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公职人员经济犯罪决策受到需求动机、"进入"成本、道德自律三个条件约束。在引入公职人员效用函数的基础上,得出影响公职人员经济犯罪决策的因素是效用偏好结构、既有效用量、相对效用量、犯罪金额。研究结果表明:个人效用偏好结构不同导致高低级别公职人员经济犯罪决策的差异;就财富指标而言,高级别比低级别公职人员经济犯罪倾向性小,但一旦高级别公职人员发生经济犯罪,其犯罪金额较大;就相对效用指标而言,高级别比低级别公职人员经济犯罪倾向性大。  相似文献   

腐败,是指国家公职人员滥用职权谋取私利,侵犯公共利益,腐蚀、破坏现存社会关系的行为;其本质特征是以权谋私、权钱交易。职务犯罪,主要表现是贪污贿赂、挪用公款等经济犯罪和渎职侵权犯罪,是腐败现象最突出的表现。  相似文献   

经济犯罪是刑事犯罪的重要组成部分,也是目前干扰和破坏我国正常经济秩序的严重问题。近年来,国有企业领导干部经济犯罪的人数日渐增多,犯罪人员的级别也越来越高,涉案金额越来越大。本文简要分析了当前国有企业职务经济犯罪的特点及成因,探讨了国有企业预防职务经济犯罪应采取的对策.  相似文献   

黄河流域高级别旅游景区空间分布特征及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的重大决策,迫切要求开展黄河流域旅游业发展的整体研究。以GIS10.3作为主要分析工具,系统梳理了黄河流域内1 010个3A级以上旅游景区的空间分布特征和影响因素,结果表明:①黄河流域高级别景区整体呈"大分散、小集聚"的分布状态,三大自然区划内景区分布悬殊,东部季风区数量最多、密度最大;②黄河流域高级别景区空间分布类型以凝聚型为主,在流域中下游的西安、济南等沿黄城市附近形成大的凝聚中心;③黄河流域高级别景区核密度分布空间差异显著,整体呈倒"入"字形结构,不同级别景区之间存在密度差异;④黄河流域高级别景区之间存在较强的空间自相关,空间关联类型以正相关为主,且集聚特征明显;⑤自然地理环境、旅游资源禀赋、交通区位、社会经济发展水平和旅游经济联系强度对黄河流域高级别景区的空间分布具有显著影响,且对不同类型不同级别景区的影响程度存在差异。最后,文章针对黄河流域景区空间格局优化及旅游经济高质量发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

在我国分析各种各样的经济犯罪中 ,我们不难发现多数经济犯罪和会计犯罪都有直接或间接的联系。欲治理经济犯罪 ,先要治理会计犯罪。因此 ,本文首次提出会计犯罪的概念并对其特点进行分析 ,最后提出具体的治理措施。  相似文献   

分析各种各样的经济犯罪,我们不难发现多数经济犯罪和会计犯罪都有直接或间接的联系。确实,天下欲乱,计先乱,因此,欲治理经济犯罪,先要治理会计犯罪。  相似文献   

经济犯罪日益俱增 ,危害后果十分严重 ,及时、准确打击经济犯罪 ,就必须及时侦破经济犯罪并准确地定罪量刑 ,经济犯罪的定罪与量刑、犯罪数额是主要根据之一。本文就数额上认定作一简述 ,目的为正确认定经济犯罪提供依据。  相似文献   

洗钱活动逐渐从金融机构向其他领域蔓延,房地产行业已成为洗钱的高发地。对比房地产行业洗钱的两大主体——腐败的公职人员和以民营企业家为代表的非公职人员的洗钱行为,结果表明:腐败的公职人员注重安全效用,常常通过能在短时间内利用他人名义的房地产交易活动洗钱,具有较强的隐蔽性;非公职人员则注重收益最大化,主要通过将非法资金注入企业经营,虚假报账,具有较强的欺骗性。  相似文献   

近年来,由于和人民群众息息相关的经济犯罪发案率居高不下,使人民群众财产遭受重大损失,经侦群众工作面临严峻挑战.当前经侦群众工作面临着损害群众利益的“小案”破案率低、涉众型经济犯罪高发和假冒伪劣犯罪突出等一系列问题,引发人民群众强烈不满.解决这些问题,必须创新工作思路,着力提高损害群众利益的“小案”的破案率、重拳打击涉众型经济犯罪和加强打击假冒伪劣犯罪.唯有如此,才能解决好老百姓最关注的民生问题,提高人民群众对经侦工作的满意度.  相似文献   

本文以2004—2010年的非金融类地方国有上市公司为样本,实证检验了政绩诉求目标下的各级地方政府对国有企业的控制行为差异,揭示了政府自上而下的分权是提高国有企业经营效率的重要途径。研究发现:(1)相对经济增长率、财政盈余等地方政府的政绩诉求目标构成了影响国有企业政府控制权的重要因素,且不同级别地方政府的政绩诉求的影响存在差异;(2)随着行政级别的下降(省一市一县),政府控制权对公司价值的损害效应逐层减弱。这表明基于不同的政绩诉求,相对于高级别政府,低级别政府与企业的利益更为一致,对国有企业的干预所带来的价值损害更小。  相似文献   

