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This paper reconsiders a recent criticism which contends that the theory of general intertemporal equilibrium, formulated by taking the physical endowments of capital goods as given, is not protected from the problem of capital at the centre of the two Cambridges debate of the 1960s. The author confirms such a criticism following a different approach. He argues that the stability analysis of an intertemporal equilibrium via tâtonnement must be consistent with a uniform rate of return on capital. He shows that the resulting non‐orthodox tâtonnement subverts the traditional analysis of equilibrium stability.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the stability of a multimarket competitive equilibrium. The dependence of stability on the choice of the numeraire is clarified. The traditional tâtonnement pricing is revised in order to satisfy some basic features of economic behaviour. Well‐known conditions for local stability are proved to be insufficient if a market for credit is introduced alongside the markets of dated commodities. Stability depends not only on the slopes of the demand and supply curves, but also on equilibrium prices. This result emerges without the occurrence of capital perversities, such as reswitching and reverse capital deepening.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a non‐tâtonnement dynamic macroeconomic model to study the role of inventories, expectations and wages in the business cycle. Following a restrictive monetary shock, by amplifying spillover effects inventories may imply that the economy converges to a deflationary locally stable Keynesian underemployment state. The model is applied to evaluate economic policies like quantitative easing as well as the effectiveness of holding inflationary expectations to recover to full employment. If inflationary expectations are not sufficient, imposing downward rigidity of nominal wages helps to exit from the recession.  相似文献   

The simple pure exchange model with two individuals and two goods introduced by Day and Pianigiani in 1991, later extensively analyzed by Day and taken up again by Mukherji, is discussed and extended with the purpose of showing that chaos in a discrete tâtonnement process of this kind can be controlled if the auctioneer uses a smooth, non‐linear formulation of the price evolution process such that the price adjustment is a sigmoid‐shaped function of the excess demand, with given lower and upper limits. In particular, we show that, given the price adjustment speed and the excess demand function, the auctioneer can (a) stabilize the dynamics, (b) reduce the complexity of the attractor and (c) increase the economic significance of the adjustment process by simply acting on the lower and/or upper limits that constrain price dynamics.  相似文献   

We analyze the implications of dynamic flows on a mutual fund's portfolio decisions. In our model, myopic investors dynamically allocate capital between a riskless asset and an actively managed fund which charges fraction‐of‐fund fees. The presence of dynamic flows induces “flow hedging” portfolio distortions on the part of the fund, even though investors are myopic. Our model predicts a positive relationship between a fund's proportional fee rate and its volatility. This is a consequence of higher‐fee funds holding more extreme equity positions. Although both the fund portfolio and investors' trading strategies depend on the proportional fee rate, the equilibrium value functions do not. Finally, we show that our results hold even if investors are allowed to directly trade some of the risky securities.  相似文献   

We investigate the strategic behavior between exporting countries that face endogenous terms of trade on the world market. In a non-cooperative setting, if production decisions occur before consumption decisions, the ex-ante optimal export quota is not time consistent as the ex-post elasticity of the residual foreign import demand curve is lower than the ex-ante elasticity. However, we show that the exporters’ inability to irrevocably commit to their quota may be welfare superior to the precommitment solution. If exporters can sell forward a proportion of their exports before production decisions are made, they will do so even though, in equilibrium, it may decrease welfare compared to a situation in which forward markets do not exist. Moreover, the equilibrium with forward markets is welfare inferior to the commitment equilibrium for exporters.  相似文献   

By using a Kaleckian model with debt accumulation, Hein (2007; Metroeconomica, 56 (2), pp. 310–39) found that the long‐run equilibrium value of the debt–capital ratio is positive and stable only if interest rates are extremely high and if the short‐run equilibrium exhibits the ‘debt‐led’ growth regime. However, this conclusion crucially depends on the assumption that the retention ratio of firms is equal to unity. By relaxing this assumption, we show that there exists a positive and stable long‐run equilibrium even under the ‘debt‐burdened’ regime without any constraint on the nominal interest rate.  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that the paradoxes of capital, of which reswitching is the most striking example, are a reason to question the existence of aggregate production functions. It is here shown that they affect intertemporal general equilibrium as well as causes of instabilities.  相似文献   

