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李娟 《科技转让集锦》2012,(17):229-229
大学生人际沟通能力训练是高校心理健康教育的重要内容,团体心理辅导是其中一个非常有效的教育途径。采取团体心理辅导的方式,对20名大学生进行8次的人际沟通能力训练,大学生通过团体辅导,了解和接纳自我,学习一般的人际沟通技巧和人际冲突的解决技能,提高了人际沟通能力。为以后更有效地开展团体心理辅导,在团体结束后对其进行了思考和总结。  相似文献   

坚韧性人格是一种积极的人格特质,能够保护个体免受应激的伤害,在大学生学校适应具有重大作用。教育者应重视大学生心理健康教育,积极开展挫折教育,进行应激训练,组织团体心理辅导,帮助大学生塑造坚韧性人格,进而提高其学校适应水平。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学生综合素质成为高校毕业生竞争力的核心,然而今天的社会因为种种原因,毕业生成绩越来越优秀,但是心理问题却也日益凸显出来,越来越多的高校频频出现因学生心理问题导致的事故,这都表明我国高校大学生心理健康教育急需加强和改进,并不断创新。高等职业院校的大学生有着自身群体特点,随着职业教育逐渐趋于成熟,高职院校学生的心理健康教育也急需突破本科院校心理健康教育模式,探索更适合职业教育发展需要的心理教育改革与创新方法。本文从团体辅导入手,研究通过团体辅导引导学生学习心理技巧并提升心理素质,以班级为单位开展团体活动,以自我探索和交流体验为主,再辅以教师的引导和点评,能很好地提升心理教学效果。  相似文献   

目前高校在大学新生适应期开展入学教育,这有利于帮助新生更好更快地适应大学生活。本文通过对大学新生入学初期适应性现状分析,有针对性地提出相应的入学教育模式设计,引导新生尽快投入大学的学习和生活之中,以期达到过渡、适应、发展的教育目的。  相似文献   

谭志远 《北方经贸》2012,(6):191-192
催眠在高校的心理辅导中的运用,可以通过让大学生充分科学的了解催眠的实质,包括理论和实际操作等活动让大学生消除对催眠的恐惧。同时,在团体辅导中,注意催眠的环境、安全氛围和团体成员之间的分享,着力解决高校学生中常见的自卑、考试焦虑、网络依赖等问题。  相似文献   

社会对大学生的素质要求越来越高,因此,女啊促进大学生成长,尤其是心理的成长,是高校教育工作者热切关注的问题。团体辅导作为团体情境下进行的一种心理辅导形式,具有教育、发展、预防和治疗的功能,在学校教育中所发挥的作用越表越显著。本文是在实践的基础上探讨团体心理辅导这种形式对大学生心理成长的影响,并提出自己的思考。  相似文献   

新媒体环境的出现,既有利于大学生发展,也给大学生心理健康带来了一些负面影响。在当前时期,为了促进大学生的全面成长,应当重视新媒体心理健康教育平台的打造,加强学校教育工作者适应媒体环境的素养建设,开展团体咨询和个体咨询教育,引导和教育大学生养成良好的媒体行为习惯,推进新媒体环境下大学生心理健康教育工作的开展。  相似文献   

大学新生进入大学后,面临教育方式、生活学习环境和人际关系等方面的变化,这使部分学生难以适应。高校应开展大学生心理健康课程,举办形式多样的心理健康知识讲座或心理宣传周活动,构建学生心理委员、辅导员和心理咨询师三级工作制度,开展丰富多彩的校园文化活动,营造良好的校园文化氛围,做好大学生涯规划,帮助其进行角色转换尽快适应新环境,尽快地度过大学适应期,为今后发展事业奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

赵旭 《北方经贸》2010,(7):127-128
高等职业教育不仅要强化基础,提高专业技能,关注心理健康也是重要问题。其中班主任对学生的心理辅导是重要的环节之一,班主任要成为有效的班级心理辅导者,需具备良好的人格特征、掌握心理辅导的知识。通过组织学生朋辈心理辅导、开展班级团体心理辅导活动,促使班级成员心理健康发展。  相似文献   

许成坤  王宇晗 《北方经贸》2009,(12):152-153
随着社会的发展,高职大学生在适应环境、自我认知、学习、求职择业、网络等方面表现出了比较严重的心理问题,本文通过分析社会、学校、家庭、个体四个方面的原因对高职院校学生心理健康方面的影响,提出了提高高职院校学生心理健康课的地位、编写校本教材、把“政治辅导员”逐渐转变为“心理辅导员”、发挥朋辈咨询作用、发挥团体辅导作用、建立并完善心理咨询机构、运用现代化咨询手段等措施来解决高职大学生身上存在的心理问题。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、个案访谈、集体访谈等多种途径调研表明:目前,留守儿童在心理上存在困境、在思想上存在惰性、负担过重,饮食不良;在教育方面观念落后、设施落后。同时,留守儿童受周围环境的感染,辍学学生的犯罪率较高。这些问题的产生有社会及学校等外部原因,也有儿童及家庭等内部原因。解决留守儿童问题的对策是:增强社会保障,学校更新举措;法律常识与心理辅导进课堂;提高家长重视教育的意识;增强各大媒体的报道,引起全社会关注。特别是应充分利用大学生资源,发挥大学生的作用。  相似文献   

