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A topical problem is how to price and hedge claims on nontraded assets. A natural approach is to use for hedging purposes another similar asset or index which is traded. To model this situation, we introduce a second nontraded log Brownian asset into the well-known Merton investment model with power law and exponential utilities. The investor has an option on units of the nontraded asset and the question is how to price and hedge this random payoff. The presence of the second Brownian motion means that we are in the situation of incomplete markets. Employing utility maximization and duality methods we obtain a series approximation to the optimal hedge and reservation price using the power utility. The problem is simpler for the exponential utility, and in this case we derive an explicit representation for the price. Price and hedging strategy are computed for some example options and the results for the utilities are compared.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal exercise of a portfolio of American call options in an incomplete market. Options are written on a single underlying asset but may have different characteristics of strikes, maturities, and vesting dates. Our motivation is to model the decision faced by an employee who is granted options periodically on the stock of her company, and who is not permitted to trade this stock. The first part of our study considers the optimal exercise of single options. We prove results under minimal assumptions and give several counterexamples where these assumptions fail—describing the shape and nesting properties of the exercise regions. The second part of the study considers portfolios of options with differing characteristics. The main result is that options with comonotonic strike, maturity, and vesting date should be exercised in order of increasing strike. It is true under weak assumptions on preferences and requires no assumptions on prices. Potentially the exercise ordering result can significantly reduce the complexity of computations in a particular example. This is illustrated by solving the resulting dynamic programming problem in a constant absolute risk aversion utility indifference model.  相似文献   

Consider the geometric Brownian motion market model and an investor who strives to maximize expected utility from terminal wealth. If the investor's relative risk aversion is an increasing function of wealth, the main result in this paper proves that the optimal demand in terms of the total wealth invested in a given risky portfolio at any date is decreasing in absolute value with wealth. The proof depends on the functional form of the Brunn–Minkowski inequality due to Prékopa.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal insurance design problem for an individual whose preferences are dictated by the rank‐dependent expected utility (RDEU) theory with a concave utility function and an inverse‐S shaped probability distortion function. This type of RDEU is known to describe human behavior better than the classical expected utility. By applying the technique of quantile formulation, we solve the problem explicitly. We show that the optimal contract not only insures large losses above a deductible but also insures small losses fully. This is consistent, for instance, with the demand for warranties. Finally, we compare our results, analytically and numerically, both to those in the expected utility framework and to cases in which the distortion function is convex or concave.  相似文献   

Fundamental Theorems of Asset Pricing for Good Deal Bounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jeremy  Staum 《Mathematical Finance》2004,14(2):141-161
We prove fundamental theorems of asset pricing for good deal bounds in incomplete markets. These theorems relate arbitrage-freedom and uniqueness of prices for over-the-counter derivatives to existence and uniqueness of a pricing kernel that is consistent with market prices and the acceptance set of good deals. They are proved using duality of convex optimization in locally convex linear topological spaces. The concepts investigated are closely related to convex and coherent risk measures, exact functionals, and coherent lower previsions in the theory of imprecise probabilities.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(3):738-751
This paper proposes a new approach to explain the dominance—in the Islamic banking market—of markup contracts at the expense of sharing ones. We show that the dual pricing practised in this market produces an additional—or artificial—dimension of adverse selection, which is causing the sharing contracts' marginalization. We suggest specialized use of two Islamic contractual categories as a device for eliminating artificial adverse selection. We suggest also an endogenous calculation of the markup, that is independent of the interest rate, based on the financing cost unification. This approach allows the deduction of default and liquidity risk premiums.  相似文献   

一个由生产商和零售商组成的供应链中决策的顺序为:零售商率先根据自己掌握的市场信息公布最大潜在订单数量,生产商根据最大订单数量来调整其批发价格和直销渠道价格,最后零售商才确定其最优订货数量。研究表明,在一个由风险喜好型的零售商和一个风险规避型的供应商组成的供应链中,零售商风险偏好系数超过某一特定值时,随着需求方差的增加,零售渠道最优定价会越来越高;而对于风险规避型供应商,则是随着需求方差和(或)供应商风险规避程度的增加,会选择较低的产品售价以期获得稳定的收入。  相似文献   