研究发现,古典主义经济学乃至新古典主义经济学所奉行的市场均衡模型(包括一般均衡和局部均衡)并非白璧无瑕,关于这一模型的经典著述中隐含着许多反论,而右下斜(斜率为负)的供给曲线以及右上斜(斜率为正)的需求曲线是这些反论的核心。这些反论促成了如下反思:供给价格不等于边际成本;供给表并非来自实践,而是来自传统供给法则的主观拟断;边际收益递减并不决定供给曲线的右上扬,相反倒决定了供给曲线的右下斜趋势,而边际收益递增则决定了供给曲线右上斜的趋势。以上反思得出一个基本结论:市场均衡模型并非马歇尔的那个交叉,真实的模型中至少应当包含着右下斜的供给曲线和右上斜的需求曲线。  相似文献   

The model under consideration consists of m pure consumption goods, n capital goods, and hm primary factors of production in long-run time-phased equilibrium. Two alternative capital intensity conditions are defined in terms of physical unit input coefficients which suffice for equalization of the interest rate, all capital good prices, and all primary factor prices, provided only there is positive trade in every consumption good and in at least one capital good. If the capital intensity conditions hold at all factor prices, the result remains valid even if trading regions have a technology consisting of neoclassical production functions.  相似文献   

I analyze two connections between neoclassical and classical economics. First, I consider the indeterminacy that arises for both schools: in the neoclassical theories of overlapping generations and of factor pricing and in Sraffa's price theory. Neoclassical indeterminacy occurs only in environments where relative prices can change through time; otherwise, determinacy obtains. Although these results challenge the Sraffian position on indeterminacy, the classical principle that current economic activity is embedded in the past proves to be a powerful insight: it establishes the robustness of factor‐price indeterminacy and casts doubt on the importance of overlapping‐generations indeterminacy. Second, I argue that recent claims that capital‐theoretic paradoxes arise in intertemporal general equilibrium modes, not just in aggregative theory, cannot be validated.  相似文献   

How and why do risk mitigation strategies evolve? And which resources are needed for engaging in such changes? This paper contributes to the understanding of risk management in supply chains by developing theory about the interplay between supply risk mitigation strategies and the purchasing team's relationship dominant logic (RDL), which we define as the purchasing team's orientation toward and shared cognitive map of the management of its supply chain relationships. Specifically, we propose that RDL and supply risk mitigation strategies are fundamentally intertwined. Following a Straussian approach to grounded theory, this study analyzes data generated from the purchasing teams of Western green‐tech firms trying to mitigate supply risk for technically indispensable rare earth metals from China. Our findings from this context that is heavily shaped by state‐influenced supply chain members show that the firms chose their mitigation strategies in line with their RDL. Human capital, social capital, and financial capital seem to moderate the link between RDL and mitigation strategies. We link our findings with the strategic management literature in deriving theoretical propositions concerning these relationships.  相似文献   

In the traditional versions of the neoclassical theory of value and distribution, the stock of existing capital, understood as either an amount of value or an endowment of capital goods, was taken as given together with the available quantities of labour and natural resources. This characteristic of the early neoclassical theories is analysed through comparison with the modern neo‐Walrasian models of stationary equilibrium, where the stock of capital is not among the givens. It is shown here that the attempt to present capital as a factor of production on a par with labour and land led the early neoclassical authors to write the zero‐net‐accumulation condition, which was required by the stationarity of relative prices, in the form of a market‐clearing condition for the supply of and demand for capital. The rate of interest was therefore understood as the price determined by this market. As is known, however, the view of capital as a factor of production and the rate of interest as the price for its use failed to work and involved several problems, some of which are discussed here.  相似文献   

