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Although reserve requirements (RR) have been used in emerging markets to smooth credit cycles, the transmission mechanism remains blurry. Using bank‐level data, we unveil the interaction of RR with bank lending. We identify a new channel that works through a decline in banks’ liquid assets and loan supply due to an increase in RR. “Quantitative tightening” through RR raises the short‐term funding needs of the banking system, which is met by collateralized central bank lending, thus depleting banks’ unencumbered liquid assets. Our results suggest that such a shift in bank liquidity is associated with a significant change in lending.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between financial stress and global liquidity for the so-called fragile five emerging economies (Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey). By using an extensive set of variables that take into account the structural characteristics of these economies, we construct a financial stress index. We then use a Markov regime switching model to identify the high financial stress episodes. We examine periods of heightened financial stress and its relationship to high incidence of domestic and global disturbances. Finally, we construct a global financial liquidity index and assess the relationship between financial stress and global liquidity. Using a bivariate Markov regime switching VAR model, we find a regime-dependent relation between global liquidity and financial stress. Moreover, global liquidity shocks seem to strain these emerging economies in such a way that global illiquidity heightens financial stress.  相似文献   

When financial intermediaries' key characteristic is provision of liquidity through their liabilities, with financial frictions, the financial sector in the aggregate is likely to overaccumulate equity, thus decreasing liquidity provision and household welfare. Aggregate household welfare is therefore decreasing in the level of aggregate intermediary equity even though the individual value of intermediaries is increasing in equity, which is why intermediaries overaccumulate equity. Subsidizing intermediary dividends can improve welfare by encouraging earlier payout and decreasing aggregate equity in the financial sector. This policy increases the likelihood that intermediaries provide more liquidity and improves the stability of the economy, even though asset prices fall.  相似文献   

本文认为:(1)流动性冲击主要通过资产负债表渠道和资产价格渠道来影响金融市场,正是这两种渠道才使得流动性在金融危机爆发及传导的过程中扮演了重要角色。借款人的资产负债表效应导致损失螺旋和保证金螺旋的产生,造成资产的折价销售,推动了资产价格的下跌和进一步的银根紧缩;(2)房地产泡沫的形成与美联储的货币政策失误、金融市场结构变化、新布雷顿森林体系以及投资者的羊群行为等有关,房地产泡沫破灭是美国金融危机的导火索;(3)金融危机爆发后,美联储通过调整中央银行的资产负债表,推出各种形式的金融创新工具,向金融市场注入流动性,有效地降低了金融市场崩溃的概率。论文最后从流动性管理的角度,对美国金融危机进行了反思。  相似文献   

流动性管理的要点在于流动性与实体经济发展相匹配。文章刻画了流动性管理的目标函数,阐述和梳理了流动性管理的基本原理和基本方法,检验了主要流动性管理工具的实际效果。经验研究结果表明,在流动性充裕情况下,通过实施紧缩性货币政策、人民币升值、积极的财政政策对流动性管理可能无效,而通过金融创新,调整银证结构、信贷结构和投资结构,有助于进行流动性管理。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the existent literature on corporate debt maturity by studying a new channel through which firms may mitigate the effects of a major economic downturn such as the 2008 global financial crisis. More specifically, using a sample of 208 listed firms in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, we find that an increase in firms’ current ratios after the crisis is associated with an increase in long-term financing. We also find that a financially constrained firm can still access long-term financing if its current ratio after the crisis is beyond a specific threshold. Additionally, we highlight the differences in the typical drivers of debt structure between GCC countries and industries.  相似文献   

尹久 《西安金融》2014,(1):40-42
本文对金融市场价格机制的有效性、合理性进行探讨,对法马的有效市场理论、希勒的行为金融理论进行介绍和述评。在此基础上对金融市场价格波动是否需要调节、如何调节、中央银行角色变迁方面提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Innovation in financial markets, spurred to a significant extentby developments in finance theory and financial econometrics,has played a critical role in spurring economic growth. However,the current turmoil in financial markets raises fundamentalquestions about the nature of financial innovation and the roleof policymakers in maintaining financial stability. This paperexplores these questions, focusing on the complexities of modelingfinancial risk and the potential trade-off between policiesaimed at combating short-run financial instability on the onehand and the potential financial market distortions and moralhazard that can result from such policies on the other.  相似文献   

人口结构和劳动力迁移是引起中国金融系统中流动性过剩的重要因素之一,但由此引起的流动性过剩具有短期特征,这是影响2008—2010年期间中国金融市场走势的决定性因素,中国银行业、证券业和保险业发展都受其影响。随着农村剩余劳动迁移过程进入到高一级阶段,中国简单劳动短缺将会成为事实,这会提高中国农民工的工资作价能力,进而会带动中国劳动工资水平全面提高,并引起居民对私人理财、投资顾问和个人信贷消费等现代金融服务需求显著上升。  相似文献   

王颖  陆磊 《济南金融》2012,(1):4-10
以全球金融危机为转折点,中国的经济金融运行出现了诸多新迹象,其中的突出问题是金融资源配置的不均衡。一方面,银行业总资产突破100万亿元,相伴随的却是连续两年的实体经济部门融资难;另一方面,在经济下行期和负利率背景下,银行业获得了较高的利润。据此,本文提出如下观点:第一,普惠制金融体系建设的滞后性导致了融资集中和系统性风险积聚,过多的金融资源集中于政府项目和投机领域;第二,普惠制金融体系建设有助于通过分散金融资源配置以换取更为稳定的金融环境;第三,如果金融业侧重中小经济主体融资,则整体盈利水平还将进一步提高,其主要盈利来源将从数量扩张转向风险溢价。  相似文献   

