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The financial crisis has led to controversial discussions about the capital base of the insurance industry. Dividend cuts and capital increases have been suggested to counter diminishing equity. However, some observers seem to fear that investors could interpret a reduction of dividends as a sign for future problems. The empirical evidence from the Italian insurance sector reported here does indeed indicate that dividend smoothing is a relevant economic phenomenon. Therefore, Italian insurance companies should rethink dividend policy rather carefully due to the possible negative consequences of dividend cuts.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of securitization issues on the solvency of Portuguese financial institutions. For this purpose, we use an unbalanced panel model estimated using GMM methods and find that securitization has a slightly positive impact on the soundness of the issuing entity. We study 35 financial entities and 60 traditional securitizations issued by 9 originators between 2001 and 2013. The analysis reveals that the financial entities’ soundness improved slightly, showing that securitization enhanced the quality of the originators’ portfolios and increased the regulatory capital requirements. We also found that efficiency and profitability improve the risk-adjusted ROAA and that efficiency increases regulatory capital requirements. The robustness analysis confirms the positive effect of securitization on solvency, where both credit quality and liquidity are shown to be significant variables.  相似文献   

We use a unique dataset to analyze how Italian banking groups managed their exposure to interest rate risk during the recent financial crisis. First of all, we document that on average the interest rate risk exposure – measured by duration gap approach – has been limited and well below the alert level enforced by regulators. Second, our econometric results indicate a relation of substitutability between banks’ on-balance-sheet interest rate risk and their use of interest rate derivatives suggesting that banks used these two instruments to curb their overall interest rate risk exposure in case of an increase in interest rates. Furthermore, we also find robust evidence of a negative correlation between banks’ interest rate risk and liquidity risk.  相似文献   

The so called Magnetar trade (a kind of capital structure arbitrage on the US housing market, using CDS and synthetic CDOs, and exploiting rating-dependent mispricing of risk) has gained a high publicity due to a Pulitzer Prize awarded media story from two journalists of ProPublica (an online news outlet). The story essentially claimed that the mortgage investment strategy of the hedge fund Magnetar during the period between 2006 and mid 2007 was based on a desire to construct CDO deals with riskier assets so that they could place bets that portions of their own deals would fail. This paper provides several pieces of evidence in line with the argument that tranches from Magnetar-sponsored CDOs present overly risky investments. However, investors and rating agencies appear to have adjusted their required spread levels and ratings to reflect this higher riskiness, at least to some extent.  相似文献   

Interest rate derivatives at commercial banks: An empirical investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I analyze the effects of bank characteristics and macroeconomic shocks on interest rate risk-management behavior of commercial banks. My findings are consistent with hedging theories based on cost of financial distress and costly external financing. Banks with higher probability of financial distress manage their interest rate risk more aggressively, both by means of on-balance sheet and off-balance sheet instruments. As compared to the derivative users, the derivative non-user banks adopt conservative asset-liability management policies in tighter monetary policy regimes. Finally, I show that the derivative non-user bank's lending volume declines significantly with the contraction in the money supply. Derivative users, on the other hand, remain immune to the monetary policy shocks. My findings suggest that a potential benefit of derivatives usage is to minimize the effect of external shocks on a firm's operating policies.  相似文献   

