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This paper examines differences in earnings by occupations, and within occupations by sex and by race, on the basis of the 1/100 Public Use Samples of the 1960 and 1970 U.S. Population Censuses. It employs interval analysis to establish 32 categories of occupations with similar characteristics. Little relation was found between mean earnings of occupational groups and the degree of earnings inequality within them. When the figures are examined by sex, it was found that men, on average, earned over twice as much as women in both years, but women's earnings were more unequally distributed (as measured by the Gini coefficient). Women are concentrated in the traditional “female” occupations, which tend to be those at the bottom of the earnings scale, and men have a monopoly of the higher paid occupations. But mean earnings for men exceeded those for women in all occupational groups except one, even in the primarily female occupations. Standardizing first for occupational distribution and then for earnings by occupation, it was found that earnings differences between males and females within occupation had a greater impact on the overall male-female earnings ratio than did differences in occupational distribution by sex. In contrast, when the figures are examined by race, the change in occupational distribution (primarily the movement of blacks out of farming and of blacks and Spanish speakers out of personal services) was the major factor. There was also a considerable degree of earnings inequality within demographic groups. The degree of inequality was in the main reduced when the demographic groups were subdivided into occupations, but it was still substantial. Additional factors like time worked, schooling, and experience must be taken into consideration in understanding this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Using 18 consecutive household surveys, this study explores the impact of Taiwan's extension of tuition-free education from 6 to 9 years upon schooling and labor market outcomes (participation, sector/class of activity, and work income). I estimate upward shifts relative to preexisting trends of more than 0.4 years of education for males and 0.25 years for females in the first six cohorts affected by “compulsory” junior high schooling. Utilizing inter-cohort variation within an instrumental variables (IV) strategy, I find larger effects of schooling on females' workforce participation and total earnings, even controlling for selection.  相似文献   

The literature on the earnings of natives and immigrants has heretofore ignored differences in compensating wages for job risks. It is possible that the risk involved in migration may indicate a greater willingness on the part of immigrants to accept riskier jobs than natives. Alternatively, immigrants may attempt to protect their migration investment by choosing occupations with less risk, indicating a higher degree of risk aversion. This paper examines differences in risk aversion between US immigrants and natives, and corresponding differentials in wage premiums for job risk. Our analysis suggests that on average immigrants are exposed to 21% less risk than natives, but receive a 25% higher risk premium. The higher degree of risk aversion of immigrants and their lower exposure to risk, and thus lower earnings, explains 5% of the higher observed earnings of natives. We also find that earlier immigrant cohorts (pre-1970) are employed in riskier jobs than are recent cohorts, but the difference accounts for only a small portion of the observed earnings differential. Finally, we estimate statistical values of life of $3.6 million for US natives and $4.6 million for immigrants, well within the range of previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between average earnings, education (measured by years of schooling), and rates of return to education for major racial/ethnic groups in the United States. It considers the effect of including previously omitted "productivity-of-schooling" (also referred to here as "child quality") variables. An upward-sloping average education, rate-of-return-to-education profile exists for His-panics, blacks, and whites. Productivity-of-schooling (i.e., child quality) measures– including family size, family composition, ability, and parental inputs–significantly affect earnings and rates of return to education. The results here are consistent with Chiswick (1988). Conditions within the family play a larger role in determining the value of education for minority males than for white males, a conclusion of obvious interest to policymakers.  相似文献   

Workers with tertiary education in Brazil earn three times more than those with a lower level of schooling. Thus, the attainment of a bachelor's or graduate degree by a black worker usually provides important benefits at the individual level. However, an educational improvement of this type does not assure equal labor market outcomes relative to white workers with the same level of education. The labor earnings differential by race in Brazil is high even among individuals who completed at least a bachelor's degree. This paper investigates this labor earnings gap, emphasizing the unequal distribution of whites and blacks across fields of study. Evidence indicates that disparities in the distribution of racial groups across fields of study help explain 18% of the total median earnings differential in 2000 and 33% in 2010, accounting for most of the gap between white and black workers due to characteristic effects in this latter period.  相似文献   