Irene  Klein 《Mathematical Finance》2006,16(3):583-588
Frittelli (2004) introduced a market free lunch depending on the preferences of the agents in the market. He characterized no arbitrage and no free lunch with vanishing risk in terms of no market free lunch (the difference comes from the class of utility functions determining the market free lunch). In this note we complete the list of characterizations and show directly (using the theory of Orlicz spaces) that no free lunch is equivalent to the absence of market free lunch with respect to monotone concave utility functions.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of robust pricing and hedging of a weighted variance swap given market prices for a finite number of co‐maturing put options. We assume the put option prices do not admit arbitrage and deduce no‐arbitrage bounds on the weighted variance swap along with super‐ and sub‐replicating strategies that enforce them. We find that market quotes for variance swaps are surprisingly close to the model‐free lower bounds we determine. We solve the problem by transforming it into an analogous question for a European option with a convex payoff. The lower bound becomes a problem in semi‐infinite linear programming which we solve in detail. The upper bound is explicit. We work in a model‐independent and probability‐free setup. In particular, we use and extend Föllmer's pathwise stochastic calculus. Appropriate notions of arbitrage and admissibility are introduced. This allows us to establish the usual hedging relation between the variance swap and the “log contract” and similar connections for weighted variance swaps. Our results take the form of a FTAP: we show that the absence of (weak) arbitrage is equivalent to the existence of a classical model which reproduces the observed prices via risk‐neutral expectations of discounted payoffs.  相似文献   

We show that the optimal exercise boundary for the American put option with non-dividend-paying asset is convex. With this convexity result, we then give a simple rigorous argument providing an accurate asymptotic behavior for the exercise boundary near expiry.  相似文献   

Rama  Cont 《Mathematical Finance》2006,16(3):519-547
Uncertainty on the choice of an option pricing model can lead to "model risk" in the valuation of portfolios of options. After discussing some properties which a quantitative measure of model uncertainty should verify in order to be useful and relevant in the context of risk management of derivative instruments, we introduce a quantitative framework for measuring model uncertainty in the context of derivative pricing. Two methods are proposed: the first method is based on a coherent risk measure compatible with market prices of derivatives, while the second method is based on a convex risk measure. Our measures of model risk lead to a premium for model uncertainty which is comparable to other risk measures and compatible with observations of market prices of a set of benchmark derivatives. Finally, we discuss some implications for the management of "model risk."  相似文献   

The optimized certainty equivalent (OCE) is a decision theoretic criterion based on a utility function, that was first introduced by the authors in 1986. This paper re-examines this fundamental concept, studies and extends its main properties, and puts it in perspective to recent concepts of risk measures. We show that the negative of the OCE naturally provides a wide family of risk measures that fits the axiomatic formalism of convex risk measures. Duality theory is used to reveal the link between the OCE and the φ-divergence functional (a generalization of relative entropy), and allows for deriving various variational formulas for risk measures. Within this interpretation of the OCE, we prove that several risk measures recently analyzed and proposed in the literature (e.g., conditional value of risk, bounded shortfall risk) can be derived as special cases of the OCE by using particular utility functions. We further study the relations between the OCE and other certainty equivalents, providing general conditions under which these can be viewed as coherent/convex risk measures. Throughout the paper several examples illustrate the flexibility and adequacy of the OCE for building risk measures.  相似文献   

Jensen’s alpha is well known to be a measure of abnormal performance in the evaluation of securities and portfolios where abnormal performance is defined to be an expected return that exceeds the equilibrium risk adjusted rate. It is also well known that in estimating Jensen’s alpha, a nonzero value can be obtained by using incorrect factors or not employing time varying betas. This paper makes two additional contributions to the performance evaluation literature. First, we show that a stronger statement is true regarding the meaning of a nonzero Jensen’s alpha. In fact, a nonzero Jensen’s alpha represents an arbitrage opportunity. Second, we show that even if the correct factors and time varying betas are used, a nonzero Jensen’s alpha can result if the estimate is conditioned on the wrong information set in the presence of an asset price bubble. We call this illusory arbitrage. Both facts are relevant to interpreting the existing empirical literature evaluating the performance of mutual and hedge funds.  相似文献   

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