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不断完善我国现代市场体系,一个很重要的方面,就是健全现代市场经济的社会信用体系。 信用是市场经济的灵魂,没有信用的市场经济必然表现为机会主义行为盛行、损人利己现象泛滥、信任危机恶性蔓延、整个社会的道德水准下降。 相似文献
市场经济是法制经济、信誉经济 ,但是我国近年来市场秩序混乱、竞争无序 ,失信行为严重。文章指出其根源在于没有建立起社会信誉机制。并在深入分析的基础上提出了要建立有效的社会信誉机制 ,产权明晰是基础 ,规范政府行为是必要前提 ,有效的信息传输系统是重要条件 ,健全的法律制度是根本保障。 相似文献
在市场经济条件下,现代企业间的竞争已扩展到信誉竞争。企业若不讲信誉,就无立足之地,无生存之根本。因此增强企业信誉意识,加强企业信誉管理是企业急需解决的问题。本文就企业信誉风险的界定及其分类进行了理论上的探讨,为有针对性的规避各类企业信誉风险打下理论基础。 相似文献
市场经济与农村产权界定蒋和平,申曙光建立社会主义市场经济意味着经济体制特别是一些基本制度的变革。只有从一些基本体制的因素着手进行改革,我们才能逐步建立起真正的有效益的市场经济体制,才能真正解决农业经济中的一些“深层次”的问题。在这些问题中,农村产权关... 相似文献
商业信誉危机对市场经济发展的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对美国公司财务丑闻的成因的分析,我们发现商业信誉危机对市场经济发展重要影响,我国要力求避免商业信用危机,赢得市场经济的健康发展。 相似文献
信誉机制在欺诈行为中的运行分析--来自一次博弈与重复博弈的解释 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
信誉机制是维护市场经济中行为主体交易活动正常化的基石。没有信誉机制的市场是杂乱无章的市场,同时也将伴随着行为主体利益的损失,产生一种低效的市场绩效。本文将分别用一次博弈和重复博弈模型来说明信誉机制在欺诈行为产生及其演变过程中所起的作用,并以相应的结论来说明市场中信息的透明度、信息的传播方式与手段以及政府执法的及时性、公正性等制度因素对信誉机制发挥作用的影响。 相似文献
一、期货交易是公开、公平、合法的交易。根据各国期货交易规则,期货交易必须在公开市场达成,即所有的开价、报价、出价都必须以公开成价方式在交易大厅内进行,使期货交易在可以互相看见的八角形或多角形、外高内低的交易池内进行竞价,在场的所有交易者将处于良好的交易环境之下,获得平等的买卖机会。这样就能维护公开、平等的竞争规则,使每个交易者可以按照自己的意愿参加交易。 相似文献
市场经济健康发展的道德灵魂——诚信机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
诚信,是诚实守信和诚实信用的合成。诚实是内在的品质,守信或讲信用是具体行为中的表现,内在的诚实如果能与外在行为中的守信相一致,就是信誉。信誉是内在与外在的统一,是诚信结出的硕果。 相似文献
Wilfred Dolfsma 《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》2013,25(8):919-930
The appropriability regime (Teece 1986) that innovating service firms face is generally weaker than what firms in manufacturing sectors face. An important means to appropriate benefits from innovation that service firms can use is their reputation. This conceptual paper offers insights into how a firm’s reputation helps in appropriating value from innovation. Depending on the nature of a service, different kinds of third parties come into play in establishing reputation. In helping firms establish a reputation, such third parties influence customer decisions to acquire a service. While ‘to produce a service is to organise a solution to a problem’, and thus does not involve a third party, is true for pure services in particular, for a service firm to benefit from innovation such others are involved. 相似文献
Edward Oczkowski 《Applied economics》2018,50(32):3464-3476
This article develops empirical models to assess the relation between the reputation of an individual named wine and its price. Unrestricted and polynomial distributed lag models are used to assess the impact of past expert quality ratings on the prices of Australian premium wines. Results point to the practical unimportance of current wine quality scores impacting prices and suggest that quality score lag effects up to six years may be important. The largest individual lagged impact of quality on price is estimated to occur at approximately two years, and prices are estimated to increase by more than 10% over six years for a one-point quality score increase. A procedure for identifying potential wine price bargains based on a comparison of price predictions from estimated wine reputation and current quality measures is illustrated. The implications of the findings for wine producers are also discussed. 相似文献
产权改革社会化趋势的理论分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
经济体制转型国家的产权制度改革往往与经济市场化密切相关,在这一过程中,社会生产方式从封闭走向开放化、社会化,一切生产要素都要通过市场为全社会所用。产权的社会化,实现了资本的社会运营,形成了财产权利的社会分解、经济利益的社会分享和风险责任的社会分担,这是现代市场经济发展的必然要求。 相似文献
