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据统计,全世界每人每天平均至少要接触800次广告,而在美国甚至达到1600次之多.标题是广告的核心.为了达到说服的目的,广告标题作为广告语最精华的部分,常常会违反或利用合作原则中的准则,展现机智、幽默、凝练的语言.文章拟从语用学的角度探讨大量欧美经典广告的标题,以助于广告标题的欣赏和创作.  相似文献   

汪健 《企业导报》2001,(5):34-34
<正> 做好广告是广大广告客户的心愿,同样也是广告人的心愿。要想使报纸广告引起广大读者的注意,达到广告宣传的预期目的,给读者留下较强的视觉冲击力,就需要在版面的空间组合形式上下功夫,在版面元素上动脑筋,包括广告标题的制作,广告内文的构思,图文的组合,充分展示广告的特点,力求准确、生动、传神。 一、精心制作标题。 标题是广告的生命,标题不好,谁都不爱看,更谈不  相似文献   

广告标题也称为广告语,它是揭示和概括广告主题的语句.在市场经济繁荣和竞争日益激烈的今天,广告作为一种营销手段已受到各商家的高度重视,而广告标题是广告主题和目标的凝结和灵魂,处在重中之重的地位.  相似文献   

关联理论被作为一种明示推理的过程运用于广告交际过程。为达到营销产品的目的,广告商常使用双关语作为语言策略来吸引广告受众注意力,以使其接受广告所传递的信息。本文基于关联理论以实例探析了英语广告运用双关语以达到吸引受众,取得最佳关联,从而得出在英语广告中恰当地运用双关语,更容易让广告达到影响交际目的的结论。  相似文献   

大卫·奥格威在法国多佛的家中安然去世后,遗产如下:奥美广告公司,擅于创作有销售力的广告,拥有众多热爱生命、自由、以及追求快乐的人。奥格威语录多则,庄谐辉映。著名广告 N 篇,以下是他为一则汽车广告撰写的著名标题:在时速60英里时,这辆劳斯莱斯车内最大的噪声,来自它的电子钟。三本书,《一个广告人的自白》(1963)、《血液、大脑和啤酒》(1978)和《奥格威谈广告》(1983),它们为现代广告学提供基本规则。作为奥美公共关系国际集团、著名的奥美广告公司的创立者,大卫·奥格  相似文献   

商品广告与公共关系广告是相辅相成、相互促进的。商品广告和公共关系广告既有区别又有联系。理顺它们的区别和联系,企业才能合理地、适时地发挥广告的效应,达到优势竞争的目的。对商品广告和公共关系广告的比较研究,可使企业对商品广告和公共关系广告的异同有一个清晰的了解,使这两种广告实现巧妙的整合,取得广告在商品销售中的最佳效应。  相似文献   

空中广告属于户外媒介广告,是一种新型的广告形式,以其独有的特点蓬勃发展。在运用广告心理学、广告传播学等理论基础上,空中广告达到了良好的传播效果,深刻影响了消费者的心理。在发展过程中虽然存在不足,但其发展前景是光明的。  相似文献   

<正> 企业公关广告,即通过广告宣传,设法增进公众对企业的总体性了解,提高企业的知名度、信誉度,从而使企业的活动得到公众的支持、信任与合作,给企业带来长久的效益。 公关广告的表现形式 1.实力广告。向公众展示企业在技术、装备和人才等方面的实力。例如美国一家公司,在“我们公司的骄傲”的标题下,利用某报纸的整版篇幅,详尽地将该公司所拥有的高级科研和技术人员的姓名、专业、职称及重大科研成果项目刊登出来,使公众产生了这是一个人才济济、实力雄厚的公司的好印象。 2.观念广告。向公众宣传企业的经营目的、经营思想、价值观念、企业精神等。如加拿  相似文献   

