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兰亚东 《广告导报》2005,(11):112-112
中国人寿和中央电视台从2003年开始有了比较全面的合作。几年来,双方的合作一直很愉快。作为金融保险业的领先品牌之一,中国人寿在选择什么样的传播平台作为最重要的传播手段时,首先要考虑行业和公司自身的特点。  相似文献   

齐话 《广告大观》2006,(2S):106-110
在中国的寿险市场上,中国人寿无疑占据着绝对的强势。66万销售队伍、2005年保费收入1900亿,这两个数据使得中国人寿在市场上占据半壁江山。比这些数据更为重要的是,在消费者心目中,中国人寿的品牌已日趋成熟和稳定。进入2006年,中国人寿又在寿险产品宣传推广上迈开了举足轻重的一步。  相似文献   

一天 《广告大观》2004,(8):48-50
近年来,中国保险市场持续处于快速增长的上升时期,是世界上发展最快的保险市场。保险已成为中国城市居民家庭重要的理财和保障措施之一,巨大的消费潜力已经吸引众多国外的保险公司的关注,加快了进入中国市场的步伐,一批优秀的国外保险机构纷纷在华建立自己的“营寨”。与国内保险公司相比,这些“洋公司”将以什么来获得中  相似文献   

刘志忠 《广告大观》2005,(10):136-140
整个9月,年轻的夏洪波都在忙着跟全国各地的客户见面,刚上任央视广告部主任两个月的他,在很多客户眼里还是个陌生人。  相似文献   

随着改革开放,越来越多的海外投资者、港澳台同胞到大陆投资经营,而大陆独特的媒体环境对他们来说比较陌生。为帮助这些广告主了解大陆媒体,在广告投放上与大陆媒体.广告公司建立良好合作,本刊采访了CCTV及其代理公司昌荣传播,请相关负责人介绍大陆媒体和广告公司的运作特点。  相似文献   

曾盈盈 《广告导报》2005,(9):133-135
2005年1-6月,CCTV整体收视份额达到34.48%,在去年同期的高基数上大幅攀升。这一成绩的由来,与2005年央视的品牌化改革密不可分。2005年年初,中央电视台启动“频道品牌化”战略,掀起新一轮的改革,改革的焦点集中在管理机制的变革上,概括起来是“两个转变、两个指标”——“两个转变”:由节目中心制管理向频道制管理转变,由频道专业化向频道品牌化转变。“两个指标”:每个频道的考核评估包含两个指标——收视份额指标和收入指标,各频道不仅要从节目收视上达到指标,还要从收益上达到要求。  相似文献   

水井坊举杯中国经济年度盛事 2006年10月30日,随着中央电视台经济频道总监郭振玺和深圳、杭州、武汉、成都四家地方台负责人共同按亮中国地图上的5盏灯,一年一度的中国经济盛事——“水井坊2006CCTV中国经济年度人物评选”在中央电视台宣布正式启动。  相似文献   

飞雁 《广告导报》2006,(3):142-143
“一个40多岁的中年男士。他事业有成。而又谦逊、温和、平易近人。做事比较低调。值得信赖。”这就是多年来中国人寿精心打造的品牌形象。  相似文献   

申红艺 《广告大观》2005,(10):28-29
不知从什么时候起,有了夜间三种人的说法,其中就包含了广告人,意思是说广告公司的人经常熬夜加班,半夜甚至是凌晨下班是经常的事,久而久之,就被归人了从事夜间工作的那类人里面。  相似文献   

一般来说,各家银行的信用卡都有最短25天,最长55天的免息还款期,如果巧妙地加以运用,就相当于可以不花一文利息持续地享受银行的小额免息贷款。  相似文献   


The purpose of this research note is to define and review the extent of “predatory11. Predatory an adjective of, relating to, or practicing plunder, pillage, or rapine; inclined or intended to injure or exploit others for personal gain or profit as in predatory pricing practices; living by predation, predaceous; adapted to predation. Source: (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/predatory#synonyms) To avoid connotative inaccuracies the authors intend to convey the construct predatory in its broader sense thereby striving toward denotative accuracy.” publishing process practices in academic journals in recent years. In addition, ascertaining what, if any, substantive damage can result from these practices. And to derive “warnings signs” for those embarking on the road to creating/distributing what they have learned. “Predatory publishing” is the charging of a fee or proving value in exchange for the publication of research material without providing the publication services an author would have reasonably expected such as peer review and editing to mention only a few. There is evidence that this “practice” has sadly grown in prevalence in recent years. Following a review of the literature and using case study methodology, it was found that damages in the case of one large publisher were estimated to be over $50 m, as per a court adjudication in the US. With open access publishing becoming more popular as a result of institutional, funder and national mandates, it is likely more authors could be tempted or even baited into making poor decisions and publishing their research articles in illegitimate journals, wasting funding resources and damaging their research reputations. These and other implications are considered, as well as enumeration of such behaviors with an eye toward fostering deterrence. Further research and actions that could mitigate the problems are outlined.  相似文献   

