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This paper investigates non‐linear pricing schedules that are based on Roemer's equality of opportunity (EOp) criterion, and compare them with the maximin and the utilitarian non‐linear pricing schedules. The main results suggest that the EOp policy offers a reasonable compromise between the maximin and the utilitarian policies in the sense that: (1) the consumption for each individual is highest under the utilitarian policy and lowest under the maximin policy, and (2) the individuals in the extreme positions rank the EOp policies between the maximin and the utilitarian policy in terms of utility level.  相似文献   

This paper considers recycling systems in which producers and a monopolistic recycler are independent agents, while the design of products determined by the producer affects the recycler's productivity. It is found that such design effects could be internalized within the economy, if the monopolistic recycler pays the normative values of the wasted products according to their designs, while the producers formulate design so as to minimize the product's net price. However, if unfortunate, the equilibrium may fall into a local optimum and may not be stable. We also investigate how such property of the equilibrium could be changed if the recycler's productivity is influenced by the diversity in recycle design.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the theory of the firm can be modified and improved by shifting to a (non‐maximizing) heuristic approach that is able to explain how relatively efficient outcomes can be brought about by the use of ‘fast and frugal’ decision rules. The paper argues, however, that certain heuristic mechanisms, which may have great appeal to entrepreneurs in practice, tend to lead firms to worse solutions than those that could be achieved in a neoinstitutional system with the use of other methods. Moreover, competition cannot be relied upon to eliminate such misallocation, and may even serve to promote the problem.  相似文献   

An input–output model with non‐constant returns to scale and externalities is presented, and it is shown that in this model the non‐substitution theorem is still valid. More precisely, the quantity side of the theorem, i.e. the proposition on efficiency, remains valid, while there can be no equilibrium prices independent of final demand.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between trade and economic development using a two‐country, non‐scale growth model. Depending on the share of the expenditure for manufactured goods, we obtain two different results with regard to long‐run production patterns. Whether or not the follower country can catch up with the leader country in the long run depends on two factors: (1) the patterns of production in both countries and (2) the measure of economic welfare that is used, i.e. per capita income or per capita consumption.  相似文献   

The overlapping expectations and the collective absence of arbitrage conditions introduced in the economic literature to insure existence of Pareto optima and equilibria with short‐selling when investors have a single belief about future returns, is reconsidered. Investors use measures of risk. The overlapping sets of priors and the Pareto equilibrium conditions introduced by Heath and Ku for coherent risk measures are respectively reinterpreted as a weak no‐arbitrage and a weak collective absence of arbitrage conditions and shown to imply existence of Pareto optima and Arrow–Debreu equilibria.  相似文献   

改革开放以来 ,我国居民收入差距明显扩大 ,影响因素主要有经济增长、体制变迁与经济政策变化。解决收入分配差距的方法有加强政府责任、规范行业垄断、加快发展与扩大就业、完善再收入分配功能、加强法制建设。  相似文献   

当前我国经济内外部均衡矛盾的严重性及宏观调控选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一国宏观经济调控通常有四大目标,即经济增长、就业、稳定物价和国际收支平衡。前三者被称为内部均衡目标,后者称为外部均衡目标。在封闭经济条件下,通常只关注内部均衡目标;在开放型经济条件下,外部均衡重要性上升,但在各国实践中通常还是以内部均衡为重点目标和任务(除非发生危机状况)。在开放经济条件下,内外部均衡目标之间常常存在矛盾和悖论,  相似文献   

This paper presents a dual economy model of the fix‐price/flex‐price kind that explicitly allows for the existence of a government budget constraint in a fully open economy. Both the external and fiscal closures resemble very much the contemporary experience of several Latin American countries, where fiscal discipline and fix exchange rate systems have been the norm. Thus, within the public sector, it is assumed that public investment is the adjustment variable, while foreign reserves variation adjusts the external balance. Short‐run impacts of policy‐induced variables and changes in exogenous external financing are analysed. Relevant trade‐offs, especially between output and inflation, follow from an analysis in which the time perspective is rather short. However, in the medium term, some balancing forces in the economy can moderate the trade‐offs. We show among a wide range of events and policy options that this is the case of debt relief or a concerted lending strategy.  相似文献   

