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We consider an investor who has access both to a traditional venue and a dark pool for liquidating a position in a single asset. While trade execution is certain on the traditional exchange, she faces linear price impact costs. On the other hand, dark pool orders suffer from adverse selection and trade execution is uncertain. Adverse selection decreases order sizes in the dark pool while it speeds up trading at the exchange. For small orders, it is optimal to avoid the dark pool completely. Adverse selection can prevent profitable round‐trip trading strategies that otherwise would arise if permanent price impact were included in the model.  相似文献   

We consider n risk‐averse agents who compete for liquidity in an Almgren–Chriss market impact model. Mathematically, this situation can be described by a Nash equilibrium for a certain linear quadratic differential game with state constraints. The state constraints enter the problem as terminal boundary conditions for finite and infinite time horizons. We prove existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibria and give closed‐form solutions in some special cases. We also analyze qualitative properties of the equilibrium strategies and provide corresponding financial interpretations.  相似文献   

The classical literature on optimal liquidation, rooted in Almgren–Chriss models, tackles the optimal liquidation problem using a trade‐off between market impact and price risk. It answers the general question of optimal scheduling but the very question of the actual way to proceed with liquidation is rarely dealt with. Our model, which incorporates both price risk and nonexecution risk, is an attempt to tackle this question using limit orders. The very general framework we propose to model liquidation with limit orders generalizes existing ones in two ways. We consider a risk‐averse agent, whereas the model of Bayraktar and Ludkovski only tackles the case of a risk‐neutral one. We consider very general functional forms for the execution process intensity, whereas Guéant, Lehalle and Fernandez‐Tapia are restricted to exponential intensity. Eventually, we link the execution cost function of Almgren–Chriss models to the intensity function in our model, providing then a way to see Almgren–Chriss models as a limit of ours.  相似文献   

In a limit order book model with exponential resilience, general shape function, and an unaffected stock price following the Bachelier model, we consider the problem of optimal liquidation for an investor with constant absolute risk aversion. We show that the problem can be reduced to a two‐dimensional deterministic problem which involves no buy orders. We derive an explicit expression for the value function and the optimal liquidation strategy. The analysis is complicated by the fact that the intervention boundary, which determines the optimal liquidation strategy, is discontinuous if there are levels in the limit order book with relatively little market depth. Despite this complication, the equation for the intervention boundary is fairly simple. We show that the optimal liquidation strategy possesses the natural properties one would expect, and provide an explicit example for the case where the limit order book has a constant shape function.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing and hedging of a call option when liquidity matters, that is, either for a large nominal or for an illiquid underlying asset. In practice, as opposed to the classical assumptions of a price‐taking agent in a frictionless market, traders cannot be perfectly hedged because of execution costs and market impact. They indeed face a trade‐off between hedging errors and costs that can be solved by using stochastic optimal control. Our modeling framework, which is inspired by the recent literature on optimal execution, makes it possible to account for both execution costs and the lasting market impact of trades. Prices are obtained through the indifference pricing approach. Numerical examples are provided, along with comparisons to standard methods.  相似文献   

In dealer markets, dealers provide prices at which they agree to buy and sell the assets and securities they have in their scope. With ever increasing trading volume, this quoting task has to be done algorithmically in most markets such as foreign exchange (FX) markets or corporate bond markets. Over the last 10 years, many mathematical models have been designed that can be the basis of quoting algorithms in dealer markets. Nevertheless, in most (if not all) models, the dealer is a pure internalizer, setting quotes and waiting for clients. However, on many dealer markets, dealers also have access to an interdealer market or even public trading venues where they can hedge part of their inventory. In this paper, we propose a model taking this possibility into account therefore allowing dealers to externalize part of their risk. The model displays an important feature well known to practitioners that within a certain inventory range, the dealer internalizes the flow by appropriately adjusting the quotes and starts externalizing outside of that range. The larger the franchise, the wider is the inventory range suitable for pure internalization. The model is illustrated numerically with realistic parameters for USDCNH spot market.  相似文献   

We develop a singular stochastic control model for pricing variable annuities with the guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit. This benefit promises to return the entire initial investment, with withdrawals spread over the term of the contract, irrespective of the market performance of the underlying asset portfolio. A contractual withdrawal rate is set and no penalty is imposed when the policyholder chooses to withdraw at or below this rate. Subject to a penalty fee, the policyholder is allowed to withdraw at a rate higher than the contractual withdrawal rate or surrender the policy instantaneously. We explore the optimal withdrawal strategy adopted by the rational policyholder that maximizes the expected discounted value of the cash flows generated from holding this variable annuity policy. An efficient finite difference algorithm using the penalty approximation approach is proposed for solving the singular stochastic control model. Optimal withdrawal policies of the holders of the variable annuities with the guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit are explored. We also construct discrete pricing formulation that models withdrawals on discrete dates. Our numerical tests show that the solution values from the discrete model converge to those of the continuous model.  相似文献   

We study a problem of optimal investment/consumption over an infinite horizon in a market with two possibly correlated assets: one liquid and one illiquid. The liquid asset is observed and can be traded continuously, while the illiquid one can be traded only at discrete random times, corresponding to the jumps of a Poisson process with intensity λ, is observed at the trading dates, and is partially observed between two different trading dates. The problem is a nonstandard mixed discrete/continuous optimal control problem, which we solve by a dynamic programming approach. When the utility has a general form, we prove that the value function is the unique viscosity solution of the associated Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and characterize the optimal allocation in the illiquid asset. In the case of power utility, we establish the regularity of the value function needed to prove the verification theorem, providing the complete theoretical solution of the problem. This enables us to perform numerical simulations, so as to analyze the impact of time illiquidity and how this impact is affected by the degree of observation.  相似文献   

We propose a framework to study optimal trading policies in a one‐tick pro rata limit order book, as typically arises in short‐term interest rate futures contracts. The high‐frequency trader chooses to post either market orders or limit orders, which are represented, respectively, by impulse controls and regular controls. We discuss the consequences of the two main features of this microstructure: first, the limit orders are only partially executed, and therefore she has no control on the executed quantity. Second, the high‐frequency trader faces the overtrading risk, which is the risk of large variations in her inventory. The consequences of this risk are investigated in the context of optimal liquidation. The optimal trading problem is studied by stochastic control and dynamic programming methods, and we provide the associated numerical resolution procedure and prove its convergence. We propose dimension reduction techniques in several cases of practical interest. We also detail a high‐frequency trading strategy in the case where a (predictive) directional information on the price is available. Each of the resulting strategies is illustrated by numerical tests.  相似文献   

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