effort and manufacturer's support in local advertising strategy is implemented to coordinate the O2O distributions.  相似文献   

In a supply chain setting, we analyze a manufacturer's customer and retailer rebates, which are sales incentives offered to the end buyers and retailers, respectively. The performance of both rebates is influenced by the retailer's objective and response to the promotion due to his intermediary position in the channel. Earlier studies investigating rebates in distribution channels have traditionally assumed that the retailer is risk neutral with the objective of maximizing expected profits. In our paper, we consider a risk-averse retailer. We formally model risk aversion by adopting the Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) decision criterion. Using a stochastic and (effective) price dependent demand, we analyze the manufacturer's rebate amount decisions and the retailer's joint inventory and pricing decisions in a game theoretical framework. We provide several structural properties of the objective functions and show monotonicity of the retailer's decisions in the degree of risk aversion. For the case of retailer rebates, we characterize the unique equilibrium, and for the case of customer rebates, we prove the existence of an equilibrium. Using numerical examples, we provide further insights on the impact of risk aversion. For example, given an exogenous wholesale price, we observe a threshold value on the retailer's risk-aversion parameter below (above) which the manufacturer is better off with retailer rebates (customer rebates); implying that the manufacturer's preferred rebate type can be different depending on whether the retailer is risk neutral or sufficiently risk averse.  相似文献   

With the recent increase in the power of major retailers through consolidations, the world of brands has divided in two categories: national brands belonging to manufacturers and private brands belonging to retailers. While national brands are well studied in the literature, there is a dearth of studies on private brand phenomenon particularly from a manufacturer's point of view as opposed to that of retailers and consumers. To address this gap, we explore the antecedents and consequences of a manufacturer's private brand retailer dependence with a focus on the manufacturer's relationship with retailers. Drawing on the Resource Dependence Theory and Transaction Cost Economics, we examine various products and market characteristics as potential antecedents of a manufacturer's private brand retailer dependence while adopting private brand sales growth and returns from private brand production as outcomes using a sample of 153 South Korean manufacturers currently involved in private brand production. The results show that the private brand retailer dependence of a manufacturer leads to private brand sales growth directly and returns from private brand production indirectly through private brand sales growth, and has a negative effect on return from private brand production directly. Furthermore, product characteristics, such as product innovativeness through collaboration with retailers and search goods, and market characteristics, such as high retailer power and knowledge specificity of a retailer, increase a manufacturer's private brand retailer dependence and, therefore, private brand sales growth. The theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed at the end.  相似文献   

针对市场需求的不确定性,本文通过建立风险规避型零售商与风险中性供应商的Stackelberg博弈模型,供应商为主导者,综合考虑零售商风险规避特性和公平偏好心理对该供应链运作产生的影响。研究发现,当风险规避型零售商不具有公平意识时,零售商的风险规避程度与供应商的批发价、绿色创新投入水平以及供应商和供应链整体的效用正相关;供应商的绿色成本系数的大小可影响风险规避程度对产品售价以及零售商效用的影响。当风险规避型零售商具有公平偏好时,零售商的公平偏好负向影响产品售价、批发价以及供应商绿色投入水平和供应商效用;零售商公平偏好对零售商以及供应链效用产生的影响受到零售商风险规避程度的影响。  相似文献   

We describe three interesting cases that the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has dealt with over the past year: first, we discuss the merger of two online food ordering platforms—Just Eat and Hungryhouse—which required an assessment of competition in the presence of indirect network effects. Second, we discuss the vertical merger of a grocery retailer and wholesaler—Tesco and Booker—which posed the challenge of how to assess a firm’s incentives to foreclose its rivals when there are thousands of local markets. Finally, we discuss Open Banking, which lies at the heart of the package of remedies that came out of the CMA’s market investigation into personal banking, and sought to tackle issues of low customer engagement.  相似文献   

文章构建一个由制造商和零售商组成的闭环供应链,对新产品和再造品实行差别定价,同时将利他行为引入到该供应链模型中,研究决策者的利他行为对供应链的影响。研究发现,与利他中性相比,制造商的利他行为虽然会削弱自身利润水平,但会使得零售商和整个供应链的利润增加;零售商的利他行为不会改变整个供应链的总利润,制造商增加的利润等于零售商减少的部分;双方同时具有利他行为时会增加供应链总利润,但双方的利他系数组合必须在一定的范围内才能实现双赢。最后通过数值分析对上述结论作出解释和说明。  相似文献   

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