This article presents new results on the relationship between income inequality and education expansion – that is, increasing average years of schooling and reducing inequality of schooling. When dynamic panel estimation techniques are used to address issues of persistence and endogeneity, we find a large, positive, statistically significant and stable relationship between inequality of schooling and income inequality, especially in emerging and developing economies and among older-age cohorts. The relationship between income inequality and average years of schooling is positive, consistent with constant or increasing returns to additional years of schooling. While this positive relationship is small and not always statistically significant, we find a statistically significant negative relationship with years of schooling of younger cohorts. Statistical tests indicate that our dynamic estimators are consistent and that our identifying instruments are valid. Policy simulations suggest that education expansion will continue to be inequality reducing. This role will diminish as countries develop, but it could be enhanced through a stronger focus on reducing inequality in the quality of education.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the extent to which secondary and higher education supply constraints affected aggregate educational attainment in Colombia for cohorts born between 1945 and 1981. As was the case in many other countries after World War II, in Colombia, industrialization, urbanization and rapid population growth increased the demand for education and the return to schooling. Although educational expenditures from the central government and the states increased after the 1950s, secondary and tertiary schools' per-pupil inputs declined. Using variation in cohort size within states and over time to proxy for changes in education demand, I find that for cohorts born after 1945, a 10% increase in cohort size reduced high school completion rate by 3%, the college completion rate by 4% and average years of schooling by 1%. Compared to women's educational attainment rates, changes in cohort size had greater negative effects on men's rates.  相似文献   

This article develops and estimates a dynamic general equilibrium overlapping‐generations model of career decisions. The model is fit to data on life cycle employment, schooling, and occupation decisions and on life cycle labor earnings, within and between cohorts observed in the United States between 1968 and 1993. Based on the estimates of the model, the impact of cohort size on skill prices and the general equilibrium effect of a tuition subsidy are assessed.  相似文献   

The English Language Fluency And Earnings Of Ethnic Minorities In Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study addresses two issues. First it estimates how much of the male and female ethnic earnings gap is the result of an advantage in the English language and whether there is an earnings penalty to non–whites, over and above this. Lack of fluency is shown to have a highly significant impact on the earnings of ethnic minorities in Britain, although the language penalty is much greater for women than it is for men. Moreover, only foreign born non–white males that have arrived in Britain between 1970 and 1994, exhibit lower earnings once language fluency is taken into consideration, whilst British born females exhibit higher earnings. So the evidence here suggests that non–white earnings are assimilating towards those of whites and that lower female non–white earnings are a direct result of a lack of fluency rather than ethnicity. Secondly, the study will try to measure any endogenous bias associated with the non–fluency earnings penalty. Controlling for the endogeneity between language fluency and earnings is shown to be problematic. Estimates suggest that single equation earnings functions slightly underestimate the true language fluency penalty for males, and slightly overestimate the fluency penalty for females. Finally, education and fluency are not surprisingly shown to be complementary.  相似文献   

Although sex work is prevalent, little is known about the relation between education and the price of sex. This study analyzed a dataset of 8,817 Indonesian sex workers (SWs) to conduct an econometric analysis of the relationship between education and the price of sex. When the study controlled for demographic variables, an additional year of schooling was related to a 10 percent increase in the price. About half of this relation was explained by the location of sex, implying that education provided SWs with access to higher-paying clients via locations. The study also analyzed data on comparable non-SWs and found that the relation between education and the price of sex for SWs was the same in size as that of education to hourly earnings for non-SWs. The findings are consistent with the growing body of research that highlights the beneficial effects of education on outcomes beyond the conventional labor market.  相似文献   

Growth accounting exercises using standard human capital measures are limited in their ability to attribute causal effects and to explain growth. This paper develops a model of growth and schooling consistent with these decompositions but with less unexplained growth. The theory distinguishes between three different sources of education gains: (1) supply shifts, (2) skill-biased technical change increasing demand within industries/occupations, and (3) skill-biased technical change caused by the introduction of new skill-intensive industries/occupations. The third source leads to the large sectoral shifts and the largest growth effects. Quantitatively, schooling contributions account for 24 percent of wage growth, with both the direct (i.e., supply driven) causal contribution of schooling and the indirect causal (i.e., technology induced) contribution playing substantial roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between education, occupation and earnings with an emphasis on the role of occupation in the determination of the effect of education on earnings. At the same time, several forms of human capital and other exogeneous variables are examined. The model is a recursive nature, and it was applied for French individual data. The result tells that despite very strong relationship between education and occupation, and between occupation and earnings, the relative significance of these relationships is greatly modified by different occupations (or classes). It was found also that men and women are considerably different not only as for the relationship between education, occupation and earnings, but also for several exogenous variables.  相似文献   

