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This paper studies the ex-ante selective hedging strategies of crude oil futures contracts based on market state expectations and compares the hedging performances to the traditional minimum variance routine hedging strategies. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it achieves a trade-off between return and risk, rather than hedges risk at all costs. Specifically, we first use a multi-input Hidden Markov Model(HMM) to identify the market state, assess the market’s herding impact, and then integrate the findings of identification and measurement to forecast the price trend. We offer an adjustment criterion for the hedge ratios driven by GARCH2-type models based on the anticipated market state. We conducted an empirical analysis to examine the hedging effect of WTI and Brent crude oil futures, the results indicate that the proposed state-dependent hedging strategies are superior to the traditional model-driven hedging strategies concerning the hedged portfolio based on four criteria. The robustness check reveals that the proposed hedging strategies still outperform in different market situation. The findings can help traders in the crude oil markets, and the methodology can be applied to other energy markets.  相似文献   

Modeling the joint distribution of spot and futures returns is crucial for establishing optimal hedging strategies. This paper proposes a new class of dynamic copula-GARCH models that exploits information from high-frequency data for hedge ratio estimation. The copula theory facilitates constructing a flexible distribution; the inclusion of realized volatility measures constructed from high-frequency data enables copula forecasts to swiftly adapt to changing markets. By using data concerning equity index returns, the estimation results show that the inclusion of realized measures of volatility and correlation greatly enhances the explanatory power in the modeling. Moreover, the out-of-sample forecasting results show that the hedged portfolios constructed from the proposed model are superior to those constructed from the prevailing models in reducing the (estimated) conditional hedged portfolio variance. Finally, the economic gains from exploiting high-frequency data for estimating the hedge ratios are examined. It is found that hedgers obtain additional benefits by including high-frequency data in their hedging decisions; more risk-averse hedgers generate greater benefits.  相似文献   

We construct long–short factor mimicking portfolios that capture the hedging pressure risk premium of commodity futures. We consider single sorts based on the open interests of hedgers or speculators, as well as double sorts based on both positions. The long–short hedging pressure portfolios are priced cross-sectionally and present Sharpe ratios that systematically exceed those of long-only benchmarks. Further tests show that the hedging pressure risk premiums rise with the volatility of commodity futures markets and that the predictive power of hedging pressure over cross-sectional commodity futures returns is different from the previously documented forecasting power of past returns and the slope of the term structure.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):245-255
The performance of optimal strategies for hedging a claim on a non-traded asset is analysed. The claim is valued and hedged in a utility maximization framework, using exponential utility. A traded asset, correlated with that underlying the claim, is used for hedging, with the correlation ρ typically close to 1. Using a distortion method (Zariphopoulou 2001 Finance Stochastics 5 61–82) we derive a nonlinear expectation representation for the claim’s ask price and a formula for the optimal hedging strategy. We generate a perturbation expansion for the price and hedging strategy in powers of ε2?=1?ρ2. The terms in the price expansion are proportional to the central moments of the claim payoff under the minimal martingale measure. The resulting fast computation capability is used to carry out a simulation-based test of the optimal hedging program, computing the terminal hedging error over many asset price paths. These errors are compared with those from a naive strategy which uses the traded asset as a proxy for the non-traded one. The distribution of the hedging error acts as a suitable metric to analyse hedging performance. We find that the optimal policy improves hedging performance, in that the hedging error distribution is more sharply peaked around a non-negative profit. The frequency of profits over losses is increased, and this is measured by the median of the distribution, which is always increased by the optimal strategies. An empirical example illustrates the application of the method to the hedging of a stock basket using index futures.  相似文献   

Households that contemplate moving to different cities or trading up/down in the future are exposed to substantial housing risk. In order to mitigate this risk, we derive optimal portfolios using CME housing futures. Housing investment risk is hedged by selling housing futures amounting to the full value of the home. Housing consumption risk is hedged by buying housing futures in each city where the household might move. The size of the hedges depends on the probability of moving, on home values, and on labor income in each region. The hedging demands offset each other when the household intends to live in the same home indefinitely.  相似文献   

We test alternative models of yield curve risk by hedging US Treasury bond portfolios through note/bond futures. We show that traditional implementations of models based on principal component analysis, duration vectors and key rate duration lead to high exposure to model errors and to sizable transaction costs, thus lowering the hedging quality. Also, this quality randomly varies from one model and hedging problem to the other. We show that accounting for the variance of modeling errors substantially reduces both hedging errors and transaction costs for all considered models. Additionally, it leads to much more stable weights in the hedging portfolios and – as a result – to more homogeneous hedging quality. On this basis, error-adjusted principal component analysis is found to systematically and significantly outperform alternative models.  相似文献   

