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对冲(Hedge)又称为套期保值,指的是通过构建一种新的资产头寸来抵消已有资产头寸价格波动的风险,新资产和已有资产可以是同类的,也可以是不同类的,但都要求两者价格波动存在高度的相关性。对冲基金凭借其高超的投资技巧和多样化的投资策略,在成熟市场上以高回报率赢得了广大投资者的青睐。本文对对冲基金十大投资操作策略及主要种类的对冲基金的风险收益进行了比较分析,以供投资者参考。 相似文献
近年来对冲基金的迅猛发展引发了许多社会问题。然而由于国际社会对其监管理念说法不一,至今仍未推出一套合理有效的监管制度。本文从对冲基金的本质出发,详细总结分析了国际对冲基金的特点,为对冲基金国际化监管建设提供基础理论分析。 相似文献
受到物价指数上涨等因素的影响,社会保障基金如果不能进行有效投资经营,其实际购买力则会逐年下降,这将对投保者造成巨大损失。为了保证基金结余的安全和保值增值,必须将结余用于安全有效投资。将社保基金分别投资在几个不同的项目中,可以达到降低投资风险和提高收益双重目的。文章将从投资组合优化角度,对我国社保基金投资运营问题进行分析和探讨,设计出兼顾风险以及收益的社保基金投资组合优化模型,并提供了相应的解决思路,为提高我国社保基金投资运营效率提供有益启示。 相似文献
香港对冲基金监管制度研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对我国香港地区对冲基金监管体系和监管制度的法律规定作了介绍,同时对香港对冲基金监管制度作了评析,以对其他国家以及我国大陆地区的相关立法提供借鉴。 相似文献
只要你买了基金,就是认可了中国经济发展的现状与未来,同时也意味着要承担中国金融市场所带来的资金风险。但是,如果你能够构筑完整的基金组合体系,就能以从容的姿态应对瞬息万变的资本市场。我是以基金“核心-卫星”策略来构建自己的基金投资组合的。[第一段] 相似文献
本文对比了国外金融机构对于对冲基金的定义与分类,指出了目前关于对冲基金的定义与分类存在的不合理之处,并在此基础上重新对时冲基金进行定义及分类. 相似文献
本文对我国香港地区对冲基金监管体系和监管制度的法律规定作了介绍,同时对香港对冲基金监管制度作了评析,以对其他国家以及我国大陆地区的相关立法提供借鉴. 相似文献
Aron S. Spencer Bruce A. Kirchhoff 《The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal》2006,2(2):145-156
Although Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” has become something of a buzzword, the theoretical underpinnings of his theory
are largely missing from the recent literature on technological change. This paper explores the link between technological
change and creative destruction, with particular attention being paid to the role of new technology-based firms in bringing
this about. Recurring themes in the technological change literature are examined. These show that the phenomenon of dominant
firms failing due to the introduction of a new (disruptive) technology is creative destruction in action. NTBFs are the most
common introducers of disruptive technologies and a leading driver of creative destruction. 相似文献
“风险熵”量度税务筹划风险研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
税务筹划的实施由于诸多不确定因素的存在而面临着错综复杂的风险是一个不争的事实。本文根据风险是事件本身的不确定性这一特征,提出了一个称为“风险熵”的新概念。在此基础上,应用概率统计理论推导“风险熵”的数学表达式以作为税务筹划方案风险程度的评价指标。 相似文献
Risk management is receiving much attention, as it is seen as a method to improve cost, schedule, and technical performance of new product development programs. However, there is a lack of empirical research that investigates the effective integration of specific risk management practices proposed by various standards with new product development programs and their association with various dimensions of risk management success. Based on a survey of 291 product development programs, this paper investigates the association of risk management practices with five categories of product development program performance: (A) Quality Decision Making; (B) High Program Stability; (C) Open, problem solving organization; (D) Overall new product development project success; and (E) overall product success. The results show that six categories of risk management practices are most effective: (1) Develop risk management skills and resources; (2) Tailor risk management to and integrate it with new product development; (3) Quantify impacts of risks on your main objectives; (4) Support all critical decisions with risk management results; (5) Monitor and review your risks, risk mitigation actions, and risk management process; and (6) Create transparency regarding new product development risks. The data shows that the risk management practices are directly associated with outcome measures in the first three categories (improved decision making, program stability and problem solving). There is also evidence that the risk management practices indirectly associate with the remaining two categories of outcome measures (project and product success). Additional research is needed to describe the exact mechanisms through which risk management practices influence NPD program success. 相似文献
Theresa M. Welbourne Helen De Cieri 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(4):652-668
When internationalization goes beyond simply having international sales to having international operations, organizations can benefit from diversity of ideas and knowledge. Our study focuses on a special class of companies called new venture firms. As younger organizations, they may be well equipped to embrace the unique benefits of international diversity. However, new ventures may not be equal in this regard; therefore, our study also explores the moderating effect of human resource value for these firms. 相似文献
新产品的R&D是企业可持续发展的根源,但对R&D项目的投资却具有极高的风险。针对新产品R&D项目的特征,建立了包含概率和项目目标三因素的风险评价指标体系;依据确立的指标体系,给出了基于集对分析的综合风险评价模型。最后,通过一个实例说明了集对分析在新产品R&D项目综合风险评价中的应用。 相似文献
TAN Wen-hao LIU Hong 《现代会计与审计》2009,5(11):28-37
The global financial crisis is spreading at an alarming rate across the world. The speed of the spreading and its tremendous impacts to economic is unprecedented in half a century. Through researching its impacts to finance, the authors can clearly find that to a large extent most enterprises went bankrupt and closed down because of the weak financial governance system and lack of effective control to internal financial operation Based on this background, the authors analyzed the problems of the traditional financial governance, and tried to find solutions. Applying the concept of COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The National Commission of Fraudulent Financial Reporting) framework into the financial governance system, the authors can reconstruct the embedded financial governance system based on COSO framework, and better control the company's financial activities. In this way, the enterprise can effectively improve its management level and operational efficiency, and promote its sound and sustainable development. 相似文献
区域投资环境竞争力的模糊综合评价研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
区域投资环境竞争力是一个区域的总体投资环境对投资的吸引力。文章引入区域投资环境竞争力概念,在此框架内从系统论出发,筛选了一系列有关指标,建立了区域投资环境竞争力评价指标体系,并基于模糊评价理论构建了区域投资环境竞争力综合评价模型,为投资者进行投资决策提供了一个很有效的工具。 相似文献
随着社会经济的不断进步,我国各个行业的发展已经取得了肉眼可见的成就,并且发展方向不断趋于现代化、信息化.我国医疗行业的进步尤为明显,在医院财务管理工作中,管理会计与内部控制是十分必要的管控措施,对于医院的长远发展具有重要影响.在我国近年来的研究结果中,医院的长远发展效率和管理会计、内部控制息息相关,这两者不仅可以促进医... 相似文献
本文首先介绍了我国现行的规划管理体系,对其正在进行的转型和变化予以详细阐述.在此基础上,针对城市设计在现行体系中的缺位,结合城市设计导则的运作提出了我国规划管理体系的重构方案.着重探讨了我国规划管理体系与城市设计导则的结合途径及其运作程序,创造性地提出了政府、学者、公众“三方协商机制”的运作模式,以作为导则运行的长效机... 相似文献