This paper uses the National Child Development Study to investigate the relationship between adult schooling and labour market earnings for men. In line with several other studies, the findings suggest that there are returns to all educational qualifications acquired early in life. A variety of statistical models are estimated to try to measure the causal effect of adult education on earnings. Careful analysis reveals that there are no genuine returns to additional qualifications awarded in middle adulthood. The central conclusion of this paper is that rates of return to human capital are greater for individuals who were educated early in life.  相似文献   


International capital mobility and economic restructuring have brought training and skills acquisition to the forefront of policy dialogues. Taiwan has gone beyond most countries in promoting vocational education and setting strict quotas for schooling. Although the education plans do not have separate targets for men and women, they have gendered outcomes. Estimates of earnings premiums using ordinary least squares and quantile regression techniques indicate that only men have gained consistently higher premiums from vocational school compared to general schooling. Women who were denied access to the university system have forgone college premiums that exceed those of men. Also, the commerce track, in which women cluster, yields an earnings penalty compared to general schooling, while the technical track, in which men predominate, yields an earnings premium. Policy reforms based on relaxing education quotas and enforcing equal opportunity legislation would provide women with more rewarding education and career options.  相似文献   

The few studies that have examined the wage impact of education across the earning distribution have focused on high-income countries and show education to be more profitable at the top of the distribution. The implication is that education may increase inequality. Extending the analysis to 16 East Asian and Latin American countries, in Latin America we observe a pattern similar to that of Europe/North America (increasing wage effects), while in East Asia the wage effects are predominantly decreasing by earnings quantile. However, once the analysis is performed separately for the public and the private sector, it is revealed that the strongly decreasing impact of schooling on earnings in the public sectors of East Asian countries is responsible for the overall observed decreasing pattern, while the impact of schooling on earnings in the private sectors of these countries is non-decreasing.  相似文献   

We examine the role of the Norwegian education system in explaining the moderate and stable earnings dispersion in Norway. Estimating earnings equations for 1980 and 1990, we find that returns to education have been remarkably stable in Norway, also when we compare returns to education across different sectors of the economy. Our analysis controls for self-selection into education by using an instrumental variable technique. We estimate separate education earnings profiles for different cohorts to identify the effect on wage premiums of the large changes that have taken place in the Norwegian education system. The substantially higher level of educational attainment for more recent cohorts does not, cet. par. , seem to have a negative effect on educational wage premiums for these younger cohorts.
JEL classification: J 24, J 31, I  相似文献   

In this paper, I estimate the causal effect that an additional year of schooling for parents has on their children's education, by exploiting a compulsory schooling reform that was implemented in all West German states between 1946 and 1969. Although previous research indicates that the reform had no effect on earnings, I find that an additional year of schooling for women strongly affects the education of their sons. There is no effect for the other parent–child gender pairs. I investigate numerous channels that might mediate the positive effect of the education of mothers. Most importantly, I find that individuals with more schooling value their children's educational success as more important.  相似文献   

Human capital theory suggests educational investments are made based on expected returns over the lifetime. Most other work in this field, particularly using British data, is based on demand models estimated in reduced form, with no earnings measures, or crudely constructed earnings measures, based on one or two earnings observations per individual.
We present a structural model of demand for educational investment which includes estimates of earnings paths for educational options as determinants of educational choice. This provides us with directly interpretable parameter estimates. The discount rate is also determined within our demand model.
Ability controlled earnings profiles are estimated by matching individuals from the General Household Survey to individuals in similar occupations from the National Child Development Survey (NCDS).
Our results show that expected earnings profiles vary according to observed ability and educational choice. Results from the demand model show that expected lifetime earnings have a significant impact on educational choice.
Other socio–demographic factors, particularly social class, also exhibit significant influences on the education decision. We estimate the discount rate to be lower than reported in other studies.  相似文献   

This paper finds that black women earn 7 percent less than similarly skilled white women because of their race. Even within the same occupational category, black women earn 3 percent less than similarly qualified white women. Black women receive lower pay primarily due to occupational segregation and because they are rewarded with lower earnings than white women for equivalent levels of education and other human capital characteristics.  相似文献   

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