强大的造船业离不开强大的钢铁制造业的支撑,在我国造船业与钢铁行业如何相互支撑、协调发展?带着这个问题,本刊记者日前采访了上海中远川崎重工钢结构有限公司副总经理谢欣。他表示,无论是过去、现在、还是未来,中国造船业都离不开中国钢铁行业的支撑,中国造船、钢铁行业共生共荣。两大行业只有紧紧携手,才能共度难关,走向巅峰。  相似文献   

非洲国家从我国进口的机电产品,在档次和价格上处于中低端,但是这片市场根具开发潜力。如果能认真分析非洲的市场特征,发挥我国机电产品的优势,非洲将成为我国机电产品出口的新大陆。  相似文献   

This paper investigates under what conditions a good corporate social responsibility (CSR) can compensate for a relatively poor corporate ability (CA) (quality), and vice versa. The authors conducted an experiment among business administration students, in which information about a financial services company’s CA and CSR was provided. Participants indicated their preferences for the company’s products, stocks, and jobs. The results show that for stock and job preferences, a poor CA can be compensated by a good CSR. For product preferences, a poor CA could not be compensated by a good CSR, at least when people thought that CA is personally relevant to them. Furthermore, a poor CSR could be compensated by a good CA for product, stocks, and job preferences. Guido Berens is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His research interests include corporate branding, corporate social responsibility, and reputation management. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing and the Corporate Reputation Review, as well as in several international books. Cees B. M. van Riel is Professor of Corporate Communication at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His research interests include organizational identity, reputation management, and corporate branding. He is the author of several books, and his research has appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Marketing, among others. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Corporate Reputation Review, and has been working as a consultant for many large international companies in the last 15 years. Johan van Rekom is Assistant Professor at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where he also received his PhD. His research interests include organizational identity, the effects of organizational identity on the motivation of organization members, cognitive structures at the individual and at the organizational level, and the essence of brands. His research has appeared in the Journal of Management Studies and the European Journal of Marketing, among others.  相似文献   

卢小平 《大经贸》2001,(4):58-59
我国天然石材的放射性标准严于国际标准,这是世界公认的。国家有关部门的测试记录证明,目前市场上销售的石材绝大多数是A类产品(使用范围不受限制),少数是B类产品(不可用于居室内饰面),C类产品(只可用于一切建筑物的外饰面)则是个别的。  相似文献   

The government purchasing market constitutes the largest business sector in the world. While marketers would benefit from a deep understanding of both sectors, how the two sectors differ in terms of ethics and strategy largely remains unknown. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to explore differences between the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors on two critical aspects of business-to-business procurement: ethics and strategy. Using survey data from a sample of 328 procurement professionals in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, key differences are explored. Findings suggest that buyers in the for-profit sector are more likely to behave opportunistically. Conversely, the buyers’ leaders in the not-for-profit sector behave more opportunistically and are more willing to turn a blind eye to their subordinate buyers’ opportunistic behaviors. In addition, key differences in procurement strategy are unveiled suggesting that not-for-profit procurement practices have some room for improvement. Based on the findings, theoretical and managerial implications are drawn, and a future research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of attention has been paid to IMF conditionality and to the effects of IMF programmes, relatively little attention has been paid to their completion rate. However, the record is that the clear majority of Fund programmes are uncompleted. Is this a cause for concern and why is it that the completion rate is low? In principle, a number of factors could be at work. Gaining a better understanding of what these are should allow policy reform at the IMF to improve performance. While there are things that we do not know and need to know about programme completion, we know enough to delineate the broad direction that policy should take.  相似文献   

This article provides a review of what we know, what we do not know, and what we need to know about the relationship between industrial clusters and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in developing countries. In addition to the drivers of and barriers to the adoption of CSR initiatives, this study highlights key lessons learned from empirical studies of CSR initiatives that aimed to improve environmental management and work conditions and reduce poverty in local industrial districts. Academic work in this area remains embryonic, lacking in empirical evidence about the effects of CSR interventions on the profitability on local enterprises, workers, and the environment. Nor do theoretical frameworks offer clear explanations of the institutionalization and effects of CSR in local industrial districts in the developing world. Other key limitations in this research stream include an excessive focus on export-oriented industrial clusters, the risk that CSR becomes a form of economic and cultural imperialism, and the potential for joint-action CSR initiatives in clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises to offer a new form of greenwashing. From this review, the authors develop a theoretical model to explain why CSR has not become institutionalized in many developing country clusters, which in turn suggests that the vast majority of industrial clusters in developing countries are likely to engage in socially irresponsible behavior.  相似文献   

Ganesan  Shankar  Hess  Ron 《Marketing Letters》1997,8(4):439-448
Previous research has found that trust is positively related to commitment in buyer-seller relationships. However, the validity of this finding is questionable because trust has been operationalized in many different ways. For example, prior research has not distinguished among levels of trust (interpersonal or organizational trust) and dimensions or motives of trust (credibility or benevolence). In this study, we distinguish among the levels and dimensions of trust. The results indicate that trust in a sales representative (interpersonal credibility) is more strongly related to commitment than trust in an organization (organizational credibility). In contrast, trust based on organizational benevolence is a stronger predictor of commitment than interpersonal benevolence.  相似文献   

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