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We investigate the impact of US economic sanctions on EU's trade using a panel data approach expressed in a two‐level framework. Both multilateral and unilateral sanctions involving the US and the EU have a negative impact on EU trade (total, imports and exports). We argue that unilateral sanctions, if extensive in nature, would have a depressing impact on target countries’ trade, especially in the stage after sanctions have been imposed. Over time, both multilateral and unilateral sanctions lead to an increase in a target country's exports to the EU, lending support to the third‐country effect of sanctions.  相似文献   

2018年美国以"寻求贸易平衡"为由对中国进口产品实施单边贸易制裁,制裁的产品集中在《中国制造2025》计划发展的高技术产品。基于2000-2017年中国海关总署以及《中国高技术产业统计年鉴》数据对中美高技术产业贸易现状和贸易竞争力进行了分析,同时依据《中国制造2025》中的创新能力指标对中国高技术产业五大行业的创新能力进行了测度,研究发现贸易顺差只是美国对华贸易摩擦集中于高技术产业的表象原因,遏制中国技术创新和维持全球经济体系治理话语权才是其真实目的。中国应通过提升高技术产业在全球价值链上的位置、加强与日本欧盟的经贸联系、积极申请加入CPTPP来应对美国对中国高技术产业产品的进口限制。  相似文献   

在成本传递和"部门转移效应"基础上,本文构建并检验了国际油价冲击对中国贸易条件的传导路径,同时利用VAR模型模拟了油价冲击的动态影响,最后分析了全球金融危机是否改变了油价对贸易条件的冲击效应。结果表明:(1)能源密集型产品与整体贸易条件的运动轨迹基本一致,先恶化后改善,最终收敛于0,但不管恶化还是改善,主要取决于外部因素的影响;(2)由于"部门转移"比较弱,非能源密集型产品的贸易条件改善,贸易福利虽有所提高,但仍会导致失业和资本闲置,从而扼杀社会经济长期健康的发展;(3)全球金融危机强化了能源密集型产品与整体贸易条件的运动轨迹,但削弱了国外的"部门转移效应"。  相似文献   

The United States maintains a broad spectrum of economic sanctions against China ranging from export controls to prohibitions on certain imports. Our study finds that, although from a macroeconomic perspective, US sanctions have had no significant adverse effect on China's overall economic growth and trade between the two countries, they do have a negative impact on producers and consumers in both countries. US economic sanctions have hindered technology transfer to China and US investment in China. US restrictions on imports from China have caused deadweight losses for the US due to higher domestic production costs for import substitutes and a reduction in consumption. US export controls have hindered US exports to China and contributed to large US trade deficits with China. The export controls have also caused losses of high‐paid jobs in the United States and benefited competitors from other countries. In addition, US economic sanctions against China have had significant third‐party effects. China's diversification of imports to sources other than the United States may have a long‐term effect on US exports to China even after US economic sanctions against China are lifted.  相似文献   

This paper provides background and history of economic sanctions on Iran. Particular attention is paid to the effectiveness of the sanctions and to factors that have mitigated their effectiveness. The United States and other countries have joined in a coalition to impose the sanctions, but it will be difficult to maintain the coalition and get cooperation of nonparticipant countries if there is a major oil price increase. Measures are recommended to reduce this risk and maintain the effectiveness of the sanctions.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):287-307
We detail recent international sanctions against the Iranian economy and its government imposed by a subset of developed countries. The effects of these sanctions on the Iranian economy in general and upon upper and lower‐income rural and urban Iranian households, as well as the Iranian government, are modelled using a computable general equilibrium (CGE ) model. We supplement the Global Trade Analysis Project 8 data set using income and expenditure shares from the Urban and Rural Household Income and Expenditure Survey from the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI ). The model is calibrated to simulate the effects of international sanctions as closely as possible. We use endogenous trade taxes to simulate the effects of sanctions on Iranian oil and petrochemical exports and Iranian imports of petroleum products, metal products and motor vehicles. Our study finds that international sanctions reduced aggregate Iranian welfare by 14%–15%. Rural households in Iran suffered welfare losses which were almost double those experienced by urban households, and the poorest urban and rural households experienced the largest welfare losses, in the order of 5%–10%. But the government of Iran sees a decrease in real revenue of 40%–50%, due to the large negative effect of sanctions on the Iranian oil sector.  相似文献   

长期以来,"台湾接单-大陆生产-出口美欧"这一典型的三角贸易模式是两岸经贸合作的主要形式。经过多年的发展,两岸之间已经形成了密切的经贸联系。然而,在中美贸易摩擦持续发酵的背景下,尤其是在台湾当局"去中国化"经贸政策的影响下,两岸经贸合作面临的不确定性和困难有所增加。为规避中美贸易摩擦的消极影响,两岸经贸合作态势也出现相应调整。一是两岸贸易出现了明显的替代和转移效应;二是部分台商加快调整全球产业布局;三是两岸高科技产业合作步伐放缓。鉴于中美贸易摩擦前景尚不明朗,对两岸经贸关系的影响也值得持续关注。  相似文献   