维吾尔医药是维吾尔族人民留给人类的伟大的物质财富,已形成了具有维吾尔特色的医学理论体系。发展维吾尔医药产业,对于新疆经济的发展具有深远的影响。然而,相比较其他民族医药产业,新疆雏药的发展却相对落后,究其原因,缺乏重视知识产权保护是主要原因之一。因此,运用专利、商标等知识产权法律制度加强对维药的法律保护具有重要意义。 相似文献
Lesley Chiou 《Applied economics letters》2018,25(10):702-706
We use transactions from a distinctive online environment of ‘mystery’ auctions to examine the role that trust plays and how it impacts bidding behaviour when the exact characteristics of a good being auctioned are purposefully concealed from buyers. We show that buyers are generally trusting seller claims in online transactions and that seller reputation becomes significantly more important to buyers (as demonstrated by their bids) when the quality (or value) of the good is unspecified. Our findings can be extrapolated to consider broader economic implications of bidding behaviour impacted by trust, such as in financial markets, where over-bidding may lead to price bubbles. 相似文献
独立董事声誉与独立董事劳动力市场有效性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一般来说,独立董事能够对管理层起到监督作用从而提高公司治理水平,然而在我国上市公司特殊的制度背景下,独立董事制度实施的效果究竟如何,一直是理论界和实务界争论的热点问题。本文引入"独立董事声誉"这一长期被忽视的独立董事制度设计的核心理念,构建了引入声誉机制的独立董事激励模型,并采用2004年至2005年沪市A股独立董事作为研究样本进行追踪,实证检验了我国上市公司独立董事所受到的声誉激励水平。研究发现我国独立董事的劳动力市场缺乏有效性,声誉激励只能够促使独立董事避开公开违规事件,却不能激励独立董事更好地履行监管职责。这很可能是影响我国独立董事制度发挥作用最重要的原因。 相似文献
In this article, we propose a theoretical model based on the reputation theory and hypothesize a positive relation between the information disclosure quality and the company’s refinancing decision. We collected data from the listed companies, which refinances in Shenzhen main board and SME board during 2006–2012, as a panel sample, and tested the hypothesis empirically. The results indicate that there exists a significant positive correction short-term relation between refinancing decision and the information disclosure quality, but in the long term the relationship between the information disclosure quality and refinancing decision is not significant. 相似文献
随着科技的高速发展,通讯信息已经越来越普及在人们的生活之中,人们对新闻信息的获取已经不再局限于传统的报章杂志中,新科技的通信使得新闻信息更方便更快捷地传递于人们的生活中。然而,这样快捷便利的新闻传递让新闻自由与名誉权之间的冲突问题愈演愈烈。我国自有新闻事业以来,新闻事业一直对我国经济、政治、文化等各方面起着重要作用。可以说,新闻事业在传播信息服务民众、促进经济快速发展、宣传政府政策、监督各行各业良好运行以及提升国民素质中扮演着不可替代的角色。我国发展新闻事业时间有限,新闻侵权案件屡屡发生。因此,结合现实情况,应通过对新闻自由与民事权利的深入研究讨论新闻自由与名誉权之间的冲突和平衡。另一方面,新闻监督在目前的社会生活中已被称为立法、司法、行政之外的第四种权利。鉴于这种重要性,在舆论监督过程中必然会涉及民事权利的侵权问题。 相似文献
在信息经济社会,知识产权成为企业担保融资的主要标的。在知识产权国际担保融资中,虽然担保合同作为从合同,适用主合同的准据法,但在担保的登记和效力实现问题上,由于各国法律制度的差异,必须确定具体的法律适用。 相似文献
J. Ron Stanfield 《Journal of economic issues》2013,47(3):593-614
Economists tend to see the market as a default option for social order and a role for government only when markets fail. Developing a convincing analysis of the role of government in economic processes, however, needs to start by considering government failure in its own terms. Drawing on insights from institutional economics, law and economics and the philosophy of law, emphasizing the necessity of rules for the economy, this paper develops the concept of government failure. The paper identifies and develops four different types of government failure. Government can set rules for economic processes and actors that are (1) too specific, (2) too broad, (3) that are arbitrary, or (4) that conflict with other rules it has set out to address other, related issues (possibly primarily non-economic). Government failure is illustrated in the context of Intellectual Property Right (IPR) law as it relates to Anti-Trust law. 相似文献