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文章阐述了网络地址翻译(NAT)技术的产生背景,主要内容与内部转换机制。详细介绍了网络地址翻译技术的应用领域,以及在此领域中的最新动态。  相似文献   

在ZigBee协议栈中自动建立用户网络地址链表,做为解决ZigBee动态分配网络地址问题的一种方法。  相似文献   

由于互联网用户的迅猛发展,IP地址越来越不够用,网络地址转换(NAT)的出现解决了这一问题。本文通过实例着重阐述了NAT的三种网络地址转换方式及地址的转换过程。  相似文献   

简述IPv4到IPv6的过渡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,因特网得到了飞速发展,网络在人们的日常生活和工作中起着日益重要的作用,越来越多的其他设备连接到因特网上,尤其移动通信由传统的语音通信向数据通信转化,IPv4显然已经无法满足这些要求,加之Internet IP地址分配不合理,IPv4的许多缺陷逐渐显现,其中最突出的是IP地址空间将被耗尽和主干路由表不断增长的问题,虽然NAT(网络地址翻译)等地址使用技术可以缓解IPv4地址不足的状况,但是不能从根本解决问题.所以,IPv6的推广是大势所趋.其简单描述了IPv4和IPv6之间的区别,探究了从IPv4过渡到IPv6的技术策略.  相似文献   

黄志 《企业导报》2010,(5):296-296
目前我们使用的是第二代互联网协议--IPv4,它的最大问题是网络地址的资源有限,据预测,不久之后后它的网络地址资源将被耗尽。IPv6就是在这种背景下出现。  相似文献   

现代社会是一个被网络包围的社会,上网成为现代人的生活基本需求,网络也成为现代企业的基本生产工具之一。在这个大背景下,有限的IP网络地址资源分配成为制约网络信息发展的障碍,引入DHCP(动态主机配置协议)服务成为重要的解决手段,但是DHCP协议在安全上存在的漏洞使得在使用DHCP服务器为主机配置网络地址和参数时面临威胁。文章对这些DHCP安全问题和防范措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张天  孙毓川 《中外企业家》2013,(6Z):210-211
笔者从强调机器翻译的必要性和意义入手,首先回顾了国内外计算机翻译的发展历程;其次,从服务器端介绍了有道、雅虎、必应、谷歌等在线翻译网站,客户端和服务器端介绍了各类术语管理器、机器翻译工具和机器辅助人工翻译的技术和工具;最后,在塔多思、雅信计算机辅助翻译软件的基础上,提出了互联网云计算翻译模式的构建设想,并分析了计算机翻译的不足。  相似文献   

在网络中,上网的计算机都有一个IP地址,来唯一确定这台计算机的网络地址.IP地址表现为十进制格式组成的四组数码,如192.168.0.1.你输入一个IP地址,就可以进入到对应的网站.  相似文献   

随着互联网的急速发展,传统纯人工翻译形式的速度颓势已显,计算机辅助翻译CAT技术应运而生。文章以翻译《智能电网中多谐波源相互影响与控制方法》一书为例,探究Trados在电力文本翻译中的应用。  相似文献   

女性主义翻译的存在与发展在翻译史上经历过一段曲折的历程。在其起源阶段,特有的女性话语被迫被翻译成处于主导的父权话语的代码。而伴随着翻译研究的逐步发展,女性主义翻译的支持者及译者们吸纳各家之言,从众多的语言理论中汲取营养,使女性主义翻译具备了独特的思想理论体系,极大的丰富了人类翻译学研究的领域。本文从语言中的性别歧视入手,引出女性主义翻译。介绍了女性主义翻译思想的起源,阐明了女性主义翻译的认识论,实践论和方法论,论述了女性主义翻译对翻译理论的重大影响。文中侧重于女性主义翻译的具体原理,并对其发展策略做出了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