企业进行金融资产配置,一方面能够为企业提供流动性,缓解融资约束;另一方面也因投机动机而占用企业流动性资源,加剧融资约束,对实体投资造成挤压。这是形成企业金融化的"投资挤出效应"和"蓄水池效应"两种现象并存的内在机制。为衡量这种内在机制,本文使用2007—2018年我国上市公司样本,对金融资产配置的流动性管理效应展开分析。结果显示:非金融企业的金融收益会推动超额现金的持有,通过超额现金的中介效应引致了融资约束程度的缓解;而企业持有金融资产行为则产生相反的效应。进一步研究发现,在典型的公司治理机制中,无论是外部股东的投票机制,还是来自内部的代理成本与高管持股机制,都在一定程度上推动了金融资产配置产生的流动性效应。  相似文献   

Using commercial bank data from eight major Asian countries, we examine the relationship between the banking market size structure and the stability of financial institutions. We also analyze the effect of bank upsizing on the financial stability. Our results show that a rise in large banks’ market power, accompanying an increase in their market shares, lowers the capital adequacy of small banks. Small banks’ nonperforming loans and the possibility of their bankruptcy also increase as large banks’ market shares rise. We further show that larger banks tend to have lower capital adequacy ratios, liquidity ratios, and distance-to-default ratios. Our study suggests that large banks’ greater market shares are associated with small banks’ financial instability. Overall, these findings are consistent with the notion of the recent banking literature that has important antitrust policy implications.  相似文献   

商业银行流动性过剩与区域金融资源配置失衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩大海 《金融论坛》2007,12(7):20-25
本文从区域金融学的角度对我国商业银行流动性变化及其区域差异进行了剖析.研究发现,东部沿海发达地区信贷资金投放量过度,城乡金融资源配置差别太大,区域金融资源配置的失衡导致了全国城市商业银行流动性过剩.文章认为,疏通、引导社会资金流向,改善、优化欠发达地区的金融生态,防范、控制发达地区的金融风险,分步实施我国地区均衡开发战略,这是解决当前全国流动性过剩的根本路径.  相似文献   

本文从区域金融学的角度对我国商业银行流动性变化及其区域差异进行了剖析。研究发现,东部沿海发达地区信贷资金投放量过度,城乡金融资源配置差别太大,区域金融资源配置的失衡导致了全国城市商业银行流动性过剩。文章认为,疏通、引导社会资金流向,改善、优化欠发达地区的金融生态,防范、控制发达地区的金融风险,分步实施我国地区均衡开发战略,这是解决当前全国流动性过剩的根本路径。  相似文献   

功能金融理论与我国金融体系的稳定性和效率性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
功能金融理论认为,金融体系具有便利清算和支付、聚集和分配资源以及分散风险的功能.一个稳定和富有效率的金融体系通过有效发挥这三大核心功能,能够极大地促进一国国民经济的增长.根据该理论,本文通过研究我国金融体系上述三大功能的发挥程度来判断其稳定性和效率性.大量实证资料表明,我国金融体系虽然能够最大限度地动员社会储蓄,便利各种交易的清算和支付,但是其储蓄-投资转化率低下,资源配置功能弱化,风险分散和转移能力不高.因此,应在提高投资转化率、创新金融工具和技术、建立高效融资平台、改善公司治理机制和信息披露机制等方面完善我国的金融体系.  相似文献   

存款准备金制度与金融调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了存款准备金制度适用的内容、存款准备金率调整趋势、准备金资产范围和考核办法、准备金存款利率以及外汇存款准备金等方面内容,指出在西方国家货币政策操作由数量目标转为价格目标后,存款准备金制度逐步演变为约束货币供应增长、增强公开市场操作和利率调整有效性和灵敏性的基础性制度。在系统分析我国存款准备金制度演进逻辑的基础上,提出建立和完善资本充足制度、存款保险制度和存款准备金制度,对于促进金融机构市场化运作、维护金融平稳运行、增强货币政策传导有效性至关重要。  相似文献   

This paper examines the interaction of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 9 expected credit loss (ECL) model with supervisory rules and discusses potential implications for financial stability in the European Union. Compared to the incurred loss approach of IAS 39, the IFRS 9 ECL model incorporates earlier and larger impairment allowances and is more closely aligned with regulatory expected loss. The earlier recognition of credit losses will reduce the build-up of loss overhangs and the overstatement of regulatory capital. In addition, extended disclosure requirements are likely to contribute to more effective market discipline. Through these channels IFRS 9 might enhance financial stability. However, due to the reliance on point-in-time estimates of the main input parameters (probability of default and loss given default) IFRS 9 ECLs will increase the volatility of regulatory capital for some banks. Furthermore, the ECL model provides significant room for managerial discretion. Bank supervisors might play an important role in the implementation of IFRS 9, but too much supervisory intervention bears the risk of introducing a prudential bias into loan loss accounting that compromises the integrity of financial reporting. Overall, the potential benefits of the standard will crucially depend on its proper and consistent application across jurisdictions.  相似文献   

2013年1月,巴塞尔委员会公布了流动性监管框架的阶段性成果——《第三版巴塞尔协议:流动性覆盖比率及流动性风险监测工具》,相较于2010年12月颁布的《第三版巴塞尔协议:流动性风险计量、标准和监测的国际框架》有许多重要修订。本文着重对4项重要修订进行分析,并以此为基础探讨我国践行新的流动性管理框架的应对之策。  相似文献   

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