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由于税收的无偿性决定了纳税人税款的支付是资金的净流出。虽然依法纳税是纳税人应尽的义务,但是,对于纳税人来说,无论纳税多么正当合理,都是纳税人经济利益的一种丧失。在收入、成本、费用等条件一定的情况下,纳税人的税后利润与纳税金额互为增减。因此,一种能合法地减少应纳税款,节约税收支出,实现利润最大化的方法即税收筹划就应运而生。所谓税收筹划是指在顺应税法意图、完全不违背立法精神的前提下,当存在两种或两种以上的纳税方案可供选择时,选择最优方案,实现纳税最少,达到税后利润最大化的行为。当然,税收筹划对图书行业也不例外,在图书的整个生命周期中税收筹划无处不在,下面就从图书的生命周期中简述税收筹划的几种方法。  相似文献   

企业并购行为与税收筹划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡昌 《新理财》2004,(12):58-60
企业并购是企业对外扩张、实现发展的重要方式,并购行为不可避免地涉及到企业的税务问题.下面就企业并购中各个重要环节的纳税筹划进行分析  相似文献   

在企业的生产经营成本中,税收支出是一个不容忽视的组成部分,而伴随着税收体制改革的深化,做好税务筹划工作,在合理合法的范围内降低企业税收成本,提高经济效益,成为企业关注的重点课题.本文结合企业生命周期理论,对其税务筹划工作进行了简要分析和探讨.  相似文献   

企业经营的目的之一是获利,税收是企业支出构成的一部分,因此,就像节约费用、节约成本一样,为了获利,企业开始了“税收筹划”。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的发展,企业作为市场主体的地位已逐步明确,企业越来越关心自身成本的高低,越来越重视税收支出和纳税成本,因此纳税筹划逐渐被越来越多的企业关注。  相似文献   

何柳明 《投资与合作》2011,(10):104-104
本文首先介绍了税收的概念和起源,其次提出了企业税务筹划形成的原因,之后得出采本文的结论。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between the extent of diversification in firms and their performance at different life cycle stages. To illustrate the joint endogeneity of diversification and performance, we treat both the extent of diversification and firm performance as endogenous variables in a simultaneous equation system. Empirical results reveal that corporate diversification erodes firm value. Overall, firms in their growing stages experience a significant diversification discount; however, mature firms do not show such findings. Although unrelated diversification leads to trading at a discount in all growing and mature firms, conversely, related diversification exhibits an evident premium in mature firms.  相似文献   

运用税收契约理论,通过合作契约形成企业间合作模式、调整投资方式降低不确定性情形下税负等纳税筹划措施,企业可以在投资决策中进行有效的纳税筹划,实现股东财富最大化的目标。  相似文献   

This study is the second in a series of studies investigating tax compliance costs incurred by public-listed companies. We found evidence of a size effect which is a predominant finding of similar studies. The size effect was more pronounced when absolute measures of costs were used than when a relative measure, cost/sales turnover, was used. Additional evidence was found of limited success relating to the IRAS's moves to simplify the tax system. Specifically, only large companies with sales turnover exceeding $500m benefited and considerably reduced their overall compliance costs. Most of the decrease was a result of the computational component of compliance costs. This resulted in the gap in absolute costs narrowing between Group 3 and any of the other categories of companies. There was also greater reliance on external professionals, the smaller the company. Views elicited indicate that more could be done to increase accessibility to IRAS publications for Group 1 and Group 2 companies.  相似文献   

We use a shock to the public scrutiny of firm subsidiary locations to investigate whether that scrutiny leads to changes in firms’ disclosure and corporate tax avoidance behavior. ActionAid International, a nonprofit activist group, levied public pressure on noncompliant U.K. firms in the FTSE 100 to comply with a rule requiring U.K. firms to disclose the location of all of their subsidiaries. We use this setting to examine whether the public pressure led scrutinized firms to increase their subsidiary disclosure, decrease tax avoidance, and reduce the use of subsidiaries in tax haven countries compared to other firms in the FTSE 100 not affected by the public pressure. The evidence suggests that the public scrutiny sufficiently changed the costs and benefits of tax avoidance such that tax expense increased for scrutinized firms. The results suggest that public pressure from outside activist groups can exert a significant influence on the behavior of large, publicly traded firms. Our findings extend prior research that has had little success documenting an empirical relation between public scrutiny of tax avoidance and firm behavior.  相似文献   

产品生命周期成本管理理念及策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产品生命周期成本是一个战略成本概念。随着企业生产经营以及技术环境的变化 ,现代企业成本管理发生了巨大的变化 ,战略成本管理被提高到日益重要的地位。在产品生命周期各个阶段 ,企业如何坚持现代成本管理理念 ,对产品成本进行有效控制是本文的核心所在  相似文献   

对控制我国税收成本的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系。控制税收成本应采取以下措施:加强税收法制建设;完善税制和征管模式;建立税收成本核算制度;改革人员考核机制。  相似文献   

运用税收优惠政策进行税收筹划的基本要求就是,在掌握政策精神和了解自身情况的基础上,对各种税收优惠政策进行比较和选择,其中最重要的是对国家税收优惠政策的把握.不但要把握现有的税收优惠政策,还要把握税收优惠政策的变动趋势,后者尤为重要.本文主要论述如何掌握企业所得税税收优惠政策并进行筹划.  相似文献   

基于企业战略的税收筹划优化思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业战略与税收筹划是目标与手段的关系,企业战略是企业的整体和长远目标,税收筹划是实现该目标的具体手段,应服从于企业战略。应从市场竞争战略、投资战略、成本战略、价值链角度四个方面,优化税收筹划,以有效实现企业战略目标。  相似文献   

从公司治理角度分析"股利税"的改革方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股利在公司治理中具有重要作用,股利税的不同设计对企业公司治理有重要影响。为有效利用税法完善企业的公司治理,建议对个人的股利所得适用较低税率的"双重征税"形式,以减少企业派发股利的税收成本,缓减"自由现金流"代理问题,同时发挥债权人和机构投资者的治理优势;对于公司间股利所得,按持股比例规定适用税率,以减少集团企业控制权与现金权分离的程度,缓解控股股东与中小股东的代理问题。  相似文献   

以2009~2012年沪深 A 股上市公司为样本,从企业发展动态的角度检验非效率投资的影响动因。研究表明:成长期和成熟期上市公司的过度投资行为由管理者代理冲突所致,衰退期国有企业的过度投资由大股东代理矛盾所致,非国有企业的过度投资行为由管理者代理冲突和大股东代理矛盾共同所致;成长期上市公司投资不足主要由融资约束所致,成熟期和衰退期公司投资不足由融资约束和两类代理冲突共同所致,且非国有公司比国有公司面临更加严格的融资约束。  相似文献   

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