An update of Victor Fuchs analysis shows an astonishing regularity of the relationship between per capita income and service industry employment. The two major theoretical hypotheses for the growth of the service sector, shifts in final demand towards services and the technological stagnancy of services, are then analyzed. Theories achieve simplicity and clarity from radical assumptions and it is therefore not surprising that empirically both dimensions are relevant. Shifts in final demand to services—especially of private consumption, however, gained importance over the last decades indicating a fundamental change of the division of labor: the marketization of household production, which is analyzed finally.  相似文献   

Qi Wu 《Mathematical Finance》2012,22(2):310-345
Under the SABR stochastic volatility model, pricing and hedging contracts that are sensitive to forward smile risk (e.g., forward starting options, barrier options) require the joint transition density. In this paper, we address this problem by providing closed‐form representations, asymptotically, of the joint transition density. Specifically, we construct an expansion of the joint density through a hierarchy of parabolic equations after applying total volatility‐of‐volatility scaling and a near‐Gaussian coordinate transformation. We then establish an existence result to characterize the truncation error and provide explicit joint density formulas for the first three orders. Our approach inherits the same spirit of a small total volatility‐of‐volatility assumption as in the original SABR analysis. Our results for the joint transition density serve as a basis for managing forward smile risk. Through numerical experiments, we illustrate the accuracy of our expansion in terms of joint density, marginal density, probability mass, and implied volatilities for European call options.  相似文献   

We propose a Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing and a Super‐Replication Theorem in a model‐independent framework. We prove these theorems in the setting of finite, discrete time and a market consisting of a risky asset S as well as options written on this risky asset. As a technical condition, we assume the existence of a traded option with a superlinearly growing payoff‐function, e.g., a power option. This condition is not needed when sufficiently many vanilla options maturing at the horizon T are traded in the market.  相似文献   

We provide conditions on a one‐period‐two‐date pure exchange economy with rank‐dependent utility agents under which Arrow–Debreu equilibria exist. When such an equilibrium exists, we show that the state‐price density is a weighted marginal rate of intertemporal substitution of a representative agent, where the weight depends on the differential of the probability weighting function. Based on the result, we find that asset prices depend upon agents' subjective beliefs regarding overall consumption growth, and we offer a direction for possible resolution of the equity premium puzzle.  相似文献   

Significant economic activities in the Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs) since the debt crisis of the early to mid-1980s have created opportunities for U.S. firms to expand their business presence in the region. This study provides evidence on the shareholders' wealth effects of expansion by U.S. firms into the LACs. Three hundred twenty-two announcements of expansion to the LACs by U.S. firms during 1980 1996 are analyzed using event study methodology. Statistically significant excess returns of 0.52 percent are observed for the average expansion. Analysis of subsamples by mode of expansion shows that announcements of both FDI and non-FDI forms of expansion produce positive significant excess re turns. Significant positive reactions are observed for expansion to Brazil. Cross-sectional regression results provide additional insights into the determinants of wealth effects for these announcements.  相似文献   

World macroeconomic adjustments are analysed with a three‐country Stock‐Flow Consistent (SFC) models. Three SFC models are considered, the first one with a fixed dollar–yuan parity including a version with Chinese foreign reserves' diversification, the second with a flexible dollar–yuan parity which can be freely floating or following a more managed float, the third one being a generalization of the two others with flexible prices instead of constant prices. The fixity of the dollar–yuan parity limits the adjustments facing shocks and world imbalances while a more flexible dollar–yuan exchange rate appears as a powerful adjustment mechanism to reduce these imbalances.  相似文献   

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