沈皓婉 《价值工程》2010,29(13):245-247
从社会和政治变化、电子音乐流派的发展,形成了电子音乐,科学和技术的发展对电子音乐有重大的影响。他们是四个不同历史时期的发展——未来派,法西斯主义,达达派、电子音乐的时期。从最早使用:麦架,嘘声,窃窃私语,爆炸等。音乐和表达感情的表现,在阶级斗争,政治变革和经济危机、发展迅速的电子音乐,用在许多不同的零件,例如播放音乐、电影、电视等,都成了一个必不可少的组成部分的音乐市场。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is widely regarded as instrumental in economic growth, a balanced regional development and for creating jobs. To fulfil what is called their ‘third obligation’, universities are expected to contribute by research, teaching and transfer of technology. Entrepreneurial education is one of the responses to the realities. For the field of entrepreneurship, the enhanced status may seem welcome. However, there is a downside, related to the at times nebulous conceptual and efficacy notions of entrepreneurship and its education, breeding unreasonable and unpredictable expectations. This paper explores alternative strategies in university-based entrepreneurial education, describing, as a starting point, the dominant pattern of education, based on an individual-centred mindset. Further, it is argued that by conceptualizing the university as a regional evolution mechanism, a different yet parallel educational strategy may be suggested, called a business generating model. Its aim is to foster the necessary conditions for new ventures and for the strategic expansion of regional SMEs: the emergence and fusion of viable business concepts, entrepreneurial actors, resources and a munificent environment. It is suggested that educational applications based on this logic might be effective for meeting the new demands. The paper concludes by discussing some of the contingency issues related to the two broad models.  相似文献   

随着中国城镇化建设的加快,配套的公共设施也亟待建设,仅靠政府的力量远远不能满足社会需求,BOT方式由于自己独有的特点被各国政府青睐。我国作为最大的发展中国家,对私有资本投入BOT的需求更加大。而由于BOT投资大、回收期长、风险难以估计等特点,私有资本者对BOT一直处于观望态度。笔者认为,政府作为BOT的主要负责者,应当在法律、政策、金融三方面做出改善,增强投资者信心。  相似文献   

以往的常规熏蒸存在着费用高、劳动强度高、残留高等特点,而单纯的环流熏蒸方式虽然在一定程度上节省人力,降低有毒气体对操作人员的身体损害,比较适用于现在的高大平房仓,但是其熏蒸过程相对复杂、各种机械设备运用程度高、熏蒸投药过程长,如果仓房密闭效果不是太好的话还必须进行补药.针对以上情况,经过几年的研究、摸索、对比,最后采用了仓内粮面投药,仓外环流的缓释环流熏蒸方法.此种熏蒸方法降低了熏蒸费用,同时也减少了熏蒸时间和人员接触毒气时间,不需要补药,熏蒸效果相对较好.  相似文献   

Despite the establishment of high-tech multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Ireland since the late 1950s, the country did not succeed in closing the technological gap with most of its EU counterparts. The weak National System of Innovation (NSI), and in particular low business and government R&D levels, combined with a lack of research and technology linkages between MNEs and indigenous firms, explain these poor results. However, the Shannon region in the West of the country presents some specific institutional characteristics that could theoretically make the region a strong technological enclave. The various actors in the region - i.e. the administrative, financial, political and research institutions, as well as the business organizations - have indeed infused a new type of economic development. After a brief review of the available concepts and models articulated around these actors and their interrelationships, the paper analyses whether the Shannon region, taken as an illustrative example, mirrors a specific economic and technological localized setting. The study is based on a survey of indigenous and foreign firms.  相似文献   

This article reviews discrimination and diversity research published in Human Resource Management (HRM) over the past 60 years. While discrimination and diversity are very different constructs, it is often informative to study them together, because when people recognize each other's diversity, this can result in bias, stereotyping, and discrimination. We conducted bibliographic searches for terms related to discrimination and diversity as well as a manual search through every title and abstract published in HRM over the last 60 years to assess article relevance. The search resulted in 135 research articles with 136 unique studies (i.e., samples) which are reviewed in this article. Sex and race are the demographics that have been examined the most in HRM, while religion has been examined the least. Moreover, the number of studies examining lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) employees in the workplace in HRM has grown quickly within the past 10 years, culminating in a recent meta‐analysis. Our review looks at some of the earliest research published, the most recent research published, and the overall trends we identified in the research over the years for both discrimination and diversity articles. We then make future research suggestions and recommendations to advance the study of discrimination and diversity in the coming years.  相似文献   