We analyse the cyclical behaviour and intraday pattern of net buying pressure in the S&P 500 futures options market. The results suggest that the net buying pressure of puts is counter‐cyclical and is more intense during contraction periods. The trading profits for selling put options during contraction periods thus far exceed those during expansion periods. Net buying pressure also exhibits an intraday pattern. Trading profits in the early trading sessions are higher than those for the rest of the day. In addition, we show that hourly‐basis hedging yields smaller profits than daily‐basis hedging, which suggests that the trading profits based on daily‐basis hedging may contain a risk premium associated with discretely rebalanced ‘risk‐free’ option portfolios.  相似文献   

This article investigates the portfolio selection problem of an investor with three-moment preferences taking positions in commodity futures. To model the asset returns, we propose a conditional asymmetric t copula with skewed and fat-tailed marginal distributions, such that we can capture the impact on optimal portfolios of time-varying moments, state-dependent correlations, and tail and asymmetric dependence. In the empirical application with oil, gold and equity data from 1990 to 2010, the conditional t copulas portfolios achieve better performance than those based on more conventional strategies. The specification of higher moments in the marginal distributions and the type of tail dependence in the copula has significant implications for the out-of-sample portfolio performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of the switch from physical delivery to cash settlement on the behavior of the cash and futures prices of the feeder cattle contract traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. A bivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model is applied to estimate the conditional volatility structure, with a possible structural break due to the switch to cash settlement. The results show that the volatility of the futures prices (but not the cash prices) declined after physical delivery was replaced by cash settlement. In terms of futures hedging, cash settlement led to smaller and more stable hedge ratios. The variance of the hedged portfolio also decreased substantially. The evidence suggests that cash settlement is beneficial to the feeder cattle futures market.  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货的推出,在为市场提供套保工具和流动性的同时,也带来新的风险。本文运用同一指数的股指期权与股指期货组成多种动态套期保值组合,分析股指期货的风险对冲策略。结果表明所构造的组合都能为股指期货提供有效的套期保值;不论多头股指期货还是空头股指期货,保护性策略的风险控制能力更强。  相似文献   

We examine whether hedging effectiveness is affected by asymmetry in the return distribution by applying tail-specific metrics, for example, value at risk, to compare the hedging effectiveness of short and long hedgers. Comparisons are applied to a number of hedging strategies including OLS and both symmetric and asymmetric generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic models. We apply our analysis to a dataset consisting of S&P500 index cash and futures containing symmetric and asymmetric return distributions chosen ex post. Our findings show that asymmetry reduces out-of-sample hedging performance and that significant differences occur in hedging performance between short and long hedgers.  相似文献   

The hedging effectiveness of dynamic strategies is compared with static (traditional) ones using futures contracts for the five leading currencies. The traditional hedging model assumes time invariance in the joint distribution of spot and futures price changes thus leading to a constant optimal hedge ratio (OHR). However, if this time-invariance assumption is violated, time-varying OHRs are appropriate for hedging purposes. A bivariate GARCH model is employed to estimate the joint distribution of spot and futures currency returns and the sequence of dynamic (time-varying) OHRs is constructed based upon the estimated parameters of the conditional covariance matrix. The empirical evidence strongly supports time-varying OHRs but the dynamic model provides superior out-of-sample hedging performance, compared to the static model, only for the Canadian dollar.  相似文献   

This study investigates efficiency of the futures hedge implemented through the currency markets. The copula DCC-EGARCH model is estimated with the bivariate error correction term to minimize variance of the currency portfolios. The estimation results for the currencies of the Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, euro, British pound and Japanese yen show that the inclusion of the external realized variance estimators into the variance equation of the estimated model improves the model's ability to account for the clustered data variance. In hedging portfolios, the information content of the realized variance estimator effectively reduces the variance of the portfolios.  相似文献   

We propose to use two futures contracts in hedging an agricultural commodity commitment to solve either the standard delta hedge or the roll‐over issue. Most current literature on dual‐hedge strategies is based on a structured model to reduce roll‐over risk and is somehow difficult to apply for agricultural futures contracts. Instead, we propose to apply a regression based model and a naive rules of thumb for dual‐hedges which are applicable for agricultural commodities. The naive dual strategy stems from the fact that in a large sample of agricultural commodities, De Ville, Dhaene and Sercu (2008) find that GARCH‐based hedges do not perform as well as OLS‐based ones and that we can avoid estimation error with such a simple rule. Our semi‐naive hedge ratios are driven from two conditions: omitting exposure to spot price and minimising the variance of the unexpected basis effects on the portfolio values. We find that, generally, (i) rebalancing helps; (ii) the two‐contract hedging rules do better than the one‐contract counterparts, even for standard delta hedges without rolling‐over; (iii) simplicity pays: the naive rules are the best one–for corn and wheat within the two‐contract group, the semi‐naive rule systematically beats the others and GARCH performs worse than OLS for either one‐contract or two‐contract hedges and for soybeans the traditional naive rule performs nearly as well as OLS. These conclusions are based on the tests on unconditional variance ( Diebold and Mariano, 1995 ) and those on conditional risk ( Giacomini and White, 2006 ).  相似文献   

