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工艺品是我国的传统出口创汇商品,但我国与发达国家在工艺品的国际贸易方面还存在明显的差距。本文在肯定已有贸易优势的基础上,分析了这些差距的具体成因,并就如何缩小差距,不断提高国内工艺品在国际市场的竞争力,提出了5点建议。  相似文献   

张桂梅 《商业研究》2004,(8):129-131
欧盟是我国的第三大贸易伙伴 ,是我国重要的商品出口市场。随着美国经济的减缓、日本经济的下滑 ,进一步扩大欧盟市场对于促进中国对外贸易发展具有十分重要的战略意义。但欧盟作为世界上最发达的区域性经济集团 ,保护性措施很多 ,严重阻碍了中国对欧盟出口贸易的发展。  相似文献   

近几年来,我国一些专业市场国际化发展迅速,外贸出口不断增加,外贸经营风险也时常发生。本文认为专业市场外贸出口交易具有EXW贸易术语的特征,客观认识EXW合同的性质,规范专业市场出口合同,采取特定化的措施是规避专业市场外贸出口风险的关键。  相似文献   

以单位值指数构造方法为基础,选取五种商品分别构建五个不同行业商品的出口价格指数,经过协整检验、自回归分布滞后检验以及脉冲响应函数检验,结果发现:五种行业出口产品的价格指数在短期内均存在不完全的汇率传递效应;相对于其他行业来说,劳动密集型行业的汇率的短期出口价格效应更加明显;汇率传递的长期出口价格效应要高于短期出口价格效应。其政策涵义是,为规避人民币升值的负面效应,中国应该积极推动全球化过程中贸易自由化进程,做好劳动密集型行业的升级和优化,稳步推进人民币汇率形成机制和管理体制改革,宏观政策做到微观审慎监管和宏观审慎监管相结合。  相似文献   

In Europe, economic activity is concentrated more and more in the major urban centres. At the same time, these cities are in a competition with one another. Across Europe they are contending for investors and qualified workers and searching for the most successful path to a dynamic economic future. Which cities in Europe have made the greatest economic progress in the past? What are the factors that have made some cities more successful than others? And what action can cities take to achieve greater economic growth in the future?  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is two–fold; to examine developments in trade and investment policy regimes in Malaysia following the on–set of the financial crisis, using the Trade Policy Review Malaysia: 2001 of the WTO as a reference point; and to evaluate the Review in terms of the objectives of the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism as set out in the Marrakesh Agreement. It is found that, by and large Malaysia has managed to come out of the crisis without compromising on its long–standing commitment to maintaining a relatively open trade and investment policy regime by the regional standards. However, there are some disturbing post–crisis developments, which deserve scrutiny in a future Review. These include increase in the degree of dispersion of tariff rates because of high tariff peaks relating to a few product lines, increased reliance on non–automatic import licensing to regulate imports of a significant number of products which directly compete with domestic production by public sector enterprises, and unexplained delays in meeting commitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)  相似文献   

广东出口贸易对环境影响的实证分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张梅 《国际贸易问题》2006,2(4):107-110
运用EKC理论同时观察广东出口行业的污染物排放趋势(以废水、SO2为指标),整体来看,随着广东经济增长,自由贸易的进一步扩大,将不利于我省环境的改善。通过工业制成品结构的变化对环境的影响与贸易总量对环境的影响做比较,以SPSS软件进行相关性统计分析,出口商品结构的可持续性优化将有利于环境的改善,以减轻出口规模扩大对环境的负面影响。  相似文献   

Alfred Tovias 《The World Economy》2008,31(11):1433-1442
Israeli authorities have been generally efficient in implementing gradual, mostly unilateral, liberalisation of their country's trade policy regime, with agriculture and related activities being the only major exceptions to the rule. This trend reflects a broad consensus among major political parties in Israel in pursuing liberal trade policy reforms. An alternative interpretation of the liberalising trend is that protectionist pressures from organised sectoral lobbies were either weak or inefficient.  相似文献   

WTO贸易救济措施与战略性贸易政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
战略性贸易政策主要是通过征收关税、提供出口补贴和数量限制等措施来扶持本国的产业,提高竞争优势,在市场上占领更大的市场份额。WTO是当今世界多边贸易体制的组织和法律基础。GATT经历了八轮贸易谈判后,关税大幅度降低,一些补贴也不允许使用,这对成员方战略性贸易政策措施的使用起到了限制作用。与此同时,WTO的反倾销、反补贴和保障措施等贸易救济措施目前却成为了一些国家实施战略性贸易政策的新工具。本文阐述了WTO贸易救济措施的相关规定对战略性贸易政策的常用工具关税、补贴和数量限制行使的影响及我国应采取的对策。  相似文献   