Since 2006 school achievement of German students has been measured on a regular basis within the so-called national educational monitoring. The most recent results show considerable differences between the states. At first glance, students in the eastern and southern states perform well while students in the city-states show poor results. This paper argues that these differences cannot be attributed to state-specific school policies. Rather, a large portion of the variance between the states can be explained by social and ethnical differences. As a consequence, not only educational policy but also social and integration policies have to be reviewed in order to get a better understanding of the differences in school achievement among the German states.  相似文献   

家庭环境、自然环境、社会环境、学校环境和个人素养是推动创业教育健康发展的五大限定因子。从关系上看,五大要素之间相互作用、相互促进、相互制约,共同构筑了创业教育生态环境体系;从功能上看,学校教育环境对受教育者的影响往往较为有限,它更强调学校教育资源以外的因素的作用,如个人生活和学习所依托的自然环境、社会环境、家庭因素及个人素养等。对于创业教育而言,优良的自然环境有利于创造优越的创业教育社会环境、家庭环境和学校环境。合理地利用自然资源,保护自然生态的平衡,是创业教育得以健康发展的必要条件。同时。自然环境对创业教育的作用大小要受社会经济发展水平,也即社会环境的影响和制约。  相似文献   

A review of the literature indicates that faculty, students, and employers recognize the importance of professional behaviors for a successful career. These professional behaviors were defined by business school faculty to include honesty and ethical decision making, regular attendance and punctuality, professional dress and appearance, participation in professional organizations, and appropriate behavior during meetings. This paper presents the results of a survey administered to managers, faculty, and students about how business school professors can teach these professional behaviors. A hypothesis was tested that managers, professors, and students differ in their perceptions about what is appropriate professional behavior. Using a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree to respond to critical incidents, one-way ANOVA indicated no group differences for items about cheating, plagiarism, and helping students to work projects on schedule. Group differences were found for ethics items (raising course grade for the purpose of tuition reimbursement, stopping excessive use of school printers, simplifying course work to accommodate weaker students), time management items (making accommodations for students unable to regularly attend class, refusing to admit late students), appearance items (requiring students to dress in suits for major presentations, counseling a student with facial piercing), and for items about required activities inside and outside of the classroom. Allen Hall received his Ph.D. in education from the University of Iowa. Currently he is an associate professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) Institute of Technology. His research projects center around surveys designed to measure changes in ethical awareness. His teaching area is Business & Society. He currently studies management issues in non-profit organizations. Lisa Berardino received her Ph.D. in management from Virginia Tech. Currently she is an associate professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) Institute of Technology and coordinator for the Master of Business Administration program. Her publications focus on identifying, measuring and building the critical skills that business students need in today’s workplace. Her teaching area is human resource management and compensation. Her current research projects center on how to build the competency of professional behavior and how to teach ethics.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导近年来广泛地运用于学校心理健康教育及灾难事件发生后的心理援助,其中情绪调适团体辅导是重要内容之一。我校运用认知行为疗法理论设计的情绪调适团体辅导方案,从情绪体验、认知建构、行为训练和评估反馈等方面进行应用实施,在各类大学生群体情绪调适和灾后心理援助中都收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

在基础数学课程改革的背景下,高中阶段开设数理逻辑课程哪些方面展开更有利于老师的教和学生的学,是一个非常重要的问题。本文在对当前研究进行综述的基础上,在内容选择方面提供几个变量供大家参考。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the relationship between high school students’ scores on a test of personal financial literacy and their state's personal finance curriculum mandate. At the time of the testing, twenty of the thirty‐one states included in the study had some kind of educational policy in the area of personal financial management. The results of the study show that curriculum mandates, broadly defined, are not generally associated with higher students’ scores. However, students in states that required specific financial education course work scored significantly higher than those in states with either a general mandate or with no mandate.  相似文献   

高校学校工作坚持“以学生为本”思想,就是把学生看作学校的主体,充分考虑学生的个体差异,运用学生自身力量进行自我教育、自我管理和自我服务。作者认为:高校贫困生作为一个特殊的群体,坚持“以人为本”的思想是做好高校贫困生教育的首要前提,建立“以人为本”为特征、以提高贫困生自我管理能力、学习能力和适应能力为目的的助困措施体系是做好高校贫困生教育的基本保障。  相似文献   

Study-abroad programs have played a significant role in globalization of business curricula over the years. Short-term study-abroad programs (STSAPs) are proliferating in business schools and provide a viable alternative of studying abroad to students who are unable to participate in programs of longer durations due to disruption in family, work, and education schedules. This exploratory study attempts to understand factors that are critical to students’ participation in STSAPs offered by business schools. This research focuses on a combination of factors that include STSAP components and attributes as well student specific characterisitics. Initial analysis indicates that STSAP cost, STSAP content, and organizational and personal issues, in that order, are considered important by business school students. Significant differences exist in the perceived importance of different factors used by students to choose to participate in STSAPs based on gender, age group, family income, program level (undergraduate versus graduate), and program type. Results of this research have implications for the design of STSAPs in business schools that are offering or considering offering such courses or programs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a financial education program on high school students' knowledge of personal finance. A comparison of pretest and posttest scores achieved on a reliable and valid thirty-item instrument suggested that the Financing Your Future curriculum increased financial knowledge across many concepts. The scores increased regardless of the course in which the curriculum was used and across student characteristics. The assessment contributes to the growing literature showing that a well-specified and properly implemented program in financial education can positively and significantly influence the financial knowledge of high school students.  相似文献   

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