In this study, eight generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) types of variance specifications and two return distribution settings, the normal and skewed generalized Student's t (SGT) of Theodossiou (1998), totaling nine GARCH-based models, are utilized to forecast the volatility of six stock indices, and then both the out-of-sample-period value-at-risk (VaR) and the expected shortfall (ES) are estimated following the rolling window approach. Moreover, the in-sample VaR is estimated for both the global financial crisis (GFC) period and the non-GFC period. Subsequently, through several accuracy measures, nine models are evaluated in order to explore the influence of long memory, leverage, and distribution effects on the performance of VaR and ES forecasts. As shown by the empirical results of the nine models, the long memory, leverage, and distribution effects subsist in the stock markets. Moreover, regarding the out-of-sample VaR forecasts, long memory is the most important effect, followed by the leverage effect for the low level, whereas the distribution effect is crucial for the high level. As for the three VaR approaches, weighted historical simulation achieves the best VaR forecasting performance, followed by filtered historical simulation, whereas the parametric approach has the worst VaR forecasting performance for all the levels. Furthermore, VaR models underestimate the true risk, whereas ES models overestimate the true risk, indicating that the ES risk measure is more conservative than the VaR risk measure. Additionally, based on back-testing, the VaR provides a better risk forecast than the ES since the ES highly overestimates the true risk. Notably, long memory is important for the ES estimate, whereas both the long memory and the leverage effect are crucial for the VaR estimate. Finally, via in-sample VaR forecasts in regard to the low level, it is found that long memory is important for the non-GFC period, whereas the distribution effect is crucial for the GFC period. On the other hand, with regard to the high level, the distribution effect is crucial for both the non-GFC and the GFC period. These results seem to be consistent with those found in the out-of-sample VaR forecasts. In accordance with these results, several important policy implications are proposed in this study.  相似文献   

In this study, I improve the assessment of asymmetry in volatility spillovers, and define six asymmetric spillover indexes. Employing Diebold-Yilmaz spillover index, network analysis, and my developed asymmetric spillover index, this study investigates the time-varying volatility spillovers and asymmetry in spillovers across stock markets of the U.S., Japan, Germany, the U.K., France, Italy, Canada, China, India, and Brazil based on high-frequency data from June 1, 2009, to August 28, 2020. I find that the global markets are well connected, and volatility spillovers across global stock markets are time-varying, crisis-sensitive, and asymmetric. Developed markets are the main risk transmitters, and emerging markets are the main risk receivers. Downside risk dominates financial contagion effects, and a great deal of downside risk spilled over from stock markets of risk transmitters into the global markets. Moreover, during the coronavirus recession, the total degree of volatility spillover is staying at an extremely high level, and emerging markets are the main risk receivers in the 2020 stock markets crash.  相似文献   

郭常来  孙越 《价值工程》2012,31(25):114-115
地热资源是一种资源的利用不受其它因素影响、对环境污染最小的可再生、可持续使用能源。本文介绍了地热资源的分类、形成条件以及特点。以华北平原为主要研究区块,J热水井为例,阐述储层的评价方法,确定泥质含量、孔隙度、渗透率以及含水饱和度的计算方法,井温资料和地区经验公式确定地层温度,据测井评价资料进行井下作业,下套管后开始固井,进行固井质量评价,固井质量良好的条件下进行射孔,开始投产。  相似文献   

Urban sustainability interventions must always contend with the built environment––the historically accumulated materialization of previous rounds of city building. In this article we argue for a historicized perspective on urban sustainability that allows us to consider how ideals of the past, materialized in the urban built environment, constrain current sustainability interventions. Drawing on the policy mobility literature, science and technology studies, and assemblage thinking, we examine the recursive relationship between mobile ideas on the one hand and urban materiality on the other. Empirically we analyse the historical development of Forus Industrial Park in Stavanger, Norway, and current attempts to transform this into a compact, ‘post‐fossil’ space. We focus on two phases: the late 1960s, following the discovery of oil, when Forus started developing into the core oil cluster in Norway, drawing on ideals from Houston and Milton Keynes; and the current preoccupation with sustainable mobility and density, drawing on ideals from compact European cities like Copenhagen. We show how the inertia of the built environment exercises a form of distributed agency constraining interventions towards sustainable urbanism. Therefore, we argue, truly powerful interventions in urban sustainability are those that effectively reconfigure and retrofit, and reassemble existing materialities into new formations.  相似文献   

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