Under US President Donald Trump, it can be expected that large tax cuts will be passed and public expenditure will be slightly limited. He correctly identified US deindustrialisation as one of the economy’s core problems. His proposed policy platforms, however, are unpredictable and most likely harmful for the US and world economy. Even more importantly, the new government repeatedly clashes with national and multilateral institutions and thereby challenges the heart of democratically based capitalism. At present, it is still open if Donald Trump’s Executive Orders on trade measures will be backed by the US Congress. In any case, the new US administration is obviously abandoning the general principle of free trade. But the announced changes in US trade and exchange rate policies are less of a fundamental break than is often argued, because cooperation in international economic policy has always been limited and unstable. Beyond trade policy, it seems to be the intention of the new US government to fundamentally change the course of the country with regard to the financial markets. With regard to its monetary policy, the administration’s current position is marked by its inherent inconsistency. However, the new government has several channels through which to influence and fundamentally change the working of the Fed in order to make it more obedient to its goals.  相似文献   

黄志凌 《全球化》2020,(3):23-39,132,133
“金融战”不仅指一个经济体对另一个经济体发动的金融制裁,还包括一个强大的国际金融资本突然对一个金融体系存在严重漏洞的主权国家或关税经济体发动的货币狙击。长期的金融战会引发一个国家的金融危机,摧毁其经济体系,使其经济发展陷入长时间停滞。回顾近几十年的历史,美国非常擅长通过金融战操纵全球经济,从而达成自己的战略目的,其常用的武器是金融制裁。为了在关键时刻能够顺利发动金融制裁,美国还准备了一系列法律依据。美国发动金融战的底气在于美元霸权、支付清算垄断与无可替代的发达金融市场。以美国曾经发动的金融战为样本,对金融战进行一些前瞻性的分析与研究是十分必要的。  相似文献   

对成员方援引GATT1994第21条安全例外条款采取的单边贸易制裁,DS512案专家组除了明确争端解决机构的管辖权外,还提出善意解释基本安全利益和最低限度合理性两项要求,一定程度上肯定了争端解决机构在该条款具体适用问题上的审查权。然而,从专家组对条款的解读来看,其审查明显具有弹性,基于安全例外问题的双重属性,基本安全利益和最低限度合理性的定性模糊以及制度供给的不足,实际意味着争端解决机构对援引安全例外条款的介入审查有限,即有限治理。在应对美国以安全例外之名施加钢铝关税制裁时,理性看待WTO规则治理的效果,并在规则治理之外,设置WTO改革议题,以宏观制度层面的对话磋商促进具体争议的解决,无疑是一条更为合理的路径。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,俄罗斯经历了乌克兰危机、西方经济制裁、国际油价下跌等外部因素的冲击,经济安全遭受严重威胁,在此背景下的俄罗斯政治经济战略势必波及中俄经贸合作,进而影响丝绸之路经济带建设。本文从贸易合作和对外直接投资合作方面,基于计量模型剖析俄罗斯国家经济安全对中俄经贸合作的影响过程及关联因素。研究表明俄罗斯国家经济安全危机提升了中国在俄贸易伙伴国中的地位,促使俄与中国产能合作的意愿强烈,直接投资和产能合作逐渐成为推动中俄经贸合作向纵深发展的强劲动力;俄罗斯国家经济安全危机对中俄罗贸易有显著负向影响,中俄政治关系对贸易合作有显著正向影响。这是提高中国对俄罗斯投资、提升高新技术产品在俄罗斯进口比重的机遇期,亦是推进丝绸之路经济带的重要机遇期。经济强势崛起的俄罗斯和经济体系全面崩溃的俄罗斯对丝绸之路经济带的推进均有重要影响,在与其发展战略协作伙伴关系过程中,中国恰到好处地拿捏平衡其中的大国利益边界至关重要。  相似文献   

国际金融危机与“购买美国货”条款   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国爆发的金融危机给全球金融和经济贸易带来极大的影响,为此,各国纷纷出台应对当前金融危机、刺激经济复苏的政策和措施,美国更是如此。2009年2月17日,美国总统奥巴马签署了《2009年美国复兴与再投资法》,①使之正式成为法律生效,奥巴马"新政"由此也正式启航。然而,美国应对金融危机、刺激经济复苏方案出台前后,不仅在美国国内引起激烈争论,而且在全球范围内也引起轩然大波,矛盾的焦点主要集中在该法的"购买美国货"条款上。带有明显贸易保护主义的"购买美国货"条款出台,使世界上贸易保护主义进一步抬头和泛滥,各国在应对金融和经济危机的同时,不得不与贸易保护主义作斗争。  相似文献   

Stylised representations of recent US and Chinese tax reforms, tariffs against imports and alternative Chinese monetary targeting are examined using a calibrated global macro model that embodies both trade and financial interdependencies. For both countries, unilateral capital tax relief and bilateral tariffs are shown to be ‘beggar thy neighbor’ policies. As large economies, both enjoy ‘optimal tariffs’, even bilaterally, though net outcomes are shown to depend on the allocation of revenues. Bilateral tariffs are most advantageous for the US if the additional revenue finances indirect tax relief. Once US bilateral tariffs are imposed, China is a net loser irrespective of its policy response, though a currency float is shown to cushion the effects on its GDP in the short run. Equilibria in normal form non-cooperative tariff games have the US imposing tariffs while China liberalises.  相似文献   