贸易转营销:出口交易模式的转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国制造业的出口转型,既是出口价值链的转型,也是出口交易模式的转型。在资本国际化和生产国际化已占主导地位的条件下,在许多制造业国际市场越来越趋于垄断竞争和寡占竞争的条件下,制造业的出口,需要转向适应资本国际化和体现产业资本垄断优势的营销交易模式,原有的适应商品国际化、体现自由竞争和比较优势的贸易交易模式已经不再适应。  相似文献   

美国虽然不是一个外向型经济的国家,但鉴于它的进出口贸易在国际贸易总额中所占的份额和在美国经济中日益重要的作用,美国的对外贸易政策自二战以来就开始具有世界性的影响。美国的对外贸易政策也因此长期受到各方的关注。从大范围来看,在立国200多年的历史中,美国的对外贸易政策大致经历过三个阶段的变化。  相似文献   

The review of India's trade policy by the WTO, the third of its kind, is in three parts: the report by the WTO secretariat, a statement by the government of India and minutes of the discussion of the report by the trade policy review board. The review provides detailed information not only on India's trade and foreign investment policies but also an analytical review of India's export and economic performance. The review notes that India has made considerable progress with the liberalisation of its trade and investment regime, but it has a long way to go if it were to achieve a growth rate of eight to nine per cent, the stated objective of the policy makers. This paper, drawing upon the material in the report, analyses India's growth prospects and endorses the broad conclusions of the report.  相似文献   

The “Trade Policy Review Mechanism” passed within the framework of the Uruguay Round is intended to increase the transparency of national trade policies and to improve adherence to the rules of GATT. The following article offers a first evaluation of the new instrument.  相似文献   

适逢世贸组织问世二十周年和多哈回合成败的关键时刻,世界贸易组织发表了一份署名为《贸易政策不确定性和世界贸易组织》的研究报告。报告向世界展示了世贸组织为克服贸易政策不确定性做出了积极贡献。报告借用独立研究专家的分析模型得出两个重要结论,一是成员对世贸的承诺大大降低了提升关税的几率,即便约束税率高于现行最惠国税率;二是通过世贸监督机制降低了贸易政策的不确定性。2008年金融危机爆发并引发全球经济危机,贸易保护主义压力攀升,很多学者和商界人士都担心会重演上世纪三十年代的大规模贸易战。不过,2014年世贸组织对G20  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to discuss the main issues highlighted in the Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2003. The paper studies first the main developments in Turkey's trade regime and trade performance. Next it discusses Turkish trade policy emphasising the measures affecting imports, exports and foreign direct investment. The paper points out that agriculture is highly protected, and that autonomous reforms have been implemented in some of the services sectors of the economy. Since joining the EU will require Turkey to adopt and implement the whole body of EU legislation – the acquis communautaire– in all areas, Turkey needs to liberalise its agricultural and services sectors further. Finally, the paper discusses an issue that has largely been neglected in Trade Policy Reviews. It is the sustainability of current account. The paper stresses that Turkey needs to pay close attention to the sustainability of the current account.  相似文献   

浅析战略性贸易政策下的补贴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘璞 《国际经贸探索》2001,17(5):8-10,44
战略性贸易政策是国际贸易理论发展的产物,其重要观点是主张政府采取战略性措施进行干预,以提高本国福利,补贴是政府扶植产业的重要手段,而建立在多边贸易体制上的WTO有关补贴与反补贴协议对补贴进行了严格规定,如何在不违背WTO反补贴协议的前提下,对战略性产业进行有效补贴,是值得我们思考的。  相似文献   

TBT——加入WTO后影响我国出口贸易重要因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹晓波 《商业研究》2002,(11):153-156
随着科技的发展和人类生活水平的提高,国际市场特别是发达国家市场技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)日趋增多。我国加入WTO后,出口产品正面临越来越多的来自发达国家的技术性贸易壁垒的挑战,应针对技术性贸易壁垒的特征及对我国出口贸易的影响,制定我国出口贸易应对技术性贸易壁垒的相应对策。  相似文献   

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