官员规模、公共品供给与社会收入差距:权力寻租的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
官员规模、公共品供给效率以及社会收入差距是当下社会比较关注的问题,本文试图把三个问题纳入到一个故事框架下来分析和解释。生产的进行需要官员提供资源帮扶,这需要通过雇佣下级官员来做到;当私人利益进入上级官员的收益函数时,上级官员就会促使资源的供给"人为"稀缺来设租,从而便于下级官员从生产者处收取资源租金;而资源租金的收取使得下级官员的收益高于其外部选择权收益,从而增加了下级官员职位的竞争性,又由于上级官员对下级官员职位任命权的垄断,使上级官员从下级官员处收取职位租金。分析表明,权力的设租寻租行为是造成社会收入差距出现的一个重要原因;在一个能较好限制官员关注私人收益的社会中,官员规模较小、公共品供给效率较高且因权力寻租而造成的社会收入差距较小。  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of racial profiling by law enforcement officers when officers observe both an individual's race as well as a noisy signal of his or her guilt that depends on whether or not a crime has been committed. The model shows that given officers observe such a guilt signal, data regarding the guilt rate among those investigated from each race will not be sufficient for determining whether racially unequal investigation rates are due to statistical discrimination or racial bias on the part of officers. The model also reveals that when racially unequal investigation rates are due to statistical discrimination, imposing a colorblind policy on officers can increase, decrease, or have little effect on the crime rate, depending on specific characteristics of the jurisdiction and the crime in question.  相似文献   

Agricultural research that increases knowledge is an important component of agricultural productivity and development. This paper focuses on understanding and formulating the interactions among factors involved in the knowledge production process. A conceptual mode of research input-output relationships is developed based on the existing literature. These relationships are estimated based on cross-sectional time-series data for the public research system in Israel. Research resources (inputs) such as direct cost and senior scientific manpower were found to extend knowledge production, while resources such as junior researchers and technicians were found to be nonsignificant. Use of the estimated functions for forecasting and control of agricultural development is also illustrated.  相似文献   

COPS and crime     
《Journal of public economics》2007,91(1-2):181-201
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 established the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program that provided grants to states and localities to pay up to 75% of the cost for new police hires for 3 years. To date, the COPS program has awarded almost $5 billion in hiring grants paying for 64,000 new police officers. We use annual data from 1990 through 2001 from 2074 cities with populations in excess of 10,000 to show that for each officer paid for by grant funds, the size of the force expands by 0.70 officers. The size of COPS grants are correlated with population and crime rates, but not the pre-COPS time trends in crime rates or the size of the police force. This allows us to use the size of COPS grants as an instrument for the size of the police force in regressions where crime is the outcome of interest. These models indicate that police added to the force by COPS generated statistically significant reductions in auto thefts, burglaries, robberies, and aggravated assaults.  相似文献   

Analysis of a combined cross‐sectional/time‐series sample of records of the activities of patrol officers, reports of breaches of fisheries regulations, and associated court records in Queensland lends support to the hypothesis that economic factors are important in determining crime rates. An increase in the probability of apprehension, higher penalties, and reduced delays before cases are heard in court are predicted to reduce crime rates. The analysis also identifies a loss of reputation effect which suggests that moral and social factors are also relevant.  相似文献   

We explore whether loan officer gender affects loan repayment performance in Cameroonian microfinance institutions (MFIs). After controlling for demand-side factors (borrower characteristics), lending methodology, loan contract terms, year, and industry fixed effects, we apply a pooled probit model to a unique loan-level dataset including more than 7000 loans approved between 2007 and 2012 by two Cameroonian commercial MFIs. We find that loans granted and monitored by male loan officers perform better than those granted by female officers and that loans approved under joint liability contracts and monitored by male loan officers are less likely to fall into arrears. Our findings also show that the performance advantage of male loan officers over female officers is confirmed only during bad times. Compared to female loan officers, male loan officers seem to intensify their monitoring efforts during a crisis period. The results are robust after controlling for selection bias and are less sensitive to a change in the loan repayment performance measurement.  相似文献   

We develop an economic model of crime and search that allowsus to analyze the effects of the Fourth Amendment's exclusionaryrule on crime and privacy. We find that the rule always increasescrime but has two opposing effects on searches. It directlyreduces searches by reducing the chances that they lead to successfulconviction, but it also indirectly increases them by increasingcrime. If its indirect effect dominates, the rule actually increasessearches and has an ambiguous effect on wrongful searches. Ifits direct effect dominates, it reduces wrongful searches, therebyprotecting privacy. Its direct effect is more likely to dominatethe greater is the number of police officers per capita, thelower is the police's incentive to simply close cases and themore accountable the police are for their mistakes. Police accountabilityalso increases crime but unambiguously reduces wrongful searches.We also explore the effects of long-term progress in searchtechnology on crime and privacy.  相似文献   

基于外部经济理论、新经济地理理论和对外开放,建立服务业集聚影响因素的分析框架,并利用我国96个沿海城市2003-2011年的面板数据,实证检验三种因素对我国沿海地区服务业总体集聚、生产性服务业集聚、消费性服务业集聚和公共性服务业集聚的不同影响作用,结果发现:对于服务业总体和公共性服务业而言,三种因素都是影响其集聚的主要因素;对于生产性服务业而言,新经济地理因素是促进其集聚的主要因素,而另外两因素的促进作用尚未体现出来;对于消费性服务业而言,相对于新经济地理因素,外部经济因素和对外开放因素对其集聚的促进作用更加显著。  相似文献   

于长革 《经济经纬》2006,(1):123-126
建立合理的公共支出结构,首先必须搞清楚影响支出结构的关键因素,正确分析和把握它们之间的关系,才能对公共支出结构作出正确的调整和优化。  相似文献   

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