European banks became a source of risk to global financial markets during the financial crisis and attention to the European banking sector increased during the sovereign debt crisis. To measure the systemic risk of European banks, we calculate a distress insurance premium (DIP), which integrates the characteristics of bank size, probability of default, and correlation. Based on this measure, the systemic risk of European banks reached its height in late 2011 around €500 billion. We find that this was largely due to sovereign default risk. The DIP methodology is also used to measure the systemic contribution of individual banks. This approach identifies the large systemically important European banks, but Italian and Spanish banks as a group notably increased in systemic importance during the sample period. Bank-specific fundamentals like capital-asset ratios predict the one-year-ahead systemic risk contributions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate on systemic risk by assessing the extent to which distress within the main different financial sectors, namely, the banking, insurance and other financial services industries contribute to systemic risk. To this end, we rely on the ΔCoVaR systemic risk measure introduced by Adrian and Brunnermeier (2011). In order to provide a formal ranking of the financial sectors with respect to their contribution to systemic risk, the original ΔCoVaR approach is extended here to include the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test developed by Abadie (2002), based on bootstrapping. Our empirical results reveal that in the Eurozone, for the period ranging from 2004 to 2012, the other financial services sector contributes relatively the most to systemic risk at times of distress affecting this sector. In turn, the banking sector appears to contribute more to systemic risk than the insurance sector. By contrast, the insurance industry is the systemically riskiest financial sector in the United States for the same period, while the banking sector contributes the least to systemic risk in this area. Beyond this ranking, the three financial sectors of interest are found to contribute significantly to systemic risk, both in the Eurozone and in the United States.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between bank risk and product diversification in the changing structure of the European banking industry. Based on a broad set of European banks for the period 1996–2002, our study first shows that banks expanding into non-interest income activities present higher risk and higher insolvency risk than banks which mainly supply loans. However, considering size effects and splitting non-interest activities into both trading activities and commission and fee activities we show that the positive link with risk is mostly accurate for small banks and essentially driven by commission and fee activities. A higher share of trading activities is never associated with higher risk and for small banks it implies, in some cases, lower asset and default risks.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the literature on systemic financial risk. To that end, we analyze and classify 266 articles that were published no later than September 2016 in the databases Scopus and Web of Knowledge; these articles were identified using the keywords “systemic risk”, “financial stability”, “financial”, “measure”, “indicator”, and “index”. They were evaluated based on 10 categories, namely, type of study, type of approach, object of study, method, spatial scope, temporal scope, context, focus, type of data used, and results. The analysis and classification of this literature made it possible to identify the remaining gaps in the literature on systemic risk; this contributes to a future research agenda on the topic. Moreover, the most influential articles in this field of research and the articles that compose the mainstream research on systemic financial risk were identified.  相似文献   

We investigate individual investors’ tolerance towards financial risk by focusing on changes associated with the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007–2009. Financial risk tolerance (FRT) is analysed longitudinally controlling for demographic, socio‐economic and regional variations. In absolute terms, the change in FRT is small and contrasts with a popular view that risk tolerance is an elastic psychological state overly influenced by the pervading market conditions. Even in the presence of significant financial events, FRT tends to be a reasonably stable attribute in the shorter term but possibly influenced and reshaped by events more gradually over time.  相似文献   

财务危机是指商业银行经营过程中由于费用成本过大,收入减少,或资产出现严重损失,造成财务亏损或资不抵债的一种经济现象。化解商业银行财务危机的紧急有效措施是采取减员增效、压缩节支等手段,而从根本上解除财务危机在于不断提高商业银行的经营质量,做到既好又快地发展。  相似文献   

本文在剖析交叉性金融业务变动特点、对系统性风险传导路径的基础上,测算了我国商业银行的系统性风险,实证分析了交叉性金融业务与商业银行系统性风险之间的相关关系。结果表明:2010年以来,我国银行系统性风险经历了"N"型变动趋势,2015年以来风险处于持续上升通道,且成为历史高点。银行系统性风险的产生与资产管理市场下的交叉性金融业务快速发展密切相关。为了防范和化解系统性风险,需要继续加强和完善穿透式监管,实现银行业务"期限错配"的范围合理化,确保有效服务实体经济。  相似文献   

The high levels of operating efficiency, profits, and market values for banks in the years before the financial crisis raise reasonable doubts about the accuracy of the assessments of the efficiency of banking intermediation. We examine the productivity growth in Spanish banks in the pre-crisis period by separating out the contributions to productivity growth from business practices and from industry-wide technological progress. We find that more than two thirds of the estimated productivity growth in the years 2000–2007 is attributed to banks’ practices, such as the expansion of credit in the housing market, the high recourse to securitization and short-term finance, the reduction in liquidity holdings, and the leveraging process of banks’ balance sheets, that the literature claims are the ultimate causes of the crisis. We estimate that the remaining cumulative annual growth rate is 2.8% for the industry’s technical progress, which is similar to that in the period of 1992–2000.  相似文献   