"In the last Winter Davos, when it was the most pessimistic period for the economy in North America and West Europe, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao declared China's economic growth this year was targeted at 8 percent. That firm tone encouraged the whole world. And 8 months have been past, and we just see that China is exactly on the track to achieve this goal. We have confidence in China's economy. No doubtedly." Jeremy Jurgens, Senior Director at the World Economic Forum and Head of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions and Community of Global Growth Companies expressed so in a World Economic Forum press conference in Beijing, September 3.  相似文献   

For a global player like the EU, it must adequately respond to US unilateral actions and not give in to threats in order to preserve its credibility. However, it is not in its interest to let trade conflicts escalate and be drawn into trade wars.It is worth noting that through the bilateral rules established in the context of a comprehensive trade agreement, the EU not only influences global norms and standards but that those in turn feed back into the EU’s economic order in a way that traditional trade agreements have not. They can therefore either reinforce the European model or weaken it.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the interactions among economic growth, financial development, and trade openness through simultaneous equation systems. The identification and estimation of the systems rely on the methodology of identification through heteroskedasticity. The empirical results show that each of the three variables interacts in important ways. When controlling for the reverse causation, trade promotes economic growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries but has a negative impact on growth in countries with the opposite attributes. Similarly, when accounting for the feedbacks from growth, banks and stock markets have different impacts on economic growth. While banking development is detrimental to output growth, stock market development is more favorable to growth in high-income, low-inflation, and nonagricultural countries. The data also reveal coexistence of a positive effect of financial development on trade and a negative effect of trade on financial development in poorer countries. In richer countries, financial development stimulates trade openness whereas trade has an ambiguous impact on financial development.  相似文献   

This year marks the 35 anniversary of the establish- ment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.Over the last 35 years,bilateral relations between the two sides have seen smooth progresses.In recent years,with active high-level leaders contacts,the two-way economic and trade cooperation between the two countries has been increasingly enlarged in depth and scope.Iran has be- come the second trade partner of China in West Asia and North Africa and the third largest oil supplier of China in the world. The main fields of Iran and China coopera- tion are energy,petrochemicals,chemicals, machineries,textile and steel industry.In 2006,Sino-Iranian two-way trade reached US$14.45 billion,a year-on-year increase of 43.3%.Among this total,about US$4.5 billion belonged to China's exports to Iran,and about US$10 billion came from imports from Iran,up 46.2% and 46.7% re- spectively over the last year.We imported about 16.8 million tons of Iranian oil in that single year.In the first half of 2007,a num- ber of agreements in various areas have been reached by the two countries.In spite of the close bilateral ties,there is still huge room for both sides to further strengthen their economic cooperation. At the invitation of the Iranian Em- bassy to China,China's Foreign Trade had an exclusive interview with H.E.Dr.Javad Mansouri,Iranian Ambassa- dor to China,on a number of issues relating to Sino-lranian economic and trade ties development. By Editor  相似文献   

In view of the Russian annexation of Crimea and its ongoing efforts to destabilise Ukraine, political decision-makers in the EU and the US are considering economic sanctions against Russia. The article analyses whether the German economy would be affected by restrictions on trade and investment relations. As a result, German exporters would suffer from restrictions on business relations with Russia, but they would be able to compensate for possible losses. Russian gas export interruptions, however, would be a more severe problem. Due to Russia’s dependence on revenues from the export of natural resources as well as on technology imports from Western countries, the Russian economy would be hit particularly hard.  相似文献   

Economic sanctions are an important instrument of U.S. foreign policy. While politicians look favorably on unilateral economic sanctions as a policy instrument, many scholars attribute significant long-term economic costs to the United States and have doubts about their effectiveness. We outline a simple approach to assess the vulnerability of target countries to sanctions in order to develop focused sanctions and reduce unnecessary costs to U.S. business, avoid the imposition of sanctions on countries when sanctions are unlikely to have the desired effects, and determine what other countries must join the United States in imposing sanctions if they are to be effective.JEL Classification K330,F190  相似文献   

伴随着美国金融危机引起的世界经济衰退,贸易保护主义出现抬头趋势。文章以机电产品对美出口遭遇技术性贸易壁垒为例,通过协整分析、脉冲响应、方差分解等方法对金融危机下贸易保护对我国出口的短期冲击进行实证研究。结果表明,金融危机下经济的不景气反而促进了中国的出口,但有可能恶化出口商品结构,而贸易保护和总需求下降是严重抑制中国出口的主要因素,引入金融危机冲击这一虚拟变量后,贸易保护的影响加剧。因此,扩大国内外需求和冲破贸易壁垒限制是解决出口下行的根本途径。  相似文献   

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