This paper analyses the distribution of returns on a hedged portfolio, consisting of a European call option and its associated stock, when the portfolio is rebalanced at discrete time intervals. Under the assumptions of the Black-Scholes model this distribution is particularly skew. In tests of the average return on a hedged portfolio this skewness leads to biased t-statistics. The paper explores the nature and extent of this bias and suggests procedures for overcoming it. Other aspects of discrete hedging are also discussed.  相似文献   

We examine Treasury bond and stock index futures, the swap curve and two types of hypothetical corporate bond assets as alternative hedging instruments for portfolios of corporate bonds. Conducting ex post and ex ante tests we find evidence that credit quality and maturity are important sources of basis risk when hedging corporate bonds whose credit rating are below triple A. We conclude that a new corporate hedging instrument may be useful for those wishing to hedge corporate bond portfolios provided that transaction costs are not too high relative to existing futures contracts.  相似文献   

Until the recent introduction of real estate futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), there have been few opportunities to manage house price risk. This paper examines whether house price risk can be effectively hedged in Las Vegas, one of the CME contract cities. The analysis considers hedging from the viewpoint of real estate investment groups, mortgage portfolio investors, builder/developers and individual homeowners. For investment groups and mortgage holders holding a mix of new and existing home assets, CME futures would have reduced house price risk by more than 88% over the 1994–2006 period. Similarly, homeowners implicitly hedging price volatility of existing homes also would have fared well over the sample period. However, builder/developers worried about new home price appreciation would have been much less successful in managing their risk. One important caveat, minimum variance hedge ratios change over time and may cause hedge performance to suffer.
Steve Swidler (Corresponding author)Email:

This paper examines the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE/ATHEX-20 and FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 stock index futures contracts in the relatively new and fairly unresearched futures market of Greece. Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performances using weekly and daily data are examined, considering both constant and time-varying hedge ratios. Results indicate that time-varying hedging strategies provide incremental risk-reduction benefits in-sample, but under-perform simple constant hedging strategies out-of-sample. Moreover, futures contracts serve effectively their risk management role and compare favourably with results in other international stock index futures markets. Estimation of investor utility functions and corresponding optimal utility maximising hedge ratios yields similar results, in terms of model selection. For the FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 contracts we identify the existence of speculative components, which lead to utility-maximising hedge ratios, that are different to the minimum variance hedge ratio solutions.  相似文献   

Ex ante hedging effectiveness of the FTSE 100 and FTSE Mid 250 index futures contracts is examined for a range of portfolios, consisting of stock market indexes and professionally managed portfolios (investment trust companies). Previous studies which focused on ex post hedging performance using spot portfolios that mirror market indexes are shown to overstate the risk reduction potential of index futures. Although ex ante hedge ratios are found to be characterised by intertemporal instability, ex ante hedging performance of direct hedges and cross hedges approaches that of the ex post benchmark when hedge ratios are estimated using a sufficient window size.  相似文献   

Option hedging is a critical risk management problem in finance. In the Black–Scholes model, it has been recognized that computing a hedging position from the sensitivity of the calibrated model option value function is inadequate in minimizing variance of the option hedge risk, as it fails to capture the model parameter dependence on the underlying price (see e.g. Coleman et al., J. Risk, 2001, 5(6), 63–89; Hull and White, J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190). In this paper, we demonstrate that this issue can exist generally when determining hedging position from the sensitivity of the option function, either calibrated from a parametric model from current option prices or estimated nonparametricaly from historical option prices. Consequently, the sensitivity of the estimated model option function typically does not minimize variance of the hedge risk, even instantaneously. We propose a data-driven approach to directly learn a hedging function from the market data by minimizing variance of the local hedge risk. Using the S&P 500 index daily option data for more than a decade ending in August 2015, we show that the proposed method outperforms the parametric minimum variance hedging method proposed in Hull and White [J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190], as well as minimum variance hedging corrective techniques based on stochastic volatility or local volatility models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed approach achieves significant gain over the implied BS delta hedging for weekly and monthly hedging.  相似文献   

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