张巨才 《企业研究》2012,(13):18-20
各企业2011年年报的陆续公布得到广泛关注,其中最令人瞩目甚至惊叹的莫过于乳业的巨额广告投入,以"三大乳企2011年豪掷70亿广告费"、"三大乳企去年狂砸广告70亿"等为标题的新闻上了各大媒体的显要位置,网络媒体更是争先恐后,几乎所有网络媒体都进行了刊发转载。更有趣的是,一份"乳业巨头一年70亿广告费可以怎么花"的帖子不但成为媒体争抢的"奶酪",更成为坊间谈论的话题,不断发酵。70亿,确实不是小数字,乳业广告凶猛!那"凶"由何来?  相似文献   

广告是一种特殊的交际方式,也是当今社会越来越受关注的传媒方式之一。但实际生活中,很多广告没有达到预期的效果。文章试从预设和关联理论分析广告失败的几种原因,并指出广告创设者把预设理论、关联理论和广告结合的重要性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine young American donors' perspectives toward disaster ad messages. Attitude toward helping others, social responsibility, ethnic identity on donation behavior, attitude toward ad, and advertising effectiveness were examined using 2 experimental variables (disaster location and message types). The findings explain that the constructs are positively related to each other and the 2 experimental variables significantly influence young Americans' attitudes toward ads and advertising effectiveness. In addition, young Americans expressed stronger feelings concerning attitude toward charity ads, and a higher level of advertising effectiveness was demonstrated when the disaster occurred domestically. Further, emotional messages were considered more persuasive than factual messages. As managerial suggestions, when charities work for domestic disasters, emphasizing patriotism and an emotional message can increase the positive attitude toward ads and advertising effectiveness. On the contrary, when charities work for international disasters, the messages should focus on diminishing distinctions between in‐group and out‐group perceptions.  相似文献   

This study examines and explores the interplay of theory (regulatory focus fit and implementation intentions) and emerging technology (interactive advertising and social media ad referrals) to segment viewers more effectively and thus increases the response efficacy of public service advertisements (PSAs). Advertising, in general, and PSAs, in particular, are both entering a new era as traditional delivery platforms (print, TV, and radio) are increasingly giving way to new media (the internet and mobile smartphones), which are more dynamic as they can allow adaptability and interactivity. Using a between-subjects design, this study examined the effects of regulatory focus fit on PSA response from both traditional and interactive delivery methods. Results indicated that regulatory focus ads (promotion focus in a texting and donation context) have a positive effect on attitude toward the ads. Results also indicated that a regulatory focus ad (prevention focus) using an interactive delivery method has a positive effect on behavioral intentions. Implementation intentions analysis also indicated positive results for behavior from PSA outcomes. The findings of this study are expected to be useful for practitioners who are designing PSAs and advertisements to prevent texting and driving.  相似文献   

Online display advertising is a hostile medium for field experiments. Display-ad effects are tiny and necessitate large-scale experiments. The experimenter has limited control because ad exposure is jointly determined by advertisers, users, algorithms, and market competition. As such, online display ads provide useful lessons for experimenters at the frontier of digital research more generally. Display-ad experiments place renewed focus on old topics like statistical power and compliance as well as on newer issues like identity fragmentation, experimental spillovers, and incrementality optimization. In this guide, I review these challenges, best practices, and new developments.  相似文献   

Many advertised products are established and have little quality variation. For these products advertising signaling explanations are unconvincing. We develop a coordination model of advertising with consumers observing ads probabilistically and never observing advertising levels. Consumers who fail to see an ad for a product believe it will likely have low sales and so be of low value. Firms advertise to avoid these beliefs. The model's predictions on advertising, market share, and profitability are consistent with observed outcomes. The model produces the time series behavior for prices and market share observed in the data and not available from existing coordination models.  相似文献   