Cross‐border investments are an increasingly important part of venture capitalists' portfolios. In order to better understand venture capitalists' international investment decisions, we use dyadic pairings of European countries over a 10‐year time span to examine how regulative, normative, and cultural‐cognitive institutional differences are related to cross‐border venture capital investment flows. Results demonstrate that increased normative and cultural‐cognitive distance reduce cross‐border investments, whereas regulative distance shows no relationship. Together, these findings suggest that institutional dimensions do influence venture capital investment decisions and that the type of distance can have differing effects.  相似文献   

In a production price framework, a two‐sectoral gravitation process with cross‐over adjustments of prices and quantities is advanced. To overcome an inconsistency in the treatment of fixed capital in disequilibrium, the socio‐technological input coefficients are assumed to vary with the sectoral output–capital ratio, such that for each relative price there exists an optimal degree of capital utilization which maximizes the sectoral rate of profit. Production prices prevail if these maximizing rates of profit are equalized. In addition, a financial sector determining the rate of interest is incorporated into the model. The mathematical analysis establishes a broad scope for local stability of the long‐run equilibrium position once a condition applies that ensures stability of the output adjustments in the short period.  相似文献   

This paper considers two paradoxes concerning the relationship between capital investment decisions and competition. First, conventional capital budgeting methods imply that substantial infra-marginal surpluses are attained above the cost of capital, but this is inconsistent with the premise that returns on capital equal the cost of capital in competitive markets. Second, contrasts in the pharmaceutical industry between high reported returns on capital invested, the accounting treatment of research and development outlays, and inter-firm competition in research and development are explored.  相似文献   

The Academy's dual role is to discover and disseminate knowledge. For most of our tenure, we have focused on research's role in fulfilling this societal mandate. We continue that discussion here by calling for more “actionable” research—something that the supply chain discipline is particularly well positioned to do. We now extend the discussion to pedagogy. As the two epigraphs denote, society is looking for a return on its investment—even a reinvention of the university. Increased costs, poor student achievement, and disruptive technology create an environment perfect for disruption. Yet, if we do our job well, current and foreseeable technologies cannot provide the same kind of transformative education that can be cultivated through community‐engaged experiential learning. The good news: The supply chain discipline is perfectly positioned to set the standard for twenty‐first century business education.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an open economy with heterogeneous capital and linear processes of pure joint production from a long‐period perspective. It is shown that: (1) an effective exchange rate change has ambiguous effects on the distribution of income and the competitiveness of domestic output; (2) the matrix of super‐multipliers linking exports to gross output is not always uniquely defined; and (3) the volume of exports and the volume of total employment may be inversely related, even if prices and distribution do not change.  相似文献   

Households depend on the existence of a home, and therefore, maintenance plays an important social and economic role. Formal outsourcing is often overestimated here and alternative modes, such as informal outsourcing and do‐it‐yourself (DIY), are overlooked. This paper estimates and accounts for the choice of one mode of production in Flemish households. First, the different modes of production are quantified according to two different methods. Further, an explanation of the choice made is constructed. The complexity of maintenance work has an impact as well as the dimensions of social and cultural capital. Factors such as dexterity, occupational acquaintance with maintenance work, social trust and social contacts play a role. Finally, a model of a sequence of decisions is tested. This ramification mechanism shows that the primary choice is formal commissioning or not, inspired by technical complexity. The second choice between off‐the‐books outsourcing and DIY is influenced by the capital resources of the households.  相似文献   

Professor W. Ethier (1979) has argued that replacing land by capital in the familiar 2×2 trade model leaves the four basic theorems unaffected, with time-phasing and a positive interest rate. In fact, Ethier's HOS and FPE theorems are different in kind from the traditional ones. The traditional theorems predict certain results in terms of trade-independent data: Ethier's theorems describe equilibrium in terms of factor endowments and intensities defined by equilibrium prices. Hence his theorems do not support his central message that nothing is lost in trade theory by treating capital as if it were homogeneous land.  相似文献   

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