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印尼局势发展与经济重建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
亚洲金融危机发生以来,印尼经济危机与政治危机交织在一起,导致苏哈托政权的垮台。1999年6月瓦希德当选总统,其政局将如何演变,经济重建工作又将如何开展?本文做了较全面的阐述。  相似文献   

This paper draws some tentative lessons for the management of Indonesia's economy from recent political–economic history. After a brief review of the economy under the present government, the paper then puts the picture in the longer term perspective of post-independence Indonesia. Some lessons are then drawn. They include the need to maintain awareness of the close connection between economics and politics, constant vigilance about economic stability and the budget, a solid economic team, a coherent overall strategy and a focus on institutions and governance.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of the economic reform in the USSR announced by Kosygin in 1965 which provides information about the changes actually implemented and asserts on this basis some theses about the reform. The theses are, that the reform was only limited and has since been partially reversed; that the convergence theory, the neo-classical theory of the firm, and the socialism/capitalism dichotomy are all unhelpful for understanding the evolution of Soviet planning; that much of the writing associated with the reform was very superficial; that distributional questions played an important part in the course of the reform; and that the reform can only be understood fully as a social phenomenon. The paper is based on a careful analysis of Soviet sources.  相似文献   

信息费用的降低和全新的技术、产品创新机制是推动新经济到来和支撑新经济发展的本质因素。在此基础上 ,各产业部门的生产率普遍地提高 ,社会生产力的发展得到源源不断的推进力 ,市场空间由于信息费用的降低和新产品的面世而被不断地拓展 ,社会经济因此在整体上获得了持续、强  相似文献   

Conclusion In conclusion let me summarise: the world economy can be made to move again, perhaps not as fast as in the phase before 1973. But to this end many efforts, now absorbed in counterproductive distribution quarrels and in actions to defend indefensible positions, will have to be redirected in favour of future-oriented activities in markets that ought to be open. Economics can help in supplying the necessary orientation. Such orientation requires less than forecasting in positive economics, which has achieved scientific dignity. It is merely a kind of “normative pattern prediction” but perhaps not very much less useful.  相似文献   

关于经济全球化的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对经济全球化的理论基础的分析,探讨了目前的经济全球化所导致的生产和分配领域的马太效应、全球资源的垄断、金融领域的金融霸权等现象。本文认为,在国际经贸活动缺乏公平和公正的前提下,真正的经济全球化离现实还很遥远。在目前的国际经济活动中,作为发展中国家的中  相似文献   

Treatments of Indonesia's financial crisis customarily focus on exchange rate collapse, neglecting the question of why enterprises were so highly leveraged beforehand. This article reviews controlling shareholder-debtor behaviour both before and during the crisis. It then examines Indonesia's emergency bankruptcy legislation effective August 1998—which enjoys a mixed record in implementation—and articulates bankruptcy policy principles for the replacement legislation now being drafted. Progress on the insolvency front has been limited to a relatively small number of voluntary debt reorganisations. Early indications are that such restructurings largely take the form of debt rescheduling rather than debt-equity swaps, loan write-offs, or other approaches that would lessen enterprises' heavy leveraging. This outcome reflects problems in creditor as well as debtor preferences. What began as a private sector insolvency problem increasingly overlaps with efforts to address general banking sector difficulties. Further, nationalism questions complicate the resolution of insolvencies.  相似文献   

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