Past research has examined reactions to traditional, gender- and ethnicity-based affirmative action programs. However, research has not examined reactions to affirmative action based on socioeconomic status (SES), even though such programs are promoted by the U.S. government (e.g., Work Opportunity Tax Credit) and thus act as a de facto supplement to traditional affirmative action. Based in theories of self-interest, Study 1 compared reactions of men and women to a traditional affirmative action program and a hypothetical, SES-based affirmative action program in terms of general perceptions of such programs and organizational attractiveness. While women had more positive reactions to traditional affirmative action, men had more positive reactions to SES-based affirmative action. Study 2 took a different approach, examining the reactions of potential job applicants to four hypothetical job ads which included different types of diversity statements. We found that job ads that mentioned any type of specific diversity statement - either based on race and gender or based on SES - were perceived as less fair than job ads that did not include specific diversity statements. Results of the studies are discussed in terms of self-interest theories of affirmative action and considerations of SES-based programs as a supplement to traditional affirmative action.  相似文献   

There are around 400 advertising networks that match opportunities for “display” advertising, which include banner ads, video ads and indeed all ads other than text-based ads, on web pages and candidate advertisements. This is about a $${\$}25$$  billion business annually. The present study derives a method of pricing such advertisements based on their relative scarcity while ensuring that all campaigns obtain a reasonably representative sample of the relevant opportunities. The mechanism is well-behaved under supply uncertainty. A method based on the mechanism described in this paper was implemented by Yahoo! Inc.  相似文献   

The agricultural futures prices are generally considered difficult to forecast because the causes of fluctuations are incredibly complicated. We propose a text-based forecasting framework, which can effectively identify and quantify factors affecting agricultural futures based on massive online news headlines. A comprehensive list of influential factors can be formed using a text mining method called topic modeling. A new sentiment-analysis-based way is designed to quantify the factors such as the weather and policies that are important yet difficult to quantify. The proposed framework is empirically tested at forecasting soybean futures prices in the Chinese market. Testing was based on 9715 online news headlines from July 19, 2012 to July 9, 2018. The results show that the identified influential factors and sentiment-based variables are effective, and the proposed framework performs significantly better in medium-term and long-term forecasting than the benchmark model.  相似文献   

Sparse and short news headlines can be arbitrary, noisy, and ambiguous, making it difficult for classic topic model LDA (latent Dirichlet allocation) designed for accommodating long text to discover knowledge from them. Nonetheless, some of the existing research about text-based crude oil forecasting employs LDA to explore topics from news headlines, resulting in a mismatch between the short text and the topic model and further affecting the forecasting performance. Exploiting advanced and appropriate methods to construct high-quality features from news headlines becomes crucial in crude oil forecasting. This paper introduces two novel indicators of topic and sentiment for the short and sparse text data to tackle this issue. Empirical experiments show that AdaBoost.RT with our proposed text indicators, with a more comprehensive view and characterization of the short and sparse text data, outperforms the other benchmarks. Another significant merit is that our method also yields good forecasting performance when applied to other futures commodities.  相似文献   

  • The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to add to our understanding of the added value, both monetary and non‐monetary, to a brand when supporting a cause in a cause marketing ad. The findings show that consumers do not perceive the brand to be worth more if it was shown to be supporting a cause. The study also failed to show a significant improvement in consumer brand attitudes for brands featured in cause marketing ads. However, there was an attitude improvement for the cause. Product type and consumer dispositional variables were also examined.
  • In summary, this study calls into question the value brands derive from being paired with a cause. This study discusses productive areas of future research and managerial implications.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

章玲 《价值工程》2011,30(32):313-314
通过对我国公益广告现状的分析,研究和探讨了公益广告与思维创新的关系,阐述了思维创新在公益广告创作中的重要地位和作用,提出了要使公益广告更新颖、独特,更富人格魅力就必须打破思维枷锁,激发思维创新的潜能。公益广告是为公益活动、公益事业提供传播服务的。它是以推广有利于社会的道德观念、行为规范和思想意识为目的的广告传播活动。公益广告的创意相对于商业广告又有其自身的独特视点。本文对大量的公益广告进行了分析,从中归纳整理出公益广告创意的方法。  相似文献   

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