We examine the implications of the sovereign debt tensions on the Italian credit market by estimating the effect of the 10-year BTP-Bund spread on a wide array of bank interest rates, categories of loans and income statement variables. We exploit the heterogeneity between large and small intermediaries to assess to what extent the transmission of sovereign risk differed in relation with different banks’ balance-sheet characteristics and business strategies. Regarding the cost of funding, we find that changes in the BTP-Bund spread have a sizeable effect on the interest rates on term deposits and newly issued bonds but virtually no effect on overnight deposits. Furthermore, the sovereign spread significantly affects the cost of credit for firms and households and exerts a negative effect on loan growth. All these results are magnified when considering alone the five largest banks, which are typically less capitalized, have a larger funding gap and incidence of bad loans and rely more on non-traditional banking activities. Sovereign tensions also affect the main items of banks’ income statement.  相似文献   

This paper explores the determinants of securitisation by Italian banks over the period 1999–2006, investigating the funding, specialisation, and regulatory capital arbitrage hypotheses. According to our evidence, when we consider all securitisation types together, Italian banks seem to have securitised out of funding motives, to diversify and optimise their available funding channels. When we separately consider securitisations backed by residential mortgages and those backed by non-performing loans, we find that the main factors affecting the former type of securitisation are the need for funding and capital arbitrage motivation, whereas the latter appear to have been affected to a lesser extent by a need for funding and to have also been slightly conditioned by a desire to specialise.  相似文献   

盛世华彩,国之华诞!新中国成立60周年之际,各行各业相继推出各色国庆主题产品和活动,共同见证这不平凡的时刻.我国的信用卡行业从无到有,取得了辉煌的成绩:截至2009年第二季度末,我国累计发行银行卡197 953.62万张,其中,信用卡发卡量为16 261.51万张.乘盛世之光烘托盛世,借发展之际纪念发展--中国信用卡行业发行以歌颂祖国、体现建国60年来建设成果为主题的信用卡,推出一系列优惠活动为伟大祖国60周年献礼.  相似文献   

We investigate the interdependence of the default risk of several Eurozone countries (France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain) and their domestic banks during the period between June 2007 and May 2010, using daily credit default swaps (CDS). Bank bailout programs changed the composition of both banks’ and sovereign balance sheets and, moreover, affected the linkage between the default risk of governments and their local banks. Our main findings suggest that in the period before bank bailouts the contagion disperses from bank credit spreads into the sovereign CDS market. After bailouts, a financial sector shock affects sovereign CDS spreads more strongly in the short run. However, the impact becomes insignificant in the long term. Furthermore, government CDS spreads become an important determinant of banks’ CDS series. The interdependence of government and bank credit risk is heterogeneous across countries, but homogeneous within the same country.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the asymmetric effect of news on the time-varying beta of selected banks from seven European countries during the current crisis period and also during the pre-crisis period. The paper applies daily data from thirteen large banks from France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The sample size ranges from 2002 to 2013 and includes the current global financial crisis (2007–2013). The BEKK GARCH model is first employed to estimate the time-varying beta and then linear regression is applied to investigate the asymmetric effect of news on the beta. The asymmetric effects are investigated based on both market and non-market shocks. Results show that some evidence of market efficiency can be witnessed via non-market shocks, however the market shocks indicate that the European banks foster a significant amount of uncertainty leading to asset mispricing. Results also show a clear rift in terms of quality of results between France and Germany taken as a group and the rest of the countries under study. These results shed light on the level of market efficiency and hedging strategies.  相似文献   

Following the 1997/1998 financial crisis, Indonesian banks experienced major regulatory changes, including the adoption of the blanket guarantee scheme (BGS) in 1998, a limited guarantee (LG) in 2005, and changes in capital regulation in 1998 and 2001. We examine the impact of these regulatory changes on market discipline during the period 1995-2009. The price of deposits is used to measure market discipline in a dynamic panel data methodology on a sample of 104 commercial banks. We find a weakening of market discipline following the introduction of the BGS. The result is consistent with the deposit insurance scheme being credible in the lower capital requirement environment. The adoption of LG in a recovering economy also mitigates the role of market discipline. However, market discipline is more pronounced in listed banks than unlisted banks and in foreign banks than domestic banks. These results have important implications for banking regulation and supervision, particularly during a